Group B

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Group B Spring/ Summer Practicum

Effective starting 2014 cohort (77- 83 credits)


# optional Counseling 507 courses
SCHOOL PROGRAM Track I & II are scheduled each term.
pre- 541 Intro To Counseling 3
requisite 530 Intro to Psych Diag 3
545 Youth at Risk -3

1ST 551 Theories and Interventions I - 3 567 Using Tests in Counseling - 3 585 Diagnosis and Treatment 581 Multicultural Issues - 3
YEAR 569 Developmental Foundations - 3 566 Appraisal Instruments - 1 Plan. I 3
576 Parents, Families, & 526 Effective Teaching 2^^ 526 Effective Teaching 2^^
Communities in Schools 3 555 Coun Children & Youth 3# 509 Practicum: Group (ETC) 1$
526 Effective Teaching - 3 570 Legal & Ethical Issues 3

2ND 531 Foundations of Sub Abuse - 3 547 Legal & Ethical Issues in School 509 Practicum 3* 509 Practicum 3
YEAR 571 Group Counseling 3 Counseling 1 543 IPR II: Counseling Skills 3* 504 Internship 1
596 Foundations of Sch Coun 3 527 Counseling Individuals with 568 Career & Lifestyle Planning 3 507 Crisis Intervention -1
Diverse Needs 3 507 Applied Suicide Intervention -
582 Research & Program 1
Evaluation in Coun 3~
507 Grief and Loss for Coun - 1
502 Independent Study -1
3RD 504 Internship 3* 504 Internship 4* 504 Internship 4*
YEAR 509 Practicum: Peer Supervision - 1 509 Practicum: Peer 589 Action Research in Coun 2*
580 Supervision 1^ Supervision 1
589 Action Research 2* 589 Action Research in Coun 1*
507 Trauma Informed Services -1

*Must be taken concurrently

^^Track II without teaching experience during first year. The 200 hour teaching requirement must be completed before beginning the Internship experience.
^ Must be taken prior to supervising in Practicum Clinic (1 st weekend of term).
~ COUN 581 & 582 are offered both in winter & summer terms, but only need to be taken once.
$ Group Practicum is taken ONLY 1 term in conjunction with ETC (see ETC appendix for more information)

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