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Lesson Plan


Grade: 1
Content Area: Math
Unit of Study: Numbers to 120
Teaching Point: I can estimate and count numbers to 120 by making groups
of 10
Duration: 45 minutes
Teachers / Paraprofessional: Rosa Kleinman, Inna Djaniants, Amy (para)

Common Core Standards:

Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and
write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.

10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones called a "ten."

The numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones).

-Dry Erase Markers
-Document Camera/ SMART Board


Warm up:
Warm up with the hundreds chart--Counting from 10-100 by 10s
-Review the name of the tool (hundreds chart)
-Count up to 100 by tens with students
-Count back to 10 by tens with students
-Ask students to notice what happens in the tens place when covering up
the ones place (zeroes)
-Ask students what number is between 20 and 40? How do you know?
-Ask students what number comes after 40? How do you know?

Guided Engagement
Show students a picture of a large group of people. Say: What do
you see? Dont you want to count this more quickly? I do! I know a faster
way than counting every single person. I can make groups of ten and
estimate! Does anyone know what estimate means? It means to make a
guess using your brain (its not a silly guess)
Show students how to make groups of ten . Emphasize
estimating, THEN counting
Demonstrate: watch me estimate, then watch me count. Notice
whats different about it?
What took longer? Estimating or Counting? Why?
Ask students: what do you think is the purpose of estimating?
Emphasize in the discussion that emphasizing is NOT an exact
science, but something that we do to get an answer close to what we
think it is.

Active Engagement:
Demonstrate two games (Estimating/Counting with markers and
whiteboards and Go Fish with Numbers)
Ask a student to repeat directions and tell students that I will be
setting a timer to help keep us on track
Send students to play Estimating/Counting (10 min) and Go Fish
with Numbers (10 min)
Do math workbook pages (137-138)

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