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rnchat: Welcome to Friday Night Live on #RNchat!

We'll get zipping in a moment, but foist tell us

about yourself!! Welcome first-timers! :)
7/23/2010 21:00

onlinenursing: Hola mi #RNChat amigos. Yo soy Terri, soy enfermera practica y professor de
enfermeras. (practicing my espanol :). Terri from MO here.
7/23/2010 21:02

holisticnurses: Hi! Amy in NYC (It's stormy all right!) Telehealth & Holistic RN...will be popping in & out.
Hey to all! #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:03

rnchat: OK, our first topic will be up in a minute. When replying please add T1, T2 etc to your
response. #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:04

onlinenursing: @onlinenursing Hey Amy - great to see you here. nice new pic! #RNChat.
7/23/2010 21:04

nlw0507: Hi! I'm Nikki and I'm a new grad nurse from Madison, WI #RnChat #rnchat
7/23/2010 21:04

InfusionNurse: Howdy all!! It's Cora - infusionnurse...from Indianapolis... #RNCHAT

7/23/2010 21:04

rnchat: T1 Handwashing: What advances have you seen? How does Design affect compliance?
What drives ya nuts when you see it? #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:05

holisticnurses: @onlinenursing Thanks Terri! Congrats on learning Spanish. #Rnchat

7/23/2010 21:05

Trybarefoot: Evening! Gerard via Nova Scotia. Health educator/consultant/facilitator w/ large emphasis
on team dev in healthcare! #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:06

onlinenursing: @InfusionNurse Hey Cora @InfusionNurse! Glad to see you on #RNChat. Hi Nikki
7/23/2010 21:06

InfusionNurse: @holisticnurses @onlinenursing...hola amigas!! #RNCHAT

7/23/2010 21:07

onlinenursing: T1 - #RNChat - while I love the new alcohol scrub (makes things handy in the hall). I
think it decreases use of soap & H20... (part 1)
7/23/2010 21:08

Trybarefoot: Now happening! RT @rnchat: Welcome to Friday Night Live on #RNchat!

7/23/2010 21:08

nursingpins: Hey all - running late -Vernon in New Orleans #RNchat

7/23/2010 21:08

InfusionNurse: @Trybarefoot @nlw0507...howdy!! #RNCHAT

7/23/2010 21:08

onlinenursing: T1 - #RNChat - part 2 - & I know from medical mission work with no H20 that nothing
cleans hands like good old soap and water
7/23/2010 21:08

holisticnurses: T1 I'd love to hear about natural products for handwashing in hospitals. #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:09

InfusionNurse: T1 - handwashing compliance still poor accdg to APIC...still an issue w/ preventing

infections...need reinforce/reeducate #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:09

holisticnurses: @InfusionNurse Hi Cora! #Rnchat

7/23/2010 21:09

CaliPNP: Hey from LA...I'm Sue a pediatric NP working for anesthesia / radiology services #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:10

holisticnurses: @Trybarefoot Hi there! Thanks for your RT earlier. Welcome. #Rnchat

7/23/2010 21:10

onlinenursing: @Trybarefoot & @Nursingpins - Hey guys! Great to see so many wonderful RNs in
7/23/2010 21:10

onlinenursing: RT @InfusionNurse handwashing compliance still poor accdg to APIC -still an issue w/
preventing infections-need reinforce/reeducate #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:11

NUR3563: RT @InfusionNurse handwashing compliance still poor accdg to APIC -still an issue w/
preventing infections-need reinforce/reeducate #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:11

InfusionNurse: Hi Vernon...RT @nursingpins: Hey all - running late -Vernon in New Orleans #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:12

onlinenursing: T1 -sort of off subject,but has to do with handwashing- did anyone see article this week
abt how sepsis more common postop than DVT? #RNChat
7/23/2010 21:12

Trybarefoot: @onlinenursing Thx - tho I'm more of a 'friend' of RNs - work w/ nurses all the time -
privileged to be able to participate #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:12

holisticnurses: T1 Amazing how important handwashing is in homecare when educating pts re:
woundcare. Still love soap & H2O too! #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:13

nursingpins: noticed that most nurses use the foam in-room disp. - hand washing still a noticeable
problem - must keep reinforcing everywhere. #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:13

InfusionNurse: what would u recommend? RT @holisticnurses: T1 Id love to hear about natural products
for handwashing in hospitals. #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:14

Trybarefoot: T1 agree that education/updates are important...within hospital settings AND with general
public! #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:14
InfusionNurse: Hi Sue! RT @CaliPNP: Hey from LA...Im Sue a pediatric NP working for anesthesia /
radiology services #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:15

onlinenursing: T1 - #RNChat most of cellulitis I see in clinic (lots in summer with bug bites/ poison Ivy) is
MRSA - handwashing at home essential!
7/23/2010 21:16

InfusionNurse: I agree RT @nursingpins: most nurses use foam in-room disp. - hand washing a
noticeable problem - must keep reinforcing everywhere. #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:18

nursingpins: most nurses don't touch patients anymore without gloves - at least that is a help #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:18

CaliPNP: @InfusionNurse Hi Terri! I've been off line this week but it's nice to be back #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:18

onlinenursing: @InfusionNurse T1 - #RNCHat mostly I work in rural prctc. lots of farm work, outside
work. Also-kids with dirty hands scratch everything.
7/23/2010 21:18

onlinenursing: @nursingpins #RNChat - only if they don't use their gloves to touch lots of other things 1st
or stick dirty hands into the glove box :)
7/23/2010 21:20

InfusionNurse: ? is they wash hands after/between pts? RT @nursingpins: most nurses dont touch
patients anymore w/o gloves - at least that help #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:20

Trybarefoot: T1 An imp public health issue - my exp is soap/water is part of the key msg - tho is it
more risky in an acute or home care setting? #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:20

nursingpins: @onlinenursing you are right - goes hand and glove :) could not resist. #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:21

CaliPNP: oops...I didn't #RNchat that last one...

7/23/2010 21:21

rnchat: T1 Follow-up: Are messages about what kinds of washing (eg soap & friction for c diff &
other spores instead of alcohol) effective? #rnchat
7/23/2010 21:22

CaliPNP: APN Phys Exam course won't let U glove up...sets U up as vector w/o good handwashing
7/23/2010 21:23

nursingpins: peer pressure is strongest enforcer - will have to starting checking each other - #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:23

CaliPNP: However, RNs are by nature ALWAYS good handwashers...can't say same for other
disciplines #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:24

rnchat: Our next topic is coming up in a moment! #RNchat

7/23/2010 21:26
rnchat: T2 Telehealth: How can telehealth nursing expand with role of the Web (Social Media,
digital media, etc.)? #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:27

holisticnurses: T1 Remember bag technique being just as important as handwashing in home care.
7/23/2010 21:27

Trybarefoot: OUCH! ;) RT @CaliPNP: However, RNs are by nature ALWAYS good handwashers...can't
say same for other disciplines #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:27

rnchat: @CaliPNP That's a good point, which may be an upcoming topic: how can nurses
effectively get others do, er, clean up their act. #rnchat
7/23/2010 21:29

onlinenursing: #rnchat It can help w/nurse education of rural patients, working pts, triage, ed of new
parents, & all sorts of psychosocial screenings.
7/23/2010 21:30

nursingpins: T2 There is so much potential with t.h. (most important with seeing patients with cams-
can read expressions and gestures which helps #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:30

podmedic: #rnchat I see telehealth nursing evolution into live online nurse chat support similar to
website tech support.
7/23/2010 21:31

CaliPNP: @Trybarefoot I'll back that one up w/ some good ole' research, K? #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:31

holisticnurses: T2 Sense of sound, clinical knowledge/experience and intuition is what I have to work w/
in chat can enhance #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:31

onlinenursing: @nursingpins agree. - T2 #RNChat

7/23/2010 21:32

Trybarefoot: T2 can really help RNs connect and collaborate w/ other providers as well! #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:32

podmedic: hi-def webcams offer opportunities for remote monitoring and assessment. #rnchat
7/23/2010 21:33

CaliPNP: @Trybarefoot That study also says RNs have a huge area for be fair T1
7/23/2010 21:33

InfusionNurse: agree RT @podmedic: #rnchat I see telehealth nursing evolution into live online nurse
chat support similar to website tech support. #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:34

rnchat: RT @podmedic: hi-def webcams offer opportunities for remote monitoring and
assessment. #rnchat
7/23/2010 21:34
InfusionNurse: good pt RT @holisticnurses: T2 Of course not many elderly home care pts have
computers...would supplying certain pts with a device #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:34

Trybarefoot: @CaliPNP T1 Awesome - luv the evidence! Helps to solidify the facts - and move us from
generalizations, stereotypes etc - thx! #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:35

holisticnurses: T2 Also brings up the point of state bs national licensure. We can educate from anywhere
online & via phone. #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:36

Trybarefoot: Hats off to you! RT @CaliPNP: @Trybarefoot That study also says RNs have a huge
area for be fair T1 #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:36

InfusionNurse: Hi Jamie..I agree if provided 4 pts...RT @podmedic: hi-def webcams offer opportunities
for remote monitoring and assessment. #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:36

nursingpins: computers will become a "medical device" as important as o2 machines. event will be
covered as needed equipment #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:37

holisticnurses: T2 That was state bs national licensure. Chatting via iPhone is tres difficult! #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:38

onlinenursing: RT @InfusionNurse @podmedic: #rnchat I see telehealth nsing evolution N2 live online
nurse chat support similar 2 website tech support.
7/23/2010 21:39

Trybarefoot: Handwashing compliance depends on professional status (via @CaliPNP) -> #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:39

holisticnurses: T2 Will always need to distinguish ourselves from computer only generated info.
Computers can't empathize...yet! #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:40

CaliPNP: Facetime on the iPhone 4 has some immediate gratification potential for wound
care...problem is both sides have to have it :( T2 #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:40

holisticnurses: Darn you, auto-correct! :) #Rnchat

7/23/2010 21:41

Trybarefoot: Nice point. RT @holisticnurses: T2 need to distinguish ourselves from computer only
generated info. Computers can't empathize...yet! #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:41

holisticnurses: RT @CaliPNP: Facetime on iPhone 4 has some imm. gratification potential 4 wound
care...problem is both sides have to have it :( T2 #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:43

onlinenursing: T2 - potential for telehealth - online chat rooms/therapy/connection of adolescents

w/chronic dz (like Type1DM, CF, Sickle Cell) - #RNChat
7/23/2010 21:43
NUR3563: T2 - potential for telehealth - online chat rooms/therapy/connection of adolescents
w/chronic dz (like Type1DM, CF, Sickle Cell) - #RNChat
7/23/2010 21:43

holisticnurses: RT @nursingpins: computers will become a "medical device" as important as o2

machines. event will be covered as needed equipment #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:43

rnchat: RT @nursingpins: computers will become a "medical device" as important as o2

machines. event will be covered as needed equipment #rnchat
7/23/2010 21:44

onlinenursing: #RNChat - sorry -using tweetdeck and that went out w/both accounts. My bad.
7/23/2010 21:45

holisticnurses: T2 Also caregiver support via video chat and, yes, RN lead education/support groups.
7/23/2010 21:45

rnchat: Our final topic is coming up! #RNchat

7/23/2010 21:46

Trybarefoot: Absolutely! RT @holisticnurses: T2 Also caregiver support via video chat and, yes, RN
lead education/support groups. #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:46

holisticnurses: RT @Trybarefoot: T2 can really help RNs connect and collaborate w/ other providers as
well! #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:46

rnchat: T3 Enhancing Collaboration: What are biggest challenges in provider collaboration? What
solutions (technical or other) work best? #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:47

nursingpins: T2 t.h will be important for heart patients - already programs that allow remote view and
diagnosis #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:47

holisticnurses: T2 Medication compliance and education too! I can see the pills someone is asking me
about. #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:48

Trybarefoot: RT @rnchat: T3 Collaboration: What are biggest challenges in collaboration? What

solutions work best? #RNchat #interprofessional
7/23/2010 21:49

holisticnurses: T3 EMR...sometimes we're not all seeing the same info. #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:51

onlinenursing: T3 many prblms as rural hlth NP N NP only clinic trying2 send pts2 spclists who dislike
NPs-often they berate pts 4 hvng NP provider #RNChat
7/23/2010 21:52

onlinenursing: RT @holisticnurses: T3 EMR...sometimes we're not all seeing the same info. #Rnchat
(Re: Collaboration issues in h/c)
7/23/2010 21:53
InfusionNurse: T3 - Ego - leave it at home and think about the patient... #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:53

CaliPNP: RT @onlinenursing: T3 many prblms as rural hlth NP N NP only clinic trying2 send pts2
spclists who dislike NPs-often they berate pts 4 hvng NP provider #RNChat
7/23/2010 21:53

onlinenursing: RT @InfusionNurse: T3 - Ego - leave it at home and think about the patient... #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 21:54

Trybarefoot: @onlinenursing T3 As a Manager in primary health care the rural NPs on my team had
the EXACT exp #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:54

CaliPNP: @onlinenursing T3 Same in tertiary care ctrs. Prvt MDs don't want to hear how it's going
to go from an NP. Want to hear from an MD #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:55

Trybarefoot: T3 Ego - yes! And a real lack of understanding of the scope/roles/responsibilities of NPs
(key for collaboration!) #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:55

holisticnurses: RT @onlinenursing: RT @InfusionNurse: T3 - Ego - leave it at home and think about the
patient... #RNCHAT (LOVE IT!) #Rnchat
7/23/2010 21:55

onlinenursing: T3 @CaliPNP @Trybarefoot looks like a common problem-sigh!I like @infusionNurse

solution-all on same team-not enough of us 2 go arnd #RNChat
7/23/2010 21:57

rnchat: Yowza! Our hour together is coming up! :( We'll wrap up in a couple minutes. #RNchat
7/23/2010 21:58

DebErupts: For real collaboration everyone needs to be involved in decision making. #RNChat
7/23/2010 21:58

holisticnurses: RT @DebErupts: For real collaboration everyone needs to be involved in decision making.
7/23/2010 21:58

MeredithGould: @RNchat You were well represented by @PhilBaumann at last nights #health2meet
7/23/2010 21:59

nurseeducator: T3 The heart of collabis having a common goal, defined expectations, meas. outcomes
and people who are willing to get the job done! #RNChat
7/23/2010 22:00

onlinenursing: RT @DebErupts: For real collaboration everyone needs to be involved in decision making.
#RNChat (AMEN, all professionals at the table)
7/23/2010 22:00

Trybarefoot: T3 Collaboration requires CLARITY - re: roles, leadership, decision making,

communication, purpose! #RNchat
7/23/2010 22:00
rnchat: OK, before we close up give us your parting thoughts, pearls of wisdom. #RNchat
7/23/2010 22:00

onlinenursing: @MeredithGould Heard it was good #health2meet - wish we could have been there. SO
7/23/2010 22:01

holisticnurses: Not too late for your words of wisdom. ;) RT @NurseSallie: Im late! #Rnchat
7/23/2010 22:01

onlinenursing: @NurseSallie Hey Sallie - better late than never #RNChat. Hope you are well!
7/23/2010 22:01

nursingpins: T3 hopfully the EMR will trigger services and help organize provider collaboration by
inclusion #RNchat
7/23/2010 22:01

NurseSallie: I spent day with 22 DNP students and ethicists ... got to say nurses are awesome.
7/23/2010 22:02

onlinenursing: #RNChat - parting thought: GO NURSING! Or as my friend phil would say - may the force
be with you young Jedi Knights! Thx 4 grt chat all.
7/23/2010 22:02

Trybarefoot: Pearl -> Take the time. Give the time. Plan the time. Celebrate the time. Collaborate!
7/23/2010 22:02

rnchat: THANK YOU Everybody for another excellent #RNchat!! Transcript will be up soon.
Remember: Nurses are the last Jedi Nights of the Republic!
7/23/2010 22:03

DebErupts: Collaboration requires trust and respect, which is lacking many times among health care
members. #RNChat
7/23/2010 22:03

nurseeducator: Sorry so late...on the road all day! Not even using my own computer or tweetdeck!
7/23/2010 22:03

nursingpins: RT @onlinenursing GO NURSING! goodnight. #RNchat

7/23/2010 22:04

InfusionNurse: Great to chat u all again..good night to all...have a great weekend... #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 22:04

Trybarefoot: Pearl #2 (sorry!) -> I always learn from my RN colleagues - thank you for that! #RNchat
7/23/2010 22:04

rnchat: @holisticnurses My pleasure!! Thanks for being here! :) #rnchat

7/23/2010 22:07

Trybarefoot: Thx Phil - enjoy the weekend all! #RNchat

7/23/2010 22:07

rnchat: RT @onlinenursing: #RNChat - parting thought: GO NURSING! Or as my friend phil

would say - may the force be with you young Jedi Knights! Thx 4 grt chat all.
7/23/2010 22:07

Trybarefoot: RT @DebErupts: Collaboration requires trust and respect, which is lacking many times
among health care members. #RNChat #interprofessional
7/23/2010 22:09

InfusionNurse: great job Phil - u make us proud!! RT @philbaumann: Why thank you! Nurses are an
easy group to be proud of! :) #RNCHAT
7/23/2010 22:10

ArtxImagination: AWESOME!! RT @RNchat: RT @NurseSallie: I spent day with 22 DNP students and
ethicists ... got to say nurses are awesome. #rnchat
7/23/2010 22:14

rnchat: @InfusionNurse :-) #rnchat

7/23/2010 22:14

holisticnurses: RT @Trybarefoot: RT @DebErupts: Collaboration requires trust and respect, which is

lacking many times among health care members. #RNChat #interprofessional
7/23/2010 22:15

dlwdillon: RT @nursingpins: most nurses don't touch patients anymore without gloves - at least that
is a help #RNchat
7/23/2010 22:48

dlwdillon: RT @nursingpins: computers will become a "medical device" as important as o2

machines. event will be covered as needed equipment #RNchat
7/23/2010 22:52

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