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Business tips, Introduce yourself

A good presentation can be the key to access the world of business; therefore,
it is important to be coherent, clear and take into account the following items
when introducing your-self in a business environment.

1. First, introduce yourself: talk about you, your name, job, etc.

- Good morning, my name is Adrian Ariosa. Im business manager from


2. Give some information about yourself.

- Acknowledged expert, with more than 20 articles published about

distribution channels and import/ export process.

3. What kind of product are you offering?

- Right now our company is exporting tableware to the United States.

4. Identify what make you different, especially from your competitors.

- Our company has been in an interesting process of growth following

the free trade agreements that have been applied in our country. We
have seen a major host of our products.

5. Offer your services as a professional.

- If you need help on the export or consulting on the subject do not

hesitate to contact us.

6. Close the conversation:

- It has been a pleasure meeting you. I look forward to seeing you


These are a few simple tips from which you can build a formal presentation
of yourself or your business. The idea is that you agree with your experience,
expressions, etc. Build your presentation considering that is in a business
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Centro de Gestin
de Mercados,
Natalia Catalina Contratista Diciembre
Autor Logstica y
Perea. de 2012
Tecnologas de la
Lina Mara Pedagoga - Lnea Abril de
Adaptacin Agroindustrial
Franco Arbelez de produccin 2013
Regional Quindo
Ana Mara Mora Guionista - Lnea Abril de
Adaptacin Agroindustrial
Jaramillo de produccin 2013
Regional Quindo

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