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Plato was greek philosopher in classical Greece he was born in 428 BC in Athens Greece,
He letter died in 348BC. He was the founder of the Academy in Athens , the first
institutio of higer learning in the western wold. He was considered the most pivotal
figuer in the development of philosophy especally in the western tradion.Platos entier
work was belived to have servived from for over 2400 years.

Plato was was a student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle all the three laid a the
foundations of western philosophy and scince. Plato was also said to be the foruder of
western religion and spirituality, he was an innovator of the written dialoge and dialetic
forms of philosophy. he appears to have been the founder of western political philosophy
with his republic and laws amoung other dialogues providing some of the ealiest
treatments of political questions from a philosophical pespective. Plato's main intrests
were Rhetoric, art,literture,epistimology,justice,vitue,politics and education. his works
were on ethics,political philosohpy,moral psychology,epistimology and metaphysics.

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