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The Canterville Ghost

There was a horrible storm that night, but apart from that nothing
scary happened. The next morning, however, when the
family came down to breakfast, they found the terrible stain of blood
once again on the floor. Washington cleaned it a second time, but the
second morning it appeared again. The third morning it was there, too,
although the library had been locked up at night by Mr Otis himself.
The following night, all doubts about the existence of the ghost were
finally removed forever. At eleven o'clock the family went to bed and
some time after, Mr Otis was awakened by a strange noise in the
corridor, outside his room. It sounded like the clank of metal, and
it came nearer every moment. Mr Otis got up and looked at the time.
It was exactly one o'clock. So Mr Otis put on his slippers, went to the
door and opened it. There, right in front of him, stood the ghost - his
eyes were as red as burning coals; long grey hair fell over his shoulders
and from his wrists and ankles hung heavy chains.
My dear Sir, said Mr Otis, you must oil those chains. It's impossible
to sleep with such a noise going on outside the bedrooms. I have
therefore brought you this bottle of lubricator, and I will be happy to
supply you with more if you require it. With these words Mr
Otis laid the bottle down, closed his door and wentback to bed.
Shocked, the Canterville ghost stood quite motionless for a moment,
but then he growled angrily. Just at this moment, the
twins appeared on the corridor and threw a large pillow at him! The
ghost hastily escaped through the wall, and the house became quiet
When the ghost reached his small secret chamber, he took a deep
breath. No ghosts in history had ever been treated in this manner!
Questions on the text
Which statement is true?
___The ghost appears on the first night the Otis family spends in the castle.
___Washington runs out of stain remover.
___The blood-stain is there again every morning.
What wakes Mr Otis up?
___The ghost's chains.
___His wife's snoring.
___The screaming of a person.
Is Mr Otis afraid of the ghost? ____ Yes ____No

Find a synonym for each word in the text.

terrible _____________
closer ______________
Arrive ________________
Tell ________________

Why do we use the simple past in the following sentences?

He put on his slippers, went to the door and opened it.
______states in the past
______actions that happened one after the other
His eyes were red; grey hair fell over his shoulders and from his wrists hung heavy
______states in the past
______actions that happened one after the other

More exercises for you sorry

Write the past forms of the irregular verbs.

1. leave __________
2. sell ____________
3. bring __________
4. shut ___________
5. spend __________

Complete the table in simple past.

positive negative Interrogative
Daniela and her friends shared a room
in the university

Joaqun did not cook.

Was Cata thirsty?

Matas did not throw

the ball.

Did Victor build


The ship disappeared.

Lisette did not criticise


Was Yadira tired?

Giulliana did not teach

in London.

Did the passengers


Put the sentences into simple past.

1. We move from our house.
2. They catch the ball.
3. Benjamn crosses the street.
4. They do not sell furniture.
5. Does she practise her English?

Write sentences in simple past.

1. Enzo / the bus / miss _________________________________________________
2. she / her room / tidy up _______________________________________________
3. not / Cesar / have / bad marks __________________________________________
4. she / call/ a friend /___________________________________________________
5. Israel / the ball / pass ________________________________________________
Was or Were?
1. The book ___________ on the table.
2. You __________ very clever.
3. He ________in trouble.
4. George Washington __________the first US president.
5. The cars ___________new.

Ask questions for the bold part of the sentence.

1. My friends swam in the lake. _____________
2. He paid the bill. ___________
3. The teacher pointed to the board. _____________
4. They felt good. _______________
5. He hurt his leg because he was not careful. _____________


Before submitting the workshop check the


Got the spelling right?

Put in the full stop or question mark where required?
Used the apostrophe correctly?
Did I do my best?
Is it clean my paper?
After submitting my workshop, Ill take a sit and quietly and I Ill read either write or

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