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Hing Asafoetida Medicinal Uses

Asafoetida or heeng (Hindi) is a natural product obtained from an herb. It is used as spice in many
cuisines, pickles and also as medicine. Asafoetida is olea gum resin of a plant Ferula foetida and allied
species that grow in Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and India (Kashmir). To know, how asafoetida
is prepared, its botanical description, medicinal uses and caution, read on.

By Valery Fassiaux (Own work)[Public domain],

How Asafoetida is extracted

Ferula species have big tap roots or carrot shaped roots. These roots are 12 to 15 cm in diameter at
crown. In March-April, just before flowering the upper part of living root is laid bare and the stem is cut
off close to crown. The exposed part is covered. A milky juice or gum resin exudes from this cut part.
This dries up and scraped. Then again, a fresh slice of root is cut for more latex, the collection of resin
and slicing is repeated till exudation stops.

This gum resin (or asafoetida) is dried and available in many forms, like lumps, mass or paste. Mass
asafoetida is common commercial form available.

Asafoetida contains organic sulphur compound, resins about 40-60%, about 25% gum and about 6-17%
volatile oil.

Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Plantae, Division: Magnoliophyta, Class: Magnoliopsida, Family: Umbelliferae, Genus:

Ferula, Species: Foetida

Latin name: Ferula foetida Regel. Synonym: Ferula asafoetida Linn.

Vernacular names

Ayurvedic: Hingu, Hinguka, Ramattha, Bahlika, Jatuka, Sahasravedhi, Vedhi, Badhika,


Sanskrit: Ramatha, Sahasravedhi

Unani: Hilteet, Hing

Siddha/Tamil: Perunkaayam, Perungayam

English: Asafoetida

Assam: Hin

Bengali: Hing

English: Asafoetida

Gujarati: Hing, Vagharni

Hindi: Hing, Hingda

Kannada: Hingu, Ingu

Kashmiri: Eng

Malyalam: Kayam

Marathi: Hing, Hira

Oriya: Hengu, Hingu

Punjabi: Hing

Tamil: Perungayam

Telugu: Inguva

Parts Used: Oleo gum resin extracted from the roots and rhizome.


Asafoetida plant species are native to Afghanistan and Iran. It is distributed throughout the
Mediterranean region to Central Asia. In India it grows widely in Kashmir and in some parts of Punjab.

Description of plant
Asafoetida plant is perennial and attains a height up to 12 feet in wild with a circular mass of 30-40 cm
leaves. Flowering stems reach 2.5 to 3 m high. Flowering stems have many ducts in the cortex,
containing resinous gums. The flowers are small and yellow coloured. Fruits are oval, thin, flat, reddish
brown in colour and contains milky substance. Roots are thick, massive and pulpy. The foul odour
comes from the resin like gum extracted from the stems and roots.

Ayurvedic Properties

Heeng or Asafoetida is hot and pungent. It is heating effect on body. It reduces vata/wind and kapaha
and increases pitta. It improves appetite and aids in digestion. Heeng contains essential oil that
evaporates when applied externally on skin. It is stimulant, expels gas, antispasmodic, and anthelmintic.

Asafoetida is a great remedy for digestive troubles. It is useful in abdominal distention, pain, cramping
and gas, parasites, worms, difficult menstruation, pain, anxiety, nervousness, vertigo, anxiety, hysteria,
worry, depression, lethargy, cough, asthma, arthritis, headaches, nerve pain, paralysis etc. It works on
circulatory and digestive system.

Heeng has carminative properties and added to many dishes that produces more abdominal gas such as
chana dal, peas etc.

Medicinal uses

Asafoetida is acrid and bitter in taste. It has strong, disagreeable, pungent and a distinct odour due to
presence of sulphur.

Asafoetida has anticholesteremic (reduces cholesterol levels in the blood), anticoagulant, antifertility
(reduces fertility, prevents implantation), antifungal, antihepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
antiparasitic, smooth muscle relaxant activity, anti-diabetic and antiulcerogenic properties. The most
significant properties are anticarcinogenic, anthelmintic, antispasmodic and carminative activity.

Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India recommends the dosage of asafoetida for medicinal purpose 125-500
mg for detoxified oleogum-resin. Bandhani heeng which is available in India is compounded asafoetida.
It is prepared by boiling asafoetida, edible starch or edible cereal flour and water to get gelatinized
mass. The mass is cooled, dried and grinded. It is the commonest form of heeng available in India
which is used in kitchen as spice.

Abdominal gas, stomach ache, infant colic

Asafoetida has carminative properties. Even external application gives relief in gas and pain. For
this purpose, asafoetida is dissolved in water and a paste is prepared which is applied externally
on abdominal region.

Heat 1/3 teaspoon of asafoetida powder in 2 tablespoons of sesame oil. Allow the mixture to
cool slightly and massage it on the babys stomach.

Low appetite, abdominal gas

Prepare a powder by mixing 1 teaspoon each, powdered ginger, cumin, black cumin, long
pepper, asafoetida, ajwain and rock salt. Take 3/4 tsp of this mixture in 1/5 cup of warm water or
buttermilk after meals three times a day.
Prepare a powder by mixing equal quantities of asafoetida, powdered black pepper and dried
ginger powder. Take one teaspoonful with water twice a day for gas and upset stomach.

Indigestion:Take 1/4 teaspoonful of asafoetida and sprinkle on ripe banana and eat.

Intestinal worms:Mix 2 gm of asafoetida in 100 ml of water and use as an enema.

Hoarseness of voice:Mix half teaspoonful of asafoetida in a glass of water and drink it twice a day.

Cough, asthma, bronchitis, respiratory ailments

Mix teaspoonful of asafoetida in 2 teaspoonful of fresh ginger juice. Add a pinch of salt and have it 2
3 times a day.

Insomnia:Mix half teaspoonful of asafoetida in a glass of warm water and drink it at night before going
to bed.

Painful periods:Fry asafoetida in ghee and powder it. Mix one teaspoonful of this powder with one
tablespoonful of cooked and mashed rice and eat. Drink a glass of hot water immediately after having it.
Do this twice a day.

Opium poison neutralisation:Asafoetida is used traditionally to neutralise opium poison. For this
purpose asafoetida is taken with water.

Pain in tooth due to cavity:In case of toth cavity, take small piece of asafoetida and put in cavity.

Burn injury:In case of burn injury, dissolve asafoetida in water and apply on burnt area to get relief.

Boil:Mix equal quantities of asafoetida and dry ginger powder. Make a paste by adding water. Apply
this paste over the boils.

Hysteria:Fry asafoetida in pure ghee and mix half a teaspoonful of this in one glass of warm water.
Give this to person affected with hysteria for about one and a half months.

Itching in the anus:Dissolve some asafoetida in water and soak a piece of cotton. Apply this in and
around the anus.

How to check purity of asafoetida

There are few home tests that helps to identify pure and impure asafoetida. Pure hing, gradually
dissolves in water truing it milky white without a residue at the bottom. Also it burns without residue.
But impure hing, dissolves in water and settles in bottom and does not burn completely on fire.

Who should not use Asafoetida?

There are few conditions in which asafoetida is contraindicated.

1. Its use should be avoided in acid conditions as it increases bile.

2. Asafoetida show anti- fertility effect. Its ethanolic extracts prevented successful implantation in
rats. So it is recommended to avoid its use while trying for baby.
3. Asafoetida stimulates or increases menstrual flow and show abortifacient (causing abortion)
properties. Due to this reason, avoid its use in pregnancy.

4. Long term use of Heeng may result in burning in urine, acid irritation in throat, gas and acidity.

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