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rv ~ y a OK WESTERN a INFINITUS ON DIABETES TREATMENT y Hotline: 1300 22 5678 ‘Western medicine theoris generally atrioute high blood sugar level and type i iabeterto te body's resistance to insulin andlor insufficient production of insulin. Doctors wl usually prescibe oral diabetes medicine to control bleed sugar lev! should ait conta, exercising, weightloss and athe such non-deug based teatment fail to revert the condition. sulin therapy ie used only ral mediation: failto bring down the blood suger level, though orl diabetes medicines ad insulin treatment cn significantly lower blood sugar level. itcomes witha range of se etfecs Selous cases may even lend to acidons, coma ate Takut ? Manis «= 6a, TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE APPROACH ON DIABETES TREATMENT Traditional Chinese medicine regard diabetes a a form of poydipia which ic characterized by weight loss and persistent excesive thirst. Quality Assurance medical theory believes that a balance of heat and cold inthe body is equied for good health and exes in elther can eas to disease). Traditional Chinere medicine treats high blood suger eve! ond diabetes vie ttl body concitioning and symotons reduction HOTLINE: 1300 22 5678 such 2s reducing heat an nourishing the lungs. replenishing fad { reduce this removing stomach heat, reducing overall hetiness, nourishing the Yn and kidneys, improving spleen Gi energy), If interested, please contact: improving blood circulation, reducing stress, et Regulates Blood - Sem Sugar Level, be Nourishes Yin & Promotes Body Fluid Secretion WHAT IS DI "Most people teday should be tania with the term alabeneMls is one ofthe most common chronic dieases of moder time, Itwertern medicine high blood sugar lve and disbetor ae common names for hypergiycemis and diabetes melts respectively aditional Chinese medicine, onthe other hand, characterizes this disease by Itssymptoms whch ae weightloss and persistent excessive thirst ‘As many a 6,00,000 Malaysians ster from diabetes, that one in every five Malaysians, Additionally there are approximately 1.7 milion ‘ates that are undiagnosed Diabetes sa lease associated with abnormal metabo. When we ‘eat, ur body digests carbohydrate and break it down into glcre ‘Sucoss in our blood is calles blood suger and tis our main source of ‘energy, Dur body requires insulin in erder forthe glcose/bloed susat {wenter aur cells. Thisis why our pancreas must secrete adequate inasin to allow the lucoes to enter the cells when we ea THE TWO MAIN CAUSES OF DIABETE: + The patient’ body fall to produce sufficient insulin to meet the expected surge in blood sugar level * InsliResstance- the eel fail to respond properly t insulin ‘This leads to the accumulation of glucose inthe blood steam and is excreted trom the body via urination. As a est. the cls ‘of iabetic face 2 shortage of supply af energy (i the form ‘of lucas), ‘According tothe Chinese Medicine philosophy, dabetes is malay due to ‘00 much 'Sompnei in the body, Prolonged exposure to the airconditioned ‘environment, inking cold beverages and eating starchy food etc, are the ‘main factors that contribute Co dampness in the body Diabetes in itself not tobe feared. What i sear is the complications It bings. Common compliatons include siabetc retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, vascular diseases, lower limb necoss, hear isease and stroke. The chronic high blocd sugar level and the complications brought ‘ony ¢iabetes can seriously affectthe quality of Ife. The only wayto restore ‘he normal nai function, improv the bodys clerghee prevent high blood sao detection, proactive WHO ARE THE HIGH RISK seca “those with fami history ofthe aisease + Obese person * Those with high blood ressure or ysipidemia + People win lack exercises sn + Body dampness “oral ulcer + Constipation & dark amber urine «Traveling Gluco8&

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