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Pipeline explodes in San Bernardino

Rachel Berglass
April 23, 2017
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. At 8:11 this morning, the Calnev Pipeline
exploded in the neighborhood by Duffy Street and Highland Ave. There
has been speculation that the explosion was caused when a 14-inch
pipeline, carrying gasoline, burst underground.

Approximately 700 citizens have been transferred to the Red

Cross evaluation center. The center is located at the Job Corps Center,
3753 Kerry St.

There have been two confirmed deaths and firefighters are

searching for a potential third victim in a nearby home. Seven burn
victims are now at the San Bernardino County Medical Center. The
condition of these seven patients is not yet available. Others have
been admitted and treated for injuries related to the explosion.

One body was burned beyond recognition. The other is believed

to be a man, reported Paul Allaire, San Bernardino Fire Department.

Coincidentally, this area was the spot of where a 69-car runway

freight train derailed from the tracks almost two weeks ago. When the
accident occurred, the train crashed into a row of homes and killed two
crewmembers in the train and two boys in the home.

We dont know the cause of the break. It could have been the
train obviously, speculated David Andres, an official of the Calnev gas

The Calnev Pipeline, is a 550-mile pipeline owned by Kinder

Morgan Energy Partners. The pipeline consistently carries 128,000
barrels of gasoline per each day. This huge quantity of unleaded
gasoline contributed to scale of the explosion.

We were assured by the pipeline people it was safe (after the

railroad accident) and the experts who examined it said there was no
dangers reported Jim Penman, San Bernardino City Attorney.

There are many different opinions on what the cause of the

explosion was. According to Calnev pipeline General Manager Jed
Robinson, the valves along the pipe fall into place when the flow is
reversed. The valve in the vicinity of the fire may not have been
completely closed which could have led to the lasting duration of the

While experts continue to investigate the cause of the explosion,

hospital staff is working diligently to help the victims of the blast.
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