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Whats Cookin with 621?

March 24, 2017

By Harry Watson

For many years Chartwells Dining has catered to the students of Salem State
University. Chartwells aim has always been to provide students with a variety of
nutritious and satisfying options. With an understanding that SSU students may want
more from their meals, Chartwells has tried to be open to change and a certain amount
of student engagement. Beginning last year, Chartwells introduced several new
programs and events including more varied dietary options and an Oscar Night dinner
theme event.
On March 8th, freshman Austin Wuebker lodged a complaint towards Chartwells on the
Salem State University Class of 2020 Facebook page. Wuebker writes the students are
fed up with the inconsistency and lack of management president and demand that
changes [be made]. Since its posting, the comment has gained 148 reactions on
Facebook as well as 58 replies.
On March 24, WMWM Salem DJ Tal Rimoni, sophomore, asked several Chartwells staff
members to come talk on his show 621.
Tal Rimoni, a SSU sophomore and host of the WMWM show 621, a weekly talk/music
variety show that airs Tuesdays at 6 PM, asked several Chartwells staff members to join
him in the studio to discuss Wuebkers post and the attention it has received.
On March 24, Tal was joined by John Hayes (Resident District Manager), George Lua
(North Dining Director), Jim Caldarelli (Catering Director), Alton Jackson (Director of
Marsh Dining) and Tess Brady (Assistant Director of Marsh Dining). One of the main
concerns brought of students was the inconsistency of the quality of food between
March and North Dining Halls.
The difference is the sheer volume of people and the equipment that were working
with. At North campus we typically see between 300 to 400 people. Down at Marsh
Dining, we get anywhere between 700 to 1000 kids said Hayes. This shows why
students might receive better food at North campus as opposed to Marsh.

One question Tal had for Tess Brady, a Salem State Alum, was about how Chartwells
has improved over the past two years since she has graduated. Brady stated that
Chartwells has implemented two new programs to cater to students with dietary needs:
The Rooted Program, which services students who are vegetarian/vegan and the G8
program which is designed for students with digestive food allergies such as Celiac
These programs make it easier for students to be accommodated and find options more
suited for their needs. Chartwells also offers healthier food options via its salad bar and
makes an effort to provide food for those not wanting to endure the Freshman Fifteen
When asked about the Class of 2020 Facebook post, Hayes had the following
response, Were not perfect, we serve about 8,000 meals per day. I think this whole
thing kind of just snowballed. Hayes also stated that when it comes to voicing their
concerns, a lot of younger college students, they dont say anything.
Chartwells measures its student satisfaction rate through a system called HAPPY or
NOT, a system in which only a minimal amount of students take advantage of. They
also have an If you dont see it, ASK policy, in which students are allowed to make
requests for food they want on the menu. Chartwells representatives have also said that
the students of SSU should know that they care about how students feel and are doing
everything they to listen to their students requests.

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