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Project description
This seismograph will be constructed with an Arduino and a vibration
sensor, said artefact will provide the proportion of seismic data, will
measure daily the changes, intensity and duration of the telluric
movements. Through a mobile application, anyone can know and consult
the data provided by this technological seismograph, which will help us to
take precautions and in turn, to study the times and magnitudes of earth
For its part, the mobile application will have a database that you can access
at any time.
In addition, you can consult this data anywhere in the world as it will be
connected to the internet. For the moment, such data will only be from a
specific territory.

Methodologies that we would apply in our project

Our project wont be too long. So, the team selected two agile
methodologies to develop it.

This methodology to apply a set of good teamwork practices, and get the
best possible result. Its origins are from studies of the way of working of
highly productive teams.
Scrum prioritizes partial and regular deliveries of the final work. So, it is
useful when projects need to get ready results, where requirements are
changing or little undefined, where innovation, competition, flexibility and
productivity are essential.
Scrum is also prepared on situations when there isnt any usefully
deliverable, deliveries are too long and with problems in the teamwork.

Scrum Roles
Product Owner
Is the responsible for managing the Product Backlog and ensures the
business value of the product.
There are some Product Owner skills:

Product owner needs to understand the feature/program from the

point of view of end-user, not from the point of view of the developer.
The Product owner is responsible for the product, from a business
point of view.
His focus is on ROI (return on investment).
He solves problems, complete trade-off analysis and makes decisions
to stay on business deliverable commitment track.
He expresses the voice of the customers.
He collaborates with stakeholders during the concept development
and visioning of the product.
Scrum Master
Is the responsible on care the teams work, this is the reason of why is
named the teams leader. He evaluates the teams performance during the
sprint development and give the recommendations to get better on the next
The are some Scrum Master skills:

Scrum Master coordinate with his team friendly to make an ideal

team for agile development.
Scrum Master improve the product quality.
He protects his team from any distraction and helps them to stay
focused and follow agreed-upon rules for scrum meetings.
He helps Product Owner to maximize ROI to meet his objectives
through the scrum.
He removes barriers between from product owner and development
Scrum Master accepts tasks and encourages his team to meet the
He has the full authority all over the process.
Scrum master Cooperate with the
Organization, to track the companys
progress and process.
He helps his team to understand self-
management and cross-functionality.
He provides constant guidance to his
Scrum team
It is a collection of individuals working together
to deliver the requested and committed
product increments. They are responsible on develop the project through
the scrum properties. To get better performance, each member has to work
as a team.
There are some characteristics of a Scrum team:

Team members share the same norms and rules.

The Scrum team as a whole is accountable for the delivery.
The team is empowered.
The team is working as autonomous as it is possible.
Is self-organizing.
There arent any sub-teams.

The project is executed in temporary blocks between 2 and 4 weeks. Each
sprint has to give us a complete result.
Sprint planning
The first one consists of two parts:
1. Selection of requirements: The team meets with the client. This is the
moment when the team selects the most important requirements to
complete in the iteration.
2. Iteration planning: The tem elaborates the activities to do in the
iterative to develop the selected requirements.
Daily meeting
Lasts 15 minutes. Each member inspect what do the other one is doing to
make necessaries adaptations to meet the objective. There are three
important questions:
1. What have I done since the last sync meeting?
2. What am I going to do from this moment?
3. What impediments do I have or will I have?
The team explains to the Product Owner and the Scrum Master how do they
work, identifies and deletes obstacles, and improve the project knowledge.
Sprint Development Work
We should to assume this points:

There arent any changes that affect objectives.

The quality doesnt get off.
The scope may be clarified and renegotiated between the Product
Owner and the development Team as it is being learned.
Demo (Review meeting)
The sprint has finished. The team and interested collaborate during the
review of what did they do in the development.
There are some elements:

The Product Owner invites the Scrum team and interested.

The Product Owner identify which things did they do and which didnt
they do.
The team discuss what went well and what went wrong and how did
they resolve them.
The Product Owner analyses the recent product backlog state and
determinates the finishing date.
They make some revisions to the next Sprint Development.

Sprint retrospective
Is the opportunity where the team analyzes them and create an
improvement plan to implement in the next sprint. The purpose of the Sprint
retrospective is:

Review how the last Sprint was in terms of people, relationships,

processes and tools;
Identify and organize key issues that went well and potential
improvements, and
Create a plan for implementing improvements regarding how the
Scrum Team does its job.

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