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Production Log

Student name(s): Joe DAcinto

Title of project: The Deal

Date: 11/05/17

What have you completed? Next steps

Finished all reshoots. Shoot the rest of scene 4 involving extra.

Filmed roughly 90 % of scene 4 and Resume editing.

short film.

Problems encountered:
When shooting scene 4 inside car park there were a lot of interruptions regarding the
public and driving past the film set therefore having to move the camera equipment
out of the way. Lighting was a small issue where the subject wasnt lit efficiently.

Reasons for problems and possible solutions:

Car park was very busy especially with people leaving work during late afternoon
causing some delay in filming. Some of the celling lights in the car park were off due to
the sun providing enough lighting. However, this was resolved by altering the shutter
speed, ISO and aperture so therefore more light was striking the image sensor making
the footage brighter and lighting the subject with flash light on phone.

Details of successes:
Reshoots of scene 2 and 4 were completed without issue or hassle. All camera shots
are well framed and focus so no further reshoots are needed. 10 minutes of footage
had been captured without technical issues such as damage to equipment or drainage
of battery. 10 minutes of footage will be cut down to approximately 2 minutes in

Reasons for successes:

Equipment such as Camera and tripod were reliable for shooting. No dispute with any
members of the public immediately stopped shooting when the public where in frame
and allowed time to past through safely.
Any changes made to the product as a result of the above:
No changed will be made to the product from the results above. Keeping to production
schedule and finishing production by next week.

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