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Materials Appendix:

APPENDIX A: Alternate Perspective Journal Entry/Found Poetry Handout

Alternate Perspective Journal Entry

Hello writers! For this assignment, you will be asked to write a NARRATIVE
from the point of view of someone different from yourself. You will choose to
respond to one of the three works of art below as well as their accompanying
prompts, both of which will serve as inspiration for your Alternate Perspective
Journal Entry.


Imagine you are accompanying the

woman in the painting on her
journey. You are both leaving home
for the first time, spreading your
wings and ready to fly to a new
home. Describe your experience
flying high above the world, and your
feelings about embarking on a new

Mas All del Universo (Beyond the Universe) by Paula Nicho Cumez

Imagine yourself as Chickadee in this scene: out
hunting and checking rabbit snares with your twin
brother, Makoons, just like we read in the excerpt
from Louise Erdrichs story, Chickadee. Describe
your experience with nature in this scene, and
your excitement from the hunt.

Untitled by Nokomis, Ojibwe artist and storyteller

Narrative Writing Checklist

When youre writing your narrative, make sure to include each of these
components. Check them off as you look back over your writingcontinue to
go back through your writing to add what you need. Remember, writing is a
process that is hardly ever perfect the first time around. Good luck!

Does my Alternate Perspective Journal Entry have:

______ First person narration

Is my story told from the perspective of one person, using the
pronouns I and me?

______ A beginning, middle and end

Does my story have a sequence of logical events that take place?

______ Strong description and imagery

Does my story have vivid details and descriptions, which are used to
set the scene?

Narrative Writing Checklist

When youre writing your narrative, make sure to include each of these
components. Check them off as you look back over your writingcontinue to
go back through your writing to add what you need. Remember, writing is a
process that is hardly ever perfect the first time around. Good luck!
Does my Alternate Perspective Journal Entry have:

______ First person narration

Is my story told from the perspective of one person, using the
pronouns I and me?

______ A beginning, middle and end

Does my story has a sequence of logical events that take place?

______ Strong description and imagery

Does my story have vivid details and descriptions, which are used to
set the scene?

APPENDIX B: Painting Slideshow (images on slides)

Mas All del Universo (Beyond the Universe), 2005, 24" x 32"
Untitled by Nokomis, Ojibwe artist and storyteller

APPENDIX C: Thinking About Paintings Handout

Thinking About Paintings
In this painting, I can see

The colors are bright/dark (circle one) and this makes me


The most important part of the painting is

I can imagine myself in the painting, and

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