His 120 Assignment 2

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Jose Barrera

HIS 120

M-TH 8:00am-11:20am


Alexis de Tocqueville visited the United States and made a book about it criticizing the

way they used to live. One of the sections that he wrote about was the way we believe

equality of man worked, with hierarchy and social living. It also ties in with the utopian

societies which is perfect examples of what he meant. Tocqueville used philosophical theory

of indefinite perfectibility.

The results of the American revolution gave the colonies independence and freedom.

Freedom was the major reason they believed in manifest destiny and how society runs.

Tocqueville looked at how Americas freedom to be able to be anything and stated, thus they

do not presume that they have arrived at the supreme good or at absolute truth (what people or

what man was ever wild enough to imagine it? ), but they cherish an opinion that they have

pretty nearly reached that degree of greatness and knowledge which our imperfect nature

admits of; and as nothing moves about them, they are willing to fancy that everything is in its

fit place. He admires that they try to evolve and be perfect but perfection can never be

accomplished because things can always be improved.

Man continues to improve to reach perfection but a utopian society can never exist.

During that time there were several communities or societies that were called utopian cities

which they were religious communities which believed their way of living was the right way

of living. Tocqueville wouldve seen these attempts at perfection but could always see need of
improvements everywhere. These communities were far from perfect but they believed it was

from the word of god and it could create harmony.

A big reason Americans believed their way of living was the right way because it

created harmony and equality. They believed manifest destiny encouraged them to cover the

country with their way of living moving west. Man always has things to improve on so the

notion of being perfect is not possible in Tocquevilles eyes. Tocqueville also states thus,

forever seeking, forever falling to rise again, often disappointed, but not discouraged, he tends

unceasingly towards that unmeasured greatness so indistinctly visible at the end of the long

track which humanity has yet to tread. Even though America keeps remodeling their society

they are never discouraged and continues to reach perfection or a place where they are


Alex de Tocquevilles book is great with words because from what I interpreted he

really admire America for their determination but at the same time its a useless effort. The

book is to supposed to criticize negatively Americas social living. I mostly read flattery but I

could be wrong in other aspects of his book. In this chapter of the book I agree with the

theology that perfection cannot be achieved in reality but it is great that America keeps

striving for perfection.

Work Cited

"Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 1." Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 1. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 June


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