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Mr. S. S.

Senior Manager: Tourism Development
Legislative Mandate
Tourism challenges affecting local government
Tourism Stake Holders
Tourism Coordination
National and Provincial Coordinating Structures
Success Factors
Municipal By-laws
Reflection on the KZN Tourism Master Plan
The White Paper on the Development and Promotion of Tourism in South Africa
(1996) stipulates that Tourism is Government led, Private Sector driven and
Community based.
In terms of the Constitution of the republic of South Africa, Act no. 108 of 1996,
the new mandate given to local government post 1994, is that local government is
no longer expected to render basic service only but is required to serve as an
agent of development which requires it to play a key role in development
initiatives such as promoting LED and tourism
The KZN White Paper outlines the role of provincial government as that of
developing provincial tourism policies and support municipalities in developing
their local tourism policies and also coordinating, supporting municipalities to
deliver on their public sector mandate with regards to tourism.
Tourism coordination in the province is thus set against this premise to ensure
effective policy development, planning and implementation at all levels.
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act no. 108 of 1996
Tourism Act, Act no. 72, of 1993
National Tourism White Paper , of 1996
National Tourism Sector Strategy 2011
National Development Plan

KwaZulu Natal Tourism Act , Act no. 11, of 1996

Provincial Tourism White Paper, of 2008
KZN Tourism Master Plan, of 2012
Provincial Growth Development Plan
The role of local municipalities derives from chapter 7, section 152 of
Metro /District the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa no. 108 of 1996. the
objects of local government vis--vis tourism and economic
/Local development are to promote and encourage the involvement of
communities and community organisations etc.

Responsible land use planning and allocation , urban and rural

development, provision and maintenance of tourist services and sites
Functions , market and promote specific local attractions and disseminate
information in this regard, promote and financially support publicity
associations/ community tourism and marketing organisations to
facilitate, market, coordinate and manage tourism
These are some of the challenges facing local government but efforts are being
undertaken to address them:-
Lack of tourism research and statistics at local government level to quantify
the contribution of tourism to the local economy;
Low level of coordination and integration between national, provincial,
district /metro and local tourism initiatives;
Lack of technical expertise at local government level;
Misalignment of tourism plans and strategies with national / provincial
Tourism not regarded as a priority due to various reasons;
Lack of clear roles and responsibilities especially at the district / metro and
local; and
Tourism related signage
To ensure that tourism is effectively coordinated at local government level,
the following stakeholders need to be recognized as stipulated in the
Provincial Tourism White Paper that there is a need for a range of
stakeholders to ignite the engine of tourism growth.
Private Sector to invest in Communities to identify
tourism and create jobs, potential tourism resources
collaborate with government in and attractions within their
planning, promoting and marketing communities and seek
tourism, develop and sell partnership opportunities
affordable packages and upskilling with the established tourism
of employees private sector

Government to lead in
creating a conducive
environment for tourism to Labour to
flourish eg planning, participate fully in the
Media to cooperate tourism sector, not
development and investment
with the marketing only in the supply of
agencies in marketing labour, but also as
their destinations to the tourists and
domestic and shareholders
international markets
According to the World Tourism Organisation (1994) coordination is
necessary, both within and between different levels/spheres of
government in order to avoid duplication of resources between the
various government tourism bodies and private sector.

It is behind this, that the province has recognised tourism coordination

as an effective means of engaging and implementing provincial
Provincial Tourism MEC: Chairperson To coordinate the formulation of
Committee (PTC) Chairperson of Portfolio Committee of the provincial tourism policy with
Economic Development and Tourism, District municipalities
Mayors, Municipal Managers, CEOs of Public To assist municipalities to
Entities, MEC for COGTA, Chairpersons of develop municipal tourism
organised Private Sector Organisations. policies within the framework of
national and provincial tourism
policies and legislation.
Provincial Tourism CEO of Tourism KwaZulu Natal: Chairperson To serve as a technical
Forum (PTF) Municipal Tourism Managers, Community committee to the Provincial
Tourism Organization Chairpersons, Tourism Committee on provincial
Community Tourism Association Chairperson wide tourism issues.
and other agencies with a tourism mandate.

District Tourism Mayor: Chairperson To coordinate all tourism related

Forum (DTF) Chairperson of the District Municipality activities within a particular District
{also applicable Tourism Portfolio Committee, Tourism and Local Municipality e.g. cross
to Metro} Managers and officers from District and Local boundary projects.
Municipalities, IDP Managers, Private Sector To integrate provincial tourism
representatives and other organisations with a objectives into District and Local
tourism mandate both public and private. plans and priorities and make
recommendations to the council.
Local Tourism Mayor: Chairperson To strengthen local tourism potential
Forum (LTF) Chairperson of the Local Municipality Tourism and facilitate integration of tourism
Portfolio Committee, Tourism Manager and plans to the broader development
Local Economic Development Manager, IDP objectives of the municipalities
Managers, Private Sector representatives and To identify gaps for possible tourism
other organizations with a tourism mandate development and facilitate
both public and private. intervention by National and
Provincial bodies.

Community Tourism Association An overarching structure of all To provide institutional

(CTA) CTOs framework for uniform
Constituted by Chairpersons of establishment and functioning of
all CTOs in the province. the CTOs in the province.
Community Tourism Organization Constituted by local tourism To ensure coordination of
(CTO) product owners and Local tourism marketing and publicity
Municipal representative (ex activities at a local level.
officio) To facilitate equal access to
tourism opportunities by local
To ensure legality of tourism
businesses operators.
To establish linkages between
communities, private sector and
As a critical success factor the province has been able to assist
municipalities to formalise coordinating structures, to ensure:

Informed reporting which talks to the entire province

That there is no duplication in the implementation of projects
Alignment of marketing, product development and management
initiatives of the district and its local municipalities.
Closing of information gaps between local government and provincial
Better collaboration and improved understanding of work relations
amongst all tourism stakeholders players.
A gap has been identified that there are exclusions of tourism
aspects within existing municipal by-laws. It is thus upon the
municipality to create by-laws to legislate various aspects of
their functions.
The nature and type of by-laws are not prescribed however
they should be developed in support of municipalities
developmental objectives
It is advisable that these by-laws should take cognizant of the
requirements of the tourism industry.
The province together with its partners in tourism have
developed Tourism Master Plan 2030 that is aligned to NDP,
NTSS and PGDP with the ff. strategic objectives:-
Increase tourism GDP;
Grow levels of foreign visitor arrivals to the province;
Grow levels of domestic visitor arrivals to the province;
increase tourism employment;
Ensure that Durban becomes /remains THE place to holiday
for South Africans and other key markets;
Improve overall visitor service and satisfaction levels
throughout the province in areas in which a visitor is serviced
this must go beyond recognized tourism plants but must
include retail, banking, toll roads etc.;
Ensure that there is noticeable progress on transformation of
the sector;
Need to grow events and meetings incentives and
exhibitions sector (MICE) as one of the key market; and
Improve other niche tourism experiences which might not
have been explored
Cluster 1 Efficient management of tourism;
Collaborative effective Partnerships;

Policy, strategy, Adequate funding for tourism function (s)

An appropriate regulatory framework;

governance and Research and Knowledge management ;

Monitoring and evaluation;

R&D Promotion of Green principles and Responsible tourism

Cluster 2 Improve Durban experience;

New beach resort nodes;
Social Tourism beach facilities;

Planning and Maintain/upgrade/tweak/enhance existing beach product;

Ensure superlative draw card experiences related to heritage;

product Focus and enhance the rural tourism experience including township

Development Cruise tourism

Public transportation
Cluster 3 People in Tourism;
People in Tourism awareness and understanding
Tourism Quality experience and service delivery

Aligned and integrated tourism branding and

Cluster 4 positioning
Prioritised and experience based market
Marketing segmentation
Market distribution
We acknowledge the fact that there are challenges facing
tourism development at a local government level;
The working relationship between various spheres of
government as outlined in key strategic documents need to be
exploited at a great length;
Need to devise coordinated efforts to secure funding for
tourism projects, infrastructure, training and capacity building
Improve other niche tourism experiences which might not
have been explored
The beginning of wisdom is silence. The second
one is listening.
Phone no. 033-264 9300

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