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Maria Rost Rublee

ATS3705, Semester One 2017

Guidelines for Analysis Paper

For this assignment, you will collect three newspaper articles on a specific topic in international
relations, and compose a 1500-word theoretical analysis of the issue. The purpose of the
assignment is for you to gain practice in analyzing a particular current event in international
relations through a theoretical lens, as well as making judgments about the utility of that
theoretical lens to the specific topic.

Note: The topic must relate to a current event that has taken place in the last year. All articles
used must be from the past 12 months.

Due Date: 26 April 5 pm on moodle

Page length: 1250-1750 words (papers shorter or longer by 10% will have marks deducted)

Citations: Either Harvard or Chicago, so long as you are consistent

Other: 12-point font, 2.54 cm margins, double-spaced.

The paper should be divided into four parts:
1. Introduction: Introduce the reader to your topic and your analytical conclusions. (150
2. Explanation of Issue: Explain what international relations issue is being considered, and
gives a brief background on it. (300 words)
3. Theoretical Analysis: Analyze the issue using the lens of one of the three theories already
discussed in class (realism, neoliberal institutionalism, or constructivism)1. (900 words)
This section should have two sub-parts:
1.How does this theory shed light on the issue? What insights does the theory give us
into this international relations topic?
2. What are the limitations of this theory in understanding the issue? To what extent
are important facets of the issue ignored or dismissed by the theory?
4. Conclusion: Summarize and reinforce your papers analytical judgments. (150 words)

Note: The word limits for each section are only guidelines. However, please take note of the
relative weight of each section (e.g., dont dedicate 300 words to the introduction and
only 400 words to the analysis).

1 You are able to use another theory covered in the unit to assess the current event. However,
you are strongly urged to do this only if you are already an expert in that theory.
Note: The most important section of the paper is the theoretical analysis. Make sure that you
spend equal time discussing the theorys benefits and limitations. If your analysis is one-
sided, it will appear you dont fully understand the theory, and your mark will be affected

The paper is worth 30% of your paper. Please see the attached marking rubric for detailed
information about how the paper will be graded.

As per the Faculty Late Assessment Submission Penalties guidelines, papers turned in late
without an agreed-upon extension will be marked off at 5% per calendar day.

Potential Topics
Topics should be issues currently in the news today. You can discuss topics in general (such as
nuclear proliferation) or you can pick a specific example of that topic (such as North Koreas
nuclear provocations). The following list is a mix of general and specific topics.
Syrian refugees
Islamic state
Colombia peace deal
Conflict in the South China Sea
Human trafficking
The possible collapse of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Global health pandemic (I suggest you pick a specific crisis, such as zika or ebola)
Climate change
Civil war (I suggest you pick a specific country, such as Syria or Libya)
Maritime security (pick a specific event/conflict)
Discrimination against women
Russian interference in the U.S. election
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Resource or territorial disputes
NZ-Australian economic and military integration
Issues/problems with democracy in a particular country (Fiji, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.)
Terrorism (I suggest you pick a specific terrorist event)
Nuclear proliferation (Iran, North Korea, Israel, Pakistan, India)
Nuclear disarmament (e.g., the upcoming talks on the global ban treaty)
Global poverty

You are welcome to choose your own topic so long as it conforms to the guidelines: it is about
an international relations issue that has been in the news within the past year. I strongly suggest
you consult with your tutor if you select your own topic. Papers written on topics that do not
conform to the guidelines will be returned ungraded, and students will be expected to submit a
paper that does conform to the guidelines.

Academic Sources
This paper is primarily about theoretical analysis, not research. However, you will need to locate
three newspaper or news journal articles about your issue and cite all three within the body of
your paper. (The best way to do this is simply to use facts or quotations from the articles in the
Explanation of Issue section.) Do not use books (they are not current enough) or conference
papers (they can be of dubious quality).

Note: You must cite within the body of the paper at least 3 newspaper or news journal articles.
Each citation under 3 will be assessed a penalty of 5% of the paper grade.

Note: You can use more than 3 sources, but Wikepedia is not an acceptable source under any
condition. If you use more than 3 sources, they can be more than one year old just so
long as you have 3 newspaper or news journal articles that are within 1 year.

Please use either the Harvard or Chicago citation style. Please take care with your citations. All
citations must have author (if there is one), title of article, title of publication, date of publication.
Do not treat citations as internet sources you need to give full publication information. If
citations are not done according to one of the above two styles, marks will be deducted.

Examples of Possible Newspapers or News Journals

Any major newspaper in Australia or around the world, such as The Age, The Australian,
The New York Times, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The South China Morning
Post, Japan Times, etc.
Major news journals, such as The Atlantic, The Economist, Time, Newsweek, etc.
Major TV news websites (ABC, BBC, SBS, etc.)

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