Artifact 4 - Opd Survey Project For Etr540-Final

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Introduction and Reflection

In this artifact, my objective was to learn how to properly identity the purpose for my

survey as well as the best method for implementing the survey before designing its final

form. I learned how to derive the variables of the survey from the research questions and

how to align the different items of the survey with the targeted variables. I also learned

how to use qualtrics and then bring the data into SPSS to further analyze it. As part of my

project, I created a Qualtrics survey and then I posted it to the discussion board for peer

feedback and revision in order to make the final project survey ready for implementation in

a pilot study. I enjoyed learning from creating a real survey and getting feedback from

other students. Finally, all this work was helpful to me in designing a survey for my

dissertation proposal and data collection procedures.

Evidence of Mastery of Objectives 4, 5, 7, and 8

Objective 4: Select appropriate analyses for a given research question:

This objective is met because it utilized advanced programs such as Cronbachs alpha and SPSS

to reflect data in graphs. Also qualtrics was used to design and analyze the survey.

Objective 5: Apply appropriate technology to conduct analyses of educational data:

I believe that I displayed my technical abilities to analyze technological skills to analyze my two

main questions, which were based on satisfaction and motivation.


Objective 7: Demonstrate effective communication skills by presenting and defending a

research project:

In this artifact, I gained the ability to demonstrate research presentation skills and procedures of

defending survey result which meets objective 7.

Objective 8: Engage in research-related activities in diverse settings.

I believe I met this requirement due to the fact that I utilized the lab to convert my data into

SPSS, and I also conducted some of the data at my home. I brought data sources from different

places and combined them.

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