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Execu tive B oar d

Follow Us On:
Gene ral Manager: A ndrew B aril
ge neralmanage r@wmwmstaff.c om

P rog ram Direc tor: Ky le Talbot
programdirector@wmwmstaff.c om wmwm.salem.90

Tre asure r: Robert Francis
tre asure r@wmwms taff .com
WMWMSalem A free r ange platform
Secre tary: H arry W ats on
for SSU.
se c re tar y @wm wm sta f f .c o m
Public Relations: Katie P ope

Mus ic Director: H annah Newc ombe

Mus ic Director: Katie C offey
musicdirec tor@wmwms taff .com

Station Numbe r: ( 978) - 219- 9170

Located at Salem
State University Ellison Center
Past Events What We Play O u r P u r po s e
SSUs Got Talent
Salem State run talent show O ur Sho ws consis t o f W MW M i s a no n - pro f it
Alternati ve, Vari ety, an d st ud e nt r a dio st at io n
Karaoke Night Talk shows in t h e S a le m St a t e
Free range open-mic for
Individuals interested in Pas t Gues t Speaker s: c o m mu n it y t h at
karaoke Char twell s, Lynn A r ts, bro ad c ast s al l g e nr e s
Rep. Paul Tuc ker and o f mu s ic an d to pi c s
Lip Sync Battle Melv in Seals
Who can lip sync the best!
Our St ation s tri ves t o
showcase loca l t alen t and
Nightmare Before Christmas other indiv iduals looking
Local Indie band concert
for a pla tform
showcasing talents
WMWM is also willing t o DJ all
Look out for more ev ents ins id e and outs id e
potential upcoming events! S alem St at e

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