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Internal news

1. Romanian students, wanted by EU and USA top univerities.

Romanian International University Fair (RIUF) gathered over 100 universities from 15
countries at the greatest educational fair from Eastern Europe, where the ones who are
interested could find out more about the 7.000 studying programes. There are more than 100
top universities with programes for studying mathematics, computer scinece, psychology,
medicine, IT and inernational law. Students can find Riuf on the 21st of march in Cluj
Napoca and on the 23rd of march in Brasov.
2. Olguta Vasilescu's speech at the UN confference.
The internet page Times New Roman, mocked the politician's Olguta Vasilescu speech.
The Labour Minister held a speech at the 61st UN confference about the women's condition,
which took place at New York. The politician read a speech about the way women are
integrated in Romania, regarding work places. Her accent, however was so funny that it
sparked the laughter of everyone present that day, including romanians who said thather
accent was so russian that it had activated the antirussians shield from Deveselu.
3. Protesters in Romania denounce plan to decriminalise misconduct
Thousands take to streets after government passes emergency
ordinance that critics say will help corrupt politicians escape justice .
Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets in Romania to
protest against an emergency ordinance passed during the night
that decriminalises some offences, including official misconduct in
cases where the financial damage is less than 200,000 lei .

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