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The Japan Foundation Travel Support for

Attendees to the 2017 AAS-in-Asia Conference in Seoul

Application Form

I. Personal Information
1. Name (family) Name (given)

2. Gender (please circle one) Male/Female

3. Nationality

4. Profession
Area of Specialization
5. Higher Education (attachment accepted)

6. Employment (attachment accepted)

7. Contact Information
Please indicate where you would like to Home:
receive mail. Address:






8. Language English Proficiency

Please tick appropriate box. IntroductoryIntermediateFluentNative
Japanese Proficiency

9. Previous travel grant from JF

JF Summer Institute 2015 JF Summer Institute 2016
AAS Annual Conference 2016 Seattle JSA-ASEAN 2016 Cebu
AAS-in-Asia 2016 Kyoto AAS Annual Conference 2017 Toronto

II. Statement of Purpose

On a separate sheet explain why you wish to attend the AAS-in-Asia 2017 in Seoul, how this
experience relates to your future academic interests or career goals. What are your chief interests and
goals? How will you be able to build on the experience when you return to your home institution? If
you are or going to be a teacher, focus on how this will enhance the way you teach about Japan. Please
type this statement (maximum two pages.)
Please include your major academic achievement of the past 3 years, such as presentation at
conferences, publication of paper in academic journal and publication of books.
III. Participation in Accepted Yes (role: )
Panel Sessions *Please attach the outline of the panel session.
IV. Sessions to Attend
Please list the sessions you intend to attend.

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