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Stress and Life

A. Stress is an unavoidable part of modern life

1. There are two main kinds of stress acute stress and chronic stress and
not all stress is bad for you.
2. What is the difference between acute stress and chronic stress? Acute
Stress is the reaction to an immediate threat and Chronic Stress is
stress that is continuous over long periods of time.
3. 90% of doctors visits are for stress-related health complaints.
4. Chronic stress makes you more vulnerable to everything from cancer to the
common cold.
B. The Dangers of Cortisol
1. Epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) and norepinephrine are stress
hormones produced on an as needed basis in moments of extreme
a. They help you think and move fast in an emergency.
2. Cortisol, streams through your system all day long, and thats what makes it
so dangerous.
3. List 7 health problems that can come from excess cortisol. Weight gain,
osteoporosis, digestive problems, hormone imbalances, cancer,
heart disease, and diabetes.
4. Weight gain, mood swings, poor sleep, short attention span, and memory
issues are common signs of stress due to elevated cortisol.
C. The Effects of Chronic Stress on Your Brain
1. Memory problems may be one of the first signs of stress that youll notice.
2. Stress builds up an area of your brain called the amygdala which is your
brains fear center.
a. Stress increases the size of the amygdala which makes you more
fearful, causing a vicious cycle of even more fear and stress.
3. Your brain cells communicate via chemicals called neurotransmitters.
a. Low levels of neurotransmitters can leave you depressed and more
prone to addiction.
b. Serotonin is called the happy molecule.
c. Women low in serotonin are prone to depression, anxiety, and binge
eating. Men, on the other hand, are more prone to alcoholism, ADHD,
and impulse control disorders.
d. People with low levels of dopamine often use caffeine, sugar, alcohol,
and illicit drugs.
e. Serotonin-based depression is accompanied by anxiety and irritability,
while dopamine-based depression expresses itself as lethargy and
lack of enjoyment of life.
4. Recent research has discovered physical differences in the brains of people
with stress disorders.
5. Stress impairs your memory and makes you bad at making decisions.
6. Alzheimers is now the sixth leading cause of death.
D. 5 Simple Steps to Help a Stressed Brain
Stress and Life
What are the five steps to help a stressed brain?
1. Breathe deeply
2. Start a daily meditation practice
3. Be present
4. Reach out
5. Listen to music

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