Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Cavity Layout Design for a Multi-Cavity Die-Casting


The determination of a system for cavity layout design for a multi-cavity die-

casting die is described in this chapter. As discussed in the last chapter, the cavity

layout design has two stages, first, design of a cavity which takes care of the shrinkage

and draft allowance, and second, determining the number of cavities and arranging

those in the die. The system is therefore divided into two modules, namely cavity

design, and cavity layout design.

This chapter is organized into the following sections. Section 3.1 presents a

cavity design module which deals with the design of a cavity for a given part product

model considering shrinkage and draft requirements. Section 3.2 discusses cavity layout

design module, which determines the number of cavities, selects the type of feeding

system and layout pattern for the cavities, orients and places the cavities, and also

selects a suitable die-base. Section 3.3 discusses system implementation and results.

Lastly, Section 3.4 discusses conclusions drawn from the research work presented in

this chapter.

3.1 Cavity Design

The recess or impression in a die in which the casting is formed is called the

cavity [85]. Design of a cavity is important because of its direct impact on the quality of

parts produced. The cavity design module provides shrinkage allowance to compensate

the material shrinkage, and draft allowance for easy ejection of a part from the die. The

cavity design module of the developed system consists of two sub-modules Apply

Shrinkage Allowance and Apply Draft Allowance. These sub-modules of the cavity

design module are discussed in the following paragraphs.

3.1.1 Apply shrinkage allowance

Design of a cavity requires application of shrinkage allowance, which is added

to the dimensions of the die-cast part. The shrinkage allowance compensates the

material shrinkage of the solidified die-cast part, which is due to the difference between

the die temperature and the solidification temperature of the die-cast material.

Determination of shrinkage allowance for a die-cast part and its subsequent application

on its geometric model is computationally intensive. A number of factors such as: part

material, die temperature, and primary shape and size of the part should be taken into

account to calculate the value of shrinkage allowance for a given die-cast part.

Furthermore, application of shrinkage allowance in a CAD system is done interactively

by editing the part model. However, both determination and application of shrinkage

allowance for a die-cast part require much time and effort of the die-designer.

In the developed system, an attempt has been made to determine and apply

shrinkage allowance in an automated manner for a given die-cast part. Apply shrinkage

allowance sub-module of the developed system is responsible for two tasks (i)

determine the applicable shrinkage rate, and (ii) apply shrinkage allowance on a die-

cast part. The application of shrinkage allowance here means that the dimensions of the

part are scaled at the system determined rate. This functionality of the developed system

has an advantage that manual scaling of the part model is no longer required.

The apply shrinkage allowance sub-module is developed using Scale function

of SolidWorks API. The shrinkage allowances is determined using the formula

developed by Choi et al. [32]. The information about die-casting alloy properties is

derived from the database, which has been sourced from references [86, 87]. The

application of shrinkage allowance on the die-cast part CAD model is carried out in two

steps. As a first step, a reference point is selected which is nothing but centroid of the

part. In the second step, the part is uniformly scaled in three orthogonal directions by

applying the system determined shrinkage allowance. The developed system is flexible

in the sense that the user has the option to either go with the shrinkage allowance

suggested by the system or to provide another desired rate.

A dialogue box named apply shrinkage allowance is displayed in Figure 3.1,

which helps in executing this sub-module. An example part, on which shrinkage

allowance was applied, is also shown in Figure 3.2. The dotted line shows actual size of

the cavity, and the outer thick line indicates the cavity size after applying shrinkage


Fig. 3.1: Apply shrinkage allowance dialogue box

Fig. 3.2: An example part with shrinkage allowance

After shrinkage allowance is applied, draft allowance is provided to the part, the

procedure for which is discussed in the next section. The information flow diagram of

the cavity design module, which performs the functions of apply shrinkage allowance

and apply draft allowance is shown in Figure 3.3.

3.1.2 Apply draft allowance

Draft allowance is the amount of taper or slope given to the cores or other parts

of the cavity to permit easy ejection of the casting from the die-casting die [55]. Draft

allowance is highly desirable on the surfaces parallel to the direction of die opening

because it facilitates ejection by allowing the die-cast part to be released easily from the

die. The value of draft allowance is normally defined by the degree of taper of a

sidewall or rib. The draft requirement, expressed as an angle, is not uniform for every

part or material. It depends on many factors, such as type of wall (outside/inside/hole),

depth of surface, and the die-casting alloy.

Load Part

Set Coordinate System

Select Material
Determine Shrinkage Allowance

Apply Shrinkage Allowance

Is Shrinkage


Specify New Value of Shrinkage Allowance

Part with Shrinkage


Determine Draft Allowance Material


Apply Draft Allowance

Yes Is Draft


Specify New Value of Draft Allowance

Part with Draft

Fig. 3.3: Information flow diagram of the cavity design module

The system determines applicable draft allowance for the die-cast part using the

formula given in the reference [87]. The formula, which is applicable for standard

tolerances achievable under normal production conditions, is mentioned in Equation


= (3.1)

where, L = Depth or height of the part feature from the neutral plane2 parallel to

parting direction in mm;

= Draft angle in degree;

= Constant, based on the type of feature and the die-casting alloy.

Table 3.1 provides the value of constant C for different materials and geometrical


Table 3.1: Values of constant "C" by features and depth for standard tolerances [87]

Material Inside wall Outside wall Hole

Zinc / ZA 9.90 19.80 6.75
Magnesium 7.00 14.00 4.76
Aluminium 6.00 12.00 4.68
Copper 4.90 9.90 3.33

Apply draft allowance sub-module of the cavity design module is used to

apply draft to the faces parallel to the parting direction. It is assumed that the parting

direction is already known to the user, which in the present system is taken along the Y-

axis. After shrinkage allowance has been applied, apply draft sub-module is activated

and the user is prompted to provide the information required by the system. The user

needs to select the neutral plane interactively, which is basically a reference plane or

A reference plane or face of the part along which the draft allowance is calculated and applied is known
as neutral plane. The value of draft allowance is zero at neutral plane.

face of the part along which the draft allowance is calculated and applied. The system

differentiates between the outside and inside walls of the part. All the outer faces

connected to the neutral plane are known as outside walls and all the inner faces

connected to neutral plane are known as inside walls. SolidWorks API provides the

facility to distinguish between inside and outside walls of the part model. The system

can select multiple faces of the part model with the help of SolidWorks API function

select multi faces_inside/outside. This functionality of the developed system has the

added advantage that the application of draft allowance is no longer required to be

given manually. A snapshot of the GUI of the apply draft allowance sub-module is

shown in Figure 3.4.


Fig. 3.4: A snapshot of GUI for Apply Draft Allowance with part model and neutral
plane position

The system displays the value of the draft angle for outside walls through the

GUI (see Figure 3.4). The user may either proceed with the system suggested draft

angle or alternatively provide another draft angle as per the requirement. The draft

angle applied to the inside walls is double that of the outside walls of the die-cast part.

The application of the draft allowance on an example part model is shown in Figure 3.5.




Fig. 3.5: Example part model with draft on outside and inside walls of the die-cast part.

After shrinkage allowance and draft allowance is applied on the die-cast part,

the next module is the cavity layout design, which is discussed in the next section.

3.2 Cavity Layout Design

The systematic arrangement of the cavity (or cavities) with usual clearances in a

die is called cavity layout. A die-casting die can have one or higher number of cavities.

A die with one cavity is called a single cavity die; a single-cavity die is normally

designed for fairly large sized parts. When a die contains more than one cavity, it is

called a multi-cavity die; a multi-cavity die is often used for small size parts to make

full use of the available space in the die. It is always more economical to use a multi-

cavity die-casting die so that more number of parts can be produced in a single process

cycle. Using a multi-cavity die often reduces per unit cost of the die-cast parts, besides

increasing productivity. Reinbacker [88] suggested that on a per part cost basis, two

cavities provide little saving, eight cavities cost 25% less and 64 cavities have an

associated cost reduction of 60%.

Design of cavity layout is crucial for deciding other downstream activities

related to die-casting design and its manufacturing. Previous research attempts [39, 42]

for cavity layout design, use the case based approach and pre-loaded database, and their

applications are limited. Use of generative approach for design of cavity layout has

many advantages, but has not been given much attention. Some advantages of the

generative approach when applied to the die-casting die-design are: accurate orientation

and placement of cavities, less dependency on the designers experience, and no need of

database of previous cases.

The design of cavity layout for a multi-cavity die-casting die involves below

mentioned activities, the information flow for which is shown in Figure 3.6.

i. Determine the number of cavities,

ii. Select type of feeding system and layout pattern,

iii. Orient and place the cavities, and

iv. Design of die-base

Select type of
Determine the feeding system Orient and place Design of
number of and layout the cavities die-base
cavities pattern

Fig. 3.6: A schematic showing steps of the cavity layout design module

These activities represent the sub-modules of the cavity layout design module,

which are discussed in the following paragraphs.

3.2.1 Determination of number of cavities

The number of cavities in a die is primarily affected by four factors, namely

delivery requirements, allowable production cost, specifications of the selected

machine, and part geometric shape. The first two factors of delivery requirement and

allowable production cost are dependent on dynamic market conditions, which a

designer must review based on the latest information. The machine parameters, such as

clamping (or locking) force, maximum flow rate, and machine platen size restrict the

number of cavities that can be used on a die-casting machine. The number of undercuts

also affects the maximum number of cavities that can be arranged in the die, and their

orientation. Therefore the selected number of cavities should not only fulfill the

delivery requirements, but also need to be economically acceptable, technically

permissible and geometrically feasible. The following paragraphs describe the

procedure to find the number of cavities based on the criteria of delivery date,

production cost, machine parameters, and part geometry. Delivery date [ ]

The number of cavities in a die-casting die must ensure that the order can be

fulfilled within the available time period. The minimum number of cavities for meeting

the delivery date can be determined using the relationship given by Menges et al. [89].

= (3.2)

where, = Rejection factor (1.05), = Die-casting process cycle time

(sec), = Lot size, = Time available for production (sec).

Die-casting process cycle time for each part is sum of the time taken by the die-

casting process and trimming process. The system calculates the die-casting process and

trimming process cycle time by following the procedure given by Boothroyd et al. [86],

which uses information of the part geometry and material.

61 Part manufacturing cost [ ]

The optimal number of cavities to be used in a die-casting die can be determined

by first calculating the most economical number of cavities and then evaluating the

physical constraints of the equipment to ensure that economical number of cavities is

practically feasible. Dewhurst and Blum [43] proposed a method to calculate the

optimum number of cavities based on economic criteria that has been used in the


= (3.3)
( + )

where, = Lot Size, = Minimum casting machine rate ($/hr), = Die casting

machine cycle time (hr), = Trim press and operator rate ($/hr), = trimming cycle

time (hr), = Cost of single-cavity die-casting die ($), = Cost of single aperture trim

die ($), = Multi-cavity die cost exponent (0.7). Machine parameters [ ]

The die-casting machine parameters also put a limit on the maximum number of

cavities. This is because of the reason that the number of cavities depends on die-

casting machine parameters like clamping (locking) force, maximum flow rate and

machine platen size (or machine size). Following paragraphs discuss the determination

of number of cavities based on the machine parameters.

Clamping force [ ]

The force applied by the machine must exceed the pushing force generated

within the die in order to hold two die halves together [90]. The maximum number of

cavities is calculated using the procedure laid down by Boothroyd et al. [86].

= (3.4)

where, = Maximum clamping force (N), = Projected area of each cavity, its

overflow and runner (mm2), = Maximum metal pressure (MPa), = Factor of safety

against flashing (1.75).

The system takes as 1.75 times the projected area of individual cavity to

accommodate the overflow and runner area [86].

Maximum flow rate [ ]

The flow rate means the volume of molten metal that is pushed into the cavity

per second by shot system of the die-casting machine. The flow rate required for filling

the cavity should not be more than the machine capacity [90]. The maximum number of

cavities is determined using Equation 3.5.

= (3.5)

where, = Volume of molten metal that is pushed into the cavity by shot

system (mm3), = Volume of each cavity, its overflow, runner and gate, etc. (mm3).

The system calculates the volume of each cavity, its overflow and runner, , by

using Equation 3.6 [86].

= (1 + 2/) (3.6)

where, is the average wall thickness of the die-cast part (mm) and is the

volume of cavity (mm3).

Machine size [ ]

The distance between the tie bars of the machine decides the maximum size of

the die that can be used on it. When choosing the number of cavities, one should assure

that all cavities be contained within the die, and that adequate margins be provided.

Assuming that the cavities are arranged in a rectangular array in the die, the maximum

number of cavities is found by the procedure laid down by Fuh et al.[12].

= ( ) ( ) (3.7)
+ 0.5 + 0.5

where, and are the allowable maximum length and width of the die

used (mm), and are the length and width of the cavity (mm), =

Minimum margin between the edges of the die and cavity (mm), = Minimum

distance between the cavities (mm), and ( ) is a mathematical function to round off

the given numeral to an integer.

The number of cavities accounting for all the three machine parameters is found

using Equation 3.8.

[ ]= Minimum of ( , and ) (3.8) Part geometric features [ ]

In addition to the machine constraints, the maximum number of cavities also

depends upon the number of side-cores (or side-pulls) and their location, which factors

also need to be considered. The maximum number of cavities applicable to a given

design is found by applying well practiced rules followed in the industry. For example,

a part having undercuts on four sides is limited to a single-cavity die, whereas a part

having undercuts on three sides is limited to two-cavity die. Selection of number of cavities

Once the number of cavities is calculated based on the factors of delivery date,

part manufacturing cost, machine parameters, and part geometrical details, the next step

is to use this information to select the most suitable number of cavities. The information

flow diagram to find most suitable number of cavities is shown in Figure 3.7 and is

discussed in following paragraphs.

The system takes CAD file of the part as input and extracts required information

such as volume, and envelope size from it. Other information about projected area,

longest part depth, number of undercuts and their position, lot size, delivery date,

material and dies cost is provided by the user interactively.

The longest part depth is first checked against the machine clamp stroke by

using the method proposed by Blum [91]. This is done to ensure that the selected

machine is technically permissible. The selected machine is then used to determine the

number of cavities ( ) using other previously discussed machine parameters,

namely clamping force, maximum flow rate and machine size. If the selected number of

cavities ( ) is technically permissible, economically acceptable and also meets the

time limitations, is selected as the number of cavities, else next machine with

higher capacity is selected from the machine database, and its suitability is checked. As

a next step, the geometrically feasible number of cavities ( ) is also determined

following the procedure mentioned in section The lower number out of

and is selected as the number of cavities. The developed system is supported by

the machine and material databases; Table 3.2 and Table 3.3 provide representative

machine and material databases.

The next activity in the cavity layout design module is the selection of type of

feeding system and cavity layout pattern, which are discussed in the next section.


CAD File

User Interface

Part Feature


Check for Die Opening

Re-select Material

Select Machine


Is > ?


Is N >N ?


Number of Cavities
= min (N ,N )

Fig. 3.7: Information flow diagram for determination of number of cavities for multi-
cavity die

Table 3.2:Representative Material Database [86]

Die Cooling Cavity

Specific Cost Injection Liquidus Ejection
Material temp Factor Pressure
Gravity $/kg temp. 0C temp 0C 0 temp 0C
C (MN/m2 )

Zinc 6.6 1.78 440 387 175 300 0.4 21

Aluminum 2.7 1.65 635 585 220 385 0.47 48

Zinc Aluminum 6.3 1.78 460 432 215 340 0.42 35

Copper 8.5 6.6 948 927 315 500 0.63 40

Magnesium 1.8 2.93 655 610 275 430 0.31 48

Table 3.3: Representative Machine Database [86]

Shot Dry Platen Platen Die-casting Trimming
Clamping Clamp Size Size Process Process
Size Cycle
Force (kN) Stroke(cm) Length Width Operating Operating
(cm3) time (s)
(cm) (cm) rate ($/h) Rate ($/h)

900 305 2.2 24.4 48 64 66 26

1800 672 2.8 36 86 90 73 29

3500 1176 3.9 38 100 108 81 32

6000 1932 5.8 46 100 120 94 38

10000 5397 8.6 76 160 160 116 46

15000 11256 10.2 81 210 240 132 53

25000 11634 19.9 109 240 240 196 78

30000 13110 23.3 119 240 240 218 87

3.2.2 Selection of feeding system and layout pattern

The cavity layout design module that selects the type of feeding system and

layout pattern for a multi-cavity is discussed. First, types of feeding system and layout

patterns used in the die-casting industry are discussed. Next, factors affecting selection

of layout pattern are discussed. Lastly, methodology for selection of feeding system and

layout pattern is discussed.

67 of feeding system and layout pattern

(i) Feeding system: It is used to inject the molten die-casting alloy into the die.

Two types of feeding system are most common, namely central feeding and bottom

feeding, both of which have been shown in Figure 3.8. In central feeding system, the

shot hole is positioned in the centre of the cavities, whereas the shot hole is offset by a

clearance distance from centre of the cavities in the bottom feeding system.


Shot Hole

(a) Central feeding system (b) Bottom feeding system

Fig. 3.8: Snapshots of types of feeding systems

Selection of the feeding system depends upon the die-casting alloy and the types

of die-casting machine used, namely hot chamber and cold chamber. Hot chamber

machines are used for low melting point materials, such as tin, lead and zinc, whereas

cold chamber machines are used for high melting point materials, such as aluminium

and copper [87]. Interaction with the die-casting manufacturers have revealed that the

bottom feeding system is mostly used in cold chamber die-casting machines, whereas

hot chamber die-casting machines employ the central feeding system.

(ii) Layout patterns: Layout patterns are categorized as geometrically balanced

and non-geometrically balanced layout patterns [92], which are discussed in the

following paragraphs.

Geometrically balanced: The geometrically balanced layout patterns are of two

types, namely symmetric, and circular; these layout patterns are shown in Figure

3.9 (a-b). Geometrically balanced layout patterns are also known as standard

cavity layout patterns and have the advantages that they provide equal flow

length to all cavities without gate or runner size correction. The equal flow

length in turn ensures proper filling of all cavities.

Non-geometrically balanced: The non-geometrically balanced layout patterns

are also of two types, namely series, and in-line; these layout patterns are shown

in Figure 3.9 (c-d). Non-geometrically balanced layout patterns are also known

as fishbone type layout patterns or non-standard cavity layout patterns. These

types of layout patterns do not provide equal flow length to all cavities and

require gate and runner size correction for proper filling of the cavities. Due to

non-equal flow length of runner system, computer filling simulation analysis is

generally needed to ensure proper filling of all the cavities.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 3.9: Types of cavity layouts patterns (a) Symmetric (b) Circular (c) Series
(d) In-line Factors affecting layout pattern

Selection of layout pattern is affected by the number of cavities, product shape

and size, gate position, type of die-casting machine, and type of feeding system. These

factors are discussed in the following paragraphs:

Number of cavities: Selection of layout pattern is based on the number of

cavities. Even or odd number of cavities effects selection of the type of layout

pattern (please see Figure 3.12).

Product shape and size: Presence of undercut features and their location on the

part affects the maximum number of cavities and their orientation. To allow

movement of the side-core, the undercut feature should be placed along an outer

edge of the die. Another factor that affects the selection of layout pattern is the

length to width ratio of the die-cast part (please see Figure 3.12).

Gate position: A gate should be placed on non-cosmetic areas of the part.

Furthermore, the area of the part that has undercut feature is not a good choice

for gate location.

Machine type: Non-geometrically balanced layout patterns are preferred in cold

chamber die-casting machines while geometrically balanced layout patterns are

used in hot chamber die-casting machines [92].

Feeding system: The selection of type of feeding system also affects the

selection of types of layout pattern (please see Figure 3.12). Methodology for the selection of types of feeding system and layout pattern

The methodology used for the selection of types of feeding system and layout

pattern is discussed in following paragraphs.

The type of feeding system is selected following the procedure discussed in

Section The type of feeding system, affects the selection of layout pattern. For

central feeding system, the types of layout pattern used are circular, series and

symmetric, whereas for bottom feeding system, in-line, half-circular and series layout

pattern are used. These layout patterns are shown in Figure 3.10. The system suggests

the type of feeding system and layout pattern to the user through the GUI. Alternatively,

the GUI allows the user to select alternative feeding system or layout pattern a snapshot

of which is shown in Fig. 3.11.

Circular Series Symmetric
(a) Central feeding system

Half-Circular In-Line Series

(b) Bottom feeding system

Fig. 3.10: Layout patterns used in present system

Fig. 3.11: GUI for selection of layout pattern

The criterion for selection of layout pattern is described in the following

paragraphs, and is further illustrated in Figure 3.12.

In case of a central feeding system the rules for selection of layout pattern are

discussed. In most of the cases, for an odd number of cavities, circular layout pattern is

selected. For even number of cavities, when the number is a power series of number 2

Number of Cavities as selected

Bottom Feeding System Central Feeding System

No No
Is N even? Is N even?

Yes Yes

No X No
L/W <= 1.5? N=2 ?

Half-Circular In-line Series Circular Symmetrical Series

Pattern Pattern Pattern Pattern Pattern Pattern


Fig. 3.12: Information flow diagram for selection of cavity layout pattern

(such as 2, 4, 8, 16...etc), symmetrical layout pattern is selected, else, series layout

pattern is selected.

In case of a bottom feeding system the rules for selection of layout pattern are

discussed. For an odd number of cavities, half-circular layout pattern is selected. For

even number of cavities, when L/W <= 1.5 (where, L and W are the length and width of

the part respectively), in-line layout pattern is selected else series layout pattern is

selected. The user has a choice to either go with the system suggested layout pattern or

to select another layout pattern.

Selection of layout pattern is supported by the die-casting die-design

knowledge-base. The developed system uses well laid down industrial practice to arrive

at a suitable layout pattern. For example, if a single cavity die is being designed, the

cavity is typically located in the centre of the die-base.

3.2.3 Orientation and placement of cavities

After the number of cavities is determined, and the feeding system and layout

pattern are decided, the next activity in the cavity layout design module is to orient and

position the individual cavities in the die-base. The procedure for orientation and

placement of individual cavities in the die-base is discussed in the following


For proper orientation and placement of cavities in the die-base, various factors

like the number of undercuts and their position, and positioning of the gate are

important. Use of well-established rules and industrial practices is made to decide the

orientation and placement of cavities in a die-base. For example, the number of

undercuts and their location puts a restriction on the orientation of cavities. That side of

the cavity, which contains undercut feature, should be placed along outer edge of the

die-base. Therefore, that side of the cavity, which does not contain an undercut,

becomes candidate side for gate location.

Once orientation of individual cavities has been finalized, the next step is to

provide the clearances to accommodate the feed system (biscuit, runner and overflow

wells) and side-core mechanism. A database of clearances has been developed after

consulting die-casting industries, available literature [86, 87, 92] and interviewing die

designers and die makers. A representative database of clearances used in a die-casting

die is shown in Table 3.4. The database contains minimum value of clearances required

between adjacent cavities, between the die-base edge and the cavity, clearance for feed

system and side-core mechanism, etc. A snapshot of the arrangement of clearances in

the die is shown in Figure 3.13.

A fixed clearance in length or width is also added to facilitate biscuit and

overflow wells, which in turn are dependent upon the shot volume. For bottom feeding

system, additional clearance of 100 mm for placement of biscuit is applied. These

clearances are incorporated in the developed system to achieve automated cavity layout

design. All possible arrangements for orientation and placement of cavities are

determined and one with the minimum area is suggested by the system.



Fig. 3.13: A snapshot of the arrangement of clearances in die-base

Table 3.4: Clearance database for a die-casting die [86]

S. No. Type of Clearance Min Value Remarks

Between adjacent 75 mm Provided to accommodate feed
cavities system.
Between the die-base 75 mm Provided to resist the distortion due
edge and the cavity to high injection pressure of
melting metal and to accommodate
cooling lines.
3. For side-cores 2*D3 Additional clearance for side-cores.
For overflow wells 20 % of side Added to the die-base plate size.
of cavity
Circle radius for 120 mm Depends on the dimensions of the
circular layout pattern cavity insert.
Placement of biscuit 100 mm Additional clearance for placement
6. of the biscuit in the bottom feeding

3.2.4 Die-base design

Once the cavity layout design is ready, same is used to prepare CAD model of

the die-base. A die-base is nothing but a rectangular block of metal in which all the

cavities are placed. The die-base is thereafter used to make core and cavity halves of a

die-casting die. Furthermore, it is found that instead of using suggested size of the die-

base, standard die-base sizes are used in the industry. By using a standard die-base size,

unnecessary machining is avoided, which helps in reducing the machining cost. The

developed system first determines the minimum die-base size, thereafter, next higher

standard size of the die-base is selected from the standard die-base database. The

selected die-base is then used to generate the design of core and cavity.

3.3 System Implementation and Results

System implementation and results for cavity layout design module are

discussed in following paragraphs.

D is the depth of undercut feature.
3.3.1 System for cavity layout design

The system for cavity layout design for a multi-cavity die-casting die is

implemented in SolidWorks 2010 environment using its API. The system extracts

geometrical information of the part from its CAD file, while other required information

is taken from the user interactively. The developed system is supported by the databases

of die-casting machine, material, clearances, and standard size die-base.

The information flow diagram for cavity layout design module is presented in

Figure 3.14 and its functioning is discussed in the following paragraphs.

i. The number of cavities is determined using the procedure described in section


ii. Selection of feeding system and layout pattern is carried out, the procedure for

which has already been discussed in section 3.2.2.

iii. Orientation and placement of the cavities is decided following the procedure

discussed in section 3.2.3.

iv. If feasible cavity layouts determined by the system are more than one, then the

layout pattern having the minimum die-base size is chosen by the system.

v. A standard size die-base is selected from the database following the procedure

already discussed in section 3.2.4.

vi. The system displays the final cavity layout design.

The output from the cavity layout design module is CAD model of the die-base,

enclosing all the cavities with usual clearance. A snapshot of the output of cavity layout

design module for an example part is presented in Figure 3.15. When referred to Figure

3.15, the number of cavities is three with in-line layout pattern and bottom feeding


Load 3-D Part
CAD File

Part Feature

Determine Number of Cavities

Machine &
Select Feeding System and
Layout Pattern

Determine Orientations and Placement of Database

Is Feasible
No Layouts > 1?


Choose the Layout with Minimum Die-base Size

Design of Die-base Standard Die-

Base Database

Display Final Cavity

Layout Design

Fig. 3.14: Information flow diagram for cavity layout design module

An attempt has been made to make the cavity layout design system close to the

industrial practice. A comparison statement of the developed system with the practice

being followed in the industry for cavity layout design is presented in Table 3.5.

3 cavities

Die Base
Runner with 3


Fig. 3.15: A snapshot of output of cavity layout design module for a three cavity die
with bottom feeding system

Table 3.5: Comparison statement between general industrial practice and methodology
adopted for cavity layout design

General Industrial Practice Methodology Adopted

Determination of The factors related to machine capability, Comprehensive factors of product delivery
Number of such as shot volume, clamping force and date, process cost, machine capability and
Cavities machine size are considered at the time of geometric limitation of product are
die-design. The part geometric limitations, considered in the present system for
such as the number and position of determination of the number of cavities.
undercuts are also considered.

Issues related to manufacturing cost and

timely delivery of lot size are considered
by estimation methods devised by the
individual industries.
Determination of In the die-casting industry, geometrically The present methodology considers
Layout Pattern balanced (circular and symmetric) and circular, half-circular, symmetrical, In-line,
non-geometrically balanced (series) layout and series type layout patterns.
patterns are most commonly used.

The die designer selects the layout pattern The layout pattern is decided based on the
mainly based on the number of cavities. number of cavities suggested.

Orientation / The gate location and undercut position are The orientation of cavities in a die-base is
Placement of the major factors affecting the orientation governed by the factors, like location of the
Cavities and placement of cavities. undercuts and position of gate. That side
of part, which is not having any undercut
feature is considered as a candidate side for
gate positioning.

The undercut bearing side of the part is not The user may select the die layout from
suitable for gate location. This is due to the available alternatives based on the user
reason that the side core mechanism is to preference of gate location.
be accommodated on that side, which has
the undercut. The presence of undercuts
also affects the clearances to make sure
that the positioning and movement of the
side-cores is made without any problem.

Furthermore, the gate location is also

important and the gate bearing side of the
part is kept towards the centre of the die.
The gate location is chosen on that side of
the part where machining or assembly
requirements are minimal.

There are set norms for providing A clearance database has been developed
clearances. Sometimes the side-clearance after consulting the die-casting industry,
of a die is made somewhat liberal than the available literature, and interviewing local
minimum accepted values because of the die designers and die manufactures.
reason that the die-bases are available in
the standard sizes and reducing their size
by machining is avoided in the industry.

The die-base size is selected from the Various possible layout arrangements are
standard sizes available, which ensures shown by the system and the layout with
minimum cost. the minimum die-base size is accepted.
The die-base size, which is close to the
accepted die-base size, and is from the
library of standard die-base sizes, is

3.3.2 Results

The developed system has been tested on a number of die-cast parts including

those with undercut features. Results for four such case study parts are presented in the

following paragraphs.

Case study: Part 1

The number of cavities determined by the system for case study part 1 shown in

Figure 3.16 is four and the layout pattern selected is symmetric. Four rectangular blocks

in the figure show the position of cavities in the die-base. The size of single rectangular

block is equal to the envelop size of the part, which in this case is 160 mm x 120 mm,

whereas size of the die-base determined by the system is 465 mm x 585 mm. The

output from the system is shown in Figure 3.17.

Undercut features
of the part

Fig. 3.16: Case study part 1 with undercut feature


features of

the part

Fig. 3.17: A snapshot of the cavity layout design for case study part 1

Case study: Part 2

The number of cavities determined by the system for case study part 2 shown in

Figure 3.18 is five, and the layout pattern selected is circular. The cavity layout pattern

for this part is shown in Figure 3.19. The envelope size of the part is 110 mm x 110

mm, while the die-base size is 760 mm x 760 mm. The system arranges the cavities in a

circular layout pattern at points calculated by 360/number of cavities.

Fig. 3.18: Case study part 2 without undercut feature


Fig. 3.19: A snapshot of the cavity layout design for case study part 2

In both the cases discussed above, the number of cavities determined by the

system is sufficient to meet the delivery time. Although, more number of cavities could

have been geometrically possible for these parts, same is not explored with an intention

to make proper use of manufacturing resources, namely the die-casting machines.

Case study: Part 3 (Housing Cover)

Part Name: Housing Cover

Material: Aluminium

Envelope Size: 245 mm x 215 mm

Maximum Wall thickness: 6 mm

Undercut Side: 1

Fig. 3.20: Housing cover

Undercut features
of the part


Fig. 3.21: A snapshot of the cavity layout design for housing cover

The developed system is also used for some specific die-casting parts provided

by the die-casting industry. One of the parts named housing cover is shown in Figure

3.20, wherein the dimensions of the part and its features are also shown. The part has an

undercut feature on one side of the part. The number of cavities determined by the

system for the part is four and the layout pattern selected is symmetric. Figure 3.21

gives system generated cavity layout arrangement for this part along with its

dimensions. The dimensions of the housing cover are 245 mm x 215 mm, while the size

of the die-base determined by the system is 825 mm x 715 mm. This die-base

calculation is based on the minimum die-base size that can accommodate all the cavities

with usual clearances. The system selects three sides, which do not have any undercut

as the candidate sides for gate location, and to determine possible alternative layouts.

The layout with the minimum die-base size has been chosen as final cavity layout.

Case study: Part 4 (Brake Shoe)

Another industrial die-cast part namely brake shoe is shown in Figure 3.22. For

this part also, dimensions and its features have been indicated alongside its figure. This

part does not have any undercut feature. Number of cavities determined by the system

for this part is six and layout pattern selected is series. Figure 3.23 gives system

generated cavity layout arrangement for this part along with its dimensions. Dimension

of Brake Shoe is 100 mm x 50 mm, while size of the die-base determined by the system

is 600 mm x 325 mm. The system selects all four sides of the part as possible sides for

gate location and displays four alternative results for die layout. Out of these four

layouts, two results have minimum die-base size. In this type of scenario, the die layout

selection is based on the gate location. That side of the part which does not have any

requirement of machining or assembly is chosen for gate location. When referred to

Figure 3.22, it is clear that the gate is located on the side which is not having assembly

requirement. Opposite side of the brake shoe part need to be assembled (or fitted) with

liners made of leather and requires smooth surface.

Surface for
fitting liners

Part Name: Brake Shoe

Material: Aluminium

Envelope Size: 100 mm x 50 mm

Gate Maximum Wall thickness: 12 mm

Undercut Side: Zero

Fig. 3.22: Brake Shoe


Fig. 3.23: A snapshot of the cavity layout design for brake shoe

Results obtained for both the industrial parts are compared with those taken

from the industry. This comparison is presented in Table 3.6. It is found that the results

generated by the system are very close to the industrial practice. Maximum variation

found between system generated results and actual industry practice is below 10 % and

for which there are sound reasons. This difference is because of the reason that

industries use standard size die-base while developed system calculates the die-base

with minimum size. However, clearances provided in the die layout for system

generated results and those obtained from industry have minor variation only, which is

discussed in subsequent paragraphs.

Table 3.6: Comparison of system results with industrial practice

Housing Cover Brake Shoe

Methodology Methodology Industrial

Industrial Results
Adopted Adopted Results
Number of Cavities 4 4 6 6

Layout Pattern Symmetric Symmetric Series Series

Die Base Size (mm x mm) 825 x 715 900 x 900 600 x 325 700 x 450

Clearances between cavities 75 mm 80 mm 75 mm 75 mm

160 mm on 195 mm on 125 mm on

Side-Clearances (between cavity undercut side undercut side 75 mm on both Length side
and die-base edge) 75 mm on other 165 mm on other sides 137.5 mm on
side side width side

Summary and Remarks Major difference between system results and industry for both the parts is
for side-clearance only which does not make any effect on layout of the die
or the gating system. Clearance between the cavities for the housing cover is
having a difference of 5 mm only (5%), while for the brake shoe the system
results and industry results matched. This difference in clearances is because
of the reason that industry uses standard size of die-base size directly to
avoid unnecessary machining and liberal clearances are given because of
availability of space in the die-base. The die-base size mentioned in the
table is the minimum value determined by the system. However the system
selects next standard size die-base, which is 900 x 900 for Housing cover
and 700 x 450 for Brake shoe, leaving no difference in the die-base size.

3.4 Conclusions

System for cavity layout design for a multi-cavity die-casting die has been

developed, which is a major step towards design-manufacturing integration of die-

casting process. Proper selection of cavity layout at die-design stage is a major problem

faced by the die-casting industry. The developed system would be very useful for the

die-casting industries as it would help in reducing the human expertise and efforts

required for selection of cavity layout. The developed system is user-friendly and makes

use of machine database, material database, and die-design knowledge-base to

determine cavity layout for a multi-cavity die-casting die.

Following are the major conclusions drawn from this research work:

The developed system works as an add-on application for cavity layout design

for multi-cavity die-casting die for an existing CAD software, which in this case

is SolidWorks. Such an application is much desirable by the die-casting industry

since available mold design applications do not provide such functionality

especially suitable for die-casting process.

The system determines the applicable shrinkage rate from the die-cast material

information, and applies it on the die-cast part CAD model. This functionality of

the developed system has an advantage that manual calculation of shrinkage

allowance and subsequent scaling of the die-cast part CAD model are no longer

required. This has resulted in approximate 50% saving in time and effort of the

die-casting expert alongside achieving consistency.

The system determines applicable draft on inside and outside walls of the part

model. The draft allowance is then applied on the die-cast part CAD model in an

automated fashion with single input from the user. The user only needs to select

the position of neutral plane. The system takes into account the factors of type

and depth of wall, material, etc., to determine the draft allowance. This is also a

major advantage because the user does not have to go through the lengthy

procedure of calculations and manually apply the draft allowance on each walls

of the part. This has resulted in approximate 80% saving in time.

The number of cavities is determined considering the factors of delivery date,

production cost, machine constraints and part geometric limitations. Normally,

this decision is made by the production planners and die-designers in concurrent

meetings. This function of the developed system is an attempt to eliminate

manual calculations, and helps in early decision making.

Use of multi-cavity dies is quite common in the die-casting industry. However,

there are no systematic procedures available to select the layout pattern for the

die. Since the decision of the layout patterns is affected by a number of factors

such as material, part geometry, and machine used, the proposed systematic

procedure provides an efficient way to decide the layout pattern.

Orientation and placement of cavities in a die-base is affected by a number of

parameters, such as: number of undercuts, undercut position, clearance required

between the cavities to accommodate the feeding system. Well-established rules

and industrial practices are used to decide this critical aspect. The system

determines feasible layouts for orientation and placement of cavities, and

accepts the one which has the minimum die-base size. The die-base size is

finally selected from the standard sizes available.

Developed system was tested on a number of die-cast parts taken from the

industry. The results obtained from the system are quite close to those obtained

from the industry and variations found have valid reasons.

In most of the die-casting industries cavity design activity is generally carried

out with the help of CAD system while cavity layout design activity is done

interactively by the expert, which involves a number of activities taking a lot of

time. It has been observed that with the help of the developed system significant

time saving could be achieved in addition to achieving consistency in the

results. The average time saving for each activity in the cavity layout design was

recorded and is shown in Table 3.7. Approximate time taken by the industry for

cavity layout design is 8 hours 17 min, while the developed system could do that

in 13 minutes.

Table 3.7: Comparison of average time taken in cavity layout design by general
industry practice and the developed system

With / Without Time taken by (min) Time

Name of sub-module the developed Saving
Industry System
system (min)
Setting shrinkage allowance 2 1 1
With system
Apply draft allowance 15 2 13
Determine number of cavities
Select layout pattern Without system 8*60 10 470
Orientation/placement of cavities
Die-base design

Total 497 13 484


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