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ACCY 375: BB13 Extra Credit

Name:______John Bulaon_________________
For up to 15 points extra credit (1 point per sentence), correct the following sentences.
*Most sentences have multiple errors (grammar, punctuation, typos, etc.). You have to fix
them all to get credit for the sentence, so pay close attention. You may use your copy of Strunk
& White, as well as May & May, to help you figure it out.*
1. The Board of Directors met December 12, 2014 in Charlotte, NC.
2. To increase the revenues from its new product, the company introduced an advertising

campaign in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

3. The hugest problem in our firm, however, is obsolete inventories.
4. The firm hired two new audits; thus the work will be finished on time.
5. For example, Elixir Products should consider the FASBs Accounting Standards

Codification Topic 840, which deals with leases.

6. The auditors revealed several problems in Thompson Companys financial records, such

as its depreciating policy, its handling of bad debts, and its inventory accounting.
7. The presidents letter contained the following warning: If our revenues dont increase

soon, the plant may be forced to close.

8. Were planning a new sales strategy, the manager wrote in reply.
9. We have decided not to invest in the Allied bonds at this time; instead we are considering

Blackstones common stocks.

10. Although our revenues increased during June, expenses rose at an alarming rate.
11. On Tax Day, its almost impossible to find an accountant.
12. Whenever I see Cheetos, a certain face always comes to mind.
13. Having spent all day explaining what items are qualified expenses, the pint of Ben and

Jerrys waiting in the freezer was the light at the end of the tunnel.
14. Some say you cant put a price on love, unless, money is the object of affection.
15. Mesmerized by the glowing blue light, the fly trap seduced throngs of young flies looking

for a thrill.

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