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Homework-02: Construction on Experimental Variogram

1. Missing values
The figure below shows 13 sample locations spaced 5m apart. The grades (ppm) are available at
12 out of 13 points, the other grade is missing.
a. Show that there are only 10 pairs of points for the first lag, and that the value of the *(5) = 4.7
b. Calculate the experimental variogram for the next four lags and plot it!
c. Sometimes people mistakenly put a zero (0) in the place of the missing value. Calculate the
first five lags of the experimental variogram and compare it to the previous one!

8 6 4 3 6 5 7 2 8 5 6 3

2. Outliers
The figure below shows 13 sample locations spaced 5m apart, with one grade (90 ppm) much
larger than the others. Calculate the experimental variogram for the first five lags and plot it! To
see the impact of the outlier, compare this variogram to the one obtained earlier!

8 6 4 3 6 5 7 2 8 90 5 6 3

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