Matte 1 Readingexperience Vocab

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Concept Unit

Lesson Plan Template

Unit Working Title: What is Truth?

Unit Big Idea (Concept/Theme): Truth and perspective

Unit Primary Skill focus: Evaluating and understanding point of view in non-fiction texts

Week 2 of 3; Plan #1 of 9; [90 mins.]

Plan type: Full-Detail

Content Requirement Satisfied:

(Note: Refer to the list in the document called Concept Unit Lesson Plans)
Reading Experience Day 1
Vocabulary Lesson

Unit Learning Objectives (numbered) [from my Backwards Design Unit Document],

followed by Specific lesson objectives (lettered) being taught in this lesson:

Cognitive (know/understand):

3. In order to think critically, we need to analyze multiple points of view.

A. Students will understand that not everyone has the same viewpoint as them.

Affective (feel/value) and/or Non-Cognitive:

4. Students will be able to openly discuss bias, cultural perspectives, and multiple

viewpoints openly, thoughtfully, and respectfully with their peers and instructor.

A. Students will discuss their personal understanding and perspective of a topic.

Performance (do):
5. SWBAT Identify multiple perspectives around a topic.

A. Students will develop and demonstrate their own understanding/view of a topic.

SOLs: [List with numbers portrayed in the SOL document]

12.5 The student will read and analyze a variety of nonfiction texts.
12.5 a) Generate and respond logically to literal, inferential, evaluative,
synthesizing, and critical thinking questions before, during, and after reading

CCSs: [List with numbers portrayed in the CCS document]

CCSS.11-12. Writing. 9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to
support analysis, reflection, and research.

Methods of Assessment:
[How will you know if the intended learning occurred?] List all methods of assessment used in
this lesson or which are related to this lesson and come in a future lesson. After each assessment,
indicate in brackets the number(s) and letter(s) of the unit objective and the related lesson
objectives that the assessment is evaluating.

Diagnostic: Formative Summative

Ks and Ws: The creation Predictions and Small

and discussion of the Group Discussion: Students
Knows and want to will discuss their perspectives
Knows will allow the surrounding the text and its
students to share their own background respectfully in
understanding of the cultural their small groups. They will
events surrounding the gain an understanding of their
second World War. This peers perspective on the
display of their own beliefs topics. This will give the
will later play into our teacher guidance on directing
discussion on perspective as and cultivating respectful
how they define the period is conversation as we move
based on their cultural through the unit.
understanding and (Obj. 3-A and 4-A)
perspective. They will also
gain insight into how their Exit Ticket:
peers understand the topic The exit ticket will allow the
through utilizing the shared students to share what they
document. learned. It will allow the
(Obj. 5-A and 3-A) teacher to evaluate the level of
involvement in the sharing
discussion to inform future
discussion and development of
Objective 3. (Obj. 3-A)

Procedures/Instructional Strategies
[Note: Any words that represent what I would say directly to students appear in italics.]

Beginning Room Arrangement:

[Changes in this arrangement that become necessary later will be noted in the plan]

1. [5 mins.] Bridge/Hook/Opening to lesson:

Hey there everyone! Welcome to our second week of class. I hope everyone had a great
first week of school and got some rest over the weekend. Today, we are going to start our
first book and unit. [PowerPoint Slide 1] I have the cover of our new book projected on
the screen. Just based on the cover, what do you think this book is about? What genre do
you think it might be? What makes you think that? [give three minutes to field student
responses. There really is not right or wrong answer, the point is to get rationale from the
students for their assumptions] Great ideas, class. So we are going to go ahead and delve
into this text today and you can figure out if any of your predictions were right.

2. [15 mins.] Knows and Want to Knows [mins.]

So, I want everyone to pull up the Citizen KWL on their Google share drive. I shared it
with all of your and also sent it to you via email. Raise your hand if you need help finding
it and I will come over. [spend one minute either helping students if they need it or just
letting students open the file] Okay, so we are going to do a KWL today. Some of you may
have done an activity like this before. KWL stands for Know, Want to Know, and Learned.
For the next ten minutes, I am going to put info into the K and W columns. Your Ks and
Ws for today are focusing on the topics on the top of the document: Japanese
involvement in World War II, Japanese-American Internment in the United States, and
executive orders. I would like each of you to put at least two thoughts in each column.
You do not need to worry about being 100% accurate or right. You can just fill in what
you know. For example, I entered a K that says Executive orders are issued by the
executive branch in US government and I put a W which reads What were WWII
internment camps like? So, just a personal peeve, I do not enjoy writing into Google
Docs. If you share this sentiment, feel free to type it in a word processor then copy and
paste it into the google doc. Please put your name next to your contribution. This is an
independent activity, so I would appreciate you working silently. Okay, go ahead and get
going [Give students ten to twelve minutes to enter their thoughts. Field questions and
circulate the room as they work. Make sure to give students time warnings to finish up
their thoughts.]

3. [15 mins.] Class discussion and construction of understandings

Okay guys, wow I see on our Google Doc we have a LOT of input. So, what I want to do
is try to construct together some understanding of Japanese-American internment during
WWII. I am going to go around the room and ask each of you to share something about
this period that you know about. [Students will each share out. As they do, instructor will
organize the information into a time-line-esque structure on the board. Repeated thoughts
or misinterpretations will either be merged with information or kindly corrected] Great
so it looks like we have a lot of shared understanding about this time period. I am going
to go ahead and share a little more specific info about this time period and context of our
4. [7 mins.] PowerPoint (vocabulary and background info
Please go ahead and take out a piece of paper to take notes. [PowerPoint slide 2] So the
first thing we are going to look at here is this word internment. What does this word make
you guys think of? [Field one or two responses] Yeah, great. To me I think of an
internship where you are working and not getting paid. But really, it is a little more
serious. Internment, in the context of our book, is being held by force. In the case of
Japanese-Americans in World War II, they were held in various camps across the
Western United States. [Slide 3] [During this time, the teacher will create a semantic map
on the board with the dry erase marker to relate the terms to each other while explaining
their meaning. Students will copy this down.] Executive Order 9066 was the order issued
by FDR that allowed for the internment of Japanese-Americans. Following this order, in
the 80s after internment, was the US Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment
which investigated Japanese-American internment. [Slide 4] For the sake of todays
reading, in particular, I also wanted to introduce to you two Japanese words the Okubo
uses throughout the text. Nisei and Isei are terms used to refer to the generations of
Japanese-Americans. First generation is a group that moved from Japan and second
generation would be their children. [During this time, teacher will create a semantic map
on the board illustrating the relationship between the generations] Throughout the text,
we will encounter some Japanese words which we will work on defining together.
5. [15 mins.] Reading
So now I want everyone to come up to the front and grab a book. I will pass around the
sign out sheet for the book while you are working. They each have a number on them so
on the sheet sign next to where the number of your book is. When you have your book, sit
down and read through the introduction written by the author. Okay, lets make it happen
in as quiet a manner as possible! [Once all students have gotten a book and returned to
their seats, pass around the sign out sheet. Give them 10-12 minutes to read the
6. [10 mins.] Ls
Okay, as you are finishing up the chapter, I want you to do two things. One, I want you
to go into the KWL and put in an L each. This intro is rich with information, so write
down something that you learned while reading it. Then, I want you, on a scrap of paper
or on a separate document, to write down three things you expect to learn about in the
text. What do you expect the authors experience was like? What do you expect she will
focus on? Any other predictions or expectations. [Slide 5. Give students about 7 minutes
to do this]
7. [15 mins.] Small Group Discussion
In your small groups, I want you to talk about your KWLs from today. I also want you
to discuss what you predict in the book. Make sure while you are talking about your Ls
and your predictions that you site info from your book. You have about 15 minutes
[circulate while students are discussing to use for formative assessment]
8. [8 mins] Closure and Exit Ticket:
Wow I heard some great stuff while you were talking today! Does anyone have
something that they would like to share out from their discussion? [Allow for two or three
student responses, about two minutes] Okay so before we go, I would like you to answer
the questions on the Exit Slip I am handing out to you. [Hand out exit slip, Appendix C]
First, write down one thing that you are still wanting to know. Try to classify it as the
thing you want to know the most, what you are really, really wondering about as we go
into this book. Next, write down one thing that you learned either from class today or
from one of your peers regarding our book. For homework, please read the first three
chapters of the book. It seems like a lot of pages, but it really isnt! I promise you will be
surprised how fast the book goes! Turn in your exit slip on the way out.

Differentiated Instruction to accommodate one or more of my profiled students:

(This is where you identify specific aspects of this lesson which have been differentiated in order
to address the needs of one or more of your profiled studentsidentify them by name)

Materials Needed (list):

-Students will need computers
-Projector and screen
-White board and dry erase marker
-Google Doc shared with entire class
- Text: Citizen 13660

Materials Appendix: (e.g., supplementary texts, Ppts, overheads, graphic organizers,

handouts, etc.)

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