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Log of Linguistic Observations


Jacqueline Hernandez

SPA 435
Dr. Domnguez
May 17, 2016

1. You are always tired.

Context: Close friend referring to me.

-The definition of always indicates that if I was always tired that I spend every living second of my life

without rest or sleep. Tired means to feel the need to rest or sleep and I do not always feel like sleeping or

resting. I definitely do not feel like this after having slept a full eight hours of sleep. Therefore, this

statement does not hold truth.

2. You are always doing homework!

Context: Evelyn Gonzalez told me this.

- The indication of always would mean that I spend every living second doing nothing but homework.

Meaning I do not have time even for the necessitates such as going to the restroom, and taking a shower.

This is physically impossible.

3. Siempre estas en el telefono.

Context: Blanca Hernandez, my mother, was telling my brother this after seeing him on the phone.

- Once more the indication of always means that my brother spends every second doing nothing but spend

time on his phone. This would mean he does not stop to talk to others, or eat. If he stopped doing these

things he would not survive.

4.You are always working.

Context: Nicholas Hernandez, my father, told me this during one of our conversations.

-If I was always working that would mean mean that I did not attend school, or took the time to do other

things. To survive as a human I would have to take the time to rest and sleep. If I were always working

then I would not take the time to fulfill these needs.

5. Worlds Finest Chocolate

Context: The name of the chocolates being used for a fundraiser for a middle school.
- The definition of finest is to be superior in kind, quality or appearance according to Merriam Websters

Dictionary. To determine that this chocolate is superior in kind to any other in this world we would have

to taste chocolate everywhere in this world. Without doing this there would be no confirmation to this


6. Theres no parking.

Context: CSUDH campus

-In various occasions students have been heard making this claim. This claim is not always true as there is

for the most part parking in parking lot 6. The difference is that there is no parking available to the

proximity that they would like. The spots available are usually the ones farthest to campus, and those are

the ones that most students do not like to get.

7. Theres never food at home.

Context: My brother claimed this after he was told by my mother that we would be going home to eat.

-My mother cooks food at home. She would not be able to do this had she no food in the refrigerator or

cabinets. This would indicate that we eat out daily, which is not the case.

8. Nunca estas en casa.

Context: Mother telling me during a conversation.

- Home is where I take the time to rest, take a shower, and as a base for my life. If I am never home then

that means I do not rest, or take a shower. This is not the case because I need rest.

9. Coca Cola Friendliest drink on Earth

Context: Advertisement on a magazine.

-The only way to truly determine that this is true is by actually drinking every possible drink

there is on Earth. Living in the United States many people have not tried different drinks from

other parts of the world. This would make it impossible for them to make this claim seeing as to

they have never tried all drinks in the Earth.

10. Where a kid can be a kid.

Context: Chuck E. Cheese advertisement.

-A kid is a child or young person. A child or young person depends on an adult at all types.

Being at Chuck E. Cheese does not change that. When they are there, or anywhere else they still

need adult supervision. This would also mean that they cannot be a kid anywhere else because

they do not have adult supervision elsewhere.

11. Next-generation natural skincare

Context: Sephora advertisement in email.

- There is no way to possibly know for sure what the next-generation will bring. Someone would

have had to gone to the next-generation to see that this natural skincare is what it is claiming.

This would also not apply to those that are in a young generation. Someone in a generation in

which they are aged about 40 can say this is next-generation and refer to those in the teen years,

but babies would be referring to those not born yet.

12. Nothing a Little Shoppin Cant Fix

Context: This was a Facebook post.

-Fixing can fix a wardrobe malfunction. This post indicates there is nothing it cannot fix.

Shopping cannot fix a broken bone, or help you save your home from foreclosure. The word

nothing would then make this statement false as there are things that shopping cannot fix.

13. Omg I had no eyebrows!

Context: Instagram comment on a picture.

-The picture was dated a couple years back. The person saying this had eyebrows. She was

indicating the fact that her eyebrows were really thin as having no eyebrows.

14. From miles away you will see her glowing proudly, a glistening jewel amongst

breathtaking hills and canyons at the foothills

Context: Morongo Casino online advertisement.

-Depending on the distance in which you are will determine if you can see the glowing casino. If

I am in another state I am still miles away but there is no way I will be able to see the features

that they claim to have. I can even be as far as in space. If this were the case then I would

probably not even be able to indicate where it is.

15. I have always wanted to be a teacher.

Context: Student in LBS 300 classroom in class discussion.

-Having always wanted to be a teacher indicates that even as a baby this student wanted to be a

teacher. Babies cannot make decisions of this sort. They are not concerned with these matters,

and depend on someone else to economically maintain them. There would be no need for a baby

to have a job. Someone can have wanted to be a teacher for an amount of time but not always.
16. There is no better babysitter than her abuelita

Context: Instagram post.

- There are many babysitters everywhere. The only way that this person can

possibly know whether she is the best babysitter of them all for her child is to have

filtered through all other babysitters that there are. There are people that may be better

qualified because they are trained to work with children with the knowledge about their

social, emotional and physical health.

17. Morphe Brushes: Instagram

@tamysvanitys collection is giving us LIFE!

Context: This was a post on Instagram.

-According to this post the brushes were giving the audience life. It is not possible that the

brushes were giving humans life. Food, air to breath, and rest. Brushes do not fulfill any of those

needs. Unless a brush can provide any of those things it cannot give a human life.

18. Its freezing outside.

Context: Students in middle school classroom in Bell.

Freezing means that it would 32 degrees Fahrenheit outside. Temperatures in the Los Angeles

area do not reach this freezing point. It is cold, but not freezing. Had it been freezing they would

not survive the weather the way that they are dressed.

19. The happiest place on Earth

Context: Disneyland

-It is true that Disneyland can make people happy, in particular children, but this does not make

it the happiest place on Earth. The only way to possible determine is to travel the whole world.

The Earth includes all countries and water areas. Unless someone has visited every inch of Earth,

this claim is not valid.

20. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

Context: Slogan on commercial

-When you commit a crime you must suffer the consequences. Therefore, if you commit a crime

this crime will not be left in Vegas. You may persecuted at home.. Also, if you get a disease or

something of that sort in the time there you will take continue to have it regardless of where you


*All work must have a cover page with the title of the assignment, name of the student, name of

professor spelled correctly, course and section and due date. Centered, of course. Title page and

subsequent work five spaces when starting a paragraph. Skip two spaces after the period and

before the start of the next sentence. Use Times New Roman, font size 12. Double space all work

except the title page.

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