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C.P.W.A. 23
Agreement No: 04/AE(E)/BCESD-V/2016-17

Agency : M/s Nanjundeshwara Electro Craft

Name of work: Providing DG supply to Farm ELU,

FPU and Street lights at ICAR NIANP, Bangalore.

BCED II Division

BCESD V Sub - Division



CMB ----------- / Vol-I

(Reference Paras 209 to 211 Central P.W.A.Code)

1. The Measurement Book is the basis of all account of quantities whether of work done by
contractor or by labour employed departmentally or of materials received and should be so
kept that the transactions may be readily traceable in the accounts of the department.

Measurement Books should be considered as very important account records and

maintained very carefully and accurately as they may have to be produced evidence in
Court of law.

2. All the books belonging to a Division should be numbered serially and Register should be
maintained in CPWA Form 92 showing the serial number of each book the Sub-division to
which issued, the date of issue and the date of its return, so that its eventual return to the
division office may be watched.

A similar register should be maintained in the Sub-divisional office showing the

names of the sub-divisional and Sectional officer to whom the Measurement Books have
been issued. Books on longer in use should be with drawn promptly even though not
completely written up.

Sub-division officer are required to submit the measurement Books in use to the divisional
office from time so that, at least once a year, the entries recorded in each book may be
subjected to a percentage check by the Divisional Accountant under the supervision of the
Divisional office.

3. When an office or a subordinate in executive of work or stone is transferred, he should make

over the measurement Books issued to him to his successor and in the prescribed Register in
C.P.W.A. Form 92 they should be shown as received back from the Relived officer and issued
to the Relieving officer. The transfer should also be recorded after the last entry in each book
and signed and dated by the Relieved and Relieving officer or subordinate.

4. Each set of measurement should commence with entries starting :

(i) In the case of work done:-

a) Full name of work as given in estimate.

b) Situation of work
c) Name of contractor
d) Number and date of his agreement
e) Date of written order to commence work
f) Date of actual completion of work
g) Date of measurement and
h) Reference to previous measurement, if any.

(ii) In the case of bills for supply of materials:

a) Name of supplier :
b) Number and date of his agreement or order.
c) Purpose of supply in one of the following forms applicable to the case:

(i) Store for all supplies for stock purpose

(ii) Purpose for direct issue to work (here enter full name of
work as given in the estimate)


for issue to contractor on..

(d) Date of written order to commence supplies.
(e) Date of actual completion of supplies and
(f) Date of measurement.

A Suitable abstract should then be prepared which should collect in the case of
measurement for works done the total quantities of each distinct item of work relating to each
sanctioned Sub-head.

If the measurements are taken in connection with running contract a reference to the last
set of measurements of any, should be recorded and if the entire job or contract has been
completed the date of completion should be duly noted in the prescribed place. If the
measurements taken are the first set of measurements on running accounts or the first and final
measurements, the fact should be suitably noted against the entries kin the measurement Book and
in the latter case the actual date of completion should be noted in the prescribed place.

5. All measurements should be recorded neatly and directly in the Measurement Book at the site
of the work. The recording of Measurements else where and copying them into a Measurement
Book is for bidder. The entries should, if possible, be made in ink when this is not possible,
and entries have to be made in pencil, the pencil entries should not be inked over but should be
left untouched. The entries in the contents or area column should, however be invariably
made in ink in the first instant by the person who recording the measurements. The person
recording the measurements will also record a dated certificate measured by me and sign his
full name.

6. Measurements should be record only by Executive, Assistant Executive or Assistant Engineer

or by Executive subordinates in charge of works to whom Measurement Books have been
supplied for the purpose or other person specially authorized by the local administration to so.

For all works, the sub-divisional officer himself should record the measurement of all
important items such as foundations of structures which owing to their situation cannot
subsequently be checked and items which have a very high unit rate such as reinforced concrete.
Measurements for other items may be recorded by Executive subordinate for running and
final bills. Such measurements (i.e. those recorded by subordinate) should however be test
checked to the extent of at least 50% (Judge by their money value) by the Sub-divisional Officer
himself in each case and he will be responsible for the general correctness of the bill as a whole.

7. No erasure are allowed, if a mistake is made it should be recorded by striking out the incorrect
entry and inserting the correct one between the lines. Every such corrections should be
initialed and dated by responsible officer.

Entries should be recorded continuously and no blank page left of torn out. Any pages and
space left blank inadvertently should be cancelled by diagonal lines, the cancellation being attested
and dated.

When any measurements are cancelled or disallowed they must be endorsed by the dated
initials of the officer ordering the cancellation or by a reference to his orders and initialed by the
Officer who made the measurements the reasons for cancellation being also recorded.

8. The Divisional Officer should test-check at least 10% of measurements recorded by his
subordinates and accepts responsibility for general correctness the bill as a whole.

9. On the completion of the abstract, the book should be submitted to the Sub-divisional officer
who after carrying out his test check should enter the works Check and Bill with his dated
initials. The Sub-divisional clerk should then check the calculation of quantities the abstract
and the bill in case of work carried out by contract and should then place the Measurement
book and the bill before the Sub-divisional officer whom after comparing them who should
sign the bill and the Measurement Book at the end of the abstract, From the Measurement
Book all quantities should be clearly traceable into the documents on which payments are
made, when a bill is prepared for a work or supplies measured every page containing the
detailed measurements must be invariably scored out by a diagonal red ink when the payments
is made and endorsement must be made in red ink on the abstract of measurement giving a
reference to the number and date of voucher of payment.

Any corrections to calculations of rates made in the Sub-divisional or divisional officer

should be made in red ink and brought to the notice of the Sub-divisional officer or the person
making the original measurements, in the caser of final bills payment should be deferred until the
corrections have been accepted by the person making the measurement, all corrections made by
the clerical staff should be in red ink.

10. When work which is susceptible of measurement is carried out by the daily labour a similar
plan should be adopted the quantities of work done as shown on the Muster Roll being
compared with the entries in the measurements Book before payment is authorized.

11. Measurement Books should be sent only by Registered post or by Special Messenger.

CERTIFIED that the measurement Book contains .. leaves.

Signature of Officer Receiving

The Measurement Book

Yearly check in the Divisional office vide instruction No.2.

Particulars Date Dated Initials of
v C.P.W.D.23



(Central P.W.D. Code Par 37, Central P.W.A. Code Paras, 208 to 211 and 220 to 223)


Officers and subordinates using this book are expected to keep themselves fully conversant with
the above and other subsidiary rules as corrected up to the date of measurement.



Executive Engineer,
Bangalore Central Electrical Division No. II
Central P.W.D., Bangalore.

* Dated initials of the Clerk in-charge.

Issued to S. Ratnakar, JE(E)

When this book changes hands, the transfer expressed in similar terms should be recorded under
the dated initials of both the Reliving and Relived Officer, below the last entry of measurements made by
the Relived Officer.

Dated initials of the Sub-divisional officer.

Date of First Entry

Date of last entry..







Name and designation of officer--------------------------------------------------------------------


Date of first entry------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date of last entry------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


1-By Superior officer of the Department

Date Pages recording Value of Result of the Dated initials and

measurements measurements check exercised designation of the
subjected to checked checking
Test check

II-By Divisional Accountant

Pages Calculation selected by Defects, Dated Initials of
reviewed Divisional officer for re check discrepancies,
Pages Date Initials Divisional Divisional
Account officer
(To be filled in as each set of measurement recorded if any entry for a work of contractor already
exists value of work done and pages for new measurements only should be added thereto)

Full Name of work Name of Value of Page

or purpose of supply contractor work done

CERTIFIED THAT this measurement Book No. Has been checked and it is found that:

a) No page is torn out and missing and blank pages have not been left uncancelled.
b) Corrections are properly made and initialed by a responsible person.
c) Original pencil entries are not inked over, except for contents or area
d) The number and date of each voucher in which the quantities are entered for payment are
e) The entries are crossed off.
f) In the case of cancelled measurements the reason for cancellation has been given and
cancellation attested by the person who made the measurements and by the Sub-Divisional
g) The Index is complete.
h) Each set of measurements is signed by the officer by whom they were actually made and.
i) Each set of measurements bears in addition to the signature of the officer, or the Sub-
ordinate who made the measurements, the signature of the clerk who checked the
calculation and the signature of the sub-divisional officer who passed the measurement or
paid the bill.
Date. Signature

Record Accountant

Date. ----------------------------Division


Executive Engineer




Name of Work Providing DG supply to Farm ELU, FPU

and Street lights at ICAR NIANP,
Situation ICAR NIANP, Bangalore

Agency by which work is M/S Nanjundeshwara Electro Craft

Number and date of 04/AE(E)/BCESD-V/2016-17
agreement of work order
Date of measurement 30.01.2017

Reference to previous

Date of commencement 14.12.2016

of work
Date of completion of
work Work in progress

These eight lines should be repeated in manuscript at the beginning of each set measurement
relating to each work.

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