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The philosophy of Early Childhood Education 1

Philosophy of Early Childhood Education

Chloe Lapray

College of Southern Idaho

Evin Fox

EARC 109 C01W

Spring Semester 2016


Teaching is an important role to have. In order to be a vigorous teacher one

must consider many things. These things should be children and where they

are developmentally, their backgrounds, the diversity in a classroom, and the

different practices that are available to do a strong well understood job.

The philosophy of Early Childhood Education 2

My Reason for Teaching

Teaching: The reason I chose early childhood education and want to teach young

children are, I want to be able to help children become better in education and grow up to

become successful young adults. Helping children learn would be very heartwarming and

rewarding because Early Elementary ages is where it all begins. Being able to have a part in a

childs learning experience and make it worth wild and set a positive mind set for the students is

something that would mean the world.

I believe that a teacher needs to consider all his or her students as equal individual children of

great aspects and ensure that they are all getting the proper amount of education in order to move

on to the next grade and even in life. In order for them to achieve these needs, they need to learn

as much as they can about life and the academics provided to them. Early Childhood education
The philosophy of Early Childhood Education 3

provides a foundation to not only teachers but the students so that each can become successful in

doing what needs to be done, taught, or learned.

Philosophies of Known and Accepted ECE philosophers

Knowing and Acceptance of Philosophies and Play: Play is a way of learning for

children. During a typical preschool day there will be structured and unstructured periods,

enabling children to learn through at their own rate. Values that support learning through play

include: children are viewed as thinkers, reflecting about their world, the purposeful play is when

children teach through the process of their efforts, children gain knowledge by building on a path

of ever increasing knowledge, and children are encouraged to make choices and practice

individual decision-making.

With the right surrounding the children can learn the importance of emotional and physical

developments or learning. This helps them learn the growth of creative thinking and problem

solving along with respect for individuality and the rights of others and there space.

Developmentally Appropriate Practices

DAP Role: This is a perspective within early childhood education whereby a teacher or

child caregiver nurtures a child's social/emotional, physical, and cognitive development by

basing all practices and decisions on theories of child development (Wikipedia). This form of

DAP is there to help childrens support in play activities to help them better learn, help with

child-guide and teacher-guide experiences, this allows time for children to select activities from

the experiences you have prepared such as small group learning activities or even large group.

Diversity in ECE

The Role of Play in Diversity: Early childhood providers are called upon to do many

difficult tasks. One of the many difficult, but most difficult of these is providing our children
The philosophy of Early Childhood Education 4

with diverse, multicultural experiences. Parents base there knowledges and criteria they choose

child care and the early elementary7 programs such as kindergarten, or hear start programs by

looking at the same language spoken or the same religions, they are homogeneous thinking. As

teachers we have an obligation to teach all children in our programs that any type of harassment

and intolerance towards any child or person is unacceptable, we do not judge by the cover of the

book, we talk about respect and gratitude for your fellow classmates.

The Role of Curriculum and Play in ECE

Curriculum and Play: Playing is very important in ECE, it helps children get a break

and also use their imaginations. Research on play in the context of Early Childhood Education

has addressed two aspects of the play-curriculum relationship. One set of researchers look into

the use of play elements, play environments, or play motivation as a way to enhance instruction

in core subjects such as literacy, mathematics or science, or as a way to promote specific areas of

development such as the development of childrens social-emotional competencies, oral

language or gross and fine motor skills (child Encyclopedia).

The philosophy of Early Childhood Education 5


< Diversity in Early Childhood programs Early childhood news, Wortham, S.C. (2002). Early
childhood curriculum. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall. >

< children program Evenston, Child care network. 11 March 2015>

<Early childhood Education Wikipedia: The Free Encylopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.,
15 March 2016 Web. 18 March 2016>

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