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Lancer Partnership

Thank you in advance for volunteering to share your time and talents
with us. Please fill out the following information and indicate your
areas of interest.

Achieving Excellence Together Students, Family, Community & Staff.

NAME _______________________________________________________

PHONE ______________________(home) ________________________(work/cell)

I WORK: full time____ part time____ flexible schedule____

NSJH STUDENTS NAME/GRADE________________________________________

EMAIL ADDRESS________________________________________________

___ Athletics

___ Reading buddies student reads to you.

___ Chaperone student functions (dances, concerts, assemblies, field trips, etc.)

___ Book Fair during Conference Nights

___ Office Help

___ Tutoring (during or after school) Indicate Subject Strength _______________

___ Mentoring (non-academic)

___ Donate Money (unable to commit time, but can send money to help out)

___ Donate Food Items (staff potluck, student backpack program, etc.)

___ Other Im up to help with anything school-related!

Thank you so much for offering to help make North Scott Junior High
a great place to learn!
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call or email:

Sarah Riley

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