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RESCUER News: A public communication Tool for Crisis


Jorge Pereira Filho Renato Novais Vaninha Vieira

Fraunhofer Project Center at Bahia Federal Institute of Federal University of Bahia
UFBA (FPC-UFBA) Education, Science and (UFBA)
Parque Tecnolgico da Bahia, Technology (IFBA) Rua Baro de Jeremoabo, s/n
121 R. Emdio dos Santos, s/n Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Manoel Mendona Karina Villela
Federal University of Bahia Fraunhofer IESE
(UFBA) Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663
Rua Baro de Jeremoabo, s/n Kaiserslautern, Germany
P.O. Box 5000

ABSTRACT in managing the crisis and when we refer to necessity of

Crisis management involves, among other tasks, establishing the emergency management to inform and alert the public
a good communication strategy with involved parties to keep about the emergency [1]. The latter definition fits best the
everyone informed about the incident situation, avoiding pa- scope of our work, being developed considering to minimize
nic or misguidance. A challenge is to filter the relevant infor- the challenges faced by communicators while performing this
mation, considering different parties needs, and to provide it task.
at the right time through the right communication channel. Several studies have been conducted to propose good com-
Existing public communication solutions are designed thin- munication principles [8][1][4], among which we can highlight
king in the disclosure of a single message to a general public. the same basic principles: be first (for the public the first
Allowing customized messages is fundamental in crisis com- source is the most reliable); be right (accuracy establishes
munication due to the variability of message contents for dif- credibility); be credible (honesty and truthfulness are essen-
ferent audiences. This paper presents the RESCUER News tial during an crisis); communicate repeatedly (whenever
system, our tool for context-aware public communication possible, keep the public informed); and communicate by
in crisis management called , allowing (semi-)automatically different tools, media and communication channels (never
customized messages targeted to different users by different trust on a single method of communication).
communication channels. We focus on emergencies that oc- Our work, considers all concepts, principles and best prac-
cur in the scenario of industrial areas. tices described previously to develop its public communica-
tion solution called RESCUER News. It aims to support
customised communication of the incident and its conse-
Keywords quences targeted to a proper audience. Existent solutions
Context-Awareness; Crisis Management; Public Communi- are designed, mostly, thinking in the disclosure of a single
cation; Risk Communication; RESCUER message to a general public. However, allowing customized
messages is fundamental in crisis management due existing
variability of message content for different target audiences
1. INTRODUCTION (e.g., press, public authorities and civilians).
A crisis has as one of its characteristics being a random This solution is being developed inside of a larger rese-
event and totally-unexpected. Despite this, it presents pat- arch project named RESCUER1 a joint Brazil-Europe
terns that can help communicators to anticipate problems initiative, involving nine research and industry organizati-
and be able to give an immediate response [1]. Basically, ons in four countries (Brazil, Austria, Germany and Spain).
the term crisis communicationis used in two ways: when RESCUER aims at developing an interoperable solution to
we refer to communication between organizations involved support command centers in quickly managing emergencies,
based on reliable and intelligent analysis of crowdsourcing
information mashed up with open data.
The objectives of this research are: 1) to identify public
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for communication challenges coming up in an emergency; 2)
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are to elicit existing users and contextual information needs in
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies an emergency; 3) to define the relevant information adap-
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to tation according to different target audiences and phases of
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
permission and/or a fee. 1
Copyright 20XX ACM X-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX ...$15.00. Rescuer Project -
an emergency; and 4) to implement this context-aware ap-
proach in our RESCUER News systems. The novelty is to
support (semi-)automatic customized communication of the
incident targeted to different audiences.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses
related works. Section 3 presents our approach for context-
aware public communication in crisis situations, targeted to
different audiences. Section 4 presents a proof of concept for
our proposal implemented in the RESCUER News system.
Finally, Section 5 presents conclusions and future work.

In this section, we discuss some existing solutions for pu-
blic communication.
The Twitter Alerts2 provides, for authorities, a new way
to disseminate information about an emergency. The crisis
reports are disseminated via SMS and tweets, with a specific
visual identity. To receive such notifications, the Twitter
users must subscribe to this service. This solution is a means
Figure 1: RESCUER News General Overview
of message dissemination in large scale. However, it does not
support generating or sending messages to specific people in
specific areas.
The Google Public Alerts3 is a platform to disseminate Some principles are essential for effective communication
relevant emergency alerts to users when and where they are with the public during emergencies [1][4][7]: Communicate
searching for. The users are warned by: a) automatic re- repeatedly; Be clear (use simple language and do not use te-
ports sent through Google Now, and b) customized search chnical terms, statistics or probabilities); Communicate by
results when the user is looking for the situation of a specific different tools, media and communication channels (never
emergency in the Google search engine. trust on a single method of communication); Transmit con-
The Cell Broadcast Emergency Alerts is a communica- sistent information; Provide only relevant information. The
tion channel where messages can be issued to people in a challenge here is to follow these principles in an unpredicta-
specific area [5]. To receive reports, the users mobile de- ble and stressful situation as it is a crisis situation.
vice must support the technology and the cell phone pro- The goals of this work are aligned to the challenges in
vider should make the cell broadcast infrastructure availa- crowd communication. In order to reach the first three goals
ble. Unlike SMS, solutions based on cell broadcast are free (elicit existent users, the contextual information needs and
of network congestion, since such messages use an exclusive define the relevant information adaptation according to dif-
channel. There are government applications being developed ferent target audiences and different phases of an emergency)
for emergency communication using cell broadcast [3][2]. we conducted a workshop with real end users to learn from
Developed by the Israeli government, the National Mes- their experience how public communication occurs, in prac-
sage solution [9] aims to establish a nationwide warning tice, during an emergency. Participated in this workshop
system that disseminates selective alerts and guidance mes- representatives from two partner organizations in the RES-
sages to the population in real time, based on immediate CUER project: Camacari Industrial Development Commit-
control of all available and relevant channels in Israel. tee (COFIC) (Brazil)4 and FireServ (Austria)5 . Both orga-
Alerts4All [6] is a project developed in cooperation by 12 nizations have large experience in dealing with emergency
European partners. Its goal is to create a complete commu- situations in industrial parks. We wanted to guarantee that
nication framework for public alerts. It supports authorities our solution was valid in both regions. The workshop was
during the preparation of emergency messages and provides guided aiming to answer the following questions: i) What
a specific communication protocol to transmit such messa- are the types of users presented in an emergency situation,
ges. and what users should be considered for public communica-
Existing solutions are designed thinking only in the dis- tion? ii) What is the relevant information to be presented for
semination of public statements, without distinguishing the each type of user in a public communication? and iii) How
need for information of each of the public who need infor- the information presentation should be adapted, considering
mation about the emergency. Our solution aims to cover the different phases in an emergency?
the whole process of communication with the public during Regarding Question i), the end-users in our workshop
an emergency. In addition, we enable emergency managers agreed with the following types of users for public com-
create relevant communiques to each of the public profiles munication of emergencies in industrial parks: Employee;
(eg civil, political, press or other organizations) in a process Visitor; Neighbor Community; Environmental Department;
with only 4 steps. Politician; and Press.
In the workshop, on answering Question ii), they agreed
3. CHALLENGES IN CROWD COMMUNI- that the following set of information is relevant in industrial
CATION FOR CRISIS MANAGEMENT parks: Incident Location, Incident Type, Occurrence Time,
2 4
Twitter Alert - COFIC -
3 5
Google Public Alerts - FireServ -
Figure 2: User Interface for defining the basic infor- Figure 4: User Interface for free edition of messages
mation of the emergency per target group

Consequences (e.g. physical, material, financial), Providen- The next step starts with the system generating the appro-
ces taken to control the Emergency, Status of the Emer- priate model that best fits the current emergency phase, type
gency, Injured People, Number of Fatalities, Schedule of and target groups. The system generates a form (Figure 3),
press conferences, and Type of chemical released. Yet for based on pre-defined templates, considering the principles
Question ii) and also for Question iii), we asked them to of a user interface design pattern called Natural Language
indicate how we should consider information adaptation to Form (NLF)6 . The choice of using NLF was motivated by
different users (which information is relevant for each type of its high acceptance by experts, who claimed that it is more
user) and to different phases of an emergency. Summarizing friendly than responding to a traditional form7 .
our findings: the end-users agreed that Press and Politician To distinguish exclusive content to a particular target au-
have the same set of relevant information. Similarly, Visitor, dience, we highlight the sentences using different colors. In
Neighbor Community and Employee share the information Figure 3, general sentences are highlighted in gray while spe-
needs. cific sentences for press and politicians are in green.
After the emergency dispatcher answers the form, the
4. RESCUER NEWS system generates complete messages (for dissemination of
public communications by Website and Email), for each
The RESCUER News system was designed considering
stakeholder (Politicians, Press and Environmental Depart-
the reduction of effort of emergency dispatchers in public
ment) and generates a short message to the communica-
communication. Figure 1 shows an overview of our solution.
tion channels that require simple communications (Google
The solution starts requesting to the RESCUER Emer-
Alerts, SMS or RESCUER Mobile Crowdsourcing Solution(mobile
gency Response Toolkit (ERTK) the current information
solution developed inside of RESCUER Project)). Then, the
about the emergency context. This information is used to
user pass to the customization screen of the public commu-
find the best model that fits in the current situation of the
nications. In this screen, the emergency dispatcher can edit
messages sent to each stakeholder. The developed interface
Next, the user sets the model as needed and makes adjust-
for performing these tasks can be seen in Figure 4.
ments to post the message. After these steps, the system
In the customization of public communications screen, it is
generates messages in specific formats for each of the chosen
also possible to record audio messages. The disclosure com-
communication channels, and delivers them to the chosen
municated by audio was an option chosen by the consultant
target audience. More details about each step are described
expert to allow the execution of public communication in
in the next sections.
radios (as attachments in email messages) and in the RES-
4.1 Basic Informations CUER Mobile Crowdsourcing Solution for people who have
difficulty to reading.
Once started, RESCUER News search for information
about the current situation of the emergency, such as, the 4.3 Send Settings
current phase of emergency (emergency status), the type
of the emergency, occurrence time, the name of the affected Figure 5 shows the user interface to set sending options.
company (incident location), number of injuries or fatalities. In the left side of this screen the emergency dispatcher can
All such information is obtained from the RESCUER so- select from a mailing list, previously registered and grouped
lution. Information about the emergency type and current by type of stakeholder (e.g., press, politicians and environ-
phase (if existent) are used to search the best model. Then, mental department). On the right side, it is set to send the
the user chooses the target groups and the communication notifications to specific areas (neighboring communities or
channels to be used. specific regions of the previously registered industrial park)
The Figure 2 presents the user interface for defining the or sending to all users regardless their location.
Emergency Context, the pre-selected information, based on
confirmed information coming from the RESCUER, are mar-
4.4 Formatting and Dissemination of the Pu-
ked with a red flag. On this step, the user selects the target
blic Communication Messages
groups and the respective communication channels. 6
4.2 Message creation and customization 7
Figure 3: User Interface for Assisted Edition of Public Communication models

will receive the relevant information they need in the right

In this paper, we presents our solution for public commu-
nication during a crisis situation. Our tool is called RES-
CUER News and was developed with the object of help the
public communication team on task of preserve or win the
publics confidence during a crisis.
The RESCUER News allow the construction (semi-) au-
tomatic of messages, with informations relevance to different
profiles of publics. Furthermore, our tool possibility the dis-
semination of this messages through different communica-
tion channels.
Figure 5: User Interface for audience selection As next steps in our research, we will extend the scenario
to large scale events, conclude the implementation of RES-
CUER News and integrate our solution to the communica-
tion process of the partner institutions in order to validate
After the definition of content of the message and of yours our work.
target groups the system start an automatic process of for-
matting of each generated message. This process is neces- 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
sary because the different communication channels requires This work is supported by the RESCUER project, fun-
that the messages be in specific formats. ded by the European Commission (Grant: 614154) and by
The message generated by the system (with result of the CNPq/MCTI (Grant: 490084/2013-3), and by the FPC-
previous steps) is in HTML format, however, according to UFBA, a joint initiative of Fraunhofer Society and UFBA,
the communication channel, the format of the message must with support from the Bahia State Government.
be converted to the following formats: Simple Text (SMS
and Social Networks), Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)
(Google Public Alert) and JSON (Rescuer APP).
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