SOW - Detailed Engineering - Sawan FEC Revamp

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Project Title:

Sawan Compression Upgrade Project FEC

Train Revamp




Project # 1062
DOC NO: SOW-SA-85-G-0001-00a

C1 25 July 2016 ISSUE FOR TENDER



1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 3
2 SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................................... 4
3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 5
3.1 DESIGN DELIVERABLES ....................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 PROCESS ...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.3 PIPING ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.4 CIVIL AND STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................ 9
3.1.5 ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION ............................................................................... 9
3.1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL ..................................................................... 10
3.1.7 HSSE ............................................................................................................................................. 10
3.1.8 CORROSION AND MATERIAL SELECTION ........................................................................ 10
3.2 QUALITY AND DESIGN ASPECTS ........................................................................ 10
3.3 ATMOSPHERIC DATA............................................................................................ 12
4 DESIGNS, CODES, STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS ................................................. 12
5 DOCUMENTATION .......................................................................................................... 12
6 QUALITY ASSURANCE & CONTROL ............................................................................. 14
6.1 QUALITY PLAN ...................................................................................................... 14
6.2 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................. 15
6.3 PLANNING AND DESIGN ACTIVITIES................................................................... 15
6.4 DESIGN INPUT ....................................................................................................... 15
6.5 DESIGN OUTPUT ................................................................................................... 15
6.6 DESIGN VERIFICATION......................................................................................... 15
6.7 DESIGN VALIDATION ............................................................................................ 16
6.8 DESIGN CHANGES ................................................................................................ 16
6.9 QUALITY AUDITS ................................................................................................... 16
7 PROCEDURES / METHODS STATEMENT...................................................................... 16
8 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL ................................................................... 16
8.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 16
8.2 PROJECT SCHEDULE ........................................................................................... 17
8.3 PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN................................................................................ 17
8.4 PROGRESS S CURVES AND MANPOWER HISTOGRAM .................................. 17
8.5 PROGRESS MEASUREMENT / MONITORING SYSTEM ...................................... 18
8.6 PROGRESS MILESTONE AND REPORTING ........................................................ 18
8.7 PROCEDURES & METHOD STATEMENTS........................................................... 18
8.8 REPORTING ........................................................................................................... 18
8.9 WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT ............................................................................ 18
8.10 MONTHLY REPORT ............................................................................................... 19
8.11 PROGRESS REVIEW MEETING ............................................................................ 19
9 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................ 20


OMV is operating Sawan Central Processing Plant (CPP) in the Middle Indus Region. The
production from Sawan wells (liquid+gas) enters the Sawan gas-liquid separators from
where Produced water is routed to the Sawan Produced Water (PW) handling system,
which comprises essentially of Hydro-cyclones, de-gasser, PW transfer pumps, storage ,
PW reinjection pumps and a reinjection well. The saturated gas stream enters the suction
of FEC compressors where it is compressed in two steps from 120psig to ~1200psig before
entering Sawan CPP. The existing scheme is shown below:

Sawan Sawan FEC

120Psig LP 450Psig 1200Psig Sawan

PW Treatment
& Disposal

In the current configuration, FEC has two parallel trains, each with a capacity of
90MMSCFD at a suction pressure of 120psig. Machines A&B are called LP (low pressure)
and machines C&D are called HP (high pressure machines). The suction, intermediate and
discharge headers of these machines are common; for details refer to the annexed P&IDs
of FEC compression trains.

FEC machines are supplied by M/s Siemens and as per Siemens the current configuration
of FEC machines can operate at a minimum suction pressure of 110psig. Accordingly, to
maintain this pressure at FEC inlet in future, OMV will have to continuously drop production
from Sawan Wells. This, however, can be avoided if the FEC trains can be modified and
operated at a suction pressure lower than 110psig. In order to asses this option, OMV
contacted Siemens in 2015, for studying the possibility of revamping the FEC machines for
handling lower than 110psig suction pressures.

Siemens studied various options for FEC revamp and identified that either of the existing
LP machines (A or B) can operate down to 30psig suction pressure (new LLP mode) with
software modifications in the control and surge maps which will be carried out by Siemens.
Discharge pressure of the reconfigured LP machine as LLP will however be 120-200psig
and flow capacity will be ~65-15MMSCFD against a suction pressure of 85-35psig. To
compensate for this decrease in discharge pressure, the other LP machine will be operated
in series with the LLP so that it provides ~400psig suction pressure to the HP machines.
Moreover, to protect the new LLP machine, new low-low suction pressure switches along
with seal gas pressure switches will be added at its inlet. The modified scheme is shown

LLP LP Spare
120Psig HP 1200Psig Sawan
35-85 psig B
A 450Psig CPP
17 - 65
mmscfd HP

PW Treatment
& Disposal

2 Scope of Work
In order to implement the above configuration, verification of the following will be required
for reliable operation at 85-35psig suction pressure against 65-35 MMSCFD feed gas flow
at LLP inlet.

Simulating flowing wellhead pressures to provide 85-35psig at LLP flange inlet for
the given production profiles
Adequacy of Sawan wellhead facilities (chokes, coolers etc) & flow lines with given
WGRs and production profiles
Adequacy of Sawan CPP gas-liquid separation system
Adequacy of LLP machine inlet separator and cooler system at 35-85psig
Adequacy of PW treatment system at 85-35psig
Adequacy of vent and blow down system
Adequacy of piping network and inlet system in transient conditions (flow assurance
already done by MSI Kenney)

Most of the above work has been carried out in concept stage by ENAR but will require
vetting in the detail engineering stage under this scope of work for the latest production
profiles and will be sole responsibility of the detail engineering contractor. Furthermore, in
order to physically implement this modified scheme, OMV foresees that piping re-routing
and isolations will be required on the following lines:
Feed gas flow enters LLP machine (A) only
LLP machine (A) feeds the LP machine (B)
Bypass is provided for the LLP machine (A), so that in case of any prolonged outage
of LLP machine, the plant can still run using LP machine (B) and pre-revamp suction
pressure of 110-120psig
Bypass is provided for the LP machine (B), so that in case of any prolonged outage
of LP machine, the plant can be run at pre-revamp inlet pressure of 110-120psig
using LLP machine (A) in pre-revamp LP mode. This will require re-configuration of
LLP control logic back to LP mode logic and same shall be carried out by OMV as
per Siemens provided guidelines.
Vent, blow down and drain circuits to be modified where required in order to maintain
the existing philosophies
Bypass of hydro-cyclones in the PW circuit to be provided as they may not be able to
work at low inlet pressures of 35psig. OMV has already identified that there is no
condensate in the PW coming from Sawan wells and hence by-passing of hydro-
cyclones will not affect the PW quality.

Modifications in seal gas supply piping so that independent and dedicated supply is
ensured to LLP machine at all times.
All new isolation valves and new interconnecting piping sizes to be optimized with
proper engineering sizing guidelines for cost saving purposes as the whole system is
duplex material and end-of-life-field flows are significantly lower than original design.
Routing of piping around new equipment shall be compact, symmetrical, safe,
flexible and economical providing ease of maintenance, operation and construction
activities. This work should also take into consideration that most of the existing FEC
piping is buried underground and any new isolation valves shall be above ground in
access of the operator.
3D model to be developed for the FEC piping on CADWORKX and its cost to be
quoted as optional. OMV will share navis file of existing model.
Software control logic update to convert LP machine to LLP is NOT in detail
engineering contractor scope of work.
Flow assurance of the existing piping network is NOT in detail engineering contractor
scope of work.
HAZID and SIL are NOT in contractor scope of work. Only HAZOP will be required
Complete engineering package (data sheets, specifications etc) and solutions to be
provided by Contractor for any item found inadequate during the adequacy checks.
Steady state simulation model of Sawan piping network to FEC inlet flange shall be
vetted and updated by detail engineering Contractor using the latest production
profiles. Native HYSYS model will be provided by OMV
Contractor to provide class II cost estimates as per OMV costing guidelines

It is to be noted that control scheme modifications within FEC will be carried out by OEM,

Contractor to ensure that the design package shall be fully furnished with the detailed
documents /drawings required for execution of project.

Prior to commencement of work, site visit shall be required by the contractor to ascertain
the locations, discussions with Field team etc. Field visit report shall also be submitted by
the contractor.

Note: Concept report of ENAR, study report of Siemens and flow assurance reports shall be
shared with consultant for review and accordingly incorporation in detailed engineering

3 General Requirements
I. Contractor has to remove all hold points before issuing of final revisions of
II. Contractor will have to carry out a site visit and shall submit site visit report
prior to commencement of engineering work
III. Contractor proposed design for integration with existing facilities shall fully
comply with Sawan philosophies.
IV. Contractor shall submit the quotation of above mentioned scope of work
within two weeks of the request received.
V. Prepare and submit all Engineering deliverables and documentation for OMV
review and approval. The Contractor shall incorporate all comments from

OMV unless mutually agreed. Further, Contractor shall attach comments
resolution sheet with each revision and it shall be live document.
VI. Contractor shall resubmit OMV commented documents within five working
days. OMV shall also give its comments on the contractor documents within
five working days. Comments resolution sheet must be provided by contractor
with each revision
VII. Due to unavailability of existing data, if development of native files is required,
it shall be carried out by the contractor. All native files, software and
simulation runs/files, calculations shall be provided to OMV without exception.
VIII. Contractor shall provide all the native, editable, simulation files to OMV
without exception or any cost impact.
IX. Contractor must provide the necessary engineering services and discipline
experts required to complete the entire scope defined in this document or
otherwise specified elsewhere.
X. Contractor shall form team of well-qualified & experienced engineers,
designers and draftsman of at least 10 years design experience for carrying
out all aspects of Process, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical & Instrumentation
detail engineering design.
XI. Contractor shall not change personnel assigned to the project without prior
approval from OMV.
XII. Contractor shall be responsible to obtain all International Codes and
Standards which are applicable to this project.
XIII. It is not the intent of this SOW to include every individual scope, specification
and component that would be needed for the project. Contractor shall be
responsible to include all such scope, specification and component for the
project in order to meet the overall requirement of this SPW.
XIV. Any item not identified due to any error, mistake, omission, deficiency and
lack of accuracy but is required in the scope shall be deemed to be included
and Contractor shall perform and assume full responsibility at no cost to
XV. It shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor to notify OMV of any
discrepancies in the technical drawings and documents in SOW and to obtain
interpretation and/or decision on such discrepancies. Contractor shall also
submit a list of deviation if any.
XVI. Contractor shall not in any way be relieved from any responsibilities under the
Contract if any technical drawings and documents in SOW be incorrect and/or
XVII. Document quality is the sole responsibility of Contractor. The signing,
countersigning or other endorsements of any Drawings and Documentation
by OMVs Representatives, agents or employees shall not be interpreted as
implying the responsibility for the correctness of such documents nor relieving
Contractor of its obligations to review all information, data, Drawings, and
specifications provided by OMV.
XVIII. Submit Schedule of Deliverables (Document Control Register) as part of the
Contract Schedule for OMV approval covering all deliverables specified by
OMV as a minimum. This schedule shall detail documentation titles and issue
target dates, identifying dependencies and critical items.

XIX. The DCR shall also identify the review chain or class for each document.
Included in the list of deliverables shall be all engineering documentation and
drawings originated by Contractor, including third party reports.
XX. In addition to the DCR, Contractor shall submit for approval its established
document control system. This shall outline controls placed on all
documentation, received and originated by Contractor.
XXI. Prepare project documentation in paper and software copies at review and
final issues.
XXII. Successive revisions of each document shall be retained for consultation and
shall be updated in a controlled manner.
XXIII. Implementing a system of progress reporting by which OMV remains regularly
informed of the status of the Works. The report format shall be in accordance
with the format specified.
XXIV. Incorporation of Vendor data and removal of hold points shall be part of
Contractor scope of work
XXV. The Contractor must collect and reconfirm all required information of existing
plant and site. OMV shall provide boarding lodging from Karachi till return to
Karachi. All arrangements to and from Karachi shall be Contractors
XXVI. Contractor shall provide QA/QC Plan. Company shall have the right to audit
any time during execution work.
XXVII. Contractor must collect and reconfirm all required information of existing plant
at site. OMV shall provide boarding lodging from Karachi till return to Karachi.
XXVIII. Contractor shall be responsible for arranging a third party consultant for
HAZOP study after approval from OMV. The study shall be conducted most
probably in Contractors office.
XXIX. Contractor shall provide office space & utilities for the company personnel
visiting during the design & execution phase. Companys (OMV) personnel
shall have free access to the contractors office in this respect. Contractor
shall quote optimal price on day rate basis.
XXX. Contractor shall ensure the quality of construction and fabrication drawings &
XXXI. Contractor is responsible to take care of the modification work on all relevant
documents/ drawings with respect to latest information provided by selected
supplier till the actual execution at site.


Design package shall include engineering deliverables (ISSUED FOR

CONSTRUCTION) listed below as a minimum. Furthermore, contractor should identify
requirement of any other necessary design document and include it in the list. If such a
requirement arises during the course of execution then it shall be taken care of by the
contractor without any cost and schedule impact to OMV. ANY EXCEPTION TO


1. BOD (Basis of Design) including all disciplines.

2. BOQs & MTOs for all disciplines

3. Construction scope of work for all disciplines and tender package.
4. Project Schedule & Document Control Register (DCR)
5. Comments Resolution Sheet (CRS) shall be furnished against issuance of
deliverable revision.
6. Site visit report
7. Incorporation of vendor information in existing documents wherever required
8. Progress and planning reports
9. General Arrangement Drawings
10. General Plant Layout (Plot Plan)
11. Operations Readiness Review
12. MR Packages for LLIs and for all new equipment
13. As-built documents for all disciplines

1. Process flow diagram
2. Equipment data sheets and specifications, if applicable
3. Update Heat & Material Balance
4. Update Functional design basis for control and ESD system integration
5. Simulation Reports
6. Relief, Flare, blowdown and Vent study report including adequacy check of
existing Flare Header & Vent Stack.
7. HAZOP along with HAZOP Close out Report
8. Updating of Line Designation Table (LDT/ Line Index)
9. Cause & Effect Diagram
10. Draining philosophy
11. Commissioning and start up philosophy (line up procedure)
12. Equipment List & Vessel Sizing, if applicable
13. Line List and Line Sizing (new line sizes to be optimized where possible)
14. Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID)
15. Pressure Relief Valves Sizing, if applicable
16. Process Control Narrative
17. Simulation Models, reports and listings
18. Tie in List
19. Utility Systems Specification
20. Adequacy Check of Existing Associated System such as Sawan wellheads,
piping network, inlet separation systems, flare System, drain System, PW
system or any other associated system.

3.1.3 PIPING
1. Update the Plot Plan.
2. Update the Over All General Arrangement drawing and key plan
3. Update the Piping Layouts, furnished with proper sections and details of
congested piping network.
4. Tie in schedule for piping.
5. Isometrics.
6. Critical Line List
7. Stress / Flexibility analysis of critical lines. Consultant to ensure the safety

and flexibility of existing due to new modification.
8. Piping support index
9. Pipe support drawings
10. Piping MTO
11. Support MTO (Standard)
12. Data sheets of special & long lead items
13. Special Item List


1. Update / preparation of Foundation Layouts.

2. pipe supports and equipment Foundations details
3. Structural Layouts and details
4. Construction scope of work
5. Drainage systems pits for process and OWS
6. BOQ / MTOs


Siemens will carry out control system modification work related to FEC.
Contractor is supposed to update the existing and new documents/ drawings where
applicable and carry out the following:

1. Development of new specifications and updation of existing OMV

specifications as per project requirements
2. Instrument Master index
3. Instrument IO List
4. Instrument Data Transfer Summary
5. Instrument layout and Cable routing diagram
6. Instrument Cable tray / trench detail and layout
7. F&G zone diagram
8. F&G detectors Layout
9. F&G detectors zone wise cable block diagram
10. Instrument Termination drawings
11. Hazardous Area classification drawing
12. Hazardous Area classification installation details
13. Cause and Effect diagram
14. Instrument loop drawings
15. Instrument Installation Standards
16. Updating of existing Plant documentation (if required)
17. Instrument datasheets
18. Fire and gas detectors data sheets
19. Alarm & Trip set point list
20. Instrument Cable Schedule
21. Control System Architecture drawing update


Contractor shall ensure to submit following deliverables with BID:

1. Design and development procedure

2. Design Review Procedure
3. Documentation control procedure
4. Design Change Procedure
5. Documentation flow control procedure
6. Project communication plan/Chart
7. Design Verification and validation procedure
8. Internal Audit Procedures
9. Quality Control Organogram
10. Vendors Qualification & Evaluation Procedure
11. Warranty Procedure
12. Non Conformance Control Procedure
13. Procedure for Management Review
14. Approved Quality management system

Documents required after PO placement

Detailed Project quality Plan
Internal and external audit plan

3.1.7 HSSE

HAZOP and HAZOP reports with agreed action point. Contractor is responsible for
Issuance of close out report after implementation of action points in design package without
any cost impact


1. Online Corrosion monitoring System recommendation and installation

2. Corrosion Inhibitor Injection System package
3. Material Selection Diagram(including rotary, static equipment, piping & flow
4. Data sheets of CC, CP, SP & ER
5. Specifications for cathodic protection system (flow line & tanks etc)

1. Contractor shall ensure that OMV provided painting and coating specifications
are followed.


The following shall also be provided as a part of SOW:

1. Design contractor shall incorporate details of civil foundation, nozzle elevations,

hook-up details, typical layout of the skids and other relevant details which shall be

provided by machine vendor.

2. Contractor shall prepare the necessary details and documents required for typical
design package for construction.

3. The Design contractor shall modify and revise all the affected drawings for GPF as
necessary, for implementation of compression scope. The Design contractor shall
seek approval of all the drawings before finalizing the revision.

4. The scope of work shall comprise all necessary modification in the existing drawings
and the development of new drawings & Documents

5. Supply of instrument gas, corrosion inhibition and methanol injection skids where

6. Check of any hydrate formation possibility in the system

7. Safety equipment including F&G equipment shall be installed if existing system

found inadequate.
8. Inter connection of piping for venting and blow down of new system with existing
system where required

9. Insulating flanges shall be provided to avoid dis-similar metal contact at Above

Ground and Under Ground piping interface.

10. Piping material for piping shall be confirmed to latest revision of ISO 15156.

11. Dedicated Drainage systems pits for process and OWS. Provisions of removing the
drain from pits at Wellheads.
12. Contractor will arrange 3D model review at 70% completion, this review model shall
include all piping, Valves arrangements, piping supports, Civil works and Tie-In
points as a minimum and would also include constructability review of the proposed

The CONTRACTOR at minimum shall make sure the implementation of following for the
quality product.

1. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit document control register containing
the new & modified drawings/documents under the said scope of work for OMV

2. Document quality is the sole responsibility of contractor. The Contractor shall

incorporate all comments from the client, unless mutually agreed. The Contractor
shall attach comments sheet with each revision.

3. CONTRACTOR shall mark item numbers for all items on isometric drawings
matching with the item numbers mention in MTO list along with the pipe welds and
pipe cutting lengths.
4. CONTRACTOR shall arrange multidiscipline services to respond questions from
construction CONTRACTOR and OMV during the construction and commissioning


All equipment shall be suitable for outdoor installation in extreme conditions of
heat and dust in a desert environment


All design work shall be carried out in accordance to existing specifications and
other approved documents produced under Sawan Development Project. Latest
editions of industrial international codes / standards shall be followed where
applicable. The CONTRACTOR shall update / revise existing specifications
whenever required under the scope of this project subject to approval of Company.

As general rule in case of any conflict among OMV project specifications,

Philosophies and international codes/ standards most stringent requirement shall
be applicable.

The applicable OMV Specification/Philosophies shall be shared, once the contract

is awarded.

All design and engineering shall meet the OMV provided Health, Safety &
Environment (HSE) Policy and requirements.

The design format of the drawings shall be the same as of existing drawings.


a. As per OMV standard the contractor will provide 6 hard copies (sets) of all (IFC)
drawings & documents.

Two (2) sets of Plot Plans, General Arrangements, Layout Plans and Key
Plans in A1 size) other than mentioned types, all drawings in A-3 size

Four (4) complete sets in A3 size.

Six (6) sets of all engineering documents in A4 size.

STRESS ANALYSIS REPORTS only 1 set of hard copy is required

separately. Stress analysis recommendation shall be implemented in the final

b. Soft copy in Adobe Acrobat format.

c. Softcopy in Editable format. (Native file)
d. 2 set of CD(s) or DVD(s) shall be the part of package.

Upon completion of Project, red lined As-Built Documents will be sent to Design contractor
for updating as per RED LINE marking and will issue next revision with As-Built stamp.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Apart from red lining, to avoid any confusion, OMV requires to
get complete IFC package with next revision and As-Built stamp.


Design contractor has to submit complete set of final As-Built package as per following:

a. Two (2) hard copies sets (Drawings in A3 size and documents in A4 size)
b. Soft copy in Adobe Acrobat format
c. Soft copy in Editable format (Native file)
d. 2 set of CD(s) or DVD(s) to be provided


It is PM responsibility to collect Vendor documents from VENDOR in time and handover to

DCC or give direction to VENDOR for, on time submission of documents to DCC

It is EM responsibility to advise relevant PM or PE for updating tag numbers on Vendor

documents in case of internal replacement of Wellhead Coolers / Heat Exchangers /
Compressors / skids or any other equipment. PM is responsible to update tag no of
equipment in red mark drawings.

VENDOR to supply complete set of IOM(s), MDR(s), Studies, Reports and MTC(s) as per
following requirement:

a. OMV P.O. number, Project Name and number and equipment Tag number to be
mentioned on all hard copies folders on front and back side.
b. Two (2) sets of hard copies
c. Softcopy in Adobe Acrobat 2 CD(s) / DVD
d. Adobe Acrobat and editable soft copies of Studies / Reports etc.
e. One hard copy of MTC(s)


Hard / soft copies of documents shall be checked with DCR by contractor before
submission of package.
Contractor to ensure that each and every IFC & AS-BUILT drawing & document
(editable soft & hard) has contractors signature and ISSUED FOR
List of IFC & AS-BUILT packages to be prepare error free, it should be aligned to
document number document revision and title as written on respective document.
In case of doubt regarding the size of drawings, contractor to take confirmation from
OMVs Document Control Centre prior to final submission of design package.
ONLY LEGIBLE prints will be accepted.
All hard copies (documents & drawings) must be filed in sequence according to
discipline and DCR (Document Control Register) / list.

For filing, A-1 size drawings, it should be folded in A-4 size, drawing title should be
visible in folding. Folded drawings to be inserted in plastic cover and then filed in the
Hard copies to be submitted in best quality filing folders with clear labels on back
and front side of the folders.
Design contractor to provide label covering OMV Project number, Project name,
Disciplines detail e.g. Civil & Structure, Electrical, Instruments, Mechanical, Piping,
Process, etc.
Vendor to provide label covering with OMV P.O. number, Project Name, Equipment
name & Tag number.


1. The Contractor shall be responsible for all quality assurance activities necessary
to ensure that the Work meet the requirements specified in the Service Order.
2. The Contractor shall establish and maintain a quality management system based
on the Quality Standard ISO 9001:2008, SOW and shall implement those
processes and procedures necessary to ensure conformity of the final product(s).
3. Where a process is outsourced such processes shall be identified and fully
4. Effective implementation of the Contractors quality system shall be demonstrated
to the OMV by any of the following means:
5. Certification by an accredited third party organization.
6. Satisfactory audit by a major client within the past year.
7. Active audit, measurement & analysis and improvement program including
participative management review supported by top management.
8. The quality system shall ensure that an auditable trail of activities associated with
carrying out the works is maintained.


The Contractor shall submit for the OMV approval, a project quality plan detailing
the application of the Contractor's quality system to the Work. The plan shall
specifically detail how it is applied to the Work and shall contain:

1. An outline of processes and documented procedures.

2. Contractor's organization chart for the Work.
3. The list of identified and documented procedures for the Work.
4. A flow chart to show engineering work flow and interface b/w different groups.
5. The role of quality assurance & quality control team and interaction with
engineering team.
6. A schedule identifying internal and external audits.
7. Roles and responsibilities of key personnel involved in engineering.


The project quality plan shall incorporate the requirements of the Service Order
and shall be available to management personnel engaged on the specified scope
of work.


Design and development activities shall be ensured by following steps and

contractor shall submit design and development procedure which needs OMV
approval before implementation.

Project document controlled record (DCR) is prepared to achieve engineering

planning process. S-Curve shall also be prepared and updated with the progress
report. Planning of design activities shall be divided into following stages

1. Deliverables

2. Progress

3. Scheduling

4. All design activities are planned properly through Primavera Ver. 6.0. The
contractor shall submit the Gantt chart and narrative progress report of the
project on weekly basis.


Design inputs should be documented and reviewed for completeness. Any

deficiencies found in review must be resolved prior to commencement of
engineering. All input data shall be made available to head of design team as part
of project documentation. All statutory requirements must be addressed in input
data before commencement of engineering. Design input data adequacy shall be
checked as per following

Distributed to different technical discipline involved in project for relevant review,

comments and feedback.

Updated in case of modification or integration which may occur during

development of engineering.

In case of revision, it shall be distributed to all discipline for their review.


Design output shall be documented and issued to relevant discipline engineers for
their review and acceptance against design inputs. Before issuance of design
output documents, engineering team shall ensure that all documents are properly
checked and verified. Records of output review shall be maintained by design team
in form of approved checklists. Design outputs record shall be maintained through
DCR and weekly reports shall be issued.


It is necessary to ensure that at appropriate stages of design formal reviews and

verifications are performed. The contractor shall conduct internal Design review
Other reviews shall be performed on need basis and Minutes of Meeting shall be
issued for P & ID and plot plan review. Also at the end of each phase of design and
development stage, formal reviews of design results shall be planned and
conducted to assess the compliance with project requirement. Formal reviews e.g.
HAZOP, SIL shall be carried out for specific technical purposes.


Verification of each design document shall be performed through:

Document correctness, completeness and conformity with applicable requirements.

Verification of individual document prepared.

Applicable checklists against each document and inputs requirements.

Validation of design shall be conducted in operating condition during the project

pre-commissioning, commissioning, and start up and test run activities.


Changes in project design shall be managed and controlled. Control system

includes documentation, appropriate review and approval of design changes.
Design change procedure shall be issued which shall show how any changes are
controlled and how agreed changes shall be incorporated into as built drawing.
Register of design changes and design queries shall be kept in record.


The OMV may request an opportunity to audit the Contractors quality system
during the bid period. However, the OMV reserves the right to perform quality
audits or participate as observers in Contractor audits during the execution of the
works to verify compliance with the Purchase Order requirements. Notice to
perform an audit shall be given in writing by the OMV. The Contractor shall confirm
its availability within seven days of the scheduled audit date. The Contractor shall
correct promptly all findings not complying with the Quality Standard and the
Purchase Order requirements.


Contractor to submit all relevant procedures / method statement along with the Bid



1. Provide the necessary project controls management services to execute the

works in timely cost effective manner, work complete, work forecast, trends
analysis and other such controls to ensure that potential issues regarding
schedule are identified at an early stage.
2. Develop and implement a comprehensive set of project procedures including a
complete set of: engineering standards, drafting standards, quality assurance,
quality control, document control, safety, and communication procedures and
other such procedures deemed necessary by OMV.
3. Prepare and submit organization charts and CVs for key personnel with bid
proposal and mobilize all key/lead personnel within one week of award. Only
OMV approved personnel shall be assigned for the works. In case of mobilizing
personnel other than initially approved one, OMV approval is required.
4. CONTRACTORs Project discipline team members should work closely with
OMV representatives to ensure expeditious progress and avoid wastage of man-
hours. CONTRACTOR shall propose and obtain OMV concurrence on drawings
and document formats, document numbering, equipment/instrument tagging,
table of contents etc. prior to detailed preparation of the documents.
5. Rework the documents or drawings at its own cost if the quality of the documents
or drawings produced is not up to OMV satisfaction.
6. Submit detailed deliverables list with the proposal and finalize it within one weeks
of award. The deliverable list will be used as a basis for progress measurement
and reporting.
7. Prepare and submit weekly and monthly progress reports.


1. The Detailed Engineering Design shall be completed no later than 10 weeks

after award of contract.
2. Contractor must provide final MTO during 4th week of award of contract
3. Produce and submit detailed control schedule with the bid, and shall submit
resource loaded level-4 schedule along with manpower deployment plan within
one week of the contract award.
4. The project schedule must be in line with WBS provided by OMV having agreed
explicitly defined milestones, logical networking, and using computerized critical
path analysis method and should be used as the basis for all progress
measurement plans and reports.
5. The contractor must provide native copies of the plan to be available for analysis
by the OMV project team.
6. Scheduling documents should consist of network drawings and bar charts and all
activities should be self-explanatory and any abbreviations should be shown in a
7. Prior to submitting the schedule to OMV, the contractor should perform their own
project assurance and approval process.
8. The updated project schedule shall indicate the planned and actual progress
value to date for each activity, remaining duration value and a revised forecast
completion date.


The CONTRACTOR shall submit a Project Execution Plan describing how the
WORK will be implemented and completed for the entire system.


Prepare the weighted progress S curves and manpower histograms with the
proposal. The progress curves and histograms shall indicate the planned cumulative
percentage progress and the actual cumulative percentage progress. Manpower
histograms shall be categorized by resource trade grouping.

The work progress shall be measured based on physical progress i.e. it shall be
based on completed engineering drawings and documents etc. Based on the
percentage weighting an overall S curve for percentage progress will be derived on
both early and late dates.


Following milestone shall be used for progress reporting

Issue for Review (IFR) 60%

Issue for Approval (IFA) 70%

Issued for Construction (IFC) 90 %

As Built 100 %


The Contractor shall submit procedures to OMV for approval. Whether or not the
OMV approval is required, the Contractor shall ensure that copies of the procedures
are available to the OMV representative at the location of the work for reference.

The Contractor's processes and procedures shall address all the activities
appropriate to the work, design and Development Procedure
Documentation Control Procedure
Design Review Procedure
Design Change Procedure
Documentation Flow Control Procedure


For the entire duration of the Works, an accurate and timely reporting will be
provided by CONTRACTOR.

The report will contain details on all aspects of the works over the reporting period
and give an up-to-date and clear picture of the progress and overall status of the

The reports will highlight all trends that impact the schedule and / or the Contract
Price and shall include detailed information of the progress of Works, variations with
explanations for slippage in schedule and the recovery plan as may be required.


The cut-off time is every Friday 1200 hrs and report will be submitted on the same
day before/by 1700 hrs. The weekly status will, as a minimum, include:

Management / Executive Summary (Narrative)

Brief description of tasks executed
Areas of concern and mitigation measures
Forecast for next reporting period
Recovery actions (when required i.e. when project activities reported
Progress S Curve
Technical Document Register
Updated schedule


The monthly report shall be submitted within five (5) days from the cut-off date on
every last Sunday of the month. The monthly report shall as a minimum include:

a) Management / Executive Summary

Executive summary (narrative)
Milestone achievement, problem solved, new problems arisen
Updated Project Schedule
Updated progress S curve
b) Design and Detailed Engineering
A narrative of the months events by discipline
Progress per discipline
Updated Document Control Register (DCR)
Forecast for next reporting period
Holds Register for Document & Drawings
c) Planning and Cost Control
Manpower Histograms
Invoicing status
Payment status
Change order status
d) QA / QC
Audit Status / Reports
Non-conformance (NCR) status
e) Areas of Concern
Previous months areas of concern if still valid
Current month raised areas of concern
CONTRACTORs recommendation for remedial actions
f) Recovery Actions
A full description of recovery actions being considered to recover works


The weekly progress review meeting shall be held with OMV to discuss the previous
weeks progress and plan of action required. Minutes of the meeting shall be written
and recorded on the day of meeting by CONTRACTOR and submitted to OMV for
review and approval within two (2) days.
Management Monthly Meeting shall be held with OMV to brief and present the
progress of the project and to resolve any outstanding issues. This meeting shall be
attended by the CONTRACTOR and OMV Management. The meeting shall be held
at CONTRACTOR Office. Minutes of the meeting shall be written and recorded on the

day of meeting by CONTRACTOR and submitted to OMV for review and approval
within three (3) days.


Attachment A Sawan FEC P&IDs

Attachment B Geotechnical Data

Attachment C Environmental Data


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