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PUBLIC SCHOOLS P.O. Box 790 820 Commonwealth Avenue Hagerstown, Maryland 21741-0730 May 2, 2017 ‘To Whom It May Concern: Itis my profesional pleasure to write this eter to recommend and congratulate Mr. Paul Fagan in his completion ofthe practicum in Administration & Supervision. I bave known and worked closely with Me. Fagan for years and have had the pleasure in working with him on the specifies of the AS job, including (but surely not limited to: data usage, instructional programming, teacher support and mentorship, stakeholder involvement, stent issues and management ofthe building (oth the cavtyimechanicl end of the propery and the Financial end of meeting budgetary goals and obligntions). Paul exhibits outstanding leadership and teaching qualities. He has taught multiple grade levels ‘Which allowed for him to look atthe instructional portions of his A&S experience witha larger world view than most teachers pursuing such an endorsement. This strength came to be a hallmark of our deeper discussions about the appropriateness of the instructional programing haere at Salem and what was good for kids at different cognitive, chronological, and maturation levels, 1 have found Paul to be very responsible, enthusiastic and a self — motivated individual. He is knowledgable inthe CCSS, Lucy Calkins Writing Series, and in indulging how PARCC “like” assesments can support our stents in their learning endeavors. Paul is « highly competent young man of high moral principles, and one with the unique ability to accept challenges and turn them into postive learning opportunities. He is reflective and speaks his mind (encouraged here at Salem Avenue). He asks questions and assumes that there is always another- if not better- way to support the school and students, In closing, it has been the utmost pleasure to work with Mr. Fagan and see him grow professionally. I commend him for his efforts and wish him well as he finds himself entering ‘uncharted waters of Administration & Supervision..but that is what it is all bout- taking on the that success comes from the efforts that leadership creates,

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