Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, #4) by Richelle Mead

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Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, #4) by

Richelle Mead

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Original Title: Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, #4)

ISBN: 0606145656
ISBN13: 9780606145657
Autor: Richelle Mead (Goodreads Author)
Rating: 4.9 of 5 stars (734) counts
Original Format: Hardcover, 503 pages
Download Format: PDF, DJVU, iBook, MP3.
Published: April 6th 2010 / by Turtleback Books / (first published August 1st 2009)
Language: English
Young Adult- 3,424 users
Paranormal >Vampires- 3,179 users
Fantasy- 2,108 users
Fantasy >Paranormal- 1,884 users
Romance- 1,373 users


The recent Strigoi attack at St. Vladimiras Academy was the deadliest ever in the schoolas history,
claiming the lives of Moroi students, teachers, and guardians alike. Even worse, the Strigoi took
some of their victims with them . . . including Dimitri. Head rather die than be one of them, and
now Rose must abandon her best friend, Lissaathe one she has sworn to protect no matter
whataand keep the promise Dimitri begged her to make long ago. But with everything at stake,
how can she possibly destroy the person she loves most?

About Author:
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Other Editions:

- Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, #4)

- Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, #4)

- Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, #4)

- Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, #4)

- Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, #4)

Books By Author:

- Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy, #3)

- Frostbite (Vampire Academy, #2)

- Spirit Bound (Vampire Academy, #5)

- Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1)

- Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy, #6)

Books In The Series:

- Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1)

- Frostbite (Vampire Academy, #2)

- Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy, #3)

- Spirit Bound (Vampire Academy, #5)

- Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy, #6)

Related Books On Our Site:

- Fade Out (The Morganville Vampires, #7)

- Hunted (House of Night, #5)

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- Out for Blood (Drake Chronicles, #3)

- Foretold: 14 Tales of Prophecy and Prediction

- Rogue (Shifters, #2)

- The Awakening (Darkest Powers, #2)

- Defiance (Strange Angels, #4)

- Stargazer (Evernight, #2)

- Stake That (Blood Coven Vampire, #2)

- Friday Night Bites (Chicagoland Vampires, #2)


Mar 30, 2010

Rated it: it was ok
Recommends it for:
hardcore VA fans
Shelves: 2009, ya, urban-fantasy, why-the-hype
"Shadow Kiss" left us with Rose on the way to find and kill her beloved Dimitri who had fallen
during a fight with Strigoi. "Blood Promise" picks up where Rose is in Moscow, looking for traces of
Dimitri. Needless to say, she finds him, but I will not go into any more detail to avoid spoilers.
I hate to say it, but I am fairly disappointment by this book. In my opinion, it is so far the weakest in
the series. It is by no means the worst book ever written, but the fact that Richelle Mead didn't p
"Shadow Kiss" left us with Rose on the way to find and kill her beloved Dimitri who had fallen
during a fight with Strigoi. "Blood Promise" picks up where Rose is in Moscow, looking for traces of
Dimitri. Needless to say, she finds him, but I will not go into any more detail to avoid spoilers.
I hate to say it, but I am fairly disappointment by this book. In my opinion, it is so far the weakest in
the series. It is by no means the worst book ever written, but the fact that Richelle Mead didn't put
much work into it is obvious.
Let me start with the positives however. Upon finishing the book I am slightly less devastated than
after reading "Shadow Kiss," so here is an improvement. Some action sequences are pretty good.
Unfortunately, that's about it for the good stuff.
On the negative side, the book really suffers from separation of Rose and Lissa. In this book Mead
attempts to have two story lines going simultaneously - Lissa's and Rose's, but neither of them is
particularly exciting. Plus, because the series is written from Rose's POV, the difficulty of relaying
Lissa's story is solved by utilizing Rose's spirit-bond ability to get into Lissa's thoughts. What
doesn't work however is that somehow Rose can not only see what's going on with Lissa at the
moment, but she can also "rewind" her experiences and thoughts. This seems like a pretty poor
plot device in my opinion. Plus, Lissa's story is rather lame and takes away too much from the final
altercation between Rose and Dimitri - the best part of the book.
The familiar characters we met in first 3 books - Christian, Mia, Eddie, even Victor Dashkov are
amiss. Instead we are introduced to an array of new characters both in U.S. and Russia who don't
really serve much of a purpose for the main story line, rather they are created to fill in pages, and it
is very apparent.
Mead also relies very heavily on flashbacks and memories of Dimitri that were never mentioned in
previous books and at some point I started wondering, do I really want to know this much about
Dimitri? I already love him and adding info like "he bakes bread for himself because he loves it so
much" is not really necessary, in fact it almost kills the mystery around his persona.
What else? The story drags in some parts, the "spirit battle" is too confusing, quite a few
inconsistencies. Overall, just a lazily written book IMO.
I think when the series is finished and we look back at "Blood Promise" we will think that this book
could have been easily omitted. Maybe I will feel differently about "Blood Promise" when I re-read
it, but as this point I am rather saddened by it...

Bennely Coris
I agree with this review, it kind of sums up what I thought of it. it's the slower book of the series,
although it ended up nicely, half of it could e
I agree with this review, it kind of sums up what I thought of it. it's the slower book of the series,
although it ended up nicely, half of it could easily be omitted and won't make a difference.

Aug 28, 2015 04:33AM

I couldn't have said it better myself .. I agreed with everything you just said.. Except I didn't finish
the book :)

Mar 24, 2016 10:16AM

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