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Adrian Rodriguez

Topic Proposal
In most cases our history books show us for the most part, the bright side of history, the
Anglo point of view, or for example in a war or conflict we always learn it from the victors or the
conquerors point of view. One great example of this where we are used to learn history is World
War Two. World War Two was conflict that started out in Europe with the rise of power of one
nation and its ambition for world domination. In the early 1939 Germany invaded Poland, which
initiated World War Two. Our history books usually shows the perspective of the main
contributors to the war, or Allies which were the ones who came to victory. I plan to not talk
about the Allies point of view, but the Axis powers point of view either Throughout the war or
certain events. By doing this we would be aware about that specific nation's values of why they
believe what they are doing is the right thing.
The problem with our history books or how our history is interpreted to us is that we
always see one side of the war as the bad guys. For example, the Japanese has a long military
history with the Samurai, and believe that surrendering is worst than death, which is why they
where very fierce fighters who fought to death. Also we think of Japan of being a dark and mean
aggressor who just had the ambition for conquering people and its land for there resources or
financial gain. We have to remember that the United States did the same thing, they invaded and
conquered islands for its resources and for financial gain in the late 1800's. But the only
difference between the two is that Japan committed huge atrocities while in the process. It is bad
to learn history from only one point of view because the other side has different values or has
different believes than the other side.

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