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A. Background Of Writing
In economics, business is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers or

other businesses, to earn a profit. Historically the word business from the United Kingdom

business, from basic word busy which means "busy" in the context of the individual, the

community, or the community. In a sense, is busy working on the activity and jobs that bring

in profits. Usually in a business, there is frequently Correspondence activities we do.

Correspondence is an activity or relationship that is conducted on an ongoing basis

between two parties conducted by sending each letter from one party to another party can be

the name of the position in a company/organization and on behalf of individual members

Business correspondence is a correspondence activities carried out in the business

world, either in the form of letters, memos, proposals, reports and agendas of the business.

The letter is a means of written communication submitted by one party to another party by

using certain media. One of the things that distinguishes regular mail with business letter is

the purpose of business letter.

Letter of business or activity-oriented style of language used. In the Process, one can

write and send mail with a piece of paper or electronic (email). Now, the development of

computers and the internet as an important pillar in the advancement of information and

communication technologies, has presented a new way in the correspondence system. If the

first person conducting correspondence using paper, currently undertaking activities

correspondence digitally using electronic mail.

The day after day, more people are using email in a correspondence. There are several

advantages of the given email, which became the impetus for the change.
Therefore, we take the initiative to take a title that is "utilization of E-mail in business

activities" so that we are able to know what it is the E-mail, how to create and how to use it

in correspondence.

B. Problems Identification
1. What is the definition of email?
2. what are the parts of an email message?
3. what are the parts and benefits of email?
4. What are the adventages and disadvantages?

C. Purposes of Writing
1. To provide an understanding knowledge of the electronic mail.
2. To get information of how to write a letters on electronic mailing.
3. To discuss to our classmates about this particular topics.
4. in order find out how the creation of e-mail




A. Definition of Electronic Mail (e-mail)

E-mail is a method of exchanging digital message from an author to one or more

recipients. Email also is the internet facility for the purposes of correspondence.
E-mail can be distributed to lists of people as well as to individuals. A shared

distribution list can be managed by using an e-mail reflector. Some mailing lists allow

you to subscribe by sending a request to the mailing list administrator. A mailing list that

is administered automatically is called a list server.

B. Parts of An Email Message

An email message consists of three parts :
1. Header
The massage headers contain information concerning the sender and recipients. The

exact content of mail headers can very depending on the email system that generated

the message. Generally, headers contain the following information :

a. Subject. Subject is a description of the topic of the message and displays in most

email systems that list email messages individually.

b. Sender (from). This is the senders Internet email address. It is usually presumed to

be the same as the Reply to address, unless a different one is provided.

c. Date and time received. The time the message was received.
d. Reply-to. This is the internet email address that will become the recipient of your

reply if you click the reply button

e. Recipient (to). First/last name of email recipient, as configured by the sender.
f. Recipient email adress. The internet mail address of the recipient, or where the

message was actually sent.

2. Body is the main thing in conveying the message or the content of the letter
3. Signature . it means who the message is from and additional contact information.
4. Attachments. Contain the names of the files you attach to your e-mail message. The

file can be a word processing document, a digital image, an audio or video message, a

spreadsheet or a software program.

C. Benefits Uses Email

1. The development of social networking
2. Access a wider world of education
3. Access the workforce directly
4. Means promotional products goods
5. Means promotional product or services, a seller or marketing agency usually choose

to promotion his good or service that his sell to customer via email because they

consider promotion via email more profit because its easy and not need many cost.
6. E-mail can connect with anyone it whole internet in the world with cost local beat.
7. Can easier communication with people in the whole world.
8. As business place, now In the time a businessman or businesswoman must not have

company or store to sell his goods because they can also goods promotion via email.
9. Add to colleague or expend work network.

D. Advantages of emails
a. Fast/ very fast, because it only needs a few minutes
b. Easy, because we can simply type in the computer
c. Multiple send can send to multiple people at once
d. Can send attachment files like doc files, excel, mp3, pictures, videos, and others
e. Anytime and anywhere (no differences in location and time)
f. The cost is cheaper because the Internet is now beginning is rather cheap in indonesia
g. Emails are easy to use. You can organize your daily correspondence, send and receive

electronic messages and save them on computers.

h. Emails are fast. They are delivered at once around the world. No other form of written

communication is as fast as an email.

i. The language used in emails is simple and informal.
j. When you reply to an email you can attach the original message so that when you

answer the recipient knows what you are talking about. This is important if you get

hundreds of emails a day.

k. It is possible to send automated emails with a certain text. In such a way it is possible

to tell the sender that you are on vacation. These emails are called auto responders.
l. Emails do not use paper. They are environment friendly and save a lot of trees from

being cut down.

m. Emails can also have pictures in them. You can send birthday cards or newsletters as

n. Products can be advertised with emails. Companies can reach a lot of people and

inform them in a short time.

E. Disadvantages of E-mails
a. Emails may carry viruses. There are small programs that harm your computer

system. They can read out your email address book and send themselves to a

number of people around the world.

b. Many people send unwanted emails to others. There are called spam mails. It takes

a lot of time to filter out the unwanted emails from those that are really important.
c. Emails cant really be used for official business documents. They may be lost and

you cant sign them.

d. Your mailbox may get flooded with emails after a certain time so you have to

empty it from time to time

A. Write Down Various Letter
B. Analysis Using 7Cs Principles
1. First Letter
The Letter is clear because the letter easily to be understood
The Letter is Complete because it contains the reader needs.
The letter is so courteous.
The letter is concise, because there is not repetition, Use short, familiar, and

conversional words
The letter is correct because have accuracy for punctuation for example pull stop,

comma, colon.
The letter is coherent, because the ideas of a letter are logically and consistently
The letter is so concrete because the letter are specific and definite.
2. Second Letter
The Letter is clear because the letter easily to be understood
The Letter is Complete because it contains the reader needs.
The letter is not courteous. Because the second paragraph, the buyer have said , I

would like you to send me one pack of modeled Trusmi Batik like I ordered before. Or

if the pack of modeled Tursmi batik which I ordered had been ordered by somebody

else, I hope you give me back the money for the amount charge of the Tursmi Batik

The letter is not concise, because there are many repetition.
The letter is correct because have accuracy for punctuation for example pull stop,

comma, colon.
The letter is coherent, because the ideas of a letter are logically and consistently
The letter is so concrete because the letter are specific and definite.Concrete
3. The third Letter
The Letter is clear because the letter easily to be understood
The Letter is Complete because it contains the reader needs.
The letter is so courteous.
The letter is concise, because there is not repetition, Use short, familiar, and

conversional words
The letter is correct because have accuracy for punctuation for example pull stop,

comma, colon.
The letter is coherent, because the ideas of a letter are logically and consistently
The letter is so concrete because the letter are specific and definite.

A. Conclusion:

The use of e-mail in business correspondence is very necessary because it provides the

ease and smoothness in the process of business activities. Therefore, the e-mail is one of

the alternatives that are currently used in business correspondence.

B. Suggestion:

the use of e-mail in the company must consider the language properly and follow the

procedures for writing a good letter.

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