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Caleb Martin


May 9th, 2017

The Void Reflection

When writing this essay about the film I watched, I played the whole film back in my

mind and answered the questions asked of the assignment in a clear way. I think I did a

successful job of construction a beginning to end review and critique of a film I wouldnt

normally see. I chose this artifact to be in my portfolio because it shows off my ability to analyze

a form of media for someone who may be looking to see it themselves.

I effectively discussed production elements in relation to theatre and was able to display

my opinion in a semi-professional way. My understanding of American Identity was the need to

stick together in times of horror and to be a critical thinker in a life or death situation. I think it

displays the Americans love of 80s type horror films and the love for blood and gore. My

believe before this film was that America can be a creepy place at night and after I believed there

are serious monsters somewhere in the woods waiting to kill people. The practical skills I

utilized were my analysis and argument abilities. I would also say my memory playback for

reviewing something I seen in the past. In relation to the other texts in this portfolio, this one is

obviously different in that is steers away from sociology and LGBT rights which is at the core of

all of previous artifacts.

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