Name: Alifiarosa Astari Ramadhenti NPM: 1215210032 S1 - Accounting

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Name : Alifiarosa Astari

NPM : 1215210032
S1 - Accounting

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Good Afternoon

The honourable our lecturer Mr. Satrio and all student of

International Class Pancasila University. First of all, let us prise the
presence of Allah SWT; who has given His grace and guidance to us.
Because of His grace , we can gather on this day in this class. Today, I
would like to deliver a short speech about The Importance of Nationalism
Spirit on us. Hopefully, this speech can be useful for all of us.

Ladies and Gentle man

Nationalism is a concept of nationalities that come from word

Nation and Ism. Nationalism meaning that implies awarness and spirit
of patriotism, have a sense of pride as an Indonesian,protect the honor of
our nation, a sense of solidarity among fellow citizen of Indonesian , and
the unity. If we flash back to our history in the past, our Heros fought
furiously for our freedom from colonization. There were many fights at the
time. For exampel, Battle of 11th March in Surabaya, Bandung Lautan Api,
General Attack in Semarang, Geriliya Battle, Ambarawa Battle and many
more. If we see, They were no afraid to fight with colonialist. They were
willing to sacrifice their soul to fighting our freedom. They were really
brave to fight with the colonialist because their fear was closed by the
high spirit of nationalism. They want the colonialist get out from our
country and stop colonize our nation. So imagine, if there was no spirit of
nationalism in our heros, surely the colonize still take over our country.
From the explain of the example above, we know nationalism is important.
Nationalism can be a unifying of nation. Nationalism introduced the
countrys identity, and the rope between the national identity with

Ladies and Gentle man

I want to ask you. Do you have the spirit of nationalism inside your
heart? and How much? If you in order to defend your nation, Are you
willing to sacrifice your soul to defend your nation? In recent time,
Unfortunately sense of nationalism in our country decreasing slowly. Now
Youth people like to boast other nations than our nation. Now Nationalism
only appears when there is a driving factor. For example, the case about
claiming some culture and small islands in Indonesian such as Sipadan,
Ligitan, and Ambalat by Malaysia a long time ago. However, the sense of
nationalism was again reduced in line with the easing of the conflict.
Globalizations also bring a negative influence on the value of nationalism.
Thiss very dangerous for our nations if we arent solve this problem. The
integrity of our nation will be distrupted by another country. To solve this
problem, we must increasing our nationalism with several ways such as,
Input the subject of Citizenship education into our curriculum. giving the
example of about a sense of love and respect for the nation. providing
moral education, so that young people do not easily absorb the negative
things that could threaten national security.

Ladies and Gentle Man

If the whole socities have the spirit of nationalism in their soul , then our
nation will grow become a great nation and aligned with other nations. In
addition, we will go forward and not be left by other nations. Therefore, we must
have the spirit of nationalism in us, so that this nations remains intact. I think its
enough, Hopefully what I have said can be useful for us and this nation. At the
end I quoted the words from John F Kennedy. He said Dont ask what the country
given to you, but ask what youve given to your country. Thank you for your

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