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Title of Article:Education In Belize - Overview of Educational System

and Institutions.
Author:(No Author)
Direct Quotation: Only about 70% of teachers are professionally trained

Paraphrase: There are only about a almost a quarter are trained teachers.

Summary:The education system in Belize is has its roots in the English system but has been greatly influenced by the U.S. academic syllabus
primarily through the influence of the Jesuits. It is no wonder that the best schools in Belize are Roman Catholic. Students move through
forms, from first form in primary school to sixth form (junior college), although some schools, following U.S. and Caribbean Community
practices, use the grade system grades 1-12.A few private or parochial schools run by Protestant and Evangelical denominations also exist.
Some of the best schools are in Belize City and in larger towns. Some of the more needy schools, with untrained teachers and few books or
equipment are in the far south. One study found that lack of supplies was a major problem for schools in Toledo, and that about one-half of
the teachers in the district had no educational training beyond high school. Only one in two Toledo children even finish primary school.Only
70% of teachers are professionally trained.In college, teachers with 4 year degree earned only about $1000 a month.Secondary education,
consisting of a four-year high school, is competitive, requiring passage of a comprehensive exam. The students percentile ranking on the
admissions test in part determines which school the student can attend. Charges for books and fees at secondary schools are beyond the
reach of many Belizean families.

Citation in MLA format: Education In Belize - Overview of Educational System and Institutions." Education In Belize - Overview of Educational
System and Institutions. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.

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