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2G SGSN RNW Parameters

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 1 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

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Contents 3

List of tables 8

1 About this document 15

1.1 NetAct compatibility and capacity information 15
1.2 How to read parameter tables 15

2 Changes in 2G SGSN RNW Parameters 17

3 Radio Network Parameters in SGSN 19

3.1 FRBC Parameters 19
3.1.1 accessRate (Access Rate) 19
3.1.2 address (Address) 20
3.1.3 dataEquipmentType (Data Equipment Type) 21
3.1.4 firstTSL (First TSL) 22
3.1.5 id (FRBC ID) 23
3.1.6 name (Name) 23
3.1.7 nwName (NW Name) 24
3.1.8 pcmCircuitID (PCM Circuit ID) 25
3.1.9 sgsnOrBscId (BSC ID) 26
3.1.10 unitIndex (Unit Index) 27
3.1.11 unitType (Unit Type) 27
3.2 IPVC Parameters 28
3.2.1 adminState (Administrative State) 28
3.2.2 iPNsVirtualConnectionId (IPVC ID) 29
3.2.3 localUdpPort (Local UDP Port) 30
3.2.4 nsEntityId (NSEI) 31
3.2.5 nsVirtualConnectionName (NW Name) 32
3.2.6 nsvcConfData (NSVC Conf Data) 33 dataWeight (Data weight) 34 ipAddress (IP Address) 34 signWeight (Signalling weight) 37 udpPort (UdpPort) 38
3.2.7 sgsnOrBscId (BSC ID) 39
3.2.8 unitLogicalIndex (PAPU ID) 40
3.3 NSVC Parameters 41
3.3.1 address (Address) 41
3.3.2 adminState (Administrative State) 41
3.3.3 committedInfoRate (Committed Info Rate) 42
3.3.4 dataLinkConnectionId (Data Link Connection ID) 43
3.3.5 id (NSVC ID) 44
3.3.6 loadSharingMode (Load Sharing Mode) 45
3.3.7 name (Name) 46
3.3.8 nsEntityId (NSEI) 46
3.3.9 nwName (NW Name) 47
3.4 PAPG Parameters 48
3.4.1 bvcFlowControlCapacityAdjuster (BVC flow control capacity adjuster) 48

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3.4.2 controlDistributionOfCells (Control distribution of cells) 49 cellId (Cell ID) 50 locationAreaIdLAC (LAC) 50 locationAreaIdMCC (MCC) 51 locationAreaIdMNC (MNC) 52 papuId (PAPU ID) 53
3.4.3 dlForwardingMode (DL forwarding mode) 53
3.4.4 foreignAndRandomTlliULForwardingMode (Foreign and random TLLI UL
forwarding mode) 54
3.4.5 id (PAPG ID) 55
3.4.6 nsvcPapuCellControl (NSVC PAPU cell control) 56
3.4.7 nwName (PAPU group name) 56
3.4.8 papuGroupConfigurationModel (PAPU group configuration model) 57
3.4.9 papuUnitIndex (PAPU unit index) 58
3.5 PAPU Parameters 59
3.5.1 id (PAPU ID) 59
3.5.2 ipAddress (IP Address ) 60
3.5.3 networkResourceIdentifierLenght (Network Resource Identifier
length) 61
3.5.4 nriBin (NRI binary) 61
3.5.5 nriDec (NRI decimal) 62
3.5.6 nseiList (NSEI List) 63
3.5.7 sgsnIdentifier (SGSN identifier) 65
3.6 PCM Parameters 66
3.6.1 id (PCM ID) 66
3.7 SGSN Parameters 67
3.7.1 Ln201lMaxOctetNumber (LN201l Maximum Octet Number) 67
3.7.2 activeRealtimeUserAmount (Active real-time user amount) 68
3.7.3 allocationRetentionPriority (Allocation/retention priority) 68
3.7.4 allocationRetentionPriority1 (Allocation/retention priority 1) 69
3.7.5 allocationRetentionPriority2 (Allocation/retention priority 2) 70
3.7.6 allocationRetentionPriority3 (Allocation/retention priority 3) 71
3.7.7 ansiEnvironment (ANSI Environment) 72
3.7.8 attachRestriction (Attach Restriction) 72
3.7.9 authenticationMode (Authentication Mode) 74
3.7.10 bvcResetRetries (BVC Reset Retries) 74
3.7.11 bvcResetTimer (BVC Reset Timer) 75
3.7.12 callDetailRecord (Call Detail Record) 76
3.7.13 cellAccuracyInCharging (Cell Accuracy In Charging ) 77
3.7.14 cipheringMode (Ciphering Mode) 79
3.7.15 csPagingSendTime (CS Paging Send Time) 79
3.7.16 dataCompression (Data Compression) 80
3.7.17 detachedStorageDay (Detached Storage Day) 81
3.7.18 detachedStorageHour (Detached Storage Hour) 82
3.7.19 forceToStandby (Force To Standby) 83
3.7.20 gbOverIpConfigurationUdp (Gb over IP configuration UDP port) 83
3.7.21 ggsnIPv6NwId (GGSN IPv6 Network Identifier ) 84
3.7.22 ggsnNwId (GGSN NW ID) 86
3.7.23 ggsnOperatorId (GGSN Operator ID) 86
3.7.24 gsMode (Gs Mode) 87
3.7.25 guaranteedBitRateForDownlink (Guaranteed bit rate for downlink) 88

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3.7.26 guaranteedBitRateForUplink (Guaranteed bit rate for uplink) 89
3.7.27 headerCompression (Header Compression) 90
3.7.28 id (SGSN ID) 90
3.7.29 imeiCheckMode (IMEI Check Mode) 91
3.7.30 ipAddress (IP Address) 92
3.7.31 ipv6HeaderCompression (IPv6 acknowledged data header
compression) 93
3.7.32 ipv6UnacknowledgedDataHeaderCompression (Ipv6 unacknowledged
data header compression) 94
3.7.33 licAddress (Address Of Lawful Interception Controllers) 94 licIP (IP Address Of The LIC) 95 licIdentifier (LIC ID) 96 licPort (LIC Port Address) 97
3.7.34 licInterceptionBrowserConnect (LIC Interception Browser Connect) 98
3.7.35 licInterceptionControllerConnect (LIC Interception Controller Connect
) 99
3.7.36 licSimultaneousInterceptionSubscriber (LIC Simultaneous Interception
Subscriber) 100
3.7.37 llcIFramesMax (LLC I Frames Max) 101
3.7.38 llcRetransCount (LLC Retrans Count) 102
3.7.39 llcRetransTimer (LLC Retrans Timer) 102
3.7.40 maximumBitRateForDownlink (Maximum bit rate for downlink) 103
3.7.41 maximumBitRateForUplink (Maximum bit rate for uplink) 104
3.7.42 msReachableTimerMin (MS Reachable Timer Minute) 105
3.7.43 msReachableTimerSec (MS Reachable Timer Sec) 106
3.7.44 n3Requests (N3 Requests) 107
3.7.45 n3RequestsCounterForCreatePdpContextRequests (N3-REQUESTS
counter for Create PDP Context Requests) 107
3.7.46 n3RequestsCounterForDeletePdpContextRequests (N3-REQUESTS
counter for Delete PDP Context Requests) 108
3.7.47 n3RequestsCounterForEchoRequestsOfControlPlane (N3-REQUESTS
counter for Echo Requests of control plane) 109
3.7.48 n3RequestsCounterForIdentificationRequests (N3-REQUESTS counter
for Identification Requests) 110
3.7.49 n3RequestsCounterForSgsnContextRequests (N3-REQUESTS counter
for SGSN Context Requests) 111
3.7.50 n3RequestsCounterForUpdatePdpContextRequests (N3-REQUESTS
counter for Update PDP Context Requests) 112
3.7.51 n3ResponseTimerForCreatePdpContextRequests (T3-RESPONSE timer
of Create PDP Context Response) 113
3.7.52 n3ResponseTimerForUpdatePdpContextRequests (T3-RESPONSE
timer of Update PDP Context Response) 114
3.7.53 nonguaranteedStreamingTrafficQueuePriority (Non-guaranteed
streaming traffic queue priority ) 115
3.7.54 nsAliveRetries (NS Alive Retries) 115
3.7.55 nsAliveTimer (NS Alive Timer) 116
3.7.56 nsBlockRetries (NS Block Retries) 117
3.7.57 nsBlockTimer (NS Block Timer) 118
3.7.58 nsResetRetries (NS Reset Retries) 118
3.7.59 nsResetTimer (NS Reset Timer) 119
3.7.60 nsTestTimer (NS Test Timer) 120

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3.7.61 nsUnblockRetries (NS Unblock Retries) 121

3.7.62 originatingBSS (Originating BSS) 121
3.7.63 originatingBackbone (Originating Backbone ) 123
3.7.64 originatingMSSignalLoad (Originating MS Signal Load) 124
3.7.65 originatingSS7SignalLoad (Originating SS7 Signal Load) 125
3.7.66 periodicRaUpdateTimerMin (Periodic RA Updates Timer Minute) 127
3.7.67 periodicRaUpdateTimerSec (Periodic RA Updates Timer Sec) 128
3.7.68 priorityBuffer1Length (Priority buffer 1 length) 129
3.7.69 priorityBuffer2Length (Priority buffer 2 length) 129
3.7.70 priorityBuffer3Length (Priority buffer 3 length) 130
3.7.71 priorityBuffer4Length (Priority buffer 4 length) 131
3.7.72 ptmsiSignatureMode (PTMSI Signature Mode) 132
3.7.73 qosGBBuffer (QOS GB Buffer) 133
3.7.74 qosGTPBuffer (QOS GTP Buffer) 134
3.7.75 qosSchedulingGBBuffer (QOS Scheduling In GB Buffer) 135
3.7.76 qosSchedulingPriority1 (QOS Scheduling Priority One) 136
3.7.77 qosSchedulingPriority2 (QOS Scheduling Priority Two) 137
3.7.78 qosSchedulingPriority3 (QOS Scheduling Priority Three) 138
3.7.79 qosSchedulingPriority4 (QOS Scheduling Priority Four) 139
3.7.80 raPagingArea (RA Paging Area) 140
3.7.81 raPagingRepetition (RA Paging Repetition) 140
3.7.82 readyStateTimerMin (Ready State Timer Minute) 141
3.7.83 readyStateTimerSec (Ready State Timer Sec) 142
3.7.84 realtimeBandwidth (Real-time bandwidth) 143
3.7.85 realtimeUserAmount (Real-time user amount) 144
3.7.86 redundancyElimination (Redundancy elimination) 145
3.7.87 retransmission (Retransmission) 146
3.7.88 sgsnOptions (SGSN Options) 146
3.7.89 sgsnPagingArea (SGSN Paging Area) 148
3.7.90 t3Response (T3-RESPONSE timer of GTP based charging protocol
) 148
3.7.91 t3ResponseTimerOfDeletePdpContextResponse (T3-RESPONSE timer
of Delete PDP Context Response) 149
3.7.92 t3ResponseTimerOfEchoResponseOfControlPlane (T3-RESPONSE
timer of Echo Response of control plane) 150
3.7.93 t3ResponseTimerOfIdentificationResponse (T3-RESPONSE timer of
Identification Response) 151
3.7.94 t3ResponseTimerOfSgsnContextResponse (T3-RESPONSE timer of
SGSN Context Response) 152
3.7.95 t3Tunnel (T3 Tunnel) 152
3.7.96 tcpRoundTripAdjustment (TCP round trip adjustment) 153
3.7.97 techo (Techo) 154
3.7.98 trafficClass (Traffic class) 155
3.7.99 trafficHandlingPriority (Traffic handling priority) 156
3.7.100 utilDependentCleaning (Util Dependent Cleaning) 157
3.7.101 utilZeroLimit (Util Zero Limit) 157
3.7.102 v42bisUsers (V42bis Users) 158
3.7.103 vlrCleanStartHour (VLR Clean Start Hour) 159
3.7.104 vlrCleanStartMin (VLR Clean Start Min) 160
3.7.105 windowPacing (Window pacing) 161
3.7.106 windowPacingDecrementPercent (Window pacing decrement

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percent) 161
3.7.107 windowPacingThresholdLevel (Window pacing threshold level) 162
3.8 VLA Parameters 163
3.8.1 id (VLA ID) 163
3.8.2 lacMncMccList (LAC MNC MCC List) 164 locationAreaCode (LAC) 165 mobileCountryCode (MCC) 165 mobileNetworkCode (MNC) 166
3.8.3 natureOfVlrAddress (Nature Of VLR Address) 167
3.8.4 tunnelingOfMessages (Tunnelling Of Messages ) 168
3.8.5 vlrIsdnNumber (VLR ISDN Number) 169
3.8.6 vlrSnc (VLR Signalling Network Code) 170
3.8.7 vlrSpc (VLR Signalling Point Code) 171

4 Where to find more information 173

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2G SGSN RNW Parameters

List of tables

Table 1. How to read parameter tables 15

Table 2. Access Rate 19
Table 3. Address 20
Table 4. Data Equipment Type 21
Table 5. First TSL 22
Table 6. FRBC ID 23
Table 7. Name 23
Table 8. NW Name 24
Table 9. PCM Circuit ID 25
Table 10. BSC ID 26
Table 11. Unit Index 27
Table 12. Unit Type 27
Table 13. Administrative State 28
Table 14. IPVC ID 29
Table 15. Local UDP Port 30
Table 16. NSEI 31
Table 17. NW Name 32
Table 18. NSVC Conf Data 33
Table 19. Data weight 34
Table 20. IP Address 34
Table 21. IP Address Value 36
Table 22. IP Address Version 36
Table 23. Signalling weight 37
Table 24. UdpPort 38
Table 25. BSC ID 39
Table 26. PAPU ID 40
Table 27. Address 41
Table 28. Administrative State 41
Table 29. Committed Info Rate 42

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Table 30. Data Link Connection ID 43
Table 31. NSVC ID 44
Table 32. Load Sharing Mode 45
Table 33. Name 46
Table 34. NSEI 46
Table 35. NW Name 47
Table 36. BVC flow control capacity adjuster 48
Table 37. Control distribution of cells 49
Table 38. Cell ID 50
Table 39. LAC 50
Table 40. MCC 51
Table 41. MNC 52
Table 42. PAPU ID 53
Table 43. DL forwarding mode 53
Table 44. Foreign and random TLLI UL forwarding mode 54
Table 45. PAPG ID 55
Table 46. NSVC PAPU cell control 56
Table 47. PAPU group name 56
Table 48. PAPU group configuration model 57
Table 49. PAPU unit index 58
Table 50. PAPU ID 59
Table 51. IP Address 60
Table 52. Network Resource Identifier length 61
Table 53. NRI binary 61
Table 54. NRI decimal 62
Table 55. NSEI List 63
Table 56. SGSN identifier 65
Table 57. PCM ID 66
Table 58. LN201l Maximum Octet Number 67
Table 59. Active real-time user amount 68
Table 60. Allocation/retention priority 68

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Table 61. Allocation/retention priority 1 69

Table 62. Allocation/retention priority 2 70
Table 63. Allocation/retention priority 3 71
Table 64. ANSI Environment 72
Table 65. Attach Restriction 72
Table 66. Authentication Mode 74
Table 67. BVC Reset Retries 74
Table 68. BVC Reset Timer 75
Table 69. Call Detail Record 76
Table 70. Cell Accuracy In Charging 77
Table 71. Ciphering Mode 79
Table 72. CS Paging Send Time 79
Table 73. Data Compression 80
Table 74. Detached Storage Day 81
Table 75. Detached Storage Hour 82
Table 76. Force To Standby 83
Table 77. Gb over IP configuration UDP port 83
Table 78. GGSN IPv6 Network Identifier 84
Table 79. GGSN NW ID 86
Table 80. GGSN Operator ID 86
Table 81. Gs Mode 87
Table 82. Guaranteed bit rate for downlink 88
Table 83. Guaranteed bit rate for uplink 89
Table 84. Header Compression 90
Table 85. SGSN ID 90
Table 86. IMEI Check Mode 91
Table 87. IP Address 92
Table 88. IPv6 acknowledged data header compression 93
Table 89. Ipv6 unacknowledged data header compression 94
Table 90. Address Of Lawful Interception Controllers 94
Table 91. IP Address Of The LIC 95

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Table 92. LIC ID 96
Table 93. LIC Port Address 97
Table 94. LIC Interception Browser Connect 98
Table 95. LIC Interception Controller Connect 99
Table 96. LIC Simultaneous Interception Subscriber 100
Table 97. LLC I Frames Max 101
Table 98. LLC Retrans Count 102
Table 99. LLC Retrans Timer 102
Table 100. Maximum bit rate for downlink 103
Table 101. Maximum bit rate for uplink 104
Table 102. MS Reachable Timer Minute 105
Table 103. MS Reachable Timer Sec 106
Table 104. N3 Requests 107
Table 105. N3-REQUESTS counter for Create PDP Context Requests 107
Table 106. N3-REQUESTS counter for Delete PDP Context Requests 108
Table 107. N3-REQUESTS counter for Echo Requests of control plane 109
Table 108. N3-REQUESTS counter for Identification Requests 110
Table 109. N3-REQUESTS counter for SGSN Context Requests 111
Table 110. N3-REQUESTS counter for Update PDP Context Requests 112
Table 111. T3-RESPONSE timer of Create PDP Context Response 113
Table 112. T3-RESPONSE timer of Update PDP Context Response 114
Table 113. Non-guaranteed streaming traffic queue priority 115
Table 114. NS Alive Retries 115
Table 115. NS Alive Timer 116
Table 116. NS Block Retries 117
Table 117. NS Block Timer 118
Table 118. NS Reset Retries 118
Table 119. NS Reset Timer 119
Table 120. NS Test Timer 120
Table 121. NS Unblock Retries 121
Table 122. Originating BSS 121

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Table 123. Originating Backbone 123

Table 124. Originating MS Signal Load 124
Table 125. Originating SS7 Signal Load 125
Table 126. Periodic RA Updates Timer Minute 127
Table 127. Periodic RA Updates Timer Sec 128
Table 128. Priority buffer 1 length 129
Table 129. Priority buffer 2 length 129
Table 130. Priority buffer 3 length 130
Table 131. Priority buffer 4 length 131
Table 132. PTMSI Signature Mode 132
Table 133. QOS GB Buffer 133
Table 134. QOS GTP Buffer 134
Table 135. QOS Scheduling In GB Buffer 135
Table 136. QOS Scheduling Priority One 136
Table 137. QOS Scheduling Priority Two 137
Table 138. QOS Scheduling Priority Three 138
Table 139. QOS Scheduling Priority Four 139
Table 140. RA Paging Area 140
Table 141. RA Paging Repetition 140
Table 142. Ready State Timer Minute 141
Table 143. Ready State Timer Sec 142
Table 144. Real-time bandwidth 143
Table 145. Real-time user amount 144
Table 146. Redundancy elimination 145
Table 147. Retransmission 146
Table 148. SGSN Options 146
Table 149. SGSN Paging Area 148
Table 150. T3-RESPONSE timer of GTP based charging protocol 148
Table 151. T3-RESPONSE timer of Delete PDP Context Response 149
Table 152. T3-RESPONSE timer of Echo Response of control plane 150
Table 153. T3-RESPONSE timer of Identification Response 151

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Table 154. T3-RESPONSE timer of SGSN Context Response 152
Table 155. T3 Tunnel 152
Table 156. TCP round trip adjustment 153
Table 157. Techo 154
Table 158. Traffic class 155
Table 159. Traffic handling priority 156
Table 160. Util Dependent Cleaning 157
Table 161. Util Zero Limit 157
Table 162. V42bis Users 158
Table 163. VLR Clean Start Hour 159
Table 164. VLR Clean Start Min 160
Table 165. Window pacing 161
Table 166. Window pacing decrement percent 161
Table 167. Window pacing threshold level 162
Table 168. VLA ID 163
Table 169. LAC MNC MCC List 164
Table 170. LAC 165
Table 171. MCC 165
Table 172. MNC 166
Table 173. Nature Of VLR Address 167
Table 174. Tunnelling Of Messages 168
Table 175. VLR ISDN Number 169
Table 176. VLR Signalling Network Code 170
Table 177. VLR Signalling Point Code 171

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About this document

1 About this document

This document describes the radio network parameters in SGSN that can be set
with the NetAct Radio Access Configurator applications. The document is
intended for radio network planners, commissioning engineers, and the Nokia
NetAct operating personnel responsible for managing the radio network
parameters and configuration in GSM cellular networks. The parameters can be
imported from the planning system as RAML/CM2.0 or CSV (Comma Separated
Value) format files to the Radio Access Configurator database.

1.1 NetAct compatibility and capacity information

For information on NetAct system and capacity, and the compatibility between
NetAct and network element releases, see the NetAct Compatibility and Capacity
Information document.

1.2 How to read parameter tables

Table 1. How to read parameter tables

Entry Description
Parameter name The user interface name for the parameter

Abbreviated name The parameter name used in radio network plan files

3GPP name The parameter name used in 3GPP specifications

Multiplicity The multiplicity of the parameter

Description Describes the purpose of the parameter and

sometimes includes extra information on the parameter

References References (if any) to 3GPP specifications

Managed object The object for which the parameter is defined

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2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 1. How to read parameter tables (Continued)

Entry Description
Parameter group The functional group to which the parameter belongs

Range and step The user interface value range for the parameter

Formula for getting internal The formula for calculating the system internal value
value which is used in radio network plan files

Default value The default value specified by Nokia

Default value notes Additional information (if any) on the default value

Special value A parameter value with a special function or meaning.

The parameter value can be outside the normal value
range that can be given to a parameter. It can be used
for specifying the Not defined value, for example.

Related functions The radio-network-related functions (in addition to the

main function) of the parameter

Modification Requires object locking = The managed object must be

locked before modification is possible
Not modifiable = The parameter value can be modified
only by recreating the managed object
Online = The parameter value can be changed without
any disturbance to ongoing calls

Related parameters Other parameters that affect the parameter

Parameter relationships Describes the dependencies between the parameter

and the related parameters.

Interface The interfaces on which the parameter is transferred.

From the network management point of view, the
parameters can be divided into BSC/MSC/SGSN
parameters, and planning and management system
(NetAct) parameters. The BSC/MSC/SGSN parameters
are needed in the network whereas the planning and
the management system parameters are auxiliary
parameters that are not implemented in the network,
but are used in the network management and planning

Location in GUI and MML Information on user interface applications and the MML
commands commands that are used to set the parameter

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Changes in 2G SGSN RNW Parameters

2 Changes in 2G SGSN RNW Parameters

To see changes in 2G SGSN RNW Parameters, see the document Changes in 2G
SGSN Parameters.

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2G SGSN RNW Parameters

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3 Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.1 FRBC Parameters

3.1.1 accessRate (Access Rate)

Table 2. Access Rate

Parameter name Access Rate

Abbreviated name accessRate

Planning interface name accessRate

Managed object FRBC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description RATE = access rate

Rate of the FR bearer channel in multiples of 64 kbit/s.

The scale of the access rate to be given is 1 - 31.

The range is:

ETSI 1..31

ANSI 1..24

Range and step 1...31, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

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Table 2. Access Rate (Continued)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.1.2 address (Address)

Table 3. Address

Parameter name Address

Abbreviated name address

Planning interface name address

Managed object FRBC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Address of FRBC object.

Range and step 1...80 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.1.3 dataEquipmentType (Data Equipment Type)

Table 4. Data Equipment Type

Parameter name Data Equipment Type

Abbreviated name dataEquipmentType

Planning interface name dataEquipmentType

Managed object FRBC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The attribute defines whether the equipment is DTE

(data terminal equipment) or DCE (data circuit-
terminating equipment).

Range and step DTE (0), DCE (1)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


DTE ==> 0

DCE ==> 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

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3.1.4 firstTSL (First TSL)

Table 5. First TSL

Parameter name First TSL

Abbreviated name firstTSL

Planning interface name firstTSL

Managed object FRBC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description First time slot of the FR bearer channel on the external

PCM circuit. The parameter defines the first 64k time
slot of PCM for autoconfiguration pool or dynamic Abis

Option: Abis autoconfiguration in use

Restriction: The parameter is only available for Nokia

MetroSite and Nokia OfficeSite.

Range and step 1...31, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 1

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.1.5 id (FRBC ID)

Table 6. FRBC ID

Parameter name FRBC ID

Abbreviated name id

Planning interface name ID is part of object's distinguished name.

Managed object FRBC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Identifier (ID) of FRBC (Frame Relay Bearer Channel)


Range and step 0...65535, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.1.6 name (Name)

Table 7. Name

Parameter name Name

Abbreviated name name

Planning interface name name

Managed object FRBC

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 23 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 7. Name (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Name of FRBC object.

Range and step 1...80 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.1.7 nwName (NW Name)

Table 8. NW Name

Parameter name NW Name

Abbreviated name nwName

Planning interface name nwName

Managed object FRBC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Network Name of FRBC object.

Range and step 1...10 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

24 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 8. NW Name (Continued)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.1.8 pcmCircuitID (PCM Circuit ID)

Table 9. PCM Circuit ID

Parameter name PCM Circuit ID

Abbreviated name pcmCircuitID

Planning interface name pcmCircuitID

Managed object FRBC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description PCM = external PCM

Number of the external PCM circuit on which the FR

bearer channel is located. The parameter identifies a 2
Mbits/s PCM circuit.

Option: Abis autoconfiguration in use

Restriction: The parameter is only available for Nokia

MetroSite and Nokia OfficeSite.

Range and step 0...2047, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 0

Default value notes -

Related functions -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 25 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 9. PCM Circuit ID (Continued)

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.1.9 sgsnOrBscId (BSC ID)

Table 10. BSC ID

Parameter name BSC ID

Abbreviated name sgsnOrBscId

Planning interface name sgsnOrBscId

Managed object FRBC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description ID of the BSC, where the corresponding BSC's FRBC is


Range and step 1...999999, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Special value Not defined (-1)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

26 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.1.10 unitIndex (Unit Index)

Table 11. Unit Index

Parameter name Unit Index

Abbreviated name unitIndex

Planning interface name unitIndex

Managed object FRBC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Index of the unit in which the FR Bearer channel is

located. The index in SGSN is 0...16 and in the BSC

Range and step 0...16, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.1.11 unitType (Unit Type)

Table 12. Unit Type

Parameter name Unit Type

Abbreviated name unitType

Planning interface name unitType

Managed object FRBC

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 27 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 12. Unit Type (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Type of the unit in which the FR Bearer channel is

located. The type in SGSN is PAPU and in the BSC

Range and step PAPU (0), BCSU (1)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


PAPU ==> 0

BCSU ==> 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.2 IPVC Parameters

3.2.1 adminState (Administrative State)

Table 13. Administrative State

Parameter name Administrative State

Abbreviated name adminState

Planning interface name adminState

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

28 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 13. Administrative State (Continued)

Multiplicity 1

Description Administrative State of the object in the NW after object

creation or modification.

Range and step Unlocked (1), Locked (3)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


Unlocked ==> 1

Locked ==> 3

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.2.2 iPNsVirtualConnectionId (IPVC ID)

Table 14. IPVC ID

Parameter name IPVC ID

Abbreviated name iPNsVirtualConnectionId

Planning interface name ID is part of object's distinguished name.

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 29 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 14. IPVC ID (Continued)

Description With this parameter you identify the network service

virtual connection.

Note: The value must be same and unique in both BSS

and SGSN in FR. In IP dynamic configuration the
automatically created NSVCI values don't have to be
same nor unique in BSS and SGSN.

Range and step 0...65535, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.2.3 localUdpPort (Local UDP Port)

Table 15. Local UDP Port

Parameter name Local UDP Port

Abbreviated name localUdpPort

Planning interface name localUdpPort

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you identify the local user datagram
protocol (UDP) port number.

Range and step 50000...65535, step 1

30 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 15. Local UDP Port (Continued)

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 50000

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References 3GPP Reference: TS 48.016

3.2.4 nsEntityId (NSEI)

Table 16. NSEI

Parameter name NSEI

Abbreviated name nsEntityId

Planning interface name nsEntityId

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you identify the network service

entity. The NSEI is used in the BSS and SGSN to
determine the NS-VCs that provide services to BVCI(s).

Note: The value must be the same both in the BSS and
in the SGSN and unique in the SGSN.

Range and step 0...65535, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 0

Default value notes -

Related functions -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 31 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 16. NSEI (Continued)

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.2.5 nsVirtualConnectionName (NW Name)

Table 17. NW Name

Parameter name NW Name

Abbreviated name nsVirtualConnectionName

Planning interface name nsVirtualConnectionName

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you give a name to the network

service virtual connection.

Note: The first character must be a letter. The name

has to be unique in SGSN.

Range and step 1...10 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

32 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 17. NW Name (Continued)

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.2.6 nsvcConfData (NSVC Conf Data)

Table 18. NSVC Conf Data

Parameter name NSVC Conf Data

Abbreviated name nsvcConfData

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you define preconfigured IPVC


Child parameters dataWeight


Formula for getting internal -


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 33 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters dataWeight (Data weight)

Table 19. Data weight

Parameter name Data weight

Abbreviated name dataWeight

Planning interface name dataWeight

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you identify the remote data weight.

NOTE: In case of static IP configuration the parameter

has to have same value at IPVC of SGSN and BSC.

Range and step 0...255, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Special value Can't be 0 if there is only one IP NS-VC in theNSE (0)

Related functions -

Modification Requires object locking

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References 3GPP Reference: TS 48.016 ipAddress (IP Address)

Table 20. IP Address

Parameter name IP Address

Abbreviated name ipAddress

Managed object IPVC

34 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 20. IP Address (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you identify the remote IP

address.For IPv4 value range and format is
0..255.0..255.0..255.0..255 and for IPv6 (note:
hexadecimal values)
FFFF:0..FFFF. Embedded IPv4 addresses are not
supported with IPv6 but compression of leading or
trailing zeros should be supported, for more info see
IPv6 Addressing Architecture. ipAddress is modifiable
only when ipNsVirtualConnection instance is located at

NOTE: both IP address types are entered between

quotaion marks.

NOTE: In case of static IP configuration the parameter

has to have same value at IPVC of SGSN and BSC.

Child parameters ipAddressValue


Formula for getting internal -


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Requires object locking

Related parameters dnsName of IPVC

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 35 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

ipAddressValue (IP Address Value)

Table 21. IP Address Value

Parameter name IP Address Value

Abbreviated name ipAddressValue

Planning interface name ipAddressValue

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Represents the IP address

Range and step 1...255 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Requires object locking

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

ipAddressVersion (IP Address Version)

Table 22. IP Address Version

Parameter name IP Address Version

Abbreviated name ipAddressVersion

Planning interface name ipAddressVersion

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

36 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 22. IP Address Version (Continued)

Description Identifies type of the IP address (IPv4/IPv6)

Range and step IP4 (0), IP6 (1)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


IP4 ==> 0

IP6 ==> 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Requires object locking

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References - signWeight (Signalling weight)

Table 23. Signalling weight

Parameter name Signalling weight

Abbreviated name signWeight

Planning interface name signWeight

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you identify the remote signalling


NOTE: In case of static IP configuration the parameter

has to have same value at IPVC of SGSN and BSC.

Range and step 0...255, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 37 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 23. Signalling weight (Continued)

Default value -

Default value notes -

Special value Can't be 0 if there is only one IP NS-VC in theNSE (0)

Related functions -

Modification Requires object locking

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References 3GPP Reference: TS 48.016 udpPort (UdpPort)

Table 24. UdpPort

Parameter name UdpPort

Abbreviated name udpPort

Planning interface name udpPort

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you identify the remote user

datagram protocol (UDP) port number.

Range and step 0...65535, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 0

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Requires object locking

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

38 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 24. UdpPort (Continued)

Related features -

Interfaces -

References 3GPP Reference: TS 48.016

3.2.7 sgsnOrBscId (BSC ID)

Table 25. BSC ID

Parameter name BSC ID

Abbreviated name sgsnOrBscId

Planning interface name sgsnOrBscId

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description ID of the BSC, where the corresponding BSC's FRBC is


Range and step 0...999999, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Special value Not defined (-1)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 39 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.2.8 unitLogicalIndex (PAPU ID)

Table 26. PAPU ID

Parameter name PAPU ID

Abbreviated name unitLogicalIndex

Planning interface name unitLogicalIndex

Managed object IPVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you identify the PAPU index where
you want to create the NS-VC.

Range and step 0...16, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 0

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

40 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.3 NSVC Parameters

3.3.1 address (Address)

Table 27. Address

Parameter name Address

Abbreviated name address

Planning interface name address

Managed object NSVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Address of NSVC object.

Range and step 1...80 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.3.2 adminState (Administrative State)

Table 28. Administrative State

Parameter name Administrative State

Abbreviated name adminState

Planning interface name adminState

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 41 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 28. Administrative State (Continued)

Managed object NSVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Administrative State of the object in the NW after object

creation or modification.

Range and step Unlocked (1), Locked (3)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


Unlocked ==> 1

Locked ==> 3

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.3.3 committedInfoRate (Committed Info Rate)

Table 29. Committed Info Rate

Parameter name Committed Info Rate

Abbreviated name committedInfoRate

Planning interface name committedInfoRate

Managed object NSVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

42 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 29. Committed Info Rate (Continued)

Description With this parameter you define the committed

information rate.

NOTE: MML RANGE: ETSI: 16..1984 (kbit/s, steps of

16 kbit/s) ANSI: 16..1536 (kbit/s, steps of 16 kbit/s)

NOTE: When modifying committed information rate,

other NSVC parameter values cannot be modified at
the same time.

Range and step 16...1984, step 16

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value / 16


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Requires object locking

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.3.4 dataLinkConnectionId (Data Link Connection ID)

Table 30. Data Link Connection ID

Parameter name Data Link Connection ID

Abbreviated name dataLinkConnectionId

Planning interface name dataLinkConnectionId

Managed object NSVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Data link connection identifier.

Range and step 16...991, step 1

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 43 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 30. Data Link Connection ID (Continued)

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.3.5 id (NSVC ID)

Table 31. NSVC ID

Parameter name NSVC ID

Abbreviated name id

Planning interface name ID is part of object's distinguished name.

Managed object NSVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Identifier (ID) of NSVC object.

Range and step 0...65535, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

44 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 31. NSVC ID (Continued)

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.3.6 loadSharingMode (Load Sharing Mode)

Table 32. Load Sharing Mode

Parameter name Load Sharing Mode

Abbreviated name loadSharingMode

Planning interface name loadSharingMode

Managed object NSVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you define the load sharing mode
at NS-VC level.Possible values are:

Y load sharing in use

N load sharing not in use

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 45 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.3.7 name (Name)

Table 33. Name

Parameter name Name

Abbreviated name name

Planning interface name name

Managed object NSVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Name of NSVC object.

Range and step 1...80 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.3.8 nsEntityId (NSEI)

Table 34. NSEI

Parameter name NSEI

Abbreviated name nsEntityId

Planning interface name nsEntityId

Managed object NSVC

Parameter group -

46 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 34. NSEI (Continued)

Multiplicity 1

Description Network Service Entity ID. Must be unique within


Range and step 0...65535, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.3.9 nwName (NW Name)

Table 35. NW Name

Parameter name NW Name

Abbreviated name nwName

Planning interface name nwName

Managed object NSVC

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Network Name of NSVC object.

Range and step 1...10 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 47 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 35. NW Name (Continued)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.4 PAPG Parameters

3.4.1 bvcFlowControlCapacityAdjuster (BVC flow control capacity


Table 36. BVC flow control capacity adjuster

Parameter name BVC flow control capacity adjuster

Abbreviated name bvcFlowControlCapacityAdjuster

Planning interface name bvcFlowControlCapacityAdjuster

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the BVC flow control capacity.

Range and step 1...16, step 0.1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value * 10


Default value -

Default value notes -

Special value BVC flow control capacity disabled (0)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

48 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 36. BVC flow control capacity adjuster (Continued)

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.4.2 controlDistributionOfCells (Control distribution of cells)

Table 37. Control distribution of cells

Parameter name Control distribution of cells

Abbreviated name controlDistributionOfCells

Planning interface name controlDistributionOfCells

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 100

Description This parameter defines the high traffic cell distribution.

Child parameters cellId


Formula for getting internal -


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 49 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters cellId (Cell ID)

Table 38. Cell ID

Parameter name Cell ID

Abbreviated name cellId

Planning interface name cellId

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description This parameter defines the cell number.

Range and step 0...65535, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References - locationAreaIdLAC (LAC)

Table 39. LAC

Parameter name LAC

Abbreviated name locationAreaIdLAC

Planning interface name locationAreaIdLAC

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description This parameter defines the location area.

50 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 39. LAC (Continued)

Range and step 1...65533, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References - locationAreaIdMCC (MCC)

Table 40. MCC

Parameter name MCC

Abbreviated name locationAreaIdMCC

Planning interface name locationAreaIdMCC

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description This parameter defines the mobile country code


Range and step 3 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 51 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 40. MCC (Continued)

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References - locationAreaIdMNC (MNC)

Table 41. MNC

Parameter name MNC

Abbreviated name locationAreaIdMNC

Planning interface name locationAreaIdMNC

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description This parameter defines the mobile network code


Range and step 2...3 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

52 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN papuId (PAPU ID)

Table 42. PAPU ID

Parameter name PAPU ID

Abbreviated name papuId

Planning interface name papuId

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Identification (ID) of PAPU (Packet Prosessing Unit)


Range and step 0...16, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.4.3 dlForwardingMode (DL forwarding mode)

Table 43. DL forwarding mode

Parameter name DL forwarding mode

Abbreviated name dlForwardingMode

Planning interface name dlForwardingMode

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 53 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 43. DL forwarding mode (Continued)

Multiplicity 1

Description DL forwarding mode for PAPU group.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.4.4 foreignAndRandomTlliULForwardingMode (Foreign and random

TLLI UL forwarding mode)

Table 44. Foreign and random TLLI UL forwarding mode

Parameter name Foreign and random TLLI UL forwarding mode

Abbreviated name foreignAndRandomTlliULForwardingMode

Planning interface name foreignAndRandomTlliULForwardingMode

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Foreign and random TLLI DL forwarding mode at the

PAPU group.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

54 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 44. Foreign and random TLLI UL forwarding mode (Continued)

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.4.5 id (PAPG ID)

Table 45. PAPG ID

Parameter name PAPG ID

Abbreviated name id

Planning interface name ID is part of object's distinguished name.

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Identifier for PAPU group.

Range and step 1...255, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 55 (174)

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2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.4.6 nsvcPapuCellControl (NSVC PAPU cell control)

Table 46. NSVC PAPU cell control

Parameter name NSVC PAPU cell control

Abbreviated name nsvcPapuCellControl

Planning interface name nsvcPapuCellControl

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Cell control is maintained in the PAPU, which has a NS-

VC to the BSC handling this cell.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value true (1)

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.4.7 nwName (PAPU group name)

Table 47. PAPU group name

Parameter name PAPU group name

Abbreviated name nwName

Planning interface name nwName

Managed object PAPG

56 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 47. PAPU group name (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Network name for the PAPU group.

Allowed characters are space, ?, _, A..Z, 0..9. The first

character must be a letter.

Range and step 1...15 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.4.8 papuGroupConfigurationModel (PAPU group configuration model)

Table 48. PAPU group configuration model

Parameter name PAPU group configuration model

Abbreviated name papuGroupConfigurationModel

Planning interface name papuGroupConfigurationModel

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Configuration model for PAPU group.

Range and step Model1 (1), Model2 (2), Model3 (3)

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 57 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 48. PAPU group configuration model (Continued)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


Model1 ==> 1

Model2 ==> 2

Model3 ==> 3

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.4.9 papuUnitIndex (PAPU unit index)

Table 49. PAPU unit index

Parameter name PAPU unit index

Abbreviated name papuUnitIndex

Planning interface name papuUnitIndex

Managed object PAPG

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 16

Description List of PAPU unit indexes.

The list can include indexes of 2-16 PAPU units.

Range and step 0...16, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


58 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Table 49. PAPU unit index (Continued)

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.5 PAPU Parameters

3.5.1 id (PAPU ID)

Table 50. PAPU ID

Parameter name PAPU ID

Abbreviated name id

Planning interface name ID is part of object's distinguished name.

Managed object PAPU

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Identification (ID) of PAPU (Packet Prosessing Unit)


Range and step 0...16, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 59 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 50. PAPU ID (Continued)

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces SGSN -> RAC

References -

3.5.2 ipAddress (IP Address )

Table 51. IP Address

Parameter name IP Address

Abbreviated name ipAddress

Planning interface name ipAddress

Managed object PAPU

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description IP address.

Range and step 1...15 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces SGSN -> RAC

References -

60 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.5.3 networkResourceIdentifierLenght (Network Resource Identifier


Table 52. Network Resource Identifier length

Parameter name Network Resource Identifier length

Abbreviated name networkResourceIdentifierLenght

Planning interface name networkResourceIdentifierLenght

Managed object PAPU

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you define the length of Network

Resource Identifier in SGSN

Range and step 0...10, step 5

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 0

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.5.4 nriBin (NRI binary)

Table 53. NRI binary

Parameter name NRI binary

Abbreviated name nriBin

Planning interface name nriBin

Managed object PAPU

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 61 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 53. NRI binary (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description NRI value in binary mode.

Range and step 0...1111110000, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.5.5 nriDec (NRI decimal)

Table 54. NRI decimal

Parameter name NRI decimal

Abbreviated name nriDec

Planning interface name nriDec

Managed object PAPU

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description NRI value in decimal mode

Range and step 0...1008, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

62 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 54. NRI decimal (Continued)

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.5.6 nseiList (NSEI List)

Table 55. NSEI List

Parameter name NSEI List

Abbreviated name nseiList

Planning interface name nseiList

Managed object PAPU

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 64

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 63 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 55. NSEI List (Continued)

Description The parameter defines list of NSEIs.

NSEI = decimal number

With this parameter you identify the network service

entity. The NSEI provides the network management
functionality required for the operation of the Gb
interface. The NSEI is used in the SGSN and the BSS
to determine the NS-VCs that provide services to a
base station system GPRS protocol (BSSGP) Virtual
Connection Identifier(s) (BVCI(s)). The value must be
the same in both BSS and SGSN and the value must
be unique in the SGSN. Value range is 0 65535. The
parameter is obligatory. The maximum number of
NSEIs in one PAPU unit is 64. If you give this
parameter, the system outputs all NS-VC data related
to this NSEI. You can enter multiple NSEI values by
using the & and && grouping characters. If you enter
this parameter without any parameter value, the system
outputs all NSEI values without NS-VC data. You can
give only one of the parameters NSVCI, NAME, NSEI
and PAPUin the same command.

Range and step 0...65535, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces SGSN -> RAC

References -

64 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.5.7 sgsnIdentifier (SGSN identifier)

Table 56. SGSN identifier

Parameter name SGSN identifier

Abbreviated name sgsnIdentifier

Planning interface name sgsnIdentifier

Managed object PAPU

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you identify the SGSN that is used
to create the NRI of the PAPU

Range and step 0...31, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 65 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.6 PCM Parameters

3.6.1 id (PCM ID)

Table 57. PCM ID

Parameter name PCM ID

Abbreviated name id

Planning interface name ID is part of object's distinguished name.

Managed object PCM

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Identification (ID) of PCM object.

Range and step 1...2047, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

66 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7 SGSN Parameters

3.7.1 Ln201lMaxOctetNumber (LN201l Maximum Octet Number)

Table 58. LN201l Maximum Octet Number

Parameter name LN201l Maximum Octet Number

Abbreviated name Ln201lMaxOctetNumber

Planning interface name Ln201lMaxOctetNumber

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description LN201I = decimal number

With this parameter you define the maximum number of

octets in information field (N201-I).

Possible values are from 140 to 1520.

Capacity enhancement parameter.

Range and step 140...1520, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 67 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.2 activeRealtimeUserAmount (Active real-time user amount)

Table 59. Active real-time user amount

Parameter name Active real-time user amount

Abbreviated name activeRealtimeUserAmount

Planning interface name activeRealtimeUserAmount

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the limit of PAPUs active real-

time users.

Range and step 0...900, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 0

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features Push to talk over cellular (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.3 allocationRetentionPriority (Allocation/retention priority)

Table 60. Allocation/retention priority

Parameter name Allocation/retention priority

Abbreviated name allocationRetentionPriority

Planning interface name allocationRetentionPriority

Managed object SGSN

68 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 60. Allocation/retention priority (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates allocation/retention priority for

roaming subscriber.

Range and step 1...3, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 3

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features QoS control for roaming subscribers (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.4 allocationRetentionPriority1 (Allocation/retention priority 1)

Table 61. Allocation/retention priority 1

Parameter name Allocation/retention priority 1

Abbreviated name allocationRetentionPriority1

Planning interface name allocationRetentionPriority1

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates how much from real-time

bandwidth can be in use to be possible to allow priority
one subscriber to activate PDP context.

Range and step 0...100, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 69 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 61. Allocation/retention priority 1 (Continued)

Default value 100

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features Push to talk over cellular (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.5 allocationRetentionPriority2 (Allocation/retention priority 2)

Table 62. Allocation/retention priority 2

Parameter name Allocation/retention priority 2

Abbreviated name allocationRetentionPriority2

Planning interface name allocationRetentionPriority2

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates how much from real-time

bandwidth can be in use to be possible to allow priority
two subscriber to activate PDP context.

Range and step 0...100, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 100

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

70 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 62. Allocation/retention priority 2 (Continued)

Related features Push to talk over cellular (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.6 allocationRetentionPriority3 (Allocation/retention priority 3)

Table 63. Allocation/retention priority 3

Parameter name Allocation/retention priority 3

Abbreviated name allocationRetentionPriority3

Planning interface name allocationRetentionPriority3

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates how much from real-time

bandwidth can be in use to be possible to allow priority
three subscriber to activate PDP context.

Range and step 0...100, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 100

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features Push to talk over cellular (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 71 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.7 ansiEnvironment (ANSI Environment)

Table 64. ANSI Environment

Parameter name ANSI Environment

Abbreviated name ansiEnvironment

Planning interface name ansiEnvironment

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The attribute defines if SGSN is operational in ANSI


Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value false (0)

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.8 attachRestriction (Attach Restriction)

Table 65. Attach Restriction

Parameter name Attach Restriction

Abbreviated name attachRestriction

Planning interface name attachRestriction

Managed object SGSN

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 65. Attach Restriction (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description CSAR = identifier

With this parameter you define the non ciphering

subscriber attach restriction in the SGSN. If the SGSN
ciphering mode is disabled, the changes of this
parameter do not effect any attach or routing area
update procedures because the ciphering is not in use.

Possible values are:

Y = 1 attach restriction in use

N = 2 attach restriction not in use

Enhanced ciphering parameter.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 73 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.9 authenticationMode (Authentication Mode)

Table 66. Authentication Mode

Parameter name Authentication Mode

Abbreviated name authenticationMode

Planning interface name authenticationMode

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The usage of authentication.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.10 bvcResetRetries (BVC Reset Retries)

Table 67. BVC Reset Retries

Parameter name BVC Reset Retries

Abbreviated name bvcResetRetries

Planning interface name bvcResetRetries

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

74 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 67. BVC Reset Retries (Continued)

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines the amount of retries in BVC alive procedure.

Range and step 0...255, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.11 bvcResetTimer (BVC Reset Timer)

Table 68. BVC Reset Timer

Parameter name BVC Reset Timer

Abbreviated name bvcResetTimer

Planning interface name bvcResetTimer

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Guards the reset procedure of BVC.

Range and step 1...120 s, step 1 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 75 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 68. BVC Reset Timer (Continued)

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.12 callDetailRecord (Call Detail Record)

Table 69. Call Detail Record

Parameter name Call Detail Record

Abbreviated name callDetailRecord

Planning interface name callDetailRecord

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description CDR = identifier

This parameter is used when deciding whether to

release or cancel the possibly duplicated CDR blocks,
when the Charging Gateway Network Element (CG
NE), to which the CDR blocks are sent, does not
acknowledge in time. If the blocks are released some
duplicated charging data may be produced. If the
blocks are cancelled some charging data may be lost.

Possible values are:

R = 1 release duplicated CDR blocks

C = 0 cancel duplicated CDR blocks.

Charging parameter.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

76 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 69. Call Detail Record (Continued)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.13 cellAccuracyInCharging (Cell Accuracy In Charging )

Table 70. Cell Accuracy In Charging

Parameter name Cell Accuracy In Charging

Abbreviated name cellAccuracyInCharging

Planning interface name cellAccuracyInCharging

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 77 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 70. Cell Accuracy In Charging (Continued)

Description CAC = decimal number

With this parameter you define how the cell accuracy in

charging is performed. If the cell accuracy is in use, it is
performed for all subscribers except roaming ones.

Possible values are:

1 cell accuracy in use for subscriber based (only with

Nokia HLR)

2 cell accuracy in use for all subscribers

3 cell accuracy no in use

Range and step ON subscriber based (1), ON for all subscribers (2),
OFF (3)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


ON subscriber based ==> 1

ON for all subscribers ==> 2

OFF ==> 3

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.14 cipheringMode (Ciphering Mode)

Table 71. Ciphering Mode

Parameter name Ciphering Mode

Abbreviated name cipheringMode

Planning interface name cipheringMode

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The usage of ciphering, allowed/not allowed.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.15 csPagingSendTime (CS Paging Send Time)

Table 72. CS Paging Send Time

Parameter name CS Paging Send Time

Abbreviated name csPagingSendTime

Planning interface name csPagingSendTime

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 79 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 72. CS Paging Send Time (Continued)

Multiplicity 1

Description The time to send the CS paging to the unknown

mobiles after SGSN reset.

Range and step 0...255, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.16 dataCompression (Data Compression)

Table 73. Data Compression

Parameter name Data Compression

Abbreviated name dataCompression

Planning interface name dataCompression

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines data compression.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

80 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 73. Data Compression (Continued)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.17 detachedStorageDay (Detached Storage Day)

Table 74. Detached Storage Day

Parameter name Detached Storage Day

Abbreviated name detachedStorageDay

Planning interface name detachedStorageDay

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter defines how long a subscriber is allowed

to detached before he is deleted from the VLR. This
column includes day value.

Range and step 0...255 day, step 1 day

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 81 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 74. Detached Storage Day (Continued)

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.18 detachedStorageHour (Detached Storage Hour)

Table 75. Detached Storage Hour

Parameter name Detached Storage Hour

Abbreviated name detachedStorageHour

Planning interface name detachedStorageHour

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description This column includes hour value.

Range and step 0...23 h, step 1 h

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

82 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.19 forceToStandby (Force To Standby)

Table 76. Force To Standby

Parameter name Force To Standby

Abbreviated name forceToStandby

Planning interface name forceToStandby

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines whether SGSN commands the MS to stand-by

state after GMM procedures or not.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.20 gbOverIpConfigurationUdp (Gb over IP configuration UDP port)

Table 77. Gb over IP configuration UDP port

Parameter name Gb over IP configuration UDP port

Abbreviated name gbOverIpConfigurationUdp

Planning interface name gbOverIpConfigurationUdp

Managed object SGSN

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 83 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 77. Gb over IP configuration UDP port (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the port which is used to

preconfigure the Gb over IP interface.

Range and step 1...65535, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 49999

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.21 ggsnIPv6NwId (GGSN IPv6 Network Identifier )

Table 78. GGSN IPv6 Network Identifier

Parameter name GGSN IPv6 Network Identifier

Abbreviated name ggsnIPv6NwId

Planning interface name ggsnIPv6NwId

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

84 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 78. GGSN IPv6 Network Identifier (Continued)

Description GNI6 = symbolic text string

With this parameter you define the external network the

GGSN is connected to. In the GPRS backbone, Access
Point Name is a reference to the GGSN to be used.
Different network identifiers are needed for different
PDP types (only IP is supported). GNI string cannot
end with .gprs and cannot start with 'RAC', 'LAC' or

The GGSN Network Identifier is a set of labels

separated by dots (similar to Access Point Name), for
example "". The length of the identifier
ranges from 1 to 63 alphanumeric and special
characters. Allowed characters are

A .. Z, a .. z, 0 .. 9, . and .

Userplane IPv6 parameter.

Range and step 1...64 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 85 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.22 ggsnNwId (GGSN NW ID)

Table 79. GGSN NW ID

Parameter name GGSN NW ID

Abbreviated name ggsnNwId

Planning interface name ggsnNwId

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines to which external network the GGSN is


Range and step 1...63 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.23 ggsnOperatorId (GGSN Operator ID)

Table 80. GGSN Operator ID

Parameter name GGSN Operator ID

Abbreviated name ggsnOperatorId

Planning interface name ggsnOperatorId

Managed object SGSN

86 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 80. GGSN Operator ID (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines in which PLMN GPRS backbone the GGSN is


Range and step 1...37 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.24 gsMode (Gs Mode)

Table 81. Gs Mode

Parameter name Gs Mode

Abbreviated name gsMode

Planning interface name gsMode

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter defines the Gs interface towards to

MSC/VLR exists.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 87 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 81. Gs Mode (Continued)

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.25 guaranteedBitRateForDownlink (Guaranteed bit rate for downlink)

Table 82. Guaranteed bit rate for downlink

Parameter name Guaranteed bit rate for downlink

Abbreviated name guaranteedBitRateForDownlink

Planning interface name guaranteedBitRateForDownlink

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates guaranteed bit rate for data to

downlink for roaming subscriber.

Value range: 0 63, 64 568, step 8 and 576 8640,

step 64.

Range and step 0...8640, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 0

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

88 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 82. Guaranteed bit rate for downlink (Continued)

Related features QoS control for roaming subscribers (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.26 guaranteedBitRateForUplink (Guaranteed bit rate for uplink)

Table 83. Guaranteed bit rate for uplink

Parameter name Guaranteed bit rate for uplink

Abbreviated name guaranteedBitRateForUplink

Planning interface name guaranteedBitRateForUplink

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates guaranteed bit rate for data

from uplink for roaming subscriber.

Value range: 0 63, 64 568, step 8 and 576 8640,

step 64.

Range and step 0...8640, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 50

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features QoS control for roaming subscribers (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 89 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.27 headerCompression (Header Compression)

Table 84. Header Compression

Parameter name Header Compression

Abbreviated name headerCompression

Planning interface name headerCompression

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines header compression.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.28 id (SGSN ID)

Table 85. SGSN ID

Parameter name SGSN ID

Abbreviated name id

Planning interface name ID is part of object's distinguished name.

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

90 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 85. SGSN ID (Continued)

Multiplicity 1

Description Identification (ID) of SGSN object.

Range and step 1...999999, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.29 imeiCheckMode (IMEI Check Mode)

Table 86. IMEI Check Mode

Parameter name IMEI Check Mode

Abbreviated name imeiCheckMode

Planning interface name imeiCheckMode

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The usage of IMEI check.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 91 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 86. IMEI Check Mode (Continued)

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.30 ipAddress (IP Address)

Table 87. IP Address

Parameter name IP Address

Abbreviated name ipAddress

Planning interface name ipAddress

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description IP address of SGSN

Range and step 7...15 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

92 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.31 ipv6HeaderCompression (IPv6 acknowledged data header


Table 88. IPv6 acknowledged data header compression

Parameter name IPv6 acknowledged data header compression

Abbreviated name ipv6HeaderCompression

Planning interface name ipv6HeaderCompression

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description I6HC = identifier

With this parameter you define the IPv6 header

compression. The parameter can have the following

Y = 1 IPv6 header compression on

N = 0 IPv6 header compression off

Userplane IPv6 parameter.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 93 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.32 ipv6UnacknowledgedDataHeaderCompression (Ipv6

unacknowledged data header compression)

Table 89. Ipv6 unacknowledged data header compression

Parameter name Ipv6 unacknowledged data header compression

Abbreviated name ipv6UnacknowledgedDataHeaderCompression

Planning interface name ipv6UnacknowledgedDataHeaderCompression

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates if header compression is used

to IPv6 unacknowledged data.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value false (0)

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.33 licAddress (Address Of Lawful Interception Controllers)

Table 90. Address Of Lawful Interception Controllers

Parameter name Address Of Lawful Interception Controllers

Abbreviated name licAddress

Planning interface name licAddress

Managed object SGSN

94 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 90. Address Of Lawful Interception Controllers (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 5

Description LIC= Address of lawful interception controllers (decimal


With this parameter you define certain LIC. If you have

given the parameter LIC, you have to give at least one
of the following parameters: id, ip, portAddress.

Child parameters licIP


Formula for getting internal -


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References - licIP (IP Address Of The LIC)

Table 91. IP Address Of The LIC

Parameter name IP Address Of The LIC

Abbreviated name licIP

Planning interface name licIP

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 95 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 91. IP Address Of The LIC (Continued)

Description With this parameter you define IP address of the LIC. IP

address contains from 7 to 15 characters ('0'..'9','.'), = LIC not in use.

Enhanced lawful interception parameter.

Range and step 7...15 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces RAC <-> SGSN

RACApp <-> RAC

References - licIdentifier (LIC ID)

Table 92. LIC ID

Parameter name LIC ID

Abbreviated name licIdentifier

Planning interface name licIdentifier

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you define LIC identifier.

0 = LIC not in use

Enhanced lawful interception parameter.

96 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 92. LIC ID (Continued)

Range and step 0...4294967295, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References - licPort (LIC Port Address)

Table 93. LIC Port Address

Parameter name LIC Port Address

Abbreviated name licPort

Planning interface name licPort

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you define port address of the LIC.
Enhanced lawful interception parameter.

Range and step 0...65535, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 97 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 93. LIC Port Address (Continued)

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces RAC <-> SGSN

RACApp <-> RAC

References -

3.7.34 licInterceptionBrowserConnect (LIC Interception Browser Connect)

Table 94. LIC Interception Browser Connect

Parameter name LIC Interception Browser Connect

Abbreviated name licInterceptionBrowserConnect

Planning interface name licInterceptionBrowserConnect

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description LIBC = decimal number

With this parameter you define the maximum number of

LIB connections.

Range and step 0...5, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

98 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.35 licInterceptionControllerConnect (LIC Interception Controller

Connect )

Table 95. LIC Interception Controller Connect

Parameter name LIC Interception Controller Connect

Abbreviated name licInterceptionControllerConnect

Planning interface name licInterceptionControllerConnect

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description LICC = decimal number

With this parameter you define the maximum number of

LIC connections.

Range and step 0...5, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 99 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.36 licSimultaneousInterceptionSubscriber (LIC Simultaneous

Interception Subscriber)

Table 96. LIC Simultaneous Interception Subscriber

Parameter name LIC Simultaneous Interception Subscriber

Abbreviated name licSimultaneousInterceptionSubscriber

Planning interface name licSimultaneousInterceptionSubscriber

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you define the number of

simultaneous intercepted subscribers. Default range is
0-3200, with 640k Subscriper Capacity option the range
is 0-6400 and with 1M Subscriber Capacity option the
range is 0-10000.

Range and step 0...10000, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Special value Lawful interception is not in use (0)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

100 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.37 llcIFramesMax (LLC I Frames Max)

Table 97. LLC I Frames Max

Parameter name LLC I Frames Max

Abbreviated name llcIFramesMax

Planning interface name llcIFramesMax

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description LLCIFM = decimal number

With this parameter you define the maximum number of

outstanding I frames in LLC layer.

Capasity enhancement parameter.

Range and step 1...255, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 101 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.38 llcRetransCount (LLC Retrans Count)

Table 98. LLC Retrans Count

Parameter name LLC Retrans Count

Abbreviated name llcRetransCount

Planning interface name llcRetransCount

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description LLC retransmission count.

Range and step 1...15, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.39 llcRetransTimer (LLC Retrans Timer)

Table 99. LLC Retrans Timer

Parameter name LLC Retrans Timer

Abbreviated name llcRetransTimer

Planning interface name llcRetransTimer

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

102 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 99. LLC Retrans Timer (Continued)

Multiplicity 1

Description LLC retransmission timer.

Range and step 1...4095 s, step 1 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.40 maximumBitRateForDownlink (Maximum bit rate for downlink)

Table 100. Maximum bit rate for downlink

Parameter name Maximum bit rate for downlink

Abbreviated name maximumBitRateForDownlink

Planning interface name maximumBitRateForDownlink

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates maximum bit rate for data to

downlink for roaming subscriber.

Value range: 0 63, 64 568, step 8 and 576 8640,

step 64.

Range and step 0...8640, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 103 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 100. Maximum bit rate for downlink (Continued)

Default value 50

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features QoS control for roaming subscribers (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.41 maximumBitRateForUplink (Maximum bit rate for uplink)

Table 101. Maximum bit rate for uplink

Parameter name Maximum bit rate for uplink

Abbreviated name maximumBitRateForUplink

Planning interface name maximumBitRateForUplink

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates maximum bit rate for data from
uplink for roaming subscriber.

Value range: 0 63, 64 568, step 8 and 576 8640,

step 64.

Range and step 0...8640, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 50

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

104 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 101. Maximum bit rate for uplink (Continued)

Parameter relationships -

Related features QoS control for roaming subscribers (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.42 msReachableTimerMin (MS Reachable Timer Minute)

Table 102. MS Reachable Timer Minute

Parameter name MS Reachable Timer Minute

Abbreviated name msReachableTimerMin

Planning interface name msReachableTimerMin

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Timer for triggering an implicit GPRS detaches for the

mobile. The mobile reachable timer shall be slightly
longer than the periodic RA update timer used by an

Range and step 0...186 min, step 1 min

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 105 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.43 msReachableTimerSec (MS Reachable Timer Sec)

Table 103. MS Reachable Timer Sec

Parameter name MS Reachable Timer Sec

Abbreviated name msReachableTimerSec

Planning interface name msReachableTimerSec

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Timer for triggering an implicit GPRS detaches for the

mobile. The mobile reachable timer shall be slightly
longer than the periodic RA update timer used by an

Range and step 2...59 s, step 1 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Special value Not Defined (0)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

106 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.44 n3Requests (N3 Requests)

Table 104. N3 Requests

Parameter name N3 Requests

Abbreviated name n3Requests

Planning interface name n3Requests

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Counter holding maximum number of attempts made by

GTP to send a signalling request msg.

Range and step 1...7, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.45 n3RequestsCounterForCreatePdpContextRequests (N3-

REQUESTS counter for Create PDP Context Requests)

Table 105. N3-REQUESTS counter for Create PDP Context Requests

Parameter name N3-REQUESTS counter for Create PDP Context


Abbreviated name n3RequestsCounterForCreatePdpContextRequests

Planning interface name n3RequestsCounterForCreatePdpContextRequests

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 107 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 105. N3-REQUESTS counter for Create PDP Context Requests

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the counter that holds the

maximum number of attempts made by the GPRS
Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) to send a Create PDP
Context request message.

Range and step 1...7, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 5

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.46 n3RequestsCounterForDeletePdpContextRequests (N3-REQUESTS

counter for Delete PDP Context Requests)

Table 106. N3-REQUESTS counter for Delete PDP Context Requests

Parameter name N3-REQUESTS counter for Delete PDP Context


Abbreviated name n3RequestsCounterForDeletePdpContextRequests

Planning interface name n3RequestsCounterForDeletePdpContextRequests

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

108 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 106. N3-REQUESTS counter for Delete PDP Context Requests

Description The parameter indicates the counter that holds the

maximum number of attempts made by the GPRS
Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) to send a Delete PDP
Context Request message.

Range and step 1...7, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 5

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.47 n3RequestsCounterForEchoRequestsOfControlPlane (N3-

REQUESTS counter for Echo Requests of control plane)

Table 107. N3-REQUESTS counter for Echo Requests of control plane

Parameter name N3-REQUESTS counter for Echo Requests of control


Abbreviated name n3RequestsCounterForEchoRequestsOfControlPlane

Planning interface name n3RequestsCounterForEchoRequestsOfControlPlane

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the counter that holds the

maximum number of attempts made by the GPRS
Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) to send an Echo Request
message of control plane.

Range and step 1...7, step 1

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 109 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 107. N3-REQUESTS counter for Echo Requests of control plane

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 5

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.48 n3RequestsCounterForIdentificationRequests (N3-REQUESTS

counter for Identification Requests)

Table 108. N3-REQUESTS counter for Identification Requests

Parameter name N3-REQUESTS counter for Identification Requests

Abbreviated name n3RequestsCounterForIdentificationRequests

Planning interface name n3RequestsCounterForIdentificationRequests

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the counter that holds the

maximum number of attempts made by the GPRS
Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) to send an Identification
Request message.

Range and step 1...7, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 5

Default value notes -

Related functions -

110 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 108. N3-REQUESTS counter for Identification Requests (Continued)

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.49 n3RequestsCounterForSgsnContextRequests (N3-REQUESTS

counter for SGSN Context Requests)

Table 109. N3-REQUESTS counter for SGSN Context Requests

Parameter name N3-REQUESTS counter for SGSN Context Requests

Abbreviated name n3RequestsCounterForSgsnContextRequests

Planning interface name n3RequestsCounterForSgsnContextRequests

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the counter that holds the

maximum number of attempts made by the GPRS
Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) to send an SGSN Context
Request message.

Range and step 1...7, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 5

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 111 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 109. N3-REQUESTS counter for SGSN Context Requests (Continued)

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.50 n3RequestsCounterForUpdatePdpContextRequests (N3-

REQUESTS counter for Update PDP Context Requests)

Table 110. N3-REQUESTS counter for Update PDP Context Requests

Parameter name N3-REQUESTS counter for Update PDP Context


Abbreviated name n3RequestsCounterForUpdatePdpContextRequests

Planning interface name n3RequestsCounterForUpdatePdpContextRequests

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the counter that holds the

maximum number of attempts made by the GPRS
Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) to send an Update PDP
Context request message.

Range and step 1...7, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 5

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

112 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.51 n3ResponseTimerForCreatePdpContextRequests (T3-RESPONSE

timer of Create PDP Context Response)

Table 111. T3-RESPONSE timer of Create PDP Context Response

Parameter name T3-RESPONSE timer of Create PDP Context


Abbreviated name n3ResponseTimerForCreatePdpContextRequests

Planning interface name n3ResponseTimerForCreatePdpContextRequests

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the timer that holds the

maximum waiting time for a Create PDP Context
Response message.

Range and step 1...10, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 3

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 113 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.52 n3ResponseTimerForUpdatePdpContextRequests (T3-RESPONSE

timer of Update PDP Context Response)

Table 112. T3-RESPONSE timer of Update PDP Context Response

Parameter name T3-RESPONSE timer of Update PDP Context


Abbreviated name n3ResponseTimerForUpdatePdpContextRequests

Planning interface name n3ResponseTimerForUpdatePdpContextRequests

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the timer that holds the

maximum waiting time for an Update PDP Context
Response message.

Range and step 1...10, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 3

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

114 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.53 nonguaranteedStreamingTrafficQueuePriority (Non-guaranteed

streaming traffic queue priority )

Table 113. Non-guaranteed streaming traffic queue priority

Parameter name Non-guaranteed streaming traffic queue priority

Abbreviated name nonguaranteedStreamingTrafficQueuePriority

Planning interface name nonguaranteedStreamingTrafficQueuePriority

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the weight value for non-

guaranteed streaming traffic queue.

Range and step 0...200, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 200

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features Push to talk over cellular (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.54 nsAliveRetries (NS Alive Retries)

Table 114. NS Alive Retries

Parameter name NS Alive Retries

Abbreviated name nsAliveRetries

Planning interface name nsAliveRetries

Managed object SGSN

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 115 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 114. NS Alive Retries (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines the amount of retries in NS alive procedure.

Range and step 0...255, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.55 nsAliveTimer (NS Alive Timer)

Table 115. NS Alive Timer

Parameter name NS Alive Timer

Abbreviated name nsAliveTimer

Planning interface name nsAliveTimer

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Guards the NSVC test procedure.

Range and step 1...60 s, step 1 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

116 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 115. NS Alive Timer (Continued)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.56 nsBlockRetries (NS Block Retries)

Table 116. NS Block Retries

Parameter name NS Block Retries

Abbreviated name nsBlockRetries

Planning interface name nsBlockRetries

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines the amount of retries in NS block procedure.

Range and step 0...255, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 117 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.57 nsBlockTimer (NS Block Timer)

Table 117. NS Block Timer

Parameter name NS Block Timer

Abbreviated name nsBlockTimer

Planning interface name nsBlockTimer

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Guards the blocking and unblocking procedures of NS-


Range and step 1...30 s, step 1 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.58 nsResetRetries (NS Reset Retries)

Table 118. NS Reset Retries

Parameter name NS Reset Retries

Abbreviated name nsResetRetries

Planning interface name nsResetRetries

Managed object SGSN

118 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 118. NS Reset Retries (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines the amount of retries in NS reset procedure.

Range and step 0...255, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.59 nsResetTimer (NS Reset Timer)

Table 119. NS Reset Timer

Parameter name NS Reset Timer

Abbreviated name nsResetTimer

Planning interface name nsResetTimer

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Guards the reset procedure of NSVC.

Range and step 1...120 s, step 1 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 119 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 119. NS Reset Timer (Continued)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.60 nsTestTimer (NS Test Timer)

Table 120. NS Test Timer

Parameter name NS Test Timer

Abbreviated name nsTestTimer

Planning interface name nsTestTimer

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Periodicity of the NSVC test procedure.

Range and step 1...60 s, step 1 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

120 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.61 nsUnblockRetries (NS Unblock Retries)

Table 121. NS Unblock Retries

Parameter name NS Unblock Retries

Abbreviated name nsUnblockRetries

Planning interface name nsUnblockRetries

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines the amount of retries in NS unblock procedure.

Range and step 0...255, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.62 originatingBSS (Originating BSS)

Table 122. Originating BSS

Parameter name Originating BSS

Abbreviated name originatingBSS

Planning interface name originatingBSS

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 121 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 122. Originating BSS (Continued)

Multiplicity 1

Description OBSS = decimal number

With this parameter you can set the precaution rate of

the overload control for BSS signalling originating load.
Possible values are:

1 keen precaution

2 moderate precaution

3 last-minute precaution

4 no precaution

Overload control parameter.

Range and step KEEN (1), MODERATE (2), LAST-MINUTE (3), NO


Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal

KEEN ==> 1




Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

122 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.63 originatingBackbone (Originating Backbone )

Table 123. Originating Backbone

Parameter name Originating Backbone

Abbreviated name originatingBackbone

Planning interface name originatingBackbone

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description OBB = decimal number

With this parameter you can set the precaution rate of

the overload control for IP backbone originating load.
Possible values are:

1 keen precaution

2 moderate precaution

3 last-minute precaution

4 no precaution

Overload control parameter.

Range and step KEEN (1), MODERATE (2), LAST-MINUTE (3), NO


Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


KEEN ==> 1




Default value -

Default value notes -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 123 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 123. Originating Backbone (Continued)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.64 originatingMSSignalLoad (Originating MS Signal Load)

Table 124. Originating MS Signal Load

Parameter name Originating MS Signal Load

Abbreviated name originatingMSSignalLoad

Planning interface name originatingMSSignalLoad

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description OMS = decimal number

With this parameter you can set the precaution rate of

the overload control for mobile station signalling
originating load. Possible values are:

1 keen precaution

2 moderate precaution

3 last-minute precaution

4 no precaution

Overload control parameters.

Range and step KEEN (1), MODERATE (2), LAST-MINUTE (3), NO


124 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 124. Originating MS Signal Load (Continued)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


KEEN ==> 1




Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.65 originatingSS7SignalLoad (Originating SS7 Signal Load)

Table 125. Originating SS7 Signal Load

Parameter name Originating SS7 Signal Load

Abbreviated name originatingSS7SignalLoad

Planning interface name originatingSS7SignalLoad

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 125 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 125. Originating SS7 Signal Load (Continued)

Description OSS7 = decimal number

With this parameter you can set the precaution rate of

the overload control for SS7 signalling originating load.
Possible values are:

1 keen precaution

2 moderate precaution

3 last-minute precaution

4 no precaution

Overload control parameter.

Range and step KEEN (1), MODERATE (2), LAST-MINUTE (3), NO


Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


KEEN ==> 1




Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

126 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.66 periodicRaUpdateTimerMin (Periodic RA Updates Timer Minute)

Table 126. Periodic RA Updates Timer Minute

Parameter name Periodic RA Updates Timer Minute

Abbreviated name periodicRaUpdateTimerMin

Planning interface name periodicRaUpdateTimerMin

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Timer for monitoring the periodic RA updates timer in

the MS. The periodic RA update timer should not be
longer than the STANDBY timer should.The parameter
indicates the interval of MS periodic RA update. The
value 0 means that the periodic location update is not

Range and step 36...186 min, step 6 min

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 127 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.67 periodicRaUpdateTimerSec (Periodic RA Updates Timer Sec)

Table 127. Periodic RA Updates Timer Sec

Parameter name Periodic RA Updates Timer Sec

Abbreviated name periodicRaUpdateTimerSec

Planning interface name periodicRaUpdateTimerSec

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Timer for monitoring the periodic RA updates timer in

the MS. The periodic RA update timer should not be
longer than the STANDBY timer should.The parameter
indicates the interval of MS periodic RA update. The
value 0 means that the periodic location update is not

Range and step 0...62 s, step 2 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

128 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.68 priorityBuffer1Length (Priority buffer 1 length)

Table 128. Priority buffer 1 length

Parameter name Priority buffer 1 length

Abbreviated name priorityBuffer1Length

Planning interface name priorityBuffer1Length

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the buffer length for the

scheduling priority one Gb buffer as as a percent of the
total memory.

Range and step 5...85, step 5

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 10

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features TCP Optimisation (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.69 priorityBuffer2Length (Priority buffer 2 length)

Table 129. Priority buffer 2 length

Parameter name Priority buffer 2 length

Abbreviated name priorityBuffer2Length

Planning interface name priorityBuffer2Length

Managed object SGSN

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 129 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 129. Priority buffer 2 length (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the buffer length for the

scheduling priority two Gb buffer as as a percent of the
total memory.

Range and step 5...85, step 5

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 20

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features TCP Optimisation (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.70 priorityBuffer3Length (Priority buffer 3 length)

Table 130. Priority buffer 3 length

Parameter name Priority buffer 3 length

Abbreviated name priorityBuffer3Length

Planning interface name priorityBuffer3Length

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the buffer length for the

scheduling priority three Gb buffer as as a percent of
the total memory.

Range and step 5...85, step 5

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


130 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 130. Priority buffer 3 length (Continued)

Default value 30

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features TCP Optimisation (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.71 priorityBuffer4Length (Priority buffer 4 length)

Table 131. Priority buffer 4 length

Parameter name Priority buffer 4 length

Abbreviated name priorityBuffer4Length

Planning interface name priorityBuffer4Length

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the buffer length for the

scheduling priority four Gb buffer as as a percent of the
total memory.

Range and step 5...85, step 5

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 40

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 131 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 131. Priority buffer 4 length (Continued)

Related features TCP Optimisation (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.72 ptmsiSignatureMode (PTMSI Signature Mode)

Table 132. PTMSI Signature Mode

Parameter name PTMSI Signature Mode

Abbreviated name ptmsiSignatureMode

Planning interface name ptmsiSignatureMode

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The usage of PTMSI signature.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

132 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.73 qosGBBuffer (QOS GB Buffer)

Table 133. QOS GB Buffer

Parameter name QOS GB Buffer

Abbreviated name qosGBBuffer

Planning interface name qosGBBuffer

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description QGB = identifier

With this parameter you can set the ERED algorithm to

be used or not used in GB buffer. Possible values are:

Y = 1 ERED in GB buffer in use

N = 0 ERED in GB buffer not in use

Quality of service parameter.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 133 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.74 qosGTPBuffer (QOS GTP Buffer)

Table 134. QOS GTP Buffer

Parameter name QOS GTP Buffer

Abbreviated name qosGTPBuffer

Planning interface name qosGTPBuffer

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description QGTP = identifier

With this parameter you can set the RED algorithm to

be used or not used in GTP buffer. Possible values are:

Y = 1 RED ( Random early detection ) in GTP buffer in


N = 0 RED ( Random early detection ) in GTP buffer not

in use

Quality of service parameter.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

134 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.75 qosSchedulingGBBuffer (QOS Scheduling In GB Buffer)

Table 135. QOS Scheduling In GB Buffer

Parameter name QOS Scheduling In GB Buffer

Abbreviated name qosSchedulingGBBuffer

Planning interface name qosSchedulingGBBuffer

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description QSGB = identifier

With this parameter you can set the scheduling

algorithm to be used or not used. If it is off the weight of
priorities are not used. Possible values are:

Y = 1 scheduling in GB buffer in use

N = 0 scheduling in GB buffer not in use

Quality of service parameter.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 135 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.76 qosSchedulingPriority1 (QOS Scheduling Priority One)

Table 136. QOS Scheduling Priority One

Parameter name QOS Scheduling Priority One

Abbreviated name qosSchedulingPriority1

Planning interface name qosSchedulingPriority1

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description QP1 = decimal number

With this parameter you can set relative capacity of

delay class 1 compared to other classes. Priority on
effects to the delay class one.

Quality of service parameter.

Range and step 25...90 %, step 5 %

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

136 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.77 qosSchedulingPriority2 (QOS Scheduling Priority Two)

Table 137. QOS Scheduling Priority Two

Parameter name QOS Scheduling Priority Two

Abbreviated name qosSchedulingPriority2

Planning interface name qosSchedulingPriority2

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description QP2 = decimal number

With this parameter you can set relative capacity of

delay class 2 compared to other classes. Priority on
effects to the delay class two.

Quality of service parameter.

Range and step 5...45 %, step 5 %

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 137 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.78 qosSchedulingPriority3 (QOS Scheduling Priority Three)

Table 138. QOS Scheduling Priority Three

Parameter name QOS Scheduling Priority Three

Abbreviated name qosSchedulingPriority3

Planning interface name qosSchedulingPriority3

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description QP3 = decimal number

With this parameter you can set relative capacity of

delay class 3 compared to other classes. Priority on
effects to the delay class three.

Quality of service parameter.

Range and step 5...30 %, step 5 %

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

138 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.79 qosSchedulingPriority4 (QOS Scheduling Priority Four)

Table 139. QOS Scheduling Priority Four

Parameter name QOS Scheduling Priority Four

Abbreviated name qosSchedulingPriority4

Planning interface name qosSchedulingPriority4

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description QP4 = decimal number

With this parameter you can set relative capacity of

delay class 4 compared to other classes. Priority on
effects to the delay class four.

Quality of service parameter.

Range and step 0...25 %, step 5 %

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 139 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.80 raPagingArea (RA Paging Area)

Table 140. RA Paging Area

Parameter name RA Paging Area

Abbreviated name raPagingArea

Planning interface name raPagingArea

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description How widely RA paging is done.

Range and step 1...5, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.81 raPagingRepetition (RA Paging Repetition)

Table 141. RA Paging Repetition

Parameter name RA Paging Repetition

Abbreviated name raPagingRepetition

Planning interface name raPagingRepetition

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

140 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 141. RA Paging Repetition (Continued)

Multiplicity 1

Description How many times RA paging is repeated.

Range and step 1...25 s, step 0.1 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value * 10


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.82 readyStateTimerMin (Ready State Timer Minute)

Table 142. Ready State Timer Minute

Parameter name Ready State Timer Minute

Abbreviated name readyStateTimerMin

Planning interface name readyStateTimerMin

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The READY timer controls the time an MS remains in

READY state in the MS and the SGSN. When the
READY timer expires, the MS and SGSN MM contexts
shall return to STANDBY state. If the READY timer
length is set to zero, the MS shall immediately be forced
into STANDBY state. If the timer length is set to all 1s
(binary), then the READY timer function shall be
deactivated, i.e., the timer no longer runs and the MS
remains in READY state.

Range and step 36...186 min, step 6 min

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 141 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 142. Ready State Timer Minute (Continued)

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.83 readyStateTimerSec (Ready State Timer Sec)

Table 143. Ready State Timer Sec

Parameter name Ready State Timer Sec

Abbreviated name readyStateTimerSec

Planning interface name readyStateTimerSec

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The READY timer controls the time an MS remains in

READY state in the MS and the SGSN. When the
READY timer expires, the MS and SGSN MM contexts
shall return to STANDBY state. If the READY timer
length is set to zero, the MS shall immediately be forced
into STANDBY state. If the timer length is set to all 1s
(binary), then the READY timer function shall be
deactivated, i.e., the timer no longer runs and the MS
remains in READY state.

Range and step 0...62 s, step 2 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

142 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 143. Ready State Timer Sec (Continued)

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.84 realtimeBandwidth (Real-time bandwidth)

Table 144. Real-time bandwidth

Parameter name Real-time bandwidth

Abbreviated name realtimeBandwidth

Planning interface name realtimeBandwidth

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the limit of PAPUs total bitrate

capacity used for real-time traffic.

Range and step 0...12500, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 0

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 143 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 144. Real-time bandwidth (Continued)

Related features Push to talk over cellular (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.85 realtimeUserAmount (Real-time user amount)

Table 145. Real-time user amount

Parameter name Real-time user amount

Abbreviated name realtimeUserAmount

Planning interface name realtimeUserAmount

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the limit of real-time users who

can be served by PAPU at the same time.

Range and step 0...20000, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 0

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features Push to talk over cellular (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

144 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.86 redundancyElimination (Redundancy elimination)

Table 146. Redundancy elimination

Parameter name Redundancy elimination

Abbreviated name redundancyElimination

Planning interface name redundancyElimination

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates whether duplicated or already

acknowledged by MS TCP packetsare dropped from
Gb buffer without or with TCP checksum verification or

Range and step ON (0), OFF (1), CHECKSUM (2)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


ON ==> 0

OFF ==> 1


Default value OFF (1)

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features TCP Optimisation (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 145 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.87 retransmission (Retransmission)

Table 147. Retransmission

Parameter name Retransmission

Abbreviated name retransmission

Planning interface name retransmission

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The maximum number of re-transmission times of

GSMS data.

Range and step 1...3, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.88 sgsnOptions (SGSN Options)

Table 148. SGSN Options

Parameter name SGSN Options

Abbreviated name sgsnOptions

Planning interface name sgsnOptions

Managed object SGSN

146 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 148. SGSN Options (Continued)

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 7

Description SGSN Optional Features:

Inverse 24 Bit SPC in Use

Gb over IP

Large RA support

Push to Talk over Cellular

TCP Optimisation

Range and step Inverse 24 Bit SPC in Use (0), Gb over IP (1), Large RA
support (2), Push to Talk over Cellular (4), TCP
Optimisation (6)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


Inverse 24 Bit SPC in Use ==> 0

Gb over IP ==> 1

Large RA support ==> 2

Push to Talk over Cellular ==> 4

TCP Optimisation ==> 6

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces RACApp <-> RAC

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 147 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.89 sgsnPagingArea (SGSN Paging Area)

Table 149. SGSN Paging Area

Parameter name SGSN Paging Area

Abbreviated name sgsnPagingArea

Planning interface name sgsnPagingArea

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description How widely SGSN paging is done.

Range and step 0...5, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.90 t3Response (T3-RESPONSE timer of GTP based charging protocol )

Table 150. T3-RESPONSE timer of GTP based charging protocol

Parameter name T3-RESPONSE timer of GTP based charging protocol

Abbreviated name t3Response

Planning interface name t3Response

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

148 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 150. T3-RESPONSE timer of GTP based charging protocol (Continued)

Multiplicity 1

Description Timer holding maximum wait time for a response

message of signalling request msg.

Range and step 1...10 s, step 1 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.91 t3ResponseTimerOfDeletePdpContextResponse (T3-RESPONSE

timer of Delete PDP Context Response)

Table 151. T3-RESPONSE timer of Delete PDP Context Response

Parameter name T3-RESPONSE timer of Delete PDP Context Response

Abbreviated name t3ResponseTimerOfDeletePdpContextResponse

Planning interface name t3ResponseTimerOfDeletePdpContextResponse

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the timer that holds the

maximum waiting time for a Delete PDP Context
Response message.

Range and step 1...10, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 149 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 151. T3-RESPONSE timer of Delete PDP Context Response

Default value 3

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.92 t3ResponseTimerOfEchoResponseOfControlPlane (T3-RESPONSE

timer of Echo Response of control plane)

Table 152. T3-RESPONSE timer of Echo Response of control plane

Parameter name T3-RESPONSE timer of Echo Response of control


Abbreviated name t3ResponseTimerOfEchoResponseOfControlPlane

Planning interface name t3ResponseTimerOfEchoResponseOfControlPlane

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the timer that holds the

maximum waiting time for an Echo Response message
of control plane.

Range and step 3...15, step 3

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 3

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

150 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 152. T3-RESPONSE timer of Echo Response of control plane

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.93 t3ResponseTimerOfIdentificationResponse (T3-RESPONSE timer

of Identification Response)

Table 153. T3-RESPONSE timer of Identification Response

Parameter name T3-RESPONSE timer of Identification Response

Abbreviated name t3ResponseTimerOfIdentificationResponse

Planning interface name t3ResponseTimerOfIdentificationResponse

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the timer that holds the

maximum waiting time for an Identification Response

Range and step 1...10, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 3

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 151 (174)

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2G SGSN RNW Parameters

3.7.94 t3ResponseTimerOfSgsnContextResponse (T3-RESPONSE timer of

SGSN Context Response)

Table 154. T3-RESPONSE timer of SGSN Context Response

Parameter name T3-RESPONSE timer of SGSN Context Response

Abbreviated name t3ResponseTimerOfSgsnContextResponse

Planning interface name t3ResponseTimerOfSgsnContextResponse

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the timer that holds the

maximum waiting time for an SGSN Context Response

Range and step 1...10, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 3

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.95 t3Tunnel (T3 Tunnel)

Table 155. T3 Tunnel

Parameter name T3 Tunnel

Abbreviated name t3Tunnel

Planning interface name t3Tunnel

152 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 155. T3 Tunnel (Continued)

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines the time when PDUs are forwarded from the
old SGSN to the new SGSN as part of inter SGSN
routing area update procedure.

Range and step 20...60 s, step 1 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.96 tcpRoundTripAdjustment (TCP round trip adjustment)

Table 156. TCP round trip adjustment

Parameter name TCP round trip adjustment

Abbreviated name tcpRoundTripAdjustment

Planning interface name tcpRoundTripAdjustment

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates whether the delaying of TCP

SYN-ACK in MO session or TCP ACK in MT session is
used or not.

Range and step false (0), true (1)

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 153 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 156. TCP round trip adjustment (Continued)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value false (0)

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features TCP Optimisation (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.97 techo (Techo)

Table 157. Techo

Parameter name Techo

Abbreviated name techo

Planning interface name techo

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Timer holding time interval for path validation


Range and step 60...600 s, step 30 s

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

154 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 157. Techo (Continued)

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.98 trafficClass (Traffic class)

Table 158. Traffic class

Parameter name Traffic class

Abbreviated name trafficClass

Planning interface name trafficClass

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates traffic class for roaming




Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal





Default value INTERACTIVE (1)

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 155 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 158. Traffic class (Continued)

Related features QoS control for roaming subscribers (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.99 trafficHandlingPriority (Traffic handling priority)

Table 159. Traffic handling priority

Parameter name Traffic handling priority

Abbreviated name trafficHandlingPriority

Planning interface name trafficHandlingPriority

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates traffic handling priority for

roaming subscriber.

Range and step 1...3, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 3

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features QoS control for roaming subscribers (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

156 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.100 utilDependentCleaning (Util Dependent Cleaning)

Table 160. Util Dependent Cleaning

Parameter name Util Dependent Cleaning

Abbreviated name utilDependentCleaning

Planning interface name utilDependentCleaning

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines the upper limit for the utilisation rate of the VLR
after which the allowed detach time of the subscriber is
decreased to zero.

Range and step 5...100, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Special value Not Defined (0)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.101 utilZeroLimit (Util Zero Limit)

Table 161. Util Zero Limit

Parameter name Util Zero Limit

Abbreviated name utilZeroLimit

Planning interface name utilZeroLimit

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 157 (174)

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2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 161. Util Zero Limit (Continued)

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines the upper limit for the utilisation rate of the VLR
after which the allowed detach time of the subscriber is
decreased to zero.

Range and step 75...100 %, step 1 %

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.102 v42bisUsers (V42bis Users)

Table 162. V42bis Users

Parameter name V42bis Users

Abbreviated name v42bisUsers

Planning interface name v42bisUsers

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Defines max. proportion of users per PAPU that can

have V.42 negotiated for their simultaneously active
PDP contexts.

Range and step 10...100 %, step 10 %

158 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 162. V42bis Users (Continued)

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.103 vlrCleanStartHour (VLR Clean Start Hour)

Table 163. VLR Clean Start Hour

Parameter name VLR Clean Start Hour

Abbreviated name vlrCleanStartHour

Planning interface name vlrCleanStartHour

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Tells the time when VLR subscriber database cleaning

process starts. This column includes hour value.

Range and step 0...23 h, step 1 h

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Special value Not Defined (99)

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 159 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 163. VLR Clean Start Hour (Continued)

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.104 vlrCleanStartMin (VLR Clean Start Min)

Table 164. VLR Clean Start Min

Parameter name VLR Clean Start Min

Abbreviated name vlrCleanStartMin

Planning interface name vlrCleanStartMin

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description This column includes minute value.

Range and step 0...59 min, step 1 min

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

160 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

3.7.105 windowPacing (Window pacing)

Table 165. Window pacing

Parameter name Window pacing

Abbreviated name windowPacing

Planning interface name windowPacing

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates whether the decrease of TCP

acknowledge window size in the UL direction is used or

Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value false (0)

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features TCP Optimisation (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.106 windowPacingDecrementPercent (Window pacing decrement


Table 166. Window pacing decrement percent

Parameter name Window pacing decrement percent

Abbreviated name windowPacingDecrementPercent

Planning interface name windowPacingDecrementPercent

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 161 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 166. Window pacing decrement percent (Continued)

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the decrease value in percent

for the TCP acknowledge window size in the UL

Range and step 5...50, step 5

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 20

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features TCP Optimisation (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.7.107 windowPacingThresholdLevel (Window pacing threshold level)

Table 167. Window pacing threshold level

Parameter name Window pacing threshold level

Abbreviated name windowPacingThresholdLevel

Planning interface name windowPacingThresholdLevel

Managed object SGSN

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description The parameter indicates the threshold level in percent

for Gb buffer.

Range and step 10...90, step 10

162 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 167. Window pacing threshold level (Continued)

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value 60

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features TCP Optimisation (optional)

Interfaces -

References -

3.8 VLA Parameters

3.8.1 id (VLA ID)

Table 168. VLA ID

Parameter name VLA ID

Abbreviated name id

Planning interface name ID is part of object's distinguished name.

Managed object VLA

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Identification (ID) of VLA (VLR to LA Assosiation)


Range and step 0...99, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 163 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 168. VLA ID (Continued)

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.8.2 lacMncMccList (LAC MNC MCC List)

Table 169. LAC MNC MCC List

Parameter name LAC MNC MCC List

Abbreviated name lacMncMccList

Planning interface name lacMncMccList

Managed object VLA

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 200

Description List of LAC, MNC and MCC.

Child parameters locationAreaCode


Formula for getting internal -


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

164 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Radio Network Parameters in SGSN locationAreaCode (LAC)

Table 170. LAC

Parameter name LAC

Abbreviated name locationAreaCode

Planning interface name locationAreaCode

Managed object VLA

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description Location area code

Range and step 1...65533, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References - mobileCountryCode (MCC)

Table 171. MCC

Parameter name MCC

Abbreviated name mobileCountryCode

Planning interface name mobileCountryCode

Managed object VLA

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 165 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 171. MCC (Continued)

Description MCC= Mobile Country Code of PLMN where location

area belongs.

Range and step 1...3 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes Default values is the MCC of own MSCs PLMN.

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References - mobileNetworkCode (MNC)

Table 172. MNC

Parameter name MNC

Abbreviated name mobileNetworkCode

Planning interface name mobileNetworkCode

Managed object VLA

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description MNC = Mobile network code of PLMN where location

area belongs.

Range and step 2...3 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes Default is the MNC of own MSCs PLMN.

Related functions -

Modification Not modifiable

166 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 172. MNC (Continued)

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.8.3 natureOfVlrAddress (Nature Of VLR Address)

Table 173. Nature Of VLR Address

Parameter name Nature Of VLR Address

Abbreviated name natureOfVlrAddress

Planning interface name natureOfVlrAddress

Managed object VLA

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description VNA = identifier

With this parameter you define the nature of the

MSC/VLR address. The parameter can have the
following values:

IN = international network

NA = national network

Range and step National Network (0), International Network (1)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal

National Network ==> 0

International Network ==> 1

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 167 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 173. Nature Of VLR Address (Continued)

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.8.4 tunnelingOfMessages (Tunnelling Of Messages )

Table 174. Tunnelling Of Messages

Parameter name Tunnelling Of Messages

Abbreviated name tunnelingOfMessages

Planning interface name tunnelingOfMessages

Managed object VLA

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description TOM = identifier

With this parameter you define the tunnelling of

messages beyond the Gs interface. If you enter a value
for this parameter, you must also enter values for the
parameters VLR and VISDN.The parameter TOM can
have the following values:

Y = 1 tunnelling of messages in use

N = 0 tunnelling of messages not in use

The default value is N (tunnelling of messages not in


Range and step false (0), true (1)

Formula for getting internal false => 0

value true => 1

Default value -

168 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 174. Tunnelling Of Messages (Continued)

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.8.5 vlrIsdnNumber (VLR ISDN Number)

Table 175. VLR ISDN Number

Parameter name VLR ISDN Number

Abbreviated name vlrIsdnNumber

Planning interface name vlrIsdnNumber

Managed object VLA

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you define the MSC/VLR ISDN

number. The MSC/VLR ISDN number means a VLR

Range and step 1...18 characters

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 169 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 175. VLR ISDN Number (Continued)

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.8.6 vlrSnc (VLR Signalling Network Code)

Table 176. VLR Signalling Network Code

Parameter name VLR Signalling Network Code

Abbreviated name vlrSnc

Planning interface name vlrSnc

Managed object VLA

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

Description With this parameter you define the MSC/VLR signalling

network code. If you enter a value for this parameter,
you must also enter value for the parameters VLR,

Range and step International Network 0 (0), International Network 1 (1),

National Network 0 (2), National Network 1 (3)

Formula for getting internal gui ==> internal


International Network 0 ==> 0

International Network 1 ==> 1

National Network 0 ==> 2

National Network 1 ==> 3

Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

170 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

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Radio Network Parameters in SGSN

Table 176. VLR Signalling Network Code (Continued)

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

3.8.7 vlrSpc (VLR Signalling Point Code)

Table 177. VLR Signalling Point Code

Parameter name VLR Signalling Point Code

Abbreviated name vlrSpc

Planning interface name vlrSpc

Managed object VLA

Parameter group -

Multiplicity 1

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 171 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

Table 177. VLR Signalling Point Code (Continued)

Description With this parameter you define the MSC/VLR signalling

point code. If you enter a value for this parameter, you
must also enter value for the parameters VLR and
VISDN. If VSPC is not given (not in use) then SPC to be
used is derived from VISDN.

If the signalling network uses 14 bit point codes, the

parameter can have the following values:

D'0D'16383 decimal number

03FFF hexadecimal number

If the signalling network uses 24 bit point codes, the

parameter can have the following values:

D'0D'16777215 decimal number

0FFFFFF hexadecimal number

If the value of the parameter is 0, it means that the

signalling point code is not in use. Default is
hexadecimal number.

Range and step 0...16777215, step 1

Formula for getting internal internal_value = gui_value


Default value -

Default value notes -

Related functions -

Modification On-Line

Related parameters -

Parameter relationships -

Related features -

Interfaces -

References -

172 (174) Nokia Corporation DN04191906

Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 2-0 en
Where to find more information

4 Where to find more information

For more information on radio network parameters:

For an overview of the RAC tools and key concepts in radio network
management, refer to Radio Access Configurator Principles.

Database Description for Radio Access Configurator

For a description on the RAML/CM2.0 file format, refer to XML Interface

for Radio Access Planning Data.

For information on terms used in this manual, refer to Glossary.

BSS S11.5 and S12 radio network parameters are listed in BSS RNW

Radio network parameters in MSC are listed in MSC RNW Parameters,

and Radio network parameters in RAC are listed in Non-network RNW

DN04191906 Nokia Corporation 173 (174)

Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
2G SGSN RNW Parameters

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