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My first reading was supposed to be for Seventy Nine (79) days more or less and
the second reading of the review would take a mere forty two (42) days. Then after
the two sets of readings Ill have a Pre-Week reading for only Fifteen (15) days after
taking a breather of two days.


Herrera, Civil Procedure Annotated Vol. I
Regalado, Civil Procedure Annotated Vol. I and II
Lecture notes from Justice Feria and Carlos Ortega

(March 14-31, 2011)


Vitug, Pandect of Commercial Law
Villanueva- Commercial Law Reviewer

I was supposed to listen to Balbastros lecture but opted just to read instead.


Ortega Notes- which UP students prepared during the Advanced Review
Revised Penal Code, Reyes- Volume 1 and 2
Lecture notes from Carlos Ortega

Plus the short text prepared by Justice Sandoval

CIVIL LAW (12 Days)

Jurado, Civil Law Reviewer
Albano, Civil Law Review

I no longer listened to Judge Ed Albano but got to know from my review mates what
he said since our review room was adjacent to the UP Bar Review Center

Domondon- Reviewer (yellow)
Domondon- Reviewer (brown)
Notes from Francisco Sababan
Answers to Questions by Abella
Lecture: Edwin Abella and Abelardo Domondon


Chito Claudio, Labor and Social Legislation (recommended by my brother)
Alcantara- Labor Law Reviewer

POLITICAL LAW REVIEW (6 days probably 5 cause I need a breather)

Bernas- Political Law Reviewer
Nachura- Political Law Reviewer


Pano- Legal Ethics
Pineda- Legal Ethics and Exercises
I practiced writing a form each day a contract, an affidavit-

By July 4 - I was supposed to be in my second reading but during the actual review-
I started my second reading on July 6- which meant Ill cut two days-


RAM Notes- RAM is the acronym of the person who made the notes
Actually its V.V. Mendozas and Nachuras Lecture combined
Questions and Answers in Political Law
Cruz- Political Law
Cruz- Constitutional Law
Codal- Election Law and Local Government-

I finished RAM for two days, took a day for the Questions and Answer and Cruz- I
compressed for a day and a half so I had some time to look at the Codals

LABOR LAW (4 days I chopped it to three)

Manalac- Labor Standards and Labor Relations
Question and Answer in Labor Law
Disini Notes

(I finished Manalac for a day- and Q and A for a second day- plus Disini notes for a
day- so it meant a rest day for one day)

CIVIL LAW (7 days- I chopped it to five)

Albano, Reviewer in Civil Law
Question and Answer in Civil Law
Casanova-Land, Titles and Deeds
Property- Notes from Ateneo

Note: By June- we have already traded review materials with UP, San Beda and

TAXATION (5 days)
Domondon- yellow text
Domondon- brown text
Codal Provisions
1997 and 1996 bar Questions and Answer

(the complete Question and Answers to Bar Questions was not then available)


Commecial Law Reviewer- Balbastro (I wonder why I read this book)
Question and Answer in Commercial/Mercantile Law
Cantindig Notes
Pandect of Vitug- which I enjoyed reading

CRIMINAL LAW (5 days I chopped to four)

Ortega Notes
Codal Provisions
Questions and Answers to Criminal Law

REMEDIAL LAW (7 days I chopped to 6)

Regalado, Civil Procedure- Francisco Notes
Albano, Reviewer
Evidence notes from Benipayos lecture

Note: I got sick during this time- so the actual reading only consisted of 5 days)

LEGAL ETHICS (2 days- I chopped to 1 and a half)

Pano Legal Ethics
Question and Answer Legal Ethics and Practical Exercises

I was supposed to start my pre-week on August 18 but started it on August 20-by

then the bar was near- I was only poring over Memory Aids some made by me,
tapes, handouts, digests, labor case, and notes from UP and Ateneo plus UST- I call
it my stay at Castle Wolfenstein in preparation for----
Death Ride of the Panzers- the days during the bar-
For Political Law I was only reading the Outline Reviewer of Nachura- and my
Labor Law- I re-read only Manalac and Claudio
Civil Law- Memory Aids, Codals and Jurados Pre-Week
Taxation- my notes, Sababans notes and the Codal
Commercial Law- my notes, Villanuevas Commercial Law Review
Remedial Law- Feria s notes, the Rules of Court and Albano s reviewer
Legal Ehtics- Pano and Bautista-plus some notes and my prepared forms

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