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Echavarria 1


Accesing, Evaluating and Analyzing Information

Our students:

Discen point of view and bias

Identify credible resources and evaluate information for accuracy
Effectively use library and computer resources
Conduct research using a variety of resources

1. Si tuvieras el chance de ir a la librera con Maddey, crees que ella haria un buen
trabajo buscando lo que necesita?

Si, por que a la hora de Madeline realizar cualquier trabajo, a la hora que ella necesita utilizar
cualquier recurso didctico, ya ella especficamente sabe lo que ella va a buscar. Mrs. Carmen

2. Have you seen Maddey using a computer or Ipad effectively?

Yes, every time I see Maddey on her computer or Ipad she is always doing something productive.
For example last semester in our crew class she was always researching colleges, looking for
things to better to improve her future. Ms. Fellows

Yes, in her Math class we have two classes happening at the same time. So her Pre-calc class is
mostly video based. So every day she is using her computer to watch the videos to learn the
information and then work on her worksheets. But more than just watching the video she does a
really good job on looking up stuff online when she gets confused or needs more examples on
what is on the video. She does really well every day looking up information when she needs it.
Mrs. Brown

3. When Maddey works in her computer, is she productive?

Maddey is always productive when she works in her computer. She is one of the few students
that I can trust be on her computer and I dont have to be monitoring all the time, I know this
because she turns in all her assignments very quickly but in a professional manner and she also
turns in high quality work, so I know that she has been working on her assignment on her
computer, very productive. Mr. Croom

4. During investigation, can Maddey identify credible resources?

5. When has Maddey discerned point of views or has been biased?

Yes, Maddey has the ability to not only identify, but analyze and use credible resources. Shes
learned that through her time in Doulos, she also displayed that in the Model UN, when she had
to look up information and be ready to present that to the group, information that was credible
from sites that are valid or not valid so she demonstrated that as well. Mr. Croom
Echavarria 2

6. Puede Madeline utilizar diversos recursos en una investigacin en su clase?

7. Cuales recursos Madeline ha utilizado en su clase?
Si por que Madeline es una estudiante que no se conforma con solamente investigar con una
sola fuente, sino que tambin a ella le gusta buscar diferentes opiniones, le gusta tambin
utilizar lo que es el proyector en exposiciones, le gusta investigar en los diccionarios el
significado de palabras que no desconoce y as sucesivamente. Mrs. Carmen

8. Can Maddey conduct research based on her interests?

Yes,Maddey has proven to be effective in this area. All last semester during our crew class,
college prep class she was always researching based on her interests, careers and colleges that
will fit her well in interests in activities that she enjoys. Ms. Mallory

9. During the Model United Nations, did Maddey demonstrate that she could analyze,
evaluate and access information?

Yes, she is, I was able to sit down in two sections. The first section I think she was a little
hesitant because she had never formally spoke in public in the setting like she was in. But as the
day went on, I noticed she was able to get passed those hesitations and look up good information
and also offer good insight to the group, good credible sources of insight. Mr. Croom

10. Has Maddey finished work at the required time? This can be homework, projects,
papers, or activities during class.

Yes, she has always turned in her homework and other things going on, on time. What we do in
Pre-Calc is on the day of the test or quiz they turn in all of their worksheets. So it takes a lot of
organization and motivation to be able to stay on track with these worksheets when you dont
have a due date every class period but she has done very well getting those done on time and
trying to even get them done a little more ahead of time so she has questions she knows to ask
them before the day, before the test, she has done really well with that. Mrs. Brown

Maddey, from what I am aware finishes all her assignments on time and she proud herself in
being timely accurate, I have never received a late assignment from Madeline and as far as I
know she is passing all her classes, that is something that she holds and has regards is been
timely and accurate with her assignments. Mr. Croom

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