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Alexa Birckbichler

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Napoleon Bonaparte
Historical essay
Napoleon Bonaparte both undermined and contributed to the success of the revolution in
many ways. His tactics were unconventional and often seen as harsh and almost genocidal. But
as a leader he showed great authority and seemed to have the utmost respect of his men. There is
not doubt that he accomplished many things and pushed France to greater success, but the way
he got things done and the tactics he used, were they of that of a war criminal rather than a war
hero? When it came to his own morals and standards, there is great controversy. There is
speculation that his actions were not necessary but rather a show of power and utterly malicious.
Were his actions justified, can you justify genocide? There are also people who deny this claim
of genocide and say his actions were done out of pure practical thinking and effective leadership,
that these killings are a natural occurrence in war, that we cannot undermine Napoleons success
because he did what had to be done. Along with being a military leader he eventually became the
sole leader of France, does this in itself undermine the ideals and purposes of the revolution, or
was Napoleon yet again just being effective and smart in his military power. Napoleon Bonaparte
contributes to both the success and undermining of the revolution, in ways such as his military
tactics, his attitude toward the opposing side, and his actions after the revolution.
Napoleon Bonaparte supports the revolution by contributing efforts, war power, and smarts
to bettering France for all citizens. Napoleon was a smart military leader and he greatly showed
this during his time as a revolutionist and leader. He first started out supporting the Jacobins, a
pro- democracy political group. Through personal connections Napoleon was promoted to the
rank of brigadier general in the army. While in this position Napoleon dealt with many situations

the revolution threw at him, even being put on house arrest at one point. Yet Napoleon still joins
with the revolution, stronger than before. Helped suppress a royalist insurrection against the
revolutionary government in Paris and was promoted to major general. As general he defeated
many armies while protecting France. One of his more notable victories would be in 1796 over
Austria, a larger army, which was one of Frances primary rivals. He did not only defeat them but
also gained territory for France in 1797. As a military leader he brought much new knowledge
and tactics that were cunning and sharp. After many wins and loses as a leader, Napoleon was
part of a group that successfully overthrew the French Directory and replaced it with a three-
member Consulate. He actually became France's leading political figure, having many victories
in the war, and winning the peoples admiration. Napoleon supports the revolution and his fellow
revolutionaries by showing the ideals of the revolution through his leadership not only as a war
hero but as the sole leader of France. He used his power to improve education and stress a
greater importance on various branches of science, letters, and arts. This broad variety of
endorsed subjects show his own knowledge and array of ideals. He supported the revolution by
making changes to France even after he came to be the leader. Napoleon supports the revolution
and his fellow revolutionaries by showing the ideals of the revolution through his leadership not
only as a war hero but as the sole leader of France.
Napoleon Bonaparte undermined the revolution in many ways, such as committing
genocidal acts, having dishonorable morals and tactics, and a hypocritical leadership. Napoleon
started the revolution supporting the Jacobins, known for their support of violence and killing.
This political affiliation immediately begins to show the morals and ideals Napoleon has as a
leader. But one needs to be able to discern between the things he accomplished and the way he
accomplished things. Overall Napoleon accomplished many things and did have success, but that
does not give him he right to commit genocidal acts and kill innocent people. During his time as
a general he abuses his power and shows that he does not have respect for the opposing sides
human life. He gives direct orders to his troops to brutally kill Hispanics who were only
suspected of having little zeal for France. Having a leader with such power use it in a harmful
way for no other reason than, simply because he can, shows his need for power in an unhealthy
way. If Napoleons dishonorable actions are overlooked simply because he had an overall good

outcome from the war, then that is saying that killing innocent people as a show of power is
justifiable. Allowing these actions by someone who is supposed to stand for Liberty, equality,
and fraternity is down right hypocritical. Napoleon shows actions that stand for inequality,
restraint of opinion, and hostility. Napoleon does not only show these actions as a general but as
a leader of France. When Napoleon came to power he immediately granted himself first console,
of a three console government, which eventually lead to Napoleon crowning himself sole
emperor. This action in itself screams his need for power and hypocritical actions. One of the
main purposes of the revolution was to get away from that type of government, and be a
republic. Yet as soon as Napoleon gains substantial power he abuses it, just like he abused his
power over the Hispanics. Allowing this man to represent the ideals of the revolution only shows
great ignorance, because even the people of France began to see how Napoleon was just like the
monarchy government. This being a prime example of his undermining of the revolution, he did
not seek to change France but rather make it more suitable for himself. The people saw this, and
he was abdicated not once but twice. His own country did not approve of his actions and did not
want him unless he was winning. The only reason Napoleons actions are justified today, is
because he did many substantial things for France. But that fact alone does not make him a good
representer of the revolution. The morals and ideals of a leader who represents a cause come
greatly into play. He used the revolution to gain military and political power but quickly
abandoned the ideals of the revolution when they did not benefit himself.
Napoleon Bonaparte contributes to both the success and undermining of the revolution in
many ways, such as his military tactics, his attitude toward the opposing side, and his actions
after the revolution. In todays society (especially now) one is experiencing very much political
controversy, just like in the time of Napoleon. Donald Trump who just won the presidential
election (but not the popular vote), to put it lightly Donald Trump is a very controversial man. He
possibly reminds one of Napoleon. They are/were both men of great power, both radicals, and a
both very controversial. They have similar behaviors in the way they go about things. Napoleon
is a widely debated topic in history. He did many things that are unacceptable and do not show
simple respect to another human life, he was hypocritical and power hungry. Yet during his time
as both military leader and political leader he accomplished many things for the country of

France. Donald Trump is seen in almost the same way, other than the fact he has not
accomplished anything yet. Although it is soon in his presidency he has already made a big
impact (not always a good thing) He will go down in history no doubt. But is it for the right
reasons? He is building a wall out of pure hate to keep people out. This is not saying the
countries boarders should be a free for all, but completely blocking out every person from
coming in sounds silly and almost childlike. One cannot say what Donald Trump will be like as a
leader, but based on past behaviors and his already executive orders to ban refuges from entering
the U.S. one can make a prediction. He will be just like Napoleon. He will do things to benefit
himself and his company. He will do things out of unjustified hate, like he has always done. He
will treat people like he owns them, and he will get away with treating them in this wayby
justifying it in ways such as locker room talk. Making racist and sexist behavior and remarks
seemingly okay. That is unacceptable for anyone let alone the president of the United States.
Napoleon and Trump are racist power hungry men who treat the world like it owes them
something. Trump does not come close to the ideals of a president, he does not stand for
Liberty, equality, and fraternity but again just like Napoleon he shows the ideals of inequality,
restraint of opinion, and hostility. They continue to get away with this behavior because of their
accomplishments, rather than their morals and or tactics used in achieving these victories.
Overall Trump shows many qualities that are almost identical to Napoleon Bonaparte.
Throughout history one has seen controversial subjects, particularly rulers, that seem to abuse
power and go to extremes when trying to succeed. Napoleon made efforts to help the revolution
while also undermining it, just like Donald Trumps actions today.


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