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Design and Construction of

Spliced 1-Girder Bridges
Precast, prestressed concrete /-girders are
more economical than other bridge systems,
if the span length allows them to be used in
full span segments, i.e., for spans up to about
150ft (46 m). Many designers are unfamiliar
Ahmad M. Abdei-Karim, Ph.D. with the possibility of splicing /-girder seg-
Design Engineer
LoBuono, Armstrong & ments to reach longer spans in the range of
Associates Inc.
Sacramento, California
150 to 280ft (46 to 85 m) and therefore rule
out this potentially economical alternative.
The following paper provides a summary of a
state-of-the-art report on the design and con-
struction of spliced /-girder bridges, which are
quickly gaining popularity in the United States
and Canada. The repor; ...:.., p ~dpared by the
Maher K. Tadros, Ph.D., P.E.
Cheryl Prewett Professor
University of Nebraska on behalf of the
of Civil Engineering Bridges and Bridge Producers Committees of
and Director
Center for Infrastructure Research the PC/. The full report is available as a sepa-
University of Nebraska-Lincoln rate PC/ document. The report contains infor-
Omaha, Nebraska
mation on over 40 bridge projects and gives
design, production and erection considera-
tions, and other details for many of these
bridges. It also includes a fully worked exam-
ple of preliminary design of a 350ft (106m)
long overpass, made of two equal spans. The
example calculations are done by a handheld
calculator without need for any specialized
computer facility. Also included is reference
to a PC-based computer software for detailed
time-dependent analysis of this bridge type.


pliced precast, prestressed con- report discusses the techniques that spliced girder bridges. The computer

S crete girder bridges are becom-

ing increasingly popular in the
United States and Canada. Splicing is
have been developed to splice precast,
prestressed concrete girders and gives
the name and address of a contact per-
analysis accounts for differential creep
and shrinkage between the girders and
the deck slab. It also considers such
used for one or more of the following son for each of the bridges listed. factors as multi-stage prestressing and
reasons: The survey helped identify some temporary supports. However, the
To increase the span capabilities of current trends that are taking place in numerical example given in the report
standard !-girders the precast concrete bridge industry. does not rely on a computer for pre-
To achieve continuity over the piers Among the most notable of these liminary design calculations.
To overcome transportation limita- trends is the increasing use of high
tions for girder segments strength concrete in the range of 6 to
Spans in the range of 150 to 280 ft 10 ksi (42 to 69 MPa) . There also
(46 to 85 m) are made possible by appears to be a tendency to use more
splicing, thus making pretensioned slender and lighter sections.
concrete 1-girder systems competitive Modifications of the AASHTO stan- Girder Shape
with steel in the medium span range dard I and bulb tee shapes appear to be Standard AASHT0-1, AASHTO/PCI
that traditionally has been reserved emerging to allow for efficient utiliza- bulb tee and locally developed shapes
for steel. tion in both positive and negative have been used for spliced girder
A survey aimed at gathering infor- moments. Additional changes are also bridges. Since more bridges are being
mation on the state-of-the-art of taking place in the casting and form- built with continuity over the piers, the
spliced girder bridges ' was conducted. ing of deck slabs. Precast, prestressed need for an optimum I-girder section
Responses were received which pro- concrete deck panels are becoming is becoming more important. The 1-
vide information on more than 40 increasingly popular, as they allow the shape must be adequate for both the
bridges designed using several splic- elimination of deck slab form work. negative and positive moment regions.
ing techniques. These bridges were Reference is given in the full report This is a departure from the design
either designed or built between the to available PC-based computer soft- basis for the current girder shapes
years of 1960 and 1991. The fu II ware for time-dependent analysis of which were developed for si mple

Fig . 1. Annacis Channel East Bridge, British Columbia, Canada.

July-August 1992 115

58 0 _b_._ _ _ _ 172'-0"---------~


Elevation - section A-A

Plan view

tT 1FJ
End block
Typical croes-sectiona

Section B-B

Section C-C

Fig. 2. 128th Street Bridge, Snohomish, Washington.

spans without giving attention to nega- to accommodate these constraints and provides greater structural capacity,
tive moment resistance and continuity to provide splices at locations that are better dynamic response, a more effi-
prestressing. accessible at the construction site, or cient use of materials than simple span
According to AASHTO, end blocks at locations dictated by the flexural construction, and the elimination of
are required at post-tensioning (P{f) stresses in the girder. deck joints and their potential for long-
anchorages. Experience with recent One of the features of girder splic- term maintenance problems.
bridges in Canada has shown that end ing, which is very advantageous in These types of structures, often
blocks can be eliminated successfully. many situations, is the ability to adapt referred to as hybrid structures, are
If eliminated, end blocks are usually to the requirements for a curved align- characterized by their aesthetically
replaced with special end diaphragms ment of a superstructure. By precast- pleasing appearance. An example of
at the P{f ends to accommodate the P!f ing the !-girders in appropriate seg- this type of bridge is shown in Fig. 2.
hardware, and to help distribute the ment lengths and by providing the Another notable bridge is the Esker
concentrated anchorage forces in the necessary transverse diaphragms, Overhead, shown in Fig. 3. This sin-
end zones. More detailed information girder segme~ts may be chorded along gle-span and sharply skewed bridge is
on this aspect is given in the full report. a curved alignment. The result is an an example of the versatility of spliced
efficient framing system and accept- 1-girder bridges.
Span Arrangements able appearance as shown in Fig. 1.
and Splice Location The use of precast concrete elements
In the design of concrete bridges in the spans, combined with cast-in-
using spliced girders, the span layout place box girders over the piers, GIRDER SPLICES
is frequently determined by site condi- achieve lightness and shallowness The most common precast concrete
tions. The maximum segment size is where they are most beneficial, while girder splice used in the construction
usually governed by transportation allowing increased depth and greater of bridges is the cast-in-place splice.
constraints and facilities at the fabrica- mass where negative moments and This splice is made with or without
tion plant. Segment sizes are selected shears are high. Continuity of spans post-tensioning. There are other types


Approach slab

Approach slab
C.L. of girder C -- ----
C.L. of roadway -
C.L. of girder B --

1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 6 4 ' - 0" - - - - - - - - - - - 1
50'-2" 61'-4" 52'-6"

11'-4" 1'-6"1

v i-



1 - - - - - 3 Spaces@ 10'- 2" =30'- 6" ---~
Cross Section
Girder section Section of end

Fig. 3. Esker Overhead, Northwestern British Columbia, Canada.

of splices such as epoxy filled post- techniques of spliced 1-girder bridges tions and end rotations of the compo-
tensioned and structural steel splices. is included in the full report. nents of the structure during the vari-
All these types of splices are discussed ous stages. The method of analysis
in the full report. used should take into account the
SPLICED GIRDER effects of creep and shrinkage of con-
BRIDGE SURVEY crete, relaxation of steel, and should
CONSTRUCTION The full report gives information on be applicable to statically indetermi-
METHODS AND more than 40 bridge projects. Some of nate structures.
TECHNIQUES the bridge projects are discussed in One such method was developed by
The design of a spliced girder detail, giving information on design, Tadros et at.> The method was imple-
bridge must consider all aspects of the production and construction considera- mented into a mainframe computer
fabrication and construction sequence. tions. It also includes a table giving the program in the mid 1970s. The pro-
Proper attention to details is important name and address of a contact person gram has been used for time-depen-
to ensure a practical and economical for each bridge described. These peo- dent analysis of several bridges.
design. Site conditions, availability of ple are willing to share their knowl- Recently, Abdel-Karim3 introduced
lifting equipment, shipping restrictions edge and experience with engineers significant program enhancements and
and capability of local precasters and interested in considering this system. converted it into the PC environment.
constructors must be considered in the The program can be employed to eval-
selection of the size of segment and uate stresses in concrete and steel at
type of splice to use. any cross section in a statically inde-
DESIGN OF SPLICED terminate composite beam or plane
Fig. 4 gives the details of the girder
support conditions and the necessary GIRDER BRIDGES frame. It also gives deflections at vari-
steel nose sometimes used for align- In most cases involving multi-stage ous stages of construction.
ment of the segment ends. A more construction, it is important to accu- Additional features of the program
detailed discussion of the construction rately calculate the stresses, deflec- include up to three different concrete

July-August 1992 117

Steel nose
Center or Pier
end segment segment

Temporary support
where required

Section A-A Section B-B

Fig. 4. Schematic detail of steel nose for erection alignment.

types in a cross section, support settle- effects. However, the final design of Preliminary Design and
ment, internal generation of prestress- the bridge should be based on a more Results of Stress Analysis
ing profiles, calculation of friction and detailed method of analysis. The fol- The preliminary selection of the
anchorage set losses, multi-stage post- lowing design criteria are given: amounts of pretensioning and post-ten-
tensioning, shear deformation and Design specifications: sioning steel and the tendon profiles
temperature gradient effects. AASHTO Bridge Specifications. are shown in Fig. 6. The prestressing
Material properties: requirements were determined based
Concrete: J; (precast girder) = 7000 on the AASHTO allowable stresses.
DESIGN EXAMPLE The composite section was then
psi (48 MPa)
This example was selected based f~ (CIP joint and deck) = 4000 psi
checked for ultimate conditions and
on discussions at PCI Committee (28 MPa) was found to be adequate.
Days, April 1990. No innovations or Prestressing steel: Grade 270 low- The stresses in the composite girder
deviations from current practices are relaxation steel at the end of each construction stage
attempted here. The preliminary Mild reinforcing steel: Grade 60 steel are shown, in Fig. 7, for the maximum
design is limited to the design of an positive and maximum negative
interior girder. A two-span bridge Loading: moment locations. It can be seen from
example is used here to illustrate the Superimposed Dead Load (SIDL) this figure that satisfactory stress lev-
design steps in detail. The necessary from wearing surface, parapet, and els prevail throughout the entire con-
data is summarized below. Fig. 5 miscellaneous items = 320 lb per lin- struction period and under the effect
shows the bridge layout and cross ear ft (4.67 kN/m) per girder of the SIDL (Stages 1 through 5).
section. Live Load (LL): AASHTO HS25-44 However, upon introducing the effect
In the preliminary design of this Construction schedule: of live load in Stage 6, the compres-
example a lump-sum procedure was The bridge is constructed according to sive stress in the top fibers of the pre-
used to account for the time-dependent the schedule in Table 1. cast girder at Section B is calculated to


be 2.834 ksi (19.5 MPa), i.e., 0.034 ksi
(0.23 MPa) more than the stress limit
at that stage. Table 1. Construction schedule.
At the same stage, the compressive
stresses in the bottom fibers of the Construction steps Days since precasting
girder at Section D' are calculated to be
l . Pretension and pour concrete ... .................... 0
2.976 ksi (20.5 MPa). At Stage 7, after
all time-dependent losses have 2. Release pretensioning force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
occurred, the compressive stress calcu-
3. Erect precast concrete beams ..... . .. ... ..... .. .... 28
lated in the top fiber of the girder sec-
tion at B is 2.908 ksi (20.1 MPa). The 4. Cast CIP deck and joints ... ......... .. .. ... ..... . .. 35
compressive stress calculated in the
5. Perform post-tensioning and remove support . ... 42
bottom fibers of the girder at Section
D' at Stage 7 is 3.190 ksi (22 MPa). 6. Apply superimposed dead load (SIDL) .......... 60
The Ontario Bridge Code allows a
7. Apply live load (bridge open to traffic) ..... . .... 70
maximum compressive stress of 0.45
f~ , which is the same value allowed
by the ACI 318 Code. It is interesting
to note that some authors have ques-
tioned the need for limiting the com-
pressive stress at service load. 45 The These estimates do not include earth-
Cost Analysis
use of 0.40f~ in the AASHTO Specifi- work or substructure costs.
cations is currently under review . It is The preliminary design of a 350 ft The prices shown are quoted from
possible that the limit will be changed ( 106 m) long, two-span bridge was local precasters and contractors who
to 0.45 f ; due to effective prestress performed, and is included in the full operate on a national level and are
plus dead load, and 0.6f~ due to effec- report. Table 2 provides an estimate of used for comparison purposes only.
tive prestress plus full load. A similar the cost per girder line of the super- The spliced girder precast concrete
proposal is currently under considera- structure. The cost estimate of a steel option becomes even more attractive if
tion by ACI Committee 318-G for alternative with comparable span aesthetics and long-term maintenance
adoption in the 1995 ACI 318 Code. lengths is also given in the same table. costs are considered.

Field oesment Field splice


3'-5112" i
fool->-------- 5 SPACES

@ 7'-2" 35'-10" - - - -- --i-. I . 3'-5112"

~ r ~

PCI 72" Modified Bulb-tee

I:I I I I I Cross Section

Fig. 5. General layout of the two-span bridge example.

July-August 1992 119

r 2 lA Centroidof20~.5"+ pretensioningstrands Symm.

Pretensioning Profile i=-- - - - - - ] -- _ :,::ox~':."'il"---:i-if

Centroid of3Q..0.5"+ pretensionin$ sllllnds 1
[Pi= 0.75(270X4.59) = 930 kips] I

10..112"+ debonded
prestressed llblnds

Section 2 Section lA Section 3A

18 38

Post-tensioning Profile
Centroid of three 9~.6" + P{f tendons
[Pi= (209X5.859) = 1225 kips] CIP Splice
D Staal""""'""'

EJ St~~e2c:oru:rele

Section IB Section 38

Fig. 6. Prestressing profiles and eccentricities of two-span bridge example.

Section Construction Stage*

2 3 4 s 6 7

Maximum negative
moment aection


Maximum positive
moment section

Construction stages:
1. Release of Pretensioning force 5. Application of SIDL
2. Erection of precast beams 6. Bridge open to traffic
3. CIP deck 7. After all time-dependent losses Stress scale: 1----i
4. Post-tensioning 2.4ksi

Fig. 7. Total stress diagrams during the various construction stages, ksi (tension=+).


Table 2. Approximate quantities and cost per girder line. Financial help from the PCI and from
! the Center for Infrastructure Research

Description Quantity U~~ota~ cost (CIR) of UN-L is acknowledged.
The University of Nebraska team
I. Spliced 1-Girder Precast Concrete Option sought information on spliced girder
(1) Precast girders 75 cu yd $ 570 $ 42,750 bridge projects and received an out-
Post -tensioning standing response on more than 50
(includes post-tensioning hardware, labor) 6891lb 1.5 10,336 bridges. Table 2 of the full report con-
Diaphragms tains the names of the individuals
(includes framing, labor) 9 cu yd 450 4,050 responding to this request.
(2) 7 in. deck Numerous individuals contributed to
(includes concrete, forming, reinforcing bars) 54 cu yd 300 16,200 the review of the document. The fol-
lowing persons deserve special men-
(3) Traffic barriers 133ft 25 I
3,325 tion. Without their leadership, dedica-
--- l

Total tion and willingness to spend much of

Cost per sq ft of deck= $76,660 x 6 girders+ (42.75 ft x 350ft) $ 76,660 their valuable time, the full report
would not have been accomplished.
- $31 per sq ft of deck
I - Alex Aswad
II. Structural Steel Composite Girder Option Pennsylvania State University
(I) Structural steel girders
- Robert M. Barnoff
(at 421.1 1b perft) 147,385 lb $0.84 $ 123,803
R. M. Bamoff & Associates
Stiffeners, field splice, miscellaneous items
(5 percent) I 7369lb 0.84 6,190 - Kris G. Bassi
r------- . - I -----
Ontario Ministry of Transportation
(2) 9.5 in. deck
(includes concrete, forming, reinforcing bars) 125 cu yd 300 37,500
- Jeffrey Curren
i --- - - - The Schemmer Associates, Inc.
(3) Traffic barriers 266ft I 25 6,650 - Walter Dilger
~ - ------- I I -+ -- ----

Total I
University of Calgary
Cost per sq ft of deck= $174,143 x 3 girders+ (36.5 ft x 350ft) I $174. 143 - William Dowd
-$41 per sq ft of deck HDR Engineering, Inc.
*Note: I ft = 0.3048 m; I in.= 25.4 mm; lib= 4.448 N; I sq ft = 0.0929 m', I cu yd = 0.764 m'. - Larry Fischer
Concrete Industries, Inc.
- William L. Gamble
CONCLUSION lution of precast concrete technology University of Illinois
in the area of bridges. - Antonio Garcia
The survey conducted for the pur-
The new spans are not only longer, Florida DOT
pose of this research revealed several
but they are structurally more efficient
important trends in the design philoso- - Scott Gilliland
and provide a better riding surface due
phy of bridges. Among the most im- HDR Engineering, Inc.
to the added continuity. In some cases,
portant of these trends is the desire to - David Harvey
longer spans make it possible to reduce
eliminate all deck joints, including Associated Engineering (BC) Ltd.
the number of piers required, thus sub-
those at the abutments (i.e., by provid-
stantially reducing the substructure cost. - Richard R. Imper
ing integral abutments).
Morse Bros. Inc.
Other trends include the increasing
use of high strength, lightweight con- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - James Kohout
cretes, precast deck panels, and more An earlier version of the full report Batheja Associates
slender section shapes capable of re- had been drafted by a subcommittee of - George Laszlo
sisting both negative and positive the Bridges Committee chaired by Morse Bros. Inc.
bending. A swift response by the pre- Robert M. Barnoff. Other members of - Joseph LoBuono
cast concrete industry to these and the subcommittee were Gordon Nagle, LoBuono Armstrong &
other market needs will ensure sus- James K. Iverson and Robert Loehr. Associates, Inc.
taining the competitive edge of con- The final report was developed at the
- Scott Marshall
crete over alternative materials. University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UN-
Con-Force Structures Ltd.,
Splicing of !-girders provides a con- L) by Maher K. Tadros, Cheryl
venient means of extending the span Prewett Professor of Civil Engineer-
capabilities of existing standard ing, and Ahmad M. Abdel-Karim, - W. T. McCalla
AASHTO and PCI shapes beyond Ph.D. candidate, as a service to the Consulting Engineer
their conventional span ranges. It can Bridges Committee of the Precast/Pre- - Sharad Mote
be viewed as a step forward in the evo- stressed Concrete Institute (PCI). Kiewit Engineering Co.

July-August 1992 121

- Gordon Nagle REFERENCES
Schuylkill Products, Inc.
1. Abdel-Karim, A. M., and Tadros, M. K., 4. Peterson, D. N., and Tadros, M. K.,
- Jagdish Nijhawan
"State-of-the-Art of Precast/Prestressed "Simplified Flexural Design of Partially
Wilson Concrete Co.
Concrete Spliced Girder Bridges," Prestressed Concrete Members," PCI
- Scott Olson Report prepared by the University of JOURNAL, V. 30, No. 3, May-June
Elk River Concrete Products Nebraska-Lincoln for the PCI Bridges 1985, pp. 50-69.
and Bridge Producers Committees, Pre-
- William Slaughter cast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, 5. Tadros, M. K., "Expedient Service Load
Concrete Industries, Inc. Chicago, IL, 1992. Analysis of Cracked Prestressed Con-
crete Beams," PCI JOURNAL, V. 27,
- C. Douglas Sutton 2. Tadros, M. K., Ghali, A., and Dilger, W. No.6, November-December 1982, pp.
Purdue University H., "Time-Dependent Analysis of Com- 86-111. See also discussion of the same
- H. M. Walker posite Frames," Journal of Structural paper by J. Bachmann, E. W. Bennett,
American Engineering Co. Division, American Society of Civil D. E. Branson, T. Br~ndum-Nielsen,.
Engineers, V. 103, No. ST4, April1977, A. S. G. Bruggeling, S. E. Moustafa,
- Garry Winch pp. 871-884.
A. H. Nilson, A. S. Prasada Rao and S.
Con-Force Structures Ltd.,
3. Abdel-Karim, A. M., and Tadros, M. K., Natarajan, G. S. Ramaswamy, A. Fattah
"Computer Analysis of Spliced-Girder Shaikh, and Author, PCI JOURNAL, V.
- Stephen Zendegui Bridges," accepted for publication in ACI 28, No. 6, November-December 1983,
LEAP Associates International, Inc. Structural Journal, September 1991. pp. 137-158.


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