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Language Techniques:-

L.O: To identify key language


Simile - a descriptive technique that

compares one
thing with another, usually using 'as' or
Metaphor - a descriptive technique that
a person, thing or action as something else
Hyperbole - a use of obvious exaggeration
rhetorical effect.
Personification - a metaphor attributing
feelings to an object.
Onomatopoeia - words that sound a little
like they

The picture on the right hand side shows the

main (key) language devices that are used
in nearly every single school!! On the next
page it will show what D.A.F.O.R.E.S.T stands
for and means.
D direct language
Speaking directly to the reader
A alliteration
1st letter of the 1st word and 2nd letter of the
2nd word the same e.g. : slippery snake
F facts
Something in which is true
O opinions
What you think (your say)
R rhetorical question
A question where you dont expect an answer
(makes you think)
E emotive language
greater emotional impact on their audience the
words can evoke positive emotions.
S - statistics
The practice or science of collecting and
analysing numerical data in large quantities
T rule of three
Saying something 3 times
To find out more info on key
language devices scan the QR
code here:

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