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A Kid’s Guide to Drawing How to Draw ‘ Insects Oh ee \ My A I 2 3 u § 6 7 8 q CONTENTS let's Draw Insects Ant Bumblebee Butiertly Dragontly ladybug Praying Mantis Termite Giant Beetle Drawing Terms Glossary Index Web Sites Let’s Draw Insects "Eww, bugs ore gross!” How many times have you heard someone say that? A lot of people think that bugs and insects are gross. This is because they don’t know very much about these amazing creatures. Did you know that there are more species of insects than any other animal in the world? Scientists have discovered more than 1 million species, but there may be as many as 30 million. Insects are small animals that creep, crawl, swim, and fly around us.all the time. Insects are marvelous little machines. They have many different ways of getting food and surviving in a world that isn’t always kind to very small animals. If you want fo learn more about insects, you can start by drawing them, You will leam why they have six legs. You will learn why the dragonfly has 56,000 lenses in its eyes. You will learn about the ants and bees, which live in huge colonies that work together to survive. You also will learn about beetles, which have more species than any other kind of insect. Here is. list of supplies that you will need to draw insects. #A sketch pad *A number 2 pencil *A pencil sharpener eAn eraser All of the insect drawings begin with a few simple shapes, usually ovals or reclangles. Then you will add other shapes to the first shape to draw each insect. For more information abou! drawing lerms, turn to page 22. Insects are fascinating little creatures, but they can be hard to drow because they are so different from the animals that we are used to seeing. If your insects don't look perfect right away, don’t give up. Remember to go slowly and be patient. Draw carefully and keep trying. Your insects will begin to look real. Seon they will take over-your notebook. Ants live almost everjaw think that all ants look alik 4,500 species of ants. LI bones or skelet is a hard shell that moves exoskeletons are made of a on Earth. You may but there are more than all insects, ants have no an exoskeleton, which the animal. Their sry strong, light materia called chitin. Ants may be tiny, but they accomplish some of the most amazing feats. They are secial animals. That doesn't mex It means they work togeth Anis live in groups calle es that can have up to 300 million members. There are castes, or types, of ants in each colony. The queen ant lays eggs Worker ants find food and bring it io the colony \ they like to go to patties fo survive. They also protect the queen and the colony. rr eZ 7 ‘ ee ‘Draw the oval shape af the head, the peanut Add the rear leg. How mony sections do thope of the thorax, and the pointy oval you toe? thope of the ebdomen Draw the middle leg end the front leg. ‘Add antennae, an aye, and the mouth, Add Notice how the eactions of the middle leg the small visible bits of the other legs, overlop to creote depth, eraser. ! Bumblebee Bum They o their nests ur yround, Bi tor pollinating many plar onia in off f ft reproduce E make honey Draw the circle of the thorex; leaving white spaces.on either side where the wings aattach, Add the Hottened oval of the cobdomen, with lines showing segments ‘Add the head, eyes, and ontennae. Repeat on the other side, ond add veins to ‘Add shading, shodow, and texture, Notice which ports of the body ore darker, ond which ara lighter. i Buit erfl hy isn’t fair tc al about butterflies without é | truly the dra s of the insect world g predators of smaller insects. The yd sireams, and sometimes In yer hour | I fields. Dragonflies can fly up Wi} (96.6 km/h). They 2 | fly backward, and People study them fo try to better airplanes. Dragon 28,000 |e allow them to see s allow them to find their prey and snatch if tror e direction very Quickly he air like helic ngu may have as many ¢ se compound eyes n every direction at once. Their ‘er in out how fo make in each ey ihe air Start with two small cin cles for the hood Draw and thorax, and drow thiy long ree: of the abdomen. ne hind wing, Jungle = on the other side, os well Add details-on heod, Front legs, veins in ® your drawing by adding more wings, and lings on the abdomen, shading and cells on each wing. look slowly ot the exomple and take y 13 your time drenving them! rol xv ii] stalks of plants in gardens ugs are beet and they live all over the world. There are about 350 species just in the summer on the United States. Most ladybugs ar fed or orange h black dots. The number of d chane the next. All lac ae have ¢ 1 bodies. The red “armor” you see:on them is actually « ie) protec their wings. When they fly, they have to lif brightly colored armor ladybugs o plul insects to humankind. They feed on aphids. Aphid insects that eat trees-and plants. Aphids can ruin a crop of fruit Fe armers MOKE suf one.of the mo: fo have ladybugs Io protect the trees from aphid Drew the forewing and the shope that looks like the head, but is octuclly the pronotum, which covers the head, Make'a line for the edge'of the stein ond Grav the other three leas Now make the ladybug feeding en an aphid sare Hevea exe: Add the front, middle, and rear legs. —_— ‘Add spots‘on the front wing ond pronotum. Draw the antenna (one.of two; tho other you can’t soe), and the beak, Add shoding and « cast shadow ee | Praying Mantis in its strong, sharp front |e his a a master of camouflage. Most prayir oe als yA sas tt ae es mH Draw the long abdomen and wing. Add the thorox at @ slight angle, thes the eyes, head, and mouthparts. SS Draw the segments of the front leg, raised Add antennae and the offar freat log ‘ond ready to'snare prey. | | | eA a Draw the wo rear legs. Lock carefully atthe Now add the otfier two rear legs, Add way each bends, shodling, toxture, and details Termite There are more than 2,000 species of termites. About 40 species live in the United States. Many more termites live in South America in the tropical climates. Termites live in colonies. They arrange their colonies into four levels. A king and queen are on the top level. The queen is so big that she can't move She is blind and totally helpless. Depending on the species, a termite queen can live up to 70 years and lay as many as 14 million eggs in her lifetine. Female worker termites are at the next level. They take care of young termites, get foad, and maintain the nest. Soldier termites, at the next level, have huge jaws and guard the nest. Finally, nymphs are the lowest level. They have the job of laying eggs if the queen dies. — og ee Draw the-abdomen, thorox, and head. f ¢ Conefully draw a pair of legs attached to. Divide the cbdomen into ten sections. each section. Orow antennae, mandibles, and other details of the head. Add light shoding and little hairs. Giant Beetle Beetles are word spec caps or in saltwater. Som plants and © t ar ver they can find = brought intc scr eir wings and | them down but it tects them. Almost a s. In fact, although of beetles, more the country ows that we lies. This shell slows Draw the forewings and thorax, Drow the frent legs. Add the middle ond hind legs. {Add the clublike antennae on either side of the center horn. Shade the beetle, leaving very light areas to moke it look shiny. Go over lines with a sharp pencil, Use @ dull pencil 19 add shading and o shadow Drawing Terms Here are some of the words and shapes you will need to draw insects: C] Box Ny Curved line <> Oval Shading Triangle sé A NDS Wav line Glossary camouflage [KA‘muh-ajl. The color or poten of on animal's feathers, fur, or skin that helps it bland ints its susoundings eastes |KASTS) Levels or groups'of Insects in o colony that have specific functions. chitin (Yin) A hard material that forms the hard part of insects’ shells cocoon (kuhXOON) An envelope, usually of silk, that a baby insect makes around itself when it bacomes an adult colonies (KAHHubneez) Groups of living things of the same kind that grow and live together. compound eyes (KOMpownd IYZ}. Eyes that are mode up of many separate visual units. exoskeleton lekso-SKEHuhton} The hard cuter shell of an insect's body: molt (MOHLT) When-an animal sheds i or skin pollen {PAHin] A powder that comes from the male part of a flower. It can cause seeds fo graw in the female part of « lower. pollinatirig (PAHHih-neyting) Moving pallsn from one flower to another 36 the planis can. grow is. predators (PREH-duer) Animals that kill other animals for food, prey [PRAY) An onimal that is hunted by another animal for fead. reproduce (ree piuhDOOS)| To make more of something of the same kind, species (SPEE-sheez| A single kind of plant or animal. For example, all people are one species. survive [surVYV)_ To live longer or stoy alive wingspan [WING-span) The distance from wing tip to wing tip when the wings are sveiched out. Index A D predotorls), 12, 16 ants, 6,8 dragonflies, 12 prey, 12, 16 aphids, 14 . eggs, 10, | @ ig queen, 6) 18 exoskeleton, 6 B ae 14,20 R mblebees, 8 H ae butterflies, 10 honey, 8 rere T c iy termites, 18 camouflage, 16 ladybugs, 14 castes, 6 Pp colerpillars, 10 chitin, 6 eocoan, 10 colonies, 6, 8, 18 pollen, 8 pollinating, 8 praying mantis, 16 Web Sites Te leam more about insects, check out Web sites: www. nysoes. /inko/ primer html www. six. html Qu TITLES IN THIS SERIES cA How to Draw African Animals . How to Draw 4 Animals otreRain Forest © How to Draw Fish How to Draw Insects f How to Draw Sharks How to Draw Whales =

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