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SUNY Delhi

MS in Nursing Education
NURS 604/605 Graduate Advanced Clinical Practicum Learning Contract

Student Name: Practicum hours to be 48 hours VLDD Class

Jennifer Dougherty completed 24 hours SUNY Ulster
Student Delhi E-mail Address: Student Phone Number:

Course Faculty Name: Course Faculty Phone Number:

Cheryl Levitt
Course Faculty Delhi E-mail Course#/Semester/Session/Year: NURS-605-11310-201702
Address: Spring K, 2017

Preceptor Name: Preceptor E-mail Address:

Linda Loomis
Practicum Site: SUNY Ulster Unit/Department for Practicum: 4th Semester Nursing
VLDD online Class Lecture/Lab
Online VLDD Class
Current Employment Location Greystone Programs
and Unit/Department: Staff Education, Hopewell Junction, NY

Start Date: Completion Date:

March 27, 2017 May 10, 2017
Practicum Goal and Focus
The ongoing goal of participation in this final seven-week advanced clinical practicum, is to grow as a
nurse educator, and an advanced practice nurse. By growing in this role and participating in new
experiences, this will place the MSN student out of their comfort zone, but will enable the student to
familiarize themselves with what the expectations and duties of this new advanced role is. The end
goal is to assist the nursing faculty in producing safe, competent, practicing nurses by being a role
model, mentor, and educator.
Development of an advanced practice role
Program assessment.
Faculty service
Faculty development
Integration of interdepartmental experience
Online teaching certification

Column A Column B Column C

A. Practicum Outcomes: (min 4 to Learning Activities to Accomplish the List How You Plan to Demonstrate Participation in
max 6). The MSN student will: Outcomes from Column A Learning Activities

develop skills for classroom Research the topic to be presented. Copies of the nursing text used, and any other
1 preparation. Create the lecture using presenter mediums of information found on the topic to present
media, and PowerPoint Completed presentation
Present the material to the students Anonymous student evaluations distributed at the end
of the presentation/lecture

create interactive teaching Research what games have already List of examples of games used in the past
2 strategies. been used in the classroom List of different games that could potentially be
Identify a game unlike any that the implemented
students have used before The final implemented game
Create the game

refine skills in student assessment. Meet with preceptor and discuss List of assessment objectives
3 student assessment Prior assessment that was reviewed
Review current assessment questions Integrate new assessment questions that were
Implement new questions for use on developed into the current assessment
the assessment

Prepare, create, and participate in Attend simulation committee meeting Paperwork and/or written information related to the
4 the emergency preparedness Assist in simulation planning date of the simulation
interdisciplinary simulation on Participate in the simulation Notes taken during planning meeting
April 17, 2017 at SUNY Ulster Video of patients in position, ready for the simulation
to start

assess SUNY Ulsters ADN Attend an ACEN accreditation Notes on the accreditation process
5 program committee meeting Minutes from the meeting
Attend staff meeting Records on past NCLEX scores
Assess student learning

gather the knowledge and skills to Create a curriculum plan Developed curriculum plan
6 design, develop, and deliver high Define the components of effective Written narrative on the components of effective
quality online or blended courses practices for moderating online practices for moderating online
through the VLDD course learning Written list of key considerations while managing
certification. Outline key considerations for online course activities and students
managing online course activities and

D1: Summary of Outcomes, Activities, and Evidence (Weeks 1-4)

a. Practicum Outcomes: Outcomes that were met:

What outcomes were met, how were (Re-numbered from above for clarity and organization)
they met, and if not met, provide 1. Assess SUNY Ulsters ADN program
explanation. 2. Participate in the emergency preparedness interdisciplinary simulation on April 17, 2017
3. Attend SUNY Delhi online zoom room staff meeting
4. Attend and assist 2nd semester clinical at Health Alliance Broadway Campus.
Outcome number one was met by attending an ACEN accreditation committee
meeting. I use the word committee very loosely. This consisted of two faculty
members collaborating and working on standard IV of the ACEN self-study re-
accreditation that will be coming up in the fall of 2018. I was able to help with the
standard, as they were re-wording and working new material in as New York State
has changed how many hours that are needed in certain areas. For example, they
dropped the requirement of microbiology from the curriculum because the
program was very science heavy, so they had to add on more gen ed
requirements. This is unfortunate because micro is a class that is needed for
most BSN programs to transfer into. The consensus from students I have spoken
to about this change said that they dont care, they are still going to take it so
they have more of a choice of which college to continue on to. SUNY Ulster has
an agreement, or works with Empire college which does not require microbiology.
Therefore, I believe this had something to do with the ability to forego that course.
However, the biology department is not happy at all, and has a meeting
scheduled with the nursing department chair.
All and all, this was an interesting experience as I was able to collaborate on
standard IV which deals with making sure the curriculum supports the learning
outcomes and readies the student to practice safely in the healthcare setting. I
was able to make suggestions that were taken and wording or ideas were
changed on the standard which was really exciting that they took what I had to
say seriously and professionally.
I also was able to attend the SUNY Ulster staff meeting which occurred right after
the ACEN meeting. This proved to be a very long day that day, but full of great
learning opportunities. Topics that were discussed consisted of items that were
department specific, as well as college wide agenda items. Fall teaching load was
discussed as there is a full-time faculty member leaving for which they will not be
replacing. This was a very passionate, intense conversation with all faculty in
attendance. Course revision was discussed, NG tube insertion evaluations,
academic standards and so on.

Outcome number three was met by helping with the emergency preparedness
simulation. It was great because the students had no idea that it was going to be
happening, so it truly was like a real emergency. There were students from the
acting department who acted as patients, and there were criminal justice students
acting as police officers in the simulation. I was able to help with preparing the
actors for the simulation by making up their injuries using make up and other
supplies which I had never done. I also oversaw the students when the simulation
started making sure they were doing the correct assessment and interventions. If
they were not I would assist and propose critical thinking questions to them to get
them back on the right track. I also participated in the debriefing afterwords and
made suggestions and comments regarding the process and how things were
handled. This was a great learning experience for me.

Outcome number four was met by attending an hour and a half SUNY Delhi staff
meeting that took place online in a zoom meeting room. This was an excellent
use of resources to get everyone together from department heads, to adjuncts, to
library faculty, as well as advisors. I had no idea that it would be that involved,
and include that many people. I really think the meeting could have went on for
at least another hour as I was really interested in what was being discussed. It
was nice that the students that were in attendance were not ignored but asked to
participate and have their opinions heard which was really a great learning
moment for myself.

Lastly outcome number five (an additional outcome that was added) was met by
completely running a second semester clinical on a med surg floor and Health
Alliance Hospital in Kingston, New York. My preceptor was glad that I was able to
be there to supervise and assist on the floor with the students who were not
passing medications. She had two students passing medications during the
clinical as there is not enough time for all of the 12 students to pass medications
during one clinical. I listened to report on the floor from the overnight charge
nurse to the oncoming day charge nurse. This was a lot of information and a lot
of weeding out so to speak, to find appropriate patients for the students to work
with. I then assigned the students and advised the nurse who they would be
working with that day. I then gave the students their assignments and went over
goals for the day with them. At the end in post conference we went over their
goals again to see if they were met. If not it was discussed how they could have
been met. The students got to share their experiences for the day, and those that
passed medications shared their experience with that as well.

Outcomes not yet met, or in progress:

5. Gather the knowledge and skills to design, develop, and deliver high quality online or
blended courses through the VLDD course (currently in progress)
6. Refine skills in student assessment
7. Create interactive teaching strategies
8. Develop skills for classroom preparation
9. Attend simulation committee meeting
10. Assist in simulation planning
Outcome number five, the VLDD course is currently in progress so this has not
been completely met as of yet. So far two assignments have been completed, as
well as three discussion questions. This course is due to finish in another week,
and then I will have more to report on how my outcome was met.
Outcome number seven has not yet been met. I have not had an opportunity to
refine skills in student assessment. I havent been unable to as there has not
been a need for a change in exam questions during this session so far. I am
hoping there will be an opportunity to do so very soon.

Outcome number eight, nine, 10, and 11 have not been met, as my preceptor was
out of work for a week, due to personal family tragedies. There has not been time
to present, or introduce anything to create interactive teaching strategies, and
develop skills for classroom preparation. I did not attend the simulation
committee meeting for the same reason, my preceptor was unavailable to tell me
when the meeting was. Therefore, I was also unable to assist in planning for the
sim. I was however so glad to be able to participate in it.

b. Activities completed: Attend an ACEN accreditation committee meeting

What activities did you actually Attend staff meeting
complete, and explain any change in Assess student learning
plans (from column C)?
Participate in the simulation

Additional activities that were completed, but not planned:

Take floor report in clinical
Lead pre-conference
Assign students to their patients for the day
Encourage critical thinking throughout the day
Lead post-conference

c. Evidence: Photos of patients in position for simulation (as I was not able to take a video)
Provide a bulleted list of evidence of Photos during simulation with nursing students, actors and criminal justice students
activities in progress or completed. Disaster simulation scenario, roles and responsibilities and debriefing guidelines
Attach evidence files in dropbox with
Notes on accreditation process, and standard IV that was worked on (see link)
learning contract (up to 5 files)

Agenda and notes from SUNY Ulster staff meeting

Assignment one from VLDD with unit plan (class in progress)
D2: Summary of Outcomes, Activities, and Evidence (Weeks 5-7)

a. Practicum Outcomes: Outcomes that were met in weeks 5-7:

What outcomes were met, how were (Re-numbered from above for clarity and organization)
they met, and if not met, provide 5. Gather the knowledge and skills to design, develop, and deliver high
explanation. quality online or blended courses through the VLDD course completed
6. Refine skills in student assessment

Outcome number five was met by completing the VLDD class. Within this class I
was able to meet my outcomes as well as complete the planned evidence by
participating in the learning activities. Im certainly glad I had the opportunity to
take this class to see how truly difficult it is to develop a unit for an online class,
and to align specific outcomes as well as to deal with different personalities in the
online environment and how to deal with those.

Outcome number six was met by attending a fourth semester exam with my
preceptor. After the exam, I assisted in the grading of the exam that was done
with a scantron machine. I had always heard about scantrons but never had
actually had the experience of using one. It really was easy to use. First the
answer key was scanned into the system. Then the students tests were scanned
as well. The students had all been using a certain ID number throughout the
semester, so as soon as the scantron paper was scanned the program knew who
it belonged to and their name came up on the screen with an immediate grade.
After they were all scanned into the system we noticed that there was an incorrect
answer within the answer key so that had to be changed. The program
automatically updated it which was really nice. We then did an item analysis of
the test. This was easily done with a push of a button. We did however go over
chi-squared as well, of course is a lot lengthier, and complex process. Thank
goodness for modern technology. We then analyzed the item analysis looking for
a high percentage of students who got particular questions incorrect and why. We
came to the conclusion that all of the questions that we looked (that had the
highest number of students answering incorrectly) were all straight forward
declarative questions which they either knew or didnt know. There was also a
high percentage of students who got the multiple multiple questions incorrect.
These my preceptor said we would not be giving any partial credit on as they are
trying to get the students use to doing these types of questions for the NCLEX.
We also looked at and discussed the discrimination index, distractor evaluation,
and reliability of the test using the KR 20.

I found this experience to be very enlightening. I never knew all of this work
went into grading an exam. When I was back in my ADN program I thought they
scanned them through, and that was that. I didnt think that they looked at all of
the different aspects of the exam.

My preceptor also discussed that at SUNY Ulster class time is not used to go over
the exams. In the past there has been review times, where instructors would set
up a time in a classroom to go over the exam on their own time for students. My
preceptor explained to me that this just resulted in extreme incivility towards the
instructor doing the review. She said students would come in literally yelling and
screaming. I was shocked and appalled at this. Therefore, they came up with a
process called request for test question review. This is a form any student can fill
out with their concerns for different specific questions. They then need to state
the rationale, and then make an appointment with the instructor. My preceptor
said that this process has proven to be much better for the instructors, as well as
the students as there is less of a chance for incivility to occur. By doing this the
students are also learning in the process of finding their rationale for a different

Outcomes that were not met in weeks 5-7:

7. Create interactive teaching strategy
8. Develop skills for classroom preparation.

Unfortunately, I was not able to create a game for use in the lecture for fourth
semester ADN students to fulfil outcome number seven. I also was unable to
meet outcome number eight, to create a lecture to present to this class as well.
Both of these outcomes that were not met was due to my preceptor not being
available to answer emails or phone calls to stay on track with my agreed upon
learning outcomes and activities. When I was in touch with my preceptor there
was just no time for me to present, or introduce anything to create interactive
teaching strategies. This is unfortunate but I did the best that I could to
accomplish all that I set out to do. I feel that I have had a very successful
practicum class and have gained a great deal of knowledge that is invaluable to
my future as a nurse educator.
b. Activities completed: Create a curriculum plan
What activities did you actually Define the components of effective practices for moderating online learning
complete, and explain any change in Outline key considerations for managing online course activities and students
plans (from column C)?
Meet with preceptor and discuss student assessment
Review current assessment questions

c. Evidence: Developed curriculum plan (See below screencast for my final project in the VLDD class)
Provide a bulleted list of evidence of Written narrative on the components of effective practices for moderating online
activities in progress or completed. Written list of key considerations while managing online course activities and students
Attach evidence files in dropbox with
learning contract (up to 5 files)
Prior assessment that was reviewed (current assessment was reviewed, as well as other information
pertaining to the assessment see screencast below)

The student agrees to:

Complete the approved total of practicum hours during Weeks 1-7 of the course, supervised and guided by the approved preceptor(s).
Achieve the weekly outcomes, learning activities, and evidence of accomplishments as prepared in the Learning Contract, and approved by the
preceptor(s) and faculty.
Complete the Learning Contract per course requirements.
Agree to abide by the guidelines and policies for Joint Commissions National Patient Safety Goals, the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as appropriate for the practicum activities.
The student will respect the confidential nature of all information that they have access to, including but not limited to patients' personal health
information provided to them orally, contained in patient medical records, or maintained on the Hospital's/agency's electronic information
system. Information on Patient Safety Goals, HIPAA, and FERPA is provided in Week 1 materials.
I attest that I have completed the hours for this practicum course, as stated on this document.

Student Date
Signature Jennifer Dougherty March 22, 2017

The faculty agrees to:

Guide the student in the preparation of the Learning Contract.
Communicate individually with the student prior to the first week of class.
Contact the preceptor(s) to establish communication and provide information.
Provide guidance, problem solving, and follow up as needed throughout the practicum experience.
Communicate with preceptor(s) as needed during the course.
Contact the preceptor(s) for feedback on student performance, outcomes, and confirmation of hours.
Send student and program evaluations to the preceptor(s), and preceptor evaluations to the student prior to class

Faculty Signature Cheryle Levitt Date March 29, 2017

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