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530 North Arthur Ave.. Ste.2 P. O. Box4283

Phone(208)25f-6160 Pocatello,Idaho

J u n e2 3 , 2 0 1 0

P.O.Box 40

Att.: Editor


I readwith interestthe Commentaryin the Statesmanof Idaho HouseOf Representatives

MemberPhil Hart of Athol describinghis fight with the U.S. InternalRevenueServiceover the
I.R.S.demandthat he hand over the namesof all thoseTaxpayerswho had bought a copy of
Representative Hart's book "Constitutional Income" which detailedRepresentativeHart's
researchinto the origins and legitimacyof the FederalIncomeTax.

As a retired U.S. TreasuryAgent, who was assignedto the LR.S. and retiredfrom the
FederalServiceas a seniorFederalAgent in 1985,I feel that perhapsI shouldrespondto
Representative Hart's commentsand criticism of the allegedI.R.S.retaliationagainst
Representative Hart for failing to "snitch" on and provide the namesof thoseCitizenswho might
havedaredto buy and readRepresentative Hart's book with it's critical history and assessment
the FederalIncomeTax Law.

While assignedto the InternalRevenueServiceIdahoDistrict, I was a National Treasury

EmployeesUnion Official and I routinely actedas the Union Stewardin situationsinvolving
I.R.S.employeeswho had beenorderedto comrnit reprehensibleand often felony criminal
actionsby their I.R.S.Managersand otherI.R.S.Top Officials. I wish I could saythat
Representative Hart is wrong and that the LR.S. doesnot demandthe namesof Citizenswho read
disparagingcommentsaboutthe FederalIncomeTax, the I.R.S.,or "big brothergovernment"in
general.The truth is, that doeshappenand the I.R.S.collectedand compiledhuge lists of
Citizenswho were then targetedfor audit and harassmentfor having bought and reada book
suchas Representative Hart's, or becausethey were membersof the John Birch Society,or the
Texasor HawaiianIndependence movements,or becausethey attendeda Cleon Skousen
Seminar,or for any of countlessother reasonssomeI.R.S. or governmentofficial felt was a
"threat" to the FederalGovernment'sPower.

Even the ReverendMartin Luther King Jr. was targetedby the I.R.S. and attackedby a
criminal coalition of the I.R.S. and the F.B.I. and "audited" to obtain the namesof every Citizen
who had supportedDr. King's civil rights efforts (Seethe secretI.R.S. documentsrevealedby
Idaho SenatorFrank Church in the CongressionalHearinginto I.R.S.Abuse). In every State,and
herein Idaho,therewere "target Lists" compiledby the I.R.S. of "enemiesOf Govemment".
These"Enemy Lists" includedSenatorsand Congressmen who had daredquestionGovemment
excessesand abusesof citizens, movie starsincluding DebbieReynolds,SammyDavis Jr., and
evenJohn Waynewho were "too patriotic". I.R.S.Employeeswho questionedthis were
retalliatedagainstand I representedsuchI.R.S. employeesand I, as a Union Official, was
involved in litigation beforethe U.S. Merit SystemProtectionBoard involving I.R.S. employees
who had beendiscriminatedagainstfor their religiousaffiliation and becausethey had blown the
whistle on LR.S. felony criminal activitiesthat targetedConservativemembersof Congresswho
had dareto speakout againstGovernmentAbuses,or who daredto questionthe FederalIncome
Tax or suggestan "audit" of the FederalReserve,or suppoftedU.S. withdrawal from the U.N..

I was invited to provide testimonyat severalCongressionalHearingsinto I.R.S. abuseof

Taxpayersand LR.S. Employeesand investigatingcriminal activitiescommittedby I.R.S.
officials againstMembersof Congressand I.R.S. Employeeswho had daredto questionsuch
criminal actionsor abuses,or who had dared attemptto "blow the whistle" on suchactivitiesof
the I.R.S. TheseCongressionalHearingsresultedin the passageof the FederalWhistle Blower
ProtectionAct, the FederalTaxpayerBill Of Rights Acts Acts I, II, and III, and the Federal
AntiBrowsing (Anti-Snooping)Act. This legislationbannedthe I.R.S. from labelingor targeting
Taxpayersas Enemies"or "Protestors".For a while, the abusewas halted.

We have a new Presidentand a return to the dark old efforts to silencecritics. The
I.R.S.,E.P.A., OSHA, and countlessotherFederalAgenciesare,onceagainthanksto the
HomelandSecurityLaws, apparentlyagaincompiling "enemiesLists" and using I.R.S.Audits to
attackand silencecritics of GovernmentAbusesand Beaurocrats'Felony Criminal Actions
againstsuchCitizensand their ElectedRepresentatives.

Representative Hart isn't the only victirn! In April I attendeda U.S. Tax Court Trial
involving an Idaho StateUniversity Professorwho had obviouslybeentargetedby the
requestof A FederalDistrict Court Judgewhosepastcriminal actionsthe Professorhad exposed
in a news letter,and which exposurehad embarassed and nearlycausedthe FederalJudgeto fail
to obtainhis appointmentto the Bench.Fortunately,he was not appointedto the AppealsCourt.

Former SenatorJosephMontoya of New Mexico was similairly targetedby I.R.S.which

leakedlies abouthis tax returnsto the press. SenatorPaul Laxault of Nevada,who was an
outspokencritic of the I.R.S. and the FederalReserve,had lies given to the SacramentoBee
Newspaperwhich causedthe Senatornot to run again. That resultedin Harry Reid being elected
asNevada'sSenator.And we in Idaho shouldremernberthe felony criminal conspiracyagainst
then Idaho CongressmanGeorgeHansencarriedout by the Idaho District I.R.S. Director Cal
Wright and Salt Lake District IRS Criminal InvestigationChief Evan Wride in criminal
collusionwith Idaho DemocratPartyOfficials RichardStallings,RobertHuntley, etc..

Good luck, Representative

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