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The Horticulture Journal 84 (1): 1420. 2015.

The Japanese Society for

doi: 10.2503/hortj.MI-015
JSHS Horticultural Science

Inhibitory Factors That Affect the Ripening of Pear Fruit on the Tree

Hideki Murayama1*, Masahiko Sai1, Akira Oikawa1 and Akihiro Itai2

Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, Tsuruoka 997-8555, Japan
Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University, Tottori 680-8553, Japan

Pear (Pyrus communis L.) fruit are not usually allowed to ripen on the tree. Indeed, they are harvested at the
mature green stage and ripened off the tree. In this study, we examined inhibitory factors that affect the
ripening of pear fruit on the tree. The relationship between ethylene and fruit abscission was investigated in
Bartlett pears. Fruit at the mature green stage produced little ethylene, but most fruit rapidly produced
ethylene 23 days before dropping. Fruit drop was stimulated by ethylene treatment of fruit on the tree, but
was delayed by treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene. We also investigated how fruit ripening on the tree was
affected by a continuous supply of assimilates to the fruit via phloem transport. To suppress phloem transport,
a girdling treatment was applied to the branch above the abscission zone. Fruit ripening on the tree was
promoted by this girdling treatment, but the fruit dropped before softening to an edible firmness. 1-
Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) was highly effective in suppressing fruit drop. NAA treatment alone did not
induce full ripening on the tree, but fruit did ripen on the tree when the NAA and girdling treatments were
combined. Two factors may explain why pear fruit do not fully ripen on the tree: the production of ethylene by
the fruit during ripening on the tree does not occur until after the optimal harvest time and the continuous
supply of assimilates to the fruit via phloem transport may delay ripening.

KeyWords:ethylene, fruit softening, girdling, Pyrus communis.

1992). Fruit ripening off the tree is initiated under room

temperature conditions. Biological, chemical, and phys-
Fruit can be divided into two groups based on wheth- ical changes occur during ripening. The biological
er ripening occurs on the tree or after harvest. Fruit that changes include ethylene production and a transient
usually ripen on the tree include apple, tomato, grape, increase in respiration called a climacteric peak. The
and strawberry. Fruit that do not usually ripen on the chemical changes include degradation of starch to sug-
tree need to ripen for several days to a few weeks after ars, degradation of chlorophyll, decomposition of cell
harvest. Pear, avocado, kiwifruit, and mango belong to wall constituents, and the biosynthesis of volatile com-
this group. Both types of ripening are found among the pounds. Fruit softening and the development of a juicy
climacteric fruit. Climacteric fruit such as apple and and buttery texture are among the physical changes that
tomato can ripen on the tree or vine, but others such as occur during pear ripening. These changes during ripen-
pear and kiwifruit need a postharvest period to ripen. ing off the tree are required for pear fruit to be of good
These characteristics indicate the absence of a relation- quality.
ship between climacteric and non-climacteric status and Pear fruit are not usually allowed to ripen on the tree.
the ability to ripen on the tree. No non-climacteric fruit We investigated fruit ripening on the tree after the opti-
require ripening after harvest. mal harvest time in Marguerite Marillat and La
Pear (Pyrus communis L.) fruit are usually harvested France pears (Murayama et al., 1998). Both cultivars
at the mature green stage. Fruit maturity is judged using softened gradually on the tree, but neither softened to
various indices, including starch content, flesh firm- an edible firmness. Sugar and Einhorn (2011) also in-
ness, or the number of days after full bloom (Kingston, vestigated fruit firmness on a weekly basis for 5 weeks
after initial maturity was reached in dAnjou pears.
Firmness decreased with each week of delay, but the
Received; June 21, 2014. Accepted; August 11, 2014.
fruit never reached ripeness with a buttery and juicy
Published Online in J-STAGE.
* Corresponding author (E-mail: texture. In addition, average fruit firmness at commer-

2015 The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (JSHS), All rights reserved.
Hort. J. 84 (1): 1420. 2015. 15

cial harvest time was 66.4N and decreased only to significant problem under actual cultivation conditions.
55.2N after a 1-month harvest delay in dAnjou pears Little research on fruit drop has been conducted, al-
(Bai et al., 2009). Why do pear fruit not ripen on the though many studies have examined fruitlet abscission
tree? We observed that Marguerite Marillat and La for thinning (Wertheim, 2000).
France pears produced ethylene after the optimal har- We investigated the relationship between ethylene
vest time, even on the tree (Murayama et al., 1998). and fruit abscission in Bartlett pears and examined the
Therefore, the inability of pear fruit to produce ethylene effect of the continuous supply of assimilates to the
on the tree does not prevent the completion of ripening. fruit on ripening on the tree. To suppress phloem trans-
Pear fruit increase in size and accumulate sugars, port, a girdling treatment was applied to a fruit branch
even after the optimal harvest time, although the rate of of a Bartlett pear tree above the abscission zone. We
increase in fruit size slows compared with the rate dur- also treated the abscission zone with lanolin paste con-
ing maturation. These characteristics led us to propose taining 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) to suppress
an alternative hypothesis involving inhibitory factors fruit drop. We showed that pear fruit have the ability to
that affect the ripening of pear fruit on the tree. The ripen fully even on the tree. We also discuss the inhibi-
supply of assimilates to the fruit via phloem transport is tory factors that affect the ripening of pear fruit on the
necessary to increase fruit size and sugar content. As- tree.
similates are also thought to be substrates for the syn-
Materials and Methods
thesis of polysaccharides, such as pectin, hemicellulose,
and cellulose. Therefore, the termination of assimilate Plant material and treatments with ethylene and 1-
import may act as a signal for cell wall decomposition methylcyclopropene (1-MCP)
and fruit softening. We applied a girdling treatment to We used three pear trees (24 years old, Pyrus
the fruit branch above the abscission zone on a communis L. Bartlett on Yamanashi, P. pyrifolia
Bartlett pear tree to inhibit the supply of assimilates Nakai, rootstocks) grown in an orchard at Yamagata
and/or other substances to the fruit (Murayama et al., University, Japan. Bartlett pears are usually harvested
2006). With this girdling treatment, fruit ripening on the 110120 days after full bloom in Yamagata, Japan. In
tree was stimulated. However, all fruit dropped before this experiment, 120 days after full bloom was regarded
they reached an edible phase with good quality. as the optimum harvest day, when fruit reached com-
Fruit drop is caused by endogenous ethylene, which mercial maturity. We tagged 20 fruit at the optimal har-
is generally considered to be the main factor controlling vest time. A cylindrical propylene tube of 40mm in
fruit abscission (Kende, 1993). In apples, chemicals that length and 14mm in diameter was made from a centri-
inhibit ethylene biosynthesis and the ethylene signal fuge tube (Asahi Glass Co., Tokyo, Japan) (Fig. 1). It
cascade have been shown to reduce preharvest drop ef- was attached to the fruit using adhesive (Dow Corning
ficiently (Dal Cin et al., 2008; Yuan and Carbaugh, Co., Midland, MI, USA) that was harmless to the plant.
2007). In contrast, pear fruit are harvested at the mature Each tube had a screw cap with a septum. Ethylene pro-
green stage, when ethylene production is low duction by the fruit was measured every day until the
(Murayama et al., 1998), and preharvest drop is not a fruit dropped. One hour after the tube was capped, a

Fig.1.Change in ethylene production of Bartlett pears after the optimal harvest time. A cylindrical propylene tube of 40mm in length and
14mm in diameter was made from a centrifuge tube and attached to the fruit (left panel).
16 H. Murayama, M. Sai, A. Oikawa and A. Itai

500-L gas sample was withdrawn using a syringe and Co., Tokyo, Japan). Hue angle was calculated as the
injected into a gas chromatograph (Model GC-8A; arctangent (b*/a*) and is expressed in degrees.
Shimadzu Co., Kyoto, Japan) fitted with an activated All fruit remaining on the tree were counted every
alumina column and a flame ionization detector. Ethyl- day. The cumulative percentage of fruit drop on each
ene production was measured as the rate per surface date was calculated relative to the number of fruit (n =
area. 16) that were tagged on day 0.
To investigate the relationship between ethylene and
fruit drop, fruit were covered with polyethylene film
(150 170mm, 0.8-mm thickness) at the optimal har- Relationship between ethylene and fruit abscission
vest time. Ethylene or 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) We tagged 20 fruit at the optimal harvest time and
was added to yield a final concentration of about measured ethylene production of the fruit every day
500ppm or 1ppm, respectively. After 24h, the film until fruit abscission. The timing of the increase in eth-
was removed. The number of fruit that dropped every ylene production differed significantly among individu-
day was counted. al fruit. However, most fruit rapidly produced ethylene
23 days before dropping (Fig. 1). Only one fruit (#14)
Girdling above the abscission zone and application of produced little ethylene, even just before fruit abscis-
NAA to the abscission zone sion.
A 20-mm-wide girdling treatment was applied about We investigated the effect of ethylene on fruit abscis-
50mm above the abscission zone using a sharp knife on sion. Fruit drop increased after day 16 on the tree with-
the optimal harvest date, when fruit reached commer- out treatment, but was stimulated on the tree treated
cial maturity (Murayama et al., 2006). The optimum with ethylene (Fig. 2). Fruit drop rapidly increased after
shoots that occurred between the abscission zone and day 6. In contrast, fruit drop was suppressed by 1-MCP
girdle were removed. This girdling treatment was ap- treatment. Fruit drop did not increase until after day 20
plied to 32 fruit per tree. The abscission zones of half of and the cumulative fruit drop after day 28 was the same
the fruit were treated with lanolin paste containing 3% with or without 1-MCP treatment.
NAA (w/w). Ninety-six fruit were left on the tree with-
out girdling and half of them were treated with NAA. Limitation of assimilate availability to the fruit
Another 48 fruit were harvested on the initial day of No fruit dropped from the untreated tree for the first
girdling and ripened off the tree at 20C. NAA was dis- 13 days (Fig. 3). Fruit drop then increased linearly and
solved in lanolin at 60C and added to a silicon tube the cumulative fruit drop was more than 80% by day
(2mm i.d.). After the lanolin in the tube cooled and 30. NAA treatment on the abscission zone dramatically
solidified, it was cut into 20-mm lengths. Each 20-mm reduced fruit drop. Cumulative fruit drop was less than
lanolin paste strip was used for NAA treatment of a sin- 5% even 30 days after the optimal harvest time. Gir-
gle fruit. dling treatment stimulated fruit drop with a rapid in-
crease beginning on day 10, which reached more than
Defoliation treatment 90% by day 13. Fruit drop in fruit treated with girdling
Defoliation treatment was applied to a 4-year-old
branch of a tree. All leaves were removed at the optimal
harvest time and the base portion of the 4-year-old
branch was girdled to inhibit phloem transport from
other branches. The abscission zone of fruit was treated
with lanolin paste containing 3% NAA to suppress fruit
drop during ripening on the tree.

Five fruit from each group were sampled every 4
days after the optimal harvest time and ethylene pro-
duction rates were immediately measured as follows.
Individual fruit were placed in 1.5-L glass desiccators
that were flushed with air and then sealed for 1h. A
1mL gas sample was withdrawn using a syringe and
injected into a gas chromatograph.
Flesh firmness was determined on opposite sides of
each pear fruit using a rheometer (Sun Scientific, Fig.2.Effect of ethylene and 1-MCP treatment on fruit drop of
Bartlett pears (n = 20). Ethylene or 1-MCP was added inside
Tokyo, Japan) with an 8-mm plunger. Results are ex- the plastic film covering fruit to yield a final concentration of
pressed in Newtons (N). Color was recorded with a col- about 500ppm or 1ppm, respectively. After 24h, the film was
orimeter (Model NF333; Nippon Denshoku Industries removed. Cumulative fruit drop is shown.
Hort. J. 84 (1): 1420. 2015. 17

was also suppressed by NAA treatment, but was greater change for the first 16 days. Firmness then decreased in
after day 20 that for fruit treated only with NAA. fruit treated with NAA, but did not reach an edible
Ethylene production in fruit off the tree increased level. In contrast, the firmness of fruit on the tree with
after day 4, and reached a peak on day 16 (Fig. 4A). the girdling treatment decreased from day 4 to day 8
The ethylene production in fruit on the tree with no regardless of NAA treatment. Fruit treated with NAA
treatment showed little change throughout the experi- softened to an edible firmness, whereas those without
mental period. Fruit that received a single NAA treat- NAA treatment did not soften and dropped before
ment produced little ethylene, but showed a slight reaching full ripeness. In fruit treated with both girdling
increase in ethylene production on day 20. Ethylene and NAA, flesh firmness decreased after day 4 and then
production in fruit receiving a single girdling treatment reached an edible level on day 16, similar to fruit that
did not change for the first 8 days and then increased had been harvested from the tree.
slightly on day 12. However, the majority of fruit The changes in the hue angle of fruit epidermis cor-
dropped, preventing us from continuing the investi- responded to the changes in flesh firmness (Fig. 4C). In
gation. Fruit treated with girdling and NAA produced Bartlett pears, fruit color changed from greenish-
ethylene after day 4, similar to fruit that were harvested yellow to yellow during ripening. In the absence of
from the tree. treatment and with NAA or girdling treatment, hue
Fruit flesh firmness off the tree decreased after day 4, angle showed little change throughout the experimental
and then softened to an edible firmness (<20N; period in fruit that did not fully ripen on the tree. In
Fig. 4B). The firmness of fruit on the tree with no treat- fruit that fully ripened off the tree or those on the tree
ment or with a single NAA treatment showed little that received girdling and NAA treatments, hue angle
decreased after day 4 and reached 90, corresponding to
the index for yellow color.
The results of girdling treatment showed that limiting
the assimilate availability to the fruit stimulated ripen-
ing on the tree. We confirmed this finding with a defoli-
ation treatment that also limited assimilate availability
to the fruit. In this case, the abscission zone was treated
with NAA and the defoliation treatment stimulated fruit
softening (Fig. 5). With the defoliation treatment, fruit
flesh firmness decreased after day 4 and reached edible
firmness by day 16. The final firmness was slightly
higher than for the fruit ripened off the tree.
Fruit drop
In a previous study, we investigated the effect of gir-
Fig.3.Effect of NAA application to the abscission layer and/or gir- dling on the ripening of fruit on the tree (Murayama
dling treatment on fruit drop of Bartlett pears. Cumulative et al., 2006). We showed that ethylene stimulated fruit
fruit drop is shown.

Fig.4.Changes in ethylene production (A), flesh firmness (B), and hue angle (C) of Bartlett pears (n = 5) after the optimal harvest time. The
values for Bartlett pears off the tree, on the tree with no treatment, and with girdling treatment near the abscission layer are indicated with
solid triangles, solid circles, and solid squares, respectively. Some fruit on the tree with or without girdling treatment were treated with lano-
lin paste containing 3% (w/w) NAA applied to the abscission zone. Data are presented as the mean values of five fruit standard error.
18 H. Murayama, M. Sai, A. Oikawa and A. Itai

before being fully ripened by ethylene.

Preharvest drop is common in apples and causes eco-
nomic loss. Chemicals resembling indoleacetic acid,
such as 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxypropionic acid (2,4,5-
TP), NAA, and daminozide, or methods that inhibit eth-
ylene biosynthesis and action have been used to control
fruit drop (Dal Cin et al., 2005; Schupp and Greene,
2004). Application of NAA or other synthetic auxins
delayed fruit drop, even though fruit ethylene produc-
tion and fruit softening were increased (Yuan and
Carbaugh, 2007). We used NAA in a lanolin paste to
suppress fruit drop. NAA treatment on the abscission
zone resulted in a dramatic decrease in fruit drop
(Fig. 3).

Fig.5.Effect of defoliation treatment at the optimal harvest time Limitation of assimilate availability to the fruit
on flesh firmness of Bartlett pears (n = 5). Fruit on the tree In a previous study, we investigated the effect of gir-
with or without defoliation treatment were treated with lanolin
paste containing 3% (w/w) NAA applied to the abscission zone.
dling above the fruit abscission zone on Bartlett pear
Data are presented as the mean values of five fruit standard fruit ripening on the tree (Murayama et al., 2006). Fruit
error. ripening on the tree was stimulated by girdling treat-
ment. We confirmed this finding in the current study.
The firmness of fruit on the tree with girdling treatment
ripening on the tree with the girdling treatment. Howev- decreased from day 4 to day 8, whereas fruit on the un-
er, all fruit dropped before they reached an edible phase treated tree showed little change for the first 16 days.
with good quality. In pear fruit, preharvest drop is not a One of the best known effects of girdling is the accu-
significant problem during actual cultivation. Little re- mulation of assimilates above the girdle (Goren et al.,
search has examined fruit drop during maturation on the 2004). Conversely, in our study, assimilate availability
tree. In this study, the relationship between ethylene and was limited in fruit treated with girdling because the
fruit abscission was investigated in Bartlett pears. We treatment was carried out near the abscission layer and
confirmed that pear fruit produced little ethylene at the all leaves between the girdle and the fruit were re-
optimal harvest time (Fig. 1). The timing of the increase moved. The suppression of assimilate availability may
in ethylene production differed significantly among in- change the physiological status of fruit. Gnard et al.
dividual fruit, but most fruit rapidly produced ethylene (2003) investigated the effects of assimilate supply,
23 days before dropping. We also observed that metabolism, and dilution on sugar concentration in the
Marguerite Marillat and La France pears produced mesocarps of peach fruit during fruit development, and
ethylene after the optimal harvest time, even when still concluded that sorbitol was the most important carbo-
on the tree (Murayama et al., 1998). These findings hydrate in fruit metabolism. In pear fruit, sorbitol is
suggest that fruit drop might be promoted by ethylene, also an important form of transport for assimilates. The
which was produced by the fruit itself during ripening suppression of assimilate availability might induce the
on the tree after the optimal harvest time. utilization of polysaccharides as an energy source, in-
Ethylene plays a major role in organ abscission in a cluding starch or cell wall materials that are related to
wide range of plant species (Dal Cin et al., 2005, 2008; fruit ripening.
Reid, 1985). We showed that ethylene treatment stimu- Fruit softened to edible firmness with girdling above
lated fruit drop, whereas 1-MCP delayed it (Fig. 2). the fruit abscission zone and with NAA application to
This finding is in agreement with the results of studies the abscission zone. Fruit color also changed from
in apples. The application of ethephon, an ethylene- yellowish-green to yellow, as was seen for fruit off the
releasing compound, effectively promoted mature fruit tree. This finding indicates that pear fruit can fully ripen
abscission and ripening in apples (Edgerton and even on the tree. Moreover, the rates of these changes
Blanpied, 1970), whereas aminoethoxyvinylglycine with both treatments did not differ between fruits off
(AVG), an inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis, or 1-MCP the tree and on the tree. Raffo et al. (2012) investigated
delayed mature fruit abscission (Yuan and Carbaugh, the effect of harvest date at three different ripening
2007). In Bartlett pears, 1-MCP also reduced the inci- stages (119, 147, and 161 days after anthesis, i.e., un-
dence of premature fruit drop in comparison with that ripe, mid-ripe, and late-ripe) on the fruit ripening of
of untreated fruit (Villalobos-Acuna et al., 2010). These Bartlett pears. Fruit harvested at the late-ripe stage
findings suggest that endogenous ethylene also plays an were not buttery or juicy. Chen and Mellenthin (1981)
important role in controlling fruit drop in pears and that also reported that 2- and 3-week delayed-harvest
the fruit do not fully ripen on the tree because they drop Anjou pears had a mealy (poor) texture upon ripening
Hort. J. 84 (1): 1420. 2015. 19

Fig.6.Schematic model depicting inhibitory factors that affect the ripening of pear fruit on the tree.

after storage for 3 or more months. In this study, fruit apples (Stern et al., 2010). On the other hand, ripening
developed a melting texture, even on the tree, with gir- was delayed by a pre-veraison NAA treatment in grape
dling and NAA treatments. These differences might be berries (Bottcher et al., 2011; Ziliotto et al., 2012). We
caused by differences in the availability of assimilates used NAA treatment to suppress the fruit drop in this
used for cell wall synthesis. study. The effect of such a treatment on fruit ripening
Kondo and Takano (2000) demonstrated that the ap- needs to be investigated further.
plication of 2,4-DP solutions to whole La France pear In conclusion, we showed that pear fruit have the
trees produced good-quality fruit that ripened on the ability to ripen fully, even on the tree. Two factors may
tree. This synthetic auxin is used on apples in Japan to explain why fruit generally do not ripen fully on the
inhibit preharvest fruit drop. 2,4-DP may suppress the tree (Fig. 6). One is ethylene, which is not produced by
formation of an abscission layer in pear fruit. We can- fruit on the tree until after the optimal harvest time, and
not explain the mechanism underlying the completion this ethylene induces fruit abscission before fruit reach
of ripening on the tree with only synthetic auxin treat- the full ripening stage. The other is the continuous sup-
ment in La France pears. In this study, Bartlett pears ply of assimilates to fruit via phloem transport, which
treated only with auxin did not reach the edible phase. might delay the ripening of fruit.
The method of auxin application differed between stud-
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