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FirstName LastName Email Date

Rhoda Omar 1/9/17
Semester Year GradeLevel/Subject LessonDuration
Semester2 2017 5th Grade 80 min

A description of the important understandings(s) and concept(s)
Enduring understanding: We can retell parts of a story by using our imaginations, bodies, and facial expressions to create frozen
Essential question: How can we use our imaginations, bodies, facial expressions, and energy to effectively communicate important
details from a story?

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III (HCPS III) that align with the central
focus and address essential understandings, concepts, and skills
Standards3: Drama and Theater: Understand and apply the skills of acting design, and technical theatre and understand the role
of drama in various cultures throughout history
Topic: How the Arts Communicate
BenchmarkFA.5.3.2 Dramatize an historical event or social issue

Outcomes to be achieved by the students by the end of the lesson or by the end of the multi-lesson learning segment
Students will:
Recall a time when they experienced a situation or problem in their life that changed their perspective on things.
Examine the body movement, energy, and facial expression of others in the class to...
Identify who their partners are through pantomiming a phrase which I will provide on index cards (only one other student in
the class will be given the same phrase).
Visualize the feelings felt by the characters in the story, then compose their own snapshot that express such feelings.
Discuss how we can use body, energy, and facial expressions to show feelings.
Collaborate in groups of two to predict what they believe will happen next in the story then, snapshot the scenario to an
audience (half the class).
Evaluate the performance and provide feedback on something specific that they can describe.

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The procedures to gather evidence of students learning of learning objective(s) to include formative (informal) assessments applied
throughout the lesson and a summative assessment (formal) of what students learned by the end of the lesson (include any
assessment tools)
Formative Assessment:
I plan to observe students throughout the lesson, as they interact and communicate with one another, follow directions, and
complete activities (individually and in small groups). To help me assess student performance, I will use a scoring rubric, which I
plan to share with students as well. The rubric will specify objectives (with appropriate criteria and written descriptions of
performance) which will help students understand what the expectations are and stay on task. To help me quickly assess whether or
not students understand a task or concept I will use the thumbs up thumbs down technique. I may also use a checklist to help me
keep track of student progress throughout the lesson. Please see checklist at the end of the lesson plan.
Summative Assessment:
At the end of the lesson, students will demonstrate what they know, understand, and are able to do as performers by having them
practice enough with different prompts that half of the class can create frozen images to a specific prompt with their partner, while
the other half of the class can watch. The other half (audience) will evaluate the performance and provide feedback on something
specific that they can describe.

QualityCriteria Advanced Proficient Novice

Student was an engaged partner, Student was an engaged partner Student needs reminders to
Workingwith listening to the suggestions of others, but needs more practice with work effectively with others.
others and offering suggestions throughout the listening to others and/or working Student needs to listen to the
activity. cooperatively. ideas of others and begin to
give and take with the group.

Student moves safely, controlling his or Student moves safely, freezes, but Student needs reminders to be
Safetyandcontrol her body, freezes with commitment. needs reminders to perform with aware of others and their safety,
commitment. to stay in control and to be

Student uses a variety of body parts, Student shows some range in body Student needs to try more than
Variety facial expression, space, and energy to parts, facial expression, and one or two shapes to express
effectively express an idea, feeling, space. ideas.
and/or tell a story.

Student makes surprising and expressive Student choices reflect the need to Student needs to work on
Creativity choices about the shapes and levels they experiment more with additional making clear choices in the
use possibilities about the shapes and shapes and levels they use and
levels used. being spontaneous.

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The students content knowledge, skills, prior academic experiences, and personal/cultural/community assets to draw upon to
support learning
Students will have just begun the unit on perspectives and point of view. I will begin the lesson by having students recall a time
when they experienced a situation or problem in their life that changed their perspective on things. They will describe how they felt
before and after the incident, situation, or problem. Students will then show me by demonstrating what such feelings look like. The
story, Miguel in the Middle, is about a boy who is faced with a situation that helps change his view of himself.

Oral and written language that the students need to learn and use to participate and engage in the content. The planned
instructional supports to help students understand, develop, and use academic language.
Pantomime, snapshot, body traits (feelings, emotions, energy, space, action -fast/slow), story (who, what, where, why)
Levels: high, medium, low
Disdain, stunned, transition, genius, cherish, superb, interpret, inferred, teacher, admire, baffled

A description of what the teacher will do and say and what the students will do during the lesson that 1) uses clear steps that convey
the use of multiple strategies, supports, and resources and 2) list opportunities offered for multiple modes of participation
Teacher will:
Wait for everyone to enter the classroom, and take their seats quietly
Point to the words Silence is golden on the voice level chart I created for the lesson
Say, Nice and quietly, please show me that we are ready for the lesson of the day .
Introduce the drama lesson for the day (use Google slide as visual) (slide 1)
Go over class expectations (slide 2)
Introduce voice level chart (slide 3). Explain each category and what it means (slide 3)
Tell students "today we will using our body, facial expression, and energy to express ourselves, and effectively retell parts
of a story. We will have multiple opportunities to vary the shape, size, level, and direction of our body. We will use our
energy and imagination to express feelings, meaning, and personality. (I changed the order of the words because I see
these words as a progression of skills, first we will work on body shapes, then size, then levels and then focus on adding
direction. Sometimes direction becomes more important when working with others.)
Demonstrate body traits by varying facial expression, shape, size, level, , and direction.
Provide a prompt for me to demonstrate.

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Remind students that they will be asked to watch from the side if they are having trouble managing their own behavior.
When they are ready to be in control of themselves they may return to the group.
Ask if there are any questions before we move on.
Students will:
Practice using the voice level chart
Listen quietly (level 0 voice Raise their hands if they have any questions
Notice the different facial expressions I use, the different body shapes I use, and the different levels I use when I model the
same prompt two different ways.
Teacher will
Say: We will begin our drama lesson with a warm-up activity that will introduce us to the vocabulary words used in the
story Miguel in the Middle, and give us a chance to practice using our bodies for pantomiming and creating snapshots of
different emotions.
Introduce the activity
Say, Each of you will be given an index card with a phrase that describes a feeling, or an action. Only one other person in
the classroom has the same card with the same vocabulary word and phrase. you must, without speaking, find your partner
by pantomiming what is written on your card.
Hold up a card, and explain, Each person will receive a card with a vocabulary word and a phrase. You will have 30
seconds to read what is on your card and then 30 seconds to decide how you will act out the feeling or action described on
the card.
Say , I will demonstrate for you how it will look. You read the word on the card, the definition and the phrase to yourself in
level 0 voices.
The word is transition or change, and the phrase is, transition from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
Demonstrate by counting down, 3, 2, 1 standing in neutral first, then slowly varying the level, size, and direction before
finally freezing.
Model by starting low using my arm as a wriggling caterpillar, slowly moving my body up as I transition into a cocoon, and
finally standing up tall I will transform into a beautiful butterfly with my arms extended out and freeze in that position.
Say: Freezing means you are frozen in the shape and that you are not moving until I say, 3, 2, 1, back to neutral.
Say: Do your best to focus, stay silent the entire time at level 0 voices, and be careful as to not to bump into anyone around
you. You should stay in the relative space you have created for yourself.
Ask students to stand in front of their desks in neutral position using level 0 voices.
Give the prompt: How can you move your body to look like you're transitioning or changing from a small caterpillar into a
cocoon stuck on a leaf, and finally into a beautiful butterfly with wings spread out.
Repeat, ask students to try it again, in a different way, by trying different ways of making shapes, being at a variety of
levels and turning in different directions while staying in their relative spot.
Students will:
Per my cue, students will practice the same pantomime by demonstrating they understand the rules and the cues.
Stand in front of their desks in a neutral position and show me level 0 voices.
Students will listen for countdown 3, 2, 1, begin,
Slowly Transition from low level caterpillars to high level butterflies using level 0 voices
Listen to the cue, 3, 2, 1, Freeze. Students will freeze in the shape and not move until I say, 3, 2, 1, back to neutral.

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Teacher will:
Provide constructive feedback. If their pantomime needs improvement, I will coach, then repeat the act a third time.
Ask students to take their seats.
Say: class will be divided into two main groups, show with my hand where class splits.
Each student will get one card with the vocabulary word and phrase on the card.
Place the card on the desk, students are to leave the card face down.
No one is to flip the card yet. Using a pencil, write your name on the top right hand side of the blank side. Leave room, we
will use the empty space to write down our thoughts later.
Students will:
Write their name on the card.
Put their pencil down.
Wait patiently for everyone to get their cards
Teacher will:
Give the cue, 3, 2, 1 flip and read your card using level 0 voice. Do not show your card to anyone.
You have 30 seconds to read what is on your card, decide what feelings, expressions, ideas you would use to convey the
message by using your body, facial expression, imagination, and energy.
Give students 20 seconds
3, 2, 1 papers back on your desks facing down
The first half of the class will remain standing in neutral position while the other half will watch carefully, everyone uses
level 0 voices.
Remind the audience that they are trying to figure out who has the same word that they have on their card.
Countdown and the performers will begin pantomiming. 3, 2, 1 begin pantomiming . 3, 2, 1, freeze.
Provide constructive feedback. If their pantomime needs improvement, I will coach, then have them repeat the act.
The second half of the class will stand in neutral position while the other half will watch carefully to try to locate their partner
while everyone uses level 0 voices.
Countdown and the performers will begin pantomiming. 3, 2, 1 begin pantomiming . 3, 2, 1, freeze.
Provide constructive feedback. If their pantomime needs improvement, I will coach, then have them repeat the act.
Everyone take your seats
At level zero voice hold your card up, walk around carefully and respectfully to find your partner. When you find your
partner please be seated on the carpet.
ReadAloudMiguel in the Middle(20min)
Teacher will:
Wait for everyone to be seated using level 0 voices.
Ask if anyone has any questions before we begin.
Ask students to recall a time when they experienced a situation or problem in their life that changed their perspective on
Students will:
Describe to their partner how they felt before and after the incident, situation, or problem using level 1 voices.
Demonstrate what such feelings look like.
Teacher will:
Introduce the story, Miguel in the Middle.

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Review expectations: Show me that you are listening and not distracted. As I am reading I want you to think about what
what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of the story and then decide what you think is the main idea in this story. .
Read Miguel in the Middle. Read with fluency, expression, and feeling.
Students will:
Listen to the story.
Discuss with their partner:
1. How does Miguel feel about being in the middle of everything? The middle child, sitting in the middle of the
classroom, and being in the middle of a large group of friends?
2. How does Miguel feel about his new school? and why?
3. Why do you think he does not like sitting in the front row at his new school? why?
4. Miguel has a disdain for math- especially fractions. explain disdain.
5. What do you think the author meant by this statement? You can imagine why my heart wasn't exactly dancing
when middle school began.
6. What made Jake, Miguel's new friend, a superb math teacher? Describe Miguel's feelings.
7. Describe Miguel's feelings towards math after being tutored by Jake.
8. After being tutored by Jake, Miguel explains he is now a much more focused student-especially in math.
Focused, describe it.. How does Miguel looks like when he is focused in math?
9. Describe how Miguel feels about his new school now, and explain what are some of the reasons he feels this
10. How did Miguel feel about the math brainteaser? Describe his feelings.

Teacher will:
Once again, discuss how we can use our bodies to show our feelings and to tell a story. This will lead us into the next
drama activity, which will be to snapshot predictions students make about what they believe will happen next.
Ask students to make predictions as to what they believe will happen next based on what we know about Miguel and the
way the story ends.
Ask students to find a seat where they can work with their partner to talk about what they think will happen next and how
they will use their bodies to make a snapshot that depicts their version of what happens next in the story. .
Students will:
Find space where they can work with their partners.
Work with their partners (pairs created during warm-up activity) to think up a scenario and decide how they will, using their
body, facial expression, and energy, to snapshot the scene.
Practice their snapshot using the cue that Ms. Omar will provide, 3, 2, 1, Snapshot.
Teacher will:
Remind students to stay focused on the task, serious and effectively perform the pair snapshot. Listen to one another and
build off of each other's ideas. Shape you entire body in a way that effectively conveys your idea. Be creative in how you
use space, using a variety of levels, breadth, and depth. Be creative and unique in expressing your ideas.
Students will:
have about 3 min to discuss and practice their pair snapshots.

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Teacher will:
Countdown, 3, 2, 1 stop, and cue level 0 voice.
Model by giving an example of what I believe will happen next and snapshot
Stand in neutral position
Pick a student to give me the countdown, 3, 2, 1 Freeze, 3, 2, 1, unfreeze
Describe the choice in different level, size, direction, and expression sued.
Remind students once again to stay focused on the task, to remain committed to their work and effectively perform the
snapshot. Listen to one another and build off of each other's ideas. Shape you entire body in a way that effectively conveys
your idea. Be creative in how you use space, using a variety of levels, breadth, and depth. Be creative and unique in
expressing your ideas.
Ask if anyone has any questions
Ask half the class to prepare by standing in front of their desks in neutral position. Level 0 voices
Give countdown, 3, 2, 1, Freeze. Wait a few seconds then 3, 2, 1, unfreeze
Observe the performance and provide feedback on specific choices made
Ask the same group to show me once more, but this time with more commitment and more exaggerations Give countdown,
3, 2, 1, Freeze. Wait a few seconds then 3, 2, 1, unfreeze.
Praise and applaud students on their performance
Ask the other half of the class to prepare by standing in front of their desks in neutral position. Level 0 voices
Give countdown, 3, 2, 1, Freeze. Wait a few seconds then 3, 2, 1, unfreeze
Observe the performance and provide feedback on specific choices made
Ask the same group to show me once more, but this time with more commitment and more exaggerations
Give countdown, 3, 2, 1, Freeze. Wait a few seconds then 3, 2, 1, unfreeze.
Praise and applaud students on their performance
Students will:
Take their seats
Reflect on then write one to two complete sentences describing two thing you learned from our drama lesson today
Place the card in the Exit card box

Adaptations to instructional strategies, the learning environment, content, and/or assessments to meet the needs of students who
require further support (e.g., ELL/MLL, struggling, accelerated, 50/IEP, etc.)
For students having a difficult time performing during pantomime and or snapshot I will ask them to observe quietly for a while.
When they are ready to participate again, they are welcome to rejoin the group.
I will include Google Slides for my visual learners.

Books, texts, and other materials needed for the lesson

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Voice level chart

Index cards
Literature text
Scoring rubric
Google Slides - title, rules, activity, question to think about during read aloud, rubric, questions to
prompt discussion, activity, closing. (see link to google slide below)
Exit slip box

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Elementary Education Program (EEP) College of Education University of Hawaii at Manoa

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