Security Against Freaky Enemies (S.A.F.E.) Drone 5000: Contact Information

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Security Against Freaky

Enemies (S.A.F.E.) Drone


Contact Information
S.A.F.E. Protection Agency
Fax: 505-487-6623
Phone Number: 1-505-675-2041
Address: Bluth Rd. 1023 Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003

The time that we all feared has come and in a matter of months we could all be dead. The
zombie infection is spreading all around the world. Even though their numbers are low it is only
a matter of time until they reach your location. When a zombie infects a human they contract a
virus and turn into a zombie, multiplying the infection through this vicious cycle. One of the
hardest tasks that will come up will be how you continue to support your family while staying
safe. Zombies sense rapid heartbeat, even if they cannot see you, they know you are there.
Once that happens only time can tell when they will find you.

Simple Solution
Through a lot of research and investigation by a highly trained team of engineers, and chemists
a goal has been established. That being, if there was a way that a person could leave their
house with little fear knowing that they will return. An object like that may sound to good to be
true, but this proposal is meant to show that it is not, this new innovative technology is ready
help save lives by allowing safe movement in zombie ridden areas. A drone with a live time
camera, equipped with a chemical (Tabun) that kills the zombies, is the object that will keep us
safe and alive.

After conducting extensive research we are requesting the approval to start production on the
S.A.F.E. Drone 5000. We have decided to make 1000 units before we start commercially selling
them. Once we determine how well these products sell we will be able to adjust the rate of
production. We have already created the prototype and tested its effectiveness in various
situations. After many safety and quality tests our company concluded that the drone is very
effective. We are eager to start production in efforts to save and protect civilians from zombies.

Project Plan
We introduce our S.A.F.E. Drone 5000. The S.A.F.E. Drone 5000 weighs 3.5 pounds, can fly up
to 45 mph and is 350mm long (excluding the blades). Our drones job will be to help as well as
protect the owner from zombies from safe distances. It will allow the owner to head in a safe
direction which can let them to do things like get resources or meet up with other people without
the worry of zombies on their mind. The S.A.F.E. Drone 5000 is unlike any other. The drone will
contain a camera that is linked to the remote controller. The remote controller has an LCD
screen that will allow you to see exactly what the drone sees at the same time it is happening
with no delays. The drone can be flown over a hoard of zombies at a safe distance (see manual
for an exact distance that is safe) and with the press of the button that is located on the remote
will release a gas called tabun. Tabun is a gas that blocks nerve connections in the brain which
will immobilize the zombies helping the owner pass through that area without any harm. The
main attribute the Drone will have for you is saving your life in these hard times.
S.A.F.E. 5000 Drone is A Ready To Fly System that includes:

Remote: The remote controller has many features,

making it overall easy to use and handle. The base
of the remote it made of stainless steel and has
rubber on the sides for better grip. Protruding from
the back of the remote is a LCD screen that will show
the user exactly what is being seen by the drone at
the exact same moment it is happening. It has a
power button to the left of the center and a gas
release button to the right of the center. The drones
movement can be controlled by either two ways, by
using the joysticks or the directional pad (D- pad).
The last feature on the remote is a battery level
indicator towards the bottom of the remote.
Depending on how many lights are turned on, the
user will know how much battery life the drone and
the remote still have. The remote control is the key to
maneuver the drone right on top of a hoard of
zombies, that will then lead you to a safe path on your
way to
gather more materials needed for your survival during
the zombie apocalypse.

Blades: The blades or propellers are located on the top

of the drone. They are made of plastic and are 12.7 cm
long. By themselves they weigh 11 grams. They have
propeller guards attached to them to prevent them from
breaking so easily from the many encounters they will
come upon. They have a powerful thrust and are well
balanced. The blades work together to give the drone
up to a speed of 45 mph. Which is more than fast
enough to get to where it needs to be and do its job properly. (Phantom 4,

Camera: The camera attached under the drone and weighs 1 pound by
itself (DroneNerds, 2017). It can be detached from the drone to things like
clean it, or change the lens or for total replacement of the camera for a
new one. The camera can work at night for people that want to get
necessary things during night time. The camera is a first-person view
camera that will display exactly what the drone captures on camera on the
LCD screen with no delays. The camera function in the drone is helping
the owner pinpoint where the zombies are exactly to avoid them from going in that path or
choosing to immobilize the zombies with the gas at a push of a button.

Nerve gas: Attached to the bottom of the drone is an

aerosol can containing a G-series nerve agent (Tabun).
This nerve agent is a liquid at room temperature so it is
pressurized into a can in order to be easily dispersed over
zombie hordes. The dimensions of this container are 15
cm by 90 cm. We have designed the can to be small and
light, in effort of preventing aerodynamic . The toxic nerve
agent causes immobilization of zombies by shutting down
their main neurological pathways, inhibiting synapses and
neutralizing their movement (Murray, 2003). Depending on
the population density of zombies in an area, our nerve
gas can eliminate anywhere from 800,000 to 2,000,000
zombies with a single can (Still, 2005). There is enough
gas to cover up to one square kilometer in nerve agent,
which is more than enough to protect a family or group.

Drone Body: The S.A.F.E. Drone 5000s body is made from aluminum metal. There are
portions of the drone that have durable plastic sheets on top of the metal to protect it from harsh
weather or crashes that it may encounter while flying or landing. It is relatively light, weighing at
under 4 pounds. This makes the drone highly portable for someone that will need to relocate at
any unknown moment. The design of the drone better suits the job by being so portable as well
as durable.

Charger: The charger will enable the drone a battery life lasting 4 hours for both the drone itself
and the remote controller. The drone will be charged by means of solar power. The battery for
both the drone and the remote, on the side of it have solar panels that will automatically charge
the battery when exposed to sun rays. Because there can be cases of unfortunate weather
where there is no sun, the drone comes with multiple battery packs that are fully charged so the
owner can be swapping them in and out with fully charged batteries.

Qualifications and Experience:

The founders of S.A.F.E. (Security Against Freaky Enemies) Protection Agency consists of the
four leading Specialists.

Natalia Ankiewicz Lead drone designer/ Manufacturer

Erika Anaya Lead Programmer/Computer scientist
Marisa Ronquillo Health and Safety Engineer/Technical Specialist
Jordan Salas Lead Chemical engineer

Our team of qualified professionals are leaders in their fields of study and wish to make
a difference by reducing the spread of zombie infection. After the initial zombie endemic in
Florida our companys grant for drone production was approved by the United States
Department of Health and Human Services for protecting high ranking individuals in the
Government. S.A.F.E. 5000 drones will increase civilian protection and are recommended when
scouting or looking for precious resources such as food and water. Our cutting edge drone
technology has the potential to save millions of lives and enable people to avoid the imminent
threat of being infected. This novel product is unlike any other zombie survival equipment on the
market, as it gives you real time video information and immobilizes any possible threat.


Granted drones are expensive, but the investment is invaluable when in comparison with a
human life. Our technology will help humanity to survive during the zombie apocalypse and
thrive. Below is table 1 which shows all the researched prices for each attachment and the body
of the drone itself .

Items Estimated Prices

Drone (including: camera, remote, screen, $2,500-$3,000

battery, battery charger and power cable)

Solar Powered Batteries $20-$30

Guards/Protection for the Drone (Propeller $20-$30


Gas (per square kilometer) $500-$600

Total $3,040-$3,660

Safety Precautions

This drone is safe in many ways and is used to protect people but there are certain precautions
that one must take while using the S.A.F.E. Drone 5000. The gas that is used on this device is a
hazardous substance for both zombies and human beings. There are certain requirements that
the pilot must take under consideration during operation, so that they can reduce the chance of
accidental exposure. The pilot and civilians should stay at a safe distance of a half mile
radius when using the nerve agent (Murray, 2003.). If a human is exposed to the
nerve gas they must be administered three injections of a nerve agent antidote, such as
atropine or pralidoxime chloride. The antidote must be administered to the patient within 20
minutes to two hours following the exposure to the gas to reduce possible health complications
(CDC, 2015).


The S.A.F.E. Drone can help people during a time when its almost impossible to survive. The
drone can view what is going on in the outside world, release a gas that immobilizes your
enemies, in this case, the zombies and allows you to be able to be productive at a safe distance
so that others and yourself can survive. Since our product allows humans to be able to travel
without them being worried of scared of the zombies that area it will help in the process of
survival. If we have more people surviving the apocalypse, humanity can grow and sooner or
later take the world back. If you say yes, our product will aid the surviving humans of the
apocalypse to live and stay strong. In the end, hopefully our product will aid in defeating the
zombies once and for all so that we can rebuild our civilization and start anew.

Thank you for your time and I hope you pick our product to help use develop the technology
more. If you have any questions about our drone or our company, you can either go to our
website at or call use at 1-505-675-2041. Thank you and good day!

Andrew Couts, December 3, 2008. Drone Hack, Retrieved from,, on April, 18, 2017.

DroneNerds, (2017). Phantom 4 Gimbal/Camera Replacement. Retrieved from
on April 25, 2017.

Murray, M. J. (2003, December 8). Chemical Weapons Compromise Provider Safety

Japanese Tabun Attacks Illustrate Huge Potential Risks and Economic Stress.
Retrieved April 20, 2017, Retrieved from

Phantom 4 Pro+. (2017). Retrieved from,
HAQ, on April 18, 2017.

Phantom 4-Propeller Guards. (2017) Retrieved from,
R46bdQ-S1q9LgDmLQaAplI8P8HAQ, on April 18, 2017.

Still, K. G., Dr. (2005, February). Crowd Safety and Risk Analysis. Retrieved April 23,
2017, from

CDC. (2015) TABUN (GA) : Nerve Agent antidote. Retrieved April 25, 2017, from

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